Content Posted in 2024
Oh Gee!-Oh Joy! : Rosalie and Bill, George Gershwin, Ira Gershwin, and Wodehouse
Oh Gee!-Oh Joy! : Rosalie and Bill, George Gershwin, Ira Gershwin, and Wodehouse
Oh! Ma-Ma! : The Butcher Boy, Paolo Citorello, Rudy Vallee, and Immerman
Oh! Ma-Ma! : The Butcher Boy, Paolo Citorello, Rudy Vallee, and Immerman
Oh, So Nice : Ann-Niel, George Gershwin and Ira Gershwin
Oh, So Nice : Ann-Niel, George Gershwin and Ira Gershwin
Oh, There Ain't No Flies on Us!, Joan Clark and Arthur LeRoy Kaser
Oh, There Ain't No Flies on Us!, Joan Clark and Arthur LeRoy Kaser
Oh! You Have No Idea, Arnold Johnson, Dan Dougherty, Ponce, and Barbelle
Oh! You Have No Idea, Arnold Johnson, Dan Dougherty, Ponce, and Barbelle
Olaf : You Oughta Hear Olaf Laff, Abel Baer and L. Wolfe Gilbert
Olaf : You Oughta Hear Olaf Laff, Abel Baer and L. Wolfe Gilbert
Old Cedar Bridge, Seboeis Stream, Joseph Emery Smart Jr.
Older Adult Health & Wellness Fair, 2024, University of Maine Center on Aging
Old Fashioned Roses, H. C Weasner and Laura Gerauld Craig
Old Fashioned Roses, H. C Weasner and Laura Gerauld Craig
Omobot: a Low-cost Mobile Robot for Autonomous Search and Fall Detection, Shihab Uddin Ahamad
Once In A Lifetime, Jesse Greer and Raymond Klages
Once In A Lifetime, Jesse Greer and Raymond Klages
One hundred and fifty selected views of Chattanooga, Lookout Mountain, Chickamauga and Chattanooga National Military Park, National Cemetery and Missionary Ridge, Henry Herbert Hardie and Charles E. Hardie
One Kiss : Marianne and Girls, Sigmund Romberg and Oscar Hammerstein
One Kiss : Marianne and Girls, Sigmund Romberg and Oscar Hammerstein
One Night Of Love, Lou Handman, Roy Turk, and Politzer
One Night Of Love, Lou Handman, Roy Turk, and Politzer
One's Terrorist is Another's Blockbuster: Political Terrorism in American versus Europoean Films, Samuel Peleg
On Liberality in Religion, Taken from the Christian's Magazine, John Mitchell Mason and John Witherspoon
On the Anti-adipogenic Function of Collagen Triple Helix Repeat-containing Protein 1, Matthew E. Siviski
On Tyranny, Kris Aaron Beck and Prathibha V. Joshi
Optimization-based Integrated Voltage and Frequency Support for Microgrids using Energy Storage Systems, Niranjan Bhujel
Optimization of Atlantic Sea Scallop (Placopecten magellanicus) Aquaculture in the Gulf of Maine, Christopher Noren
Optimization of Reactive Power Compensation Settings for Solar Power Plants in Volt/Var Mode, Samuel Eniola Aremu
Orono and UMaine Police Departments searching for Noah Lachapelle-Quinn, University of Maine Police Department
Orono students can vote early on 10/30 or on Election Day 11/5 [2024], Lauri Sidelko
Orono Voter Information, University of Maine Center for Student Involvement
Our Library’s Role in Helping Students Make Sense of Generative AI, Shelly Davis and David Rogers
Outdoor Learning in Rural Maine Schools: Lessons from a Positive Outlier Case Study, Lauren Jacobs, Christiaan Abildso, Adam Daigneault, Jessica Leahy, and Christopher Nightingale
Outlaws Retreat, Mattamiscontis Lake
Outside, Frank Flynn
Outside, Frank Flynn
Outside Looking In, Lisa Michaud
Owen Camp on Mattamiscontis Lake
Ozempic (semaglutide) versus Nonpharmacologic Interventions For Weight Management in Overweight Individuals, Elena N. Jacey, Lily Jennings, Callie Gillmore, Emily Kane, and Emma DiGirolamo
Pacific Herring: Alaskan Native Traditional Foods in Export Markets, Krissa A. Davis
Paddling on Mattamiscontis Lake
Pandemic Politics: Connecticut's General Assembly and Gubernatorial Policymaking in 2020, Jonathan L. Wharton
Panel Discussion, Jacob Albert
Panel Discussion, Jacob Albert
Paradise : Love Theme, May Singhi Breen, J. S Zamecnik, and Kerr
Paradise : Love Theme, May Singhi Breen, J. S Zamecnik, and Kerr
Parameters That Influence Recycling of Barrier-coated Paper, Aysan Najd Mazhar
Participation in Types of Interreligious Dialogue: The Role of Religious Identity and Threat, Sally B. Barker
Partisan Disarray in Rhode Island, Maureen Moakley
Partisan Gerrymandering After LULAC v. Perry: A Proposed New Approach, Samuel Krislov, Charles Backstrom, James T. McHugh, Leonard Robins, and Scott D. Eller
Partner Logos, Maine Autism Institute for Education and Research
Party Registration Closing Date and Primary Turnout Among Democrats and Republicans, Matthew P. Thornburg
Pastorale Siciliana, Pietro Casta
Patrick Henry Carmichael (23 November 1952--12 March 2020), Monica Barnes
Pauleena MacDougall with Richmond M. Smith, Jr.
PEERS® Dating Bootcamp, Maine Autism Institute for Education and Research
PEERS for School-Based Professionals Research Modules are ready, Maine Autism Institute for Education and Research
Perceptions of Spruce Budworm Monitoring, Management, and Remote Sensing Technology in Maine's Forest Sector, Allison E. Foster, Parinaz Rahimzadeh-Bajgiran, Aaron Weiskittel, and Adam Daigneault
Petroglyphs in Context: Another look at the Chillihuay Archaeological Complex in Southern Peru, Danny Zborover, Alex Elvis Badillo, Maria Cecilia Lozada, Erika Simborth Lozada, and Damaso Wile Huashuayo Chávez
Phantasmagorya: An Experiment in Monstrous Poetics, Christopher W. Gardner
PHI 404 : Pragmatism, Democracy, and Education, University of Maine Philosophy Department
PHI 404 Spring 2025 Semester, Jennifer Bowen
Physical and Biological Responses to Climate-driven Shifts in Greenland Lakes Across Multiple Temporal and Spatial Scales, Vaclava Hazukova
Physical Forcing of Productivity, Biomass, and Demography of Ascophyllum Nodosum, Henry Guy
Picnic on the Steps, Jacob Albert
Planetarium Celebrates 70th Birthday in a Cosmic Way, Shawn Laatsch
Plastic Marine Pollution in the Gulf of Maine, Kara Lavender Law, Jessica Donohue, and Rachael Zoe Miller
Playing games, Lisa Michaud
Playing History: How Video Games Can Change the Way We Understand the Past, Chapman Hall
Pleasant River, Brownville Junction
Pleasant River House, Brownville Junction
Please Support UMaine students, Emily A. Haddad and University of Maine Foundation
Policies and Procedures for the Humane Care and Use of Animals, Office of the Vice President for Research and Dean of the Graduate School
Policy Brief: Advancing Data Equity to Improve Health Equity for People With Disabilities (PWD), Michelle Fong
Political Erosion in "The Land of Steady Habits": Party Politics and Connecticut's 2018 Gubernatorial Election, Jonathan L. Wharton
Politics in New Hampshire, Dante J. Scala
Politics in Rhode Island: Back to the Future II, Maureen Moakley
Politics in Rhode Island in the Aftermath of the 2002 Elections, Maureen Moakley
Politics in Vermont and New Hampshire, 2192: The Storm Before the Calm, The Calm Before the Storm, Paul Petterson
Pompanola, Lew Brown, B. G De Sylva, Henderson, and Anne Caldwell
Pompanola, Lew Brown, B. G De Sylva, Henderson, and Anne Caldwell
Popularizing Science Among School Children in Northern Maine, Udaya Jayasundara, Taylor Soucy, and Samantha Davis
Portrait of an Unidentified Girl
Portrait of an Unidentified Woman
Portrait of an Unidentified Young Man
Possible Symbols of Status or Authority among the Wari, Brian S. Bauer and Javier Fonseca Santa Cruz
Post-Election Message to Students, Robert Q. Dana
Potential Wood Bank Demand in Maine Towns by County, Jessica Leahy and Mindy S. Crandall
Pre-Columbian Tattooing Methods on the Peruvian Central Coast, Aaron Deter-Wolf, Benoit Robitaille, Rhoda Fromme, Robin Gerst, and Danny Riday
Presenter, Susan Pinette
Presenter, Susan Pinette
Presenter, Susan Pinette
Presenter, Susan Pinette
Presenter, Susan Pinette
Presenter, Susan Pinette
Presenter, Susan Pinette
Presenter, Susan Pinette
Presenter, Susan Pinette
Presenter, Susan Pinette
President's Holiday Season Luncheon, University of Maine Office of the President
Pride Week Event Schedule, 2024, Office of Diversity and Inclusion
Progress and Mimesis: Political Ideas, Imitation, and Development, Robert Chisholm
Promise and Limitations of Supervised Optimal Transport-Based Graph Summarization via Information Theoretic Measures, Sepideh Neshatfar
Protecting the Coast Over Time: Interview with Four Maine Coast Heritage Trust Staff Members, Elizabeth Pierson, Jane Arbuckle, Jeremy Gabrielson, Betsy Ham, and Jeff Romano
Protecting the Freedom to Read in Maine, Sonya M. Durney Dr.
Pseudomonas aeruginosa Enhances Fluconazole Activity Against Candida During Polymicrobial Infection, Siham Hattab
Psychological Aspects of Political Violence in Northern Ireland, David Schmitt
Public Commons of Geographic Data: Research and Development Challenges, Harlan J. Onsrud
Public Libraries Are Critical Partners for Collective Impact on Climate Action, Rebekkah Smith Aldrich
Pushing the Boundaries: Investigating Physiological Limits of Invasive Species and Edna Detection Methods, Emily Rose Lancaster
Quantifying Tidewater Glacier-Fjord Environments in the Rapidly Changing Regions of West and South Greenland, Sydney Baratta
Quantifying Tidewater Glacier-Fjord Environments in the Rapidly Changing Regions of West and South Greenland, Sydney Baratta
Quarterly Report of Progress, Maine Autism Institute for Education and Research (MAIER), April 30, 2017, Maine Autism Institute for Education and Research
Quarterly Report of Progress, Maine Autism Institute for Education and Research (MAIER), December 2016, Maine Autism Institute for Education and Research
Quarterly Report of Progress, Maine Autism Institute for Education and Research (MAIER), December 31, 2014, Maine Autism Institute for Education and Research
Quarterly Report of Progress, Maine Autism Institute for Education and Research (MAIER), June 30, 2015, Maine Autism Institute for Education and Research
Quarterly Report of Progress, Maine Autism Institute for Education and Research (MAIER), June 30, 2016, Maine Autism Institute for Education and Research
Quarterly Report of Progress, Maine Autism Institute for Education and Research (MAIER), March 2015, Maine Autism Institute for Education and Research
Quarterly Report of Progress, Maine Autism Institute for Education and Research (MAIER), October 2016, Maine Autism Institute for Education and Research
Quarterly Report of Progress, Maine Autism Institute for Education and Research (MAIER), October 20, 2015, Maine Autism Institute for Education and Research
Quelque Chose Nouvelle: Quebec Politics in 2010, Martin Lubin
Quipa, Chilca Valley, Peru, Andrés Ocas Quispe, Robert A. Benfer, Neil Andrew Duncan, and Bernardino Ojeda
Radio MARC - Christmas Music - Tape #1, Paul Gutman and Josée Vachon
Radio MARC - Christmas music - Tape #2, Paul Gutman
Radio MARC - Criticism of University's celebration of Martin Luther King day celebration, Yvon Labbé and Gary Salas
Radio MARC - Definition of culture, Gary Salas, Suzanne Bolduc, and Jim Bishop
Radio MARC - Discussion of racism, Gary Salas, Yvon Labbé, and Timothy Wilson
Radio MARC - First show, introduction, Yvon Labbé, Gary Salas, Lori Leblanc, Jim Sapier, Gay Grant, and Rick St. Louis
Radio MARC - Pluralism in the curriculum, Gary Salas, Mary Kay Casper, Jim Whitehead, and Gay Grant
Radio MARC - The Christian Roots of Anti-semitism, Walter Ziffer and Gay Grant
Railroad Bridge over the Pleasant River
Railway Y.M.C.A., Brownville Junction
Rassemblement, 1991 Group Photo, Jacob Albert
Rassemblement Candid Photo, Debbie Roberge
Rassemblement Candid Photo, Jacob Albert
Rassemblement Listening to Speaker, Jacob Albert
Rassemblement Performance, Jacob Albert
Rating the United States Senators: The Strength of Maine's Delegation Since 1955, L. Sandy Maisel
Raymond H. Fogler Library, University of Maine
Raymond H. Fogler Library Addition, University of Maine
Raymond H. Fogler Library Addition Under Construction, University of Maine
Reach for the Stars on Giving Tuesday, Versant Power Astronomy Center
Reaction Kinetics and Mechanism Investigations of Renewable Chemicals Production From Biomass, Hussein Talib Abdulrazzaq
Realist of Liberal? Canadian Foreign Policy in the 1970s, David J. Plazek
Realist or Liberal? Canadian Foreign Policy in the 1960s, David L. Plazek
Real Post Card to Eda Dinsmore
Real Post Card to Eda Dinsmore
Real Post Card to Eda Dinsmore
Real Post Card to Eda Dinsmore
Real Post Card to Eda Dinsmore
Reassessing the Relationship Between Roll Call Extremity and Reelection Safety in the U.S. House, Richard Born
Reckoning With Religion in Southern Queer Lit: An Auto-Critical Approach, Amanda Garrod
Reconstructing the Paleotempestology Record From the Tibes Indigenous Ceremonial Center at Ponce, Puerto Rico, Karina Cortijo-Robles
“Reduce, Reuse, Recycle”: Managing Library Print Collections, Ann Acheson
Reducing Plastic Pollution in the Ocean: MycoBuoys as a Potential Solution, Sue S. Van Hook
Reflecting on the Legacy of Howard J. Reiter
Reflection in Mirror, Jacob Albert
Regeneration Response to Salvage Logging Following Tornado Disturbance, Colby K. Bosley-Smith
Regional Folk Beliefs, Edward D. Ives
Register For The Upcoming Professional Development From MAIER, Maine Autism Institute for Education and Research
Registrar Office (University of Maine) Records, 1910-1965, Special Collections, Raymond H. Fogler Library, University of Maine
Relations Among Self-Disclosure, Digital Communications Behavior, and Mental Health in College Students During and After COVID-19, Estephanie Baez-Vazquez
Relations of Emotional Functioning and Hormonal Contraceptive Use in UMaine Female Students, Shannen Fitzjurls
Re: Leapt Into Rain, A Story and Disquisition, Lukas Norment
Relocation of the Office of Human Resources to Chadbourne Hall, University of Maine Office of Human Resources
Remembered Across the Sea: the Holocaust Memorials of the United States, Jennifer Munson
Report of Audit of Allagash Plantation, Maine 1940, Allagash (Me.)
Report of the Selectmen of the Town of Burnham For the Fiscal Year Ending Feb. 29, 1884, Burnham (Me.)
Report of the Selectmen of the Town of Burnham For the Year Ending Feb. 28, 1885, Burnham (Me.)
Representing Contemporary Immigrant and BIPOC Experiences through USM’s Special Collections, Anna Faherty, Zachary Newell, and Jill Piekut Roy
Republican Sweeps in New Hampshire, Michelle Anne Fistek
Research and Theory in Advancing Spatial Data Infrastructure Concepts, Harlan J. Onsrud
Research: Art, Information, and Academic Inquiry, Luke D. McKinney
Research Compliance Newsletter, Spring 2024, Office of Research Compliance
Research Computing Transition Announcement, UMS Information Technology Services, Joan Ferrini-Mundy, and Robert Placido
Resources, Relevances, and Relationships: Differential Motivations Behind Local Civic Engagement Over Park Usage, Catherine Simpson Bueker
Resourses In Response To Tragedy, Maine Autism Institute for Education and Research
Respond quickly for an opportunity get Applied Behavior Analysis consultationand training free of charge for Adults, Maine Autism Institute for Education and Research
Rethinking the Dominance of Elections and Institutions in Analyzing Democratic Transitions, Luke Perry
Revisiting the Kashmir Insurgency, Kargil, and the Twin Peak Crisis: Was the Stability/Instability Paradox at Play?, Rajesh Kumar
Rhode Island Politics: Continued Disarray, Maureen Moakley
Rhode Island Politics in 2023, Emily K. Lynch
Riding the Real Estate Wave Along Maine's Coast, Ryan Swanson
Right to Read Film Screening and Panel Discussion, Maine Autism Institute for Education and Research
Ring Opening of Hydrotreated Thermal DeOxygenation (TDO) Oil Over Supported Metal Catalysts to Improve Engine Properties, Oluwaseun Salami
Risk Perceptions of Tick-borne Diseases in Maine, MacKenzie Conant
River Drive on the Seboeis Stream, Joseph Emery Smart Jr.
Road to Seboeis, Joseph Emery Smart Jr.
Robert B. Brown, H Harvey
Robert L. “Bob” Towle, interviewed by John J. Springer, Part 1, Robert L. Towle
Robert L. “Bob” Towle, interviewed by John J. Springer, Part 2, Robert L. Towle
Robert L. “Bob” Towle, interviewed by John J. Springer, Part 3, Robert L. Towle
Robert L. Carneiro (4 June 1927--24 June 2020), Monica Barnes
Robert Railton, interviewed by Marija Randall, Part 1, Robert Railton
Robert Railton, interviewed by Marija Randall, Part 2, Robert Railton
Robert Railton, interviewed by Marija Randall, Part 3, Robert Railton
Robert Talbot Civil Rights Speaker Series, 2024, University of Maine Alumni Association
Rocky Point, Mattamiscontis Lake, Joseph Emery Smart Jr.
Rodney Lucien Dinsmore, The Lamson Studio
Roles for Maine’s Physicians in the Climate Crisis, Gail Carlson and Megan Andersen
Ron Frechette, interviewed by Gary Waters, Part 1, Ronald Paul Frechette
Ron Frechette, interviewed by Gary Waters, Part 2, Ronald Paul Frechette
Ron Frechette, interviewed by Gary Waters, Part 3, Ronald Paul Frechette
Roots of Political Turmoil in Post-Soviet Ukraine: Neo-Patrimonial Patterns of Political Participation, Sergei Bielashko
Running From New England: Will It Ever Lead the Nation Again?, Garrison Nelson
Rurality and Robustness: Rural Communities and Housing Insecurity Risk, Steve Garcia
Rural Older Adults: Access Challenges in Healthcare, Transportation, and Food, Kimberly Snow, Mary Lou Ciolfi, Karen Pearson, Robyn Dumont, Jennifer Pratt, and Jayne Foley
Rural Realities and Equity in Vertical Transfer Pathways: Reshaping Policy Discourses in Higher Education Articulation Agreement Policies, Tobby Joshua Bragdon
Rural Resilience: The Role for Innovative Public Transportation, Connor Evans-Ralston, Kathleen Spear, and Jonathan Rubin
Sally Of My Dreams, William Kernell
Sally Of My Dreams, William Kernell
Samual O. Dinsmore, M.D. Homestead, Joseph Emery Smart Jr.
Sandweiss Elected to National Academy of Sciences, Joan Ferrini-Mundy
Say So!: Rosalie and Dick, George Gershwin, Ira Gershwin, and Wodehouse
Say So!: Rosalie and Dick, George Gershwin, Ira Gershwin, and Wodehouse
Say That You Love Me: Duet, Richard Myers and Leon Robin
Say That You Love Me: Duet, Richard Myers and Leon Robin
Scaling, Modeling, and Resilience of the Arctic Boreal Ecosystem, Wouter Hantson
Scenes in the Spruce Woods of Maine, Great Northern Paper Company
School Photograph with Students and Teachers
Science, Bureaucracy, and Public Policy: Can Scientific Inquiry Prevail Over Entrenched Institutional Self-Interest?, Roger D. Masters
Screen for Candida albicans Virulence Factors that Modulate the Host Immune Response in the Larval Zebrafish, Bailey A. Blair
Screening for Colon Cancer in Adults Under and Over 50: Effects on Mortality Rates, Lauren M. Dean, Eve Daries, Ethan Grover, Morgan Howes, and Kayla Loughman
Sea Grant Status Recognition Ceremony, University of Maine
Seboeis Stream at Old Mill Dam
Securing a Role for International Human Rights Law in Counter Terrorism: The Role of Judicial Review in the United Kingdom, Benedetta Berti
Self-Advocacy Q/A Series, Maine Autism Institute for Education and Research
Self-Advocacy Toolkit, Maine Autism Institute for Education and Research
Selfie with Group, Robert Sylvain
Seminar Series : Folding biomimetic peptoid polymers into protein-like nanostructures, University of Maine Department of Chemistry
Seminar Series : Superhydrophobic SiO2−Glass Bubbles Composite Coating for Stable and Highly Efficient Daytime Radiative Cooling, Diane Muir and Mamoona Raheem
Semper paratus,, Francis Saltus Van Boskerck
Semper paratus,, Francis Saltus Van Boskerck
Seniority and the Electoral Performance of U.S. House Incumbents in Response to Redistricting, Richard Born
Sense Making in a Creative Practice, Augusta S. Farnum
September 2023 News, Wabanaki REACH
Setting the record straight for two heroes in hypertension: John J. Hay and Paul Dudley White, Merrill Elias and Amanda L. Goodell
Sex-Ed & Health-Ed Community of Practice, Maine Autism Institute for Education and Research
Sexuality Education in Central Maine High Schools: What's Happening Now and What's Changed in Two Decades?, Morgan Inman
She Is So Lovely, Joe Burke, Benny Davis, and Barbelle
She Is So Lovely, Joe Burke, Benny Davis, and Barbelle
Shell Remains from the Quebrada de Topará, Peru--Proyecto Topará, Instituto Arqueológico Alemán-KAVA, Daniel H. Sandweiss and María del Carmen Sandweiss
She's Funny That Way, Neil Moret
She's Funny That Way, Neil Moret
She's Wonderful!, Walter Donaldson and Gus Kahn
She's Wonderful!, Walter Donaldson and Gus Kahn
Shostakovich, Soviet Cultural Policies, and the Fifth and Thirteenth Symphonies: A Contextual Evaluation, Nathanael Batson
Should the Governor Be Impeached?, Clyde McKee
Show your creativity to solve real community problems, University of Maine Center on Aging
SiC MOSFET Oscillator Circuit for Operation in High-temperature Harsh Environments: Design, Simulation, and Testing, Nikung Thapa
Silvicultural Treatments Affect Adult Coquillettidia Perturbans (Diptera: Culicidae) Abundance in a Managed Forest, Alyssa Marini
Silviculture of Acadian Spruce-fir Forests: The Resource, Robert S. Seymour
Sing Along, Lisa Michaud
Sing Along, Lisa Michaud
Sing Along, Lisa Michaud
Sing Along, Lisa Michaud
Sing Along, Susan Pinette
Singing A Love Song, Richard Rodgers and Lorenz Hart
Singing A Love Song, Richard Rodgers and Lorenz Hart
Single-Payer Health Care Reform: Cost Considerations in Maine, Daniel Bryant
Sisters Alice and Gertrude Perkins with Eda Lue Dinsmore
Sites of Incarceration and forced labour under the Nazi regime and its allies, 1933-1945, Maja Kruse and Anne Kelly Knowles
Six Feet Of Earth : Make Us All Of One Size
Six Feet Of Earth : Make Us All Of One Size
Sixth Maine Aquaculture R&D&E Summit, Aquaculture Research Institute, University of Maine
Sixty Years of Change in Picea rubens (red spruce) Forests of Coastal Maine, U.S.A., Camilla Seirup
Sketch of Maine State Agricultural College
Sleep Baby Sleep, Johnny Tucker and Joe Schuster
Slumber On!, Keith McLeod and Walter Preston
Slumber On!, Keith McLeod and Walter Preston
Small Town Government with Big World Challenges, Valerie Peacock
Smart and Dearborn Families Camping
Smart and Dearborn Families Camping
Smart and Lambert with Team and Sled
Smart and Lambert with Team and Sled
Smart & Dearborn Woods Crew, 1905
Smart & Dearborn Woods Crew, 1906
Smart & Dearborn Woods Crew, 1906
Smart's Island, Mattamiscontis Lake
Smart's Island, Mattamiscontis Lake
Smart's Island, Mattamiscontis Lake
Smart's Island, Mattamiscontis Lake
Smart’s Island, Mattamiscontis Lake
Smart's Island, Mattamiscontis Lake, Maine
Smart's Island, Mattamiscontis Lake, Maine
Smart's Island, Mattamiscontis Lake, Maine
Smart's Island, Mattamiscontis Lake, Maine, Joseph Emery Smart Jr.
Smart's Lumber Camp, Joseph Emery Smart Jr.
“Smells fishy”: Exploring Community Reactions to Aquaculture in Frenchman Bay, Maine, Gabriella Gurney and Laura Rickard
Smith, David C., University of Maine
SNAP Acceptance and Food Insecurity at the Brunswick-Topsham Land Trust Farmers' Market, Abigail Powers
Social Media and Maladaptive Friendship Processes During COVID-19: Examining Unique Psychosocial Vulnerabilities, Emily Scarpulla Raymond
Softly, as in a morning sunrise, Oscar Hammerstein and Sigmund Romberg
Softly, as in a morning sunrise, Oscar Hammerstein and Sigmund Romberg
Someday, Somewhere: We'll Meet Again, Erno Rapee and Lew Pollack
Someday, Somewhere: We'll Meet Again, Erno Rapee and Lew Pollack
Sometimes I Wake Up and Think I'm Still in Nebraska, Harold B. Dowse
Sometimes 'No Answer' Is the Answer: The Debate on Higher Law and Judicial Review in the Early Republic, Richard Drew
Somewhere In The City, Walli Ullah
Sonny boy, Lew Brown, B. G De Sylva, Jolson, and Ray Henderson
Sonny boy, Lew Brown, B. G De Sylva, Jolson, and Ray Henderson
Souvenir d'Amour, Philias Champagne, Franz Drdla, and Fisher
Souvenir d'Amour, Philias Champagne, Franz Drdla, and Fisher
Space & Capital Management Services Presentation, Ryan Ward and Tricia A. Hobbs
Spatial and Demographic Variations in Apparent Annual Survival of Golden-Winged Warblers: a Range-Wide Investigation, Emily Filiberti
Spatial and Temporal Variability in Snow Properties and Firn Volume Across the Juneau Icefield in Southeast Alaska, Mikaila Mannello
SpC MS 1545 sc, Edward Washburn Whitaker Letter to Joshua Chamberlain, Edward Washburn Whitaker
Speaker, Jacob Albert
Speaker, Louise Howard
Speaker at Rassemblement, 2024, Lisa Michaud
Speaker in a Classroom, Jacob Albert
Speaker, Rassemblement, 2024, Lisa Michaud
Speaker, Rassemblement, 2024, Lisa Michaud
Speaker, Rassemblement, 2024, Jacob Albert
Speaker, Rassemblement, 2024, Jacob Albert
Speaker, Rassemblement, 2024, Jacob Albert
Speaker, Rassemblement, 2024, Jacob Albert
Speaker, Rassemblement, 2024, Jacob Albert
Speaker, Rassemblement, 2024, Jacob Albert
Speaker, Rassemblement, 2024, Jacob Albert
Speaker, Rassemblement, 2024, Jacob Albert
Speaker, Rassemblement, 2024, Jacob Albert
Speaker, Rassemblement, 2024, Jacob Albert
Speaker, Rassemblement, 2024, Jacob Albert
Speaker, Rassemblement, 2024, Jacob Albert
Speaker, Rassemblement, 2024, Jacob Albert
Speaker, Rassemblement, 2024, Jacob Albert
Speaker, Rassemblement, 2024, Jacob Albert
Speaker, Rassemblement, 2024, Jacob Albert
Speaker, Rassemblement, 2024, Jacob Albert
Speaker, Rassemblement, 2024, Jacob Albert
Speaker, Rassemblement, 2024, Jacob Albert
Speaker, Rassemblement, 2024, Jacob Albert
Speaker, Rassemblement, 2024, Jacob Albert
Speaker, Rassemblement, 2024, Jacob Albert
Speaker, Rassemblement, 2024, Jacob Albert
Speaker, Rassemblement, 2024, Jacob Albert
Speaker, Rassemblement, 2024, Jacob Albert
Speaker, Rassemblement, 2024, Jacob Albert
Speaker, Rassemblement, 2024, Jacob Albert
Speaker, Rassemblement, 2024, Jacob Albert
Speaker, Rassemblement, 2024, Jacob Albert
Speaker, Rassemblement, 2024, Jacob Albert
Speaker, Rassemblement, 2024, Jacob Albert
Speaker, Rassemblement, 2024, Jacob Albert
Speaker, Rassemblement, 2024, Jacob Albert
Speaker, Rassemblement, 2024, Jacob Albert
Speaker, Rassemblement, 2024, Jacob Albert
Speaker, Rassemblement, 2024, Jacob Albert
Speaker, Rassemblement, 2024, Jacob Albert
Speaker, Rassemblement, 2024, Jacob Albert
Speaker, Rassemblement, 2024, Jacob Albert
Speaker, Rassemblement, 2024, Jacob Albert
Speaker, Rassemblement, 2024, Jacob Albert
Speaker, Rassemblement, 2024, Jacob Albert
Speaker, Rassemblement, 2024, Jacob Albert
Speaker, Rassemblement, 2024, Jacob Albert
Speaker, Rassemblement, 2024, Jacob Albert
Speaker, Rassemblement, 2024, Jacob Albert
Speaker, Rassemblement, 2024, Jacob Albert
Speaking Up For Us Legislative Toolkit, Cynthia Cushing
Spirit Week Schedule, 2024, Administration of Student Life, Diversity, & Inclusive Excellence
Sports, Joseph Emery Smart Jr.
Sports on Round Pond, Joseph Emery Smart Jr.
Sports on Round Pond, Joseph Emery Smart Jr.
Spray Drying of Cellulose Nanofibrils and Cellulose Nanocrystals: Applications in Thermoplastic Nanocomposites and 3D Printing, Sungjun Hwang
Spread Holiday Cheer with Our Beautiful Holiday Cards, University of Maine Printing Services
Spring 2024 DEI Training for UMaine Employees, Office for Diversity and Inclusion and Taylor Matthew Ashley
Spring O' The Year, Edward Morris and Maud Luise Gardiner
Spring O' The Year, Edward Morris and Maud Luise Gardiner
Springtide and Other Stories, Cora G. Saddler
Spring Zephyrs, Hans Protiwinsky
SRE Working Groups, 2024, President's Office, University of Maine
Stairway Of Dreams, Adrian Mack, Gene Stone, and Jazues
Stairway Of Dreams, Adrian Mack, Gene Stone, and Jazues
Stanley Feldman, Leonie Huddy, and George E. Marcus: Going to War in Iraq: When Citizens and the Press Matter, Robert J. Klotz
State Funded Research Annual Report, FY2002, University of Maine System
State Funded Research Annual Report, FY2003, University of Maine System
State Housing-Choice Vouchers as a Solution to the Housing Crisis: Potential Vulnerabilities and Possible Alternatives, River Dufour
State Reports Editorial Foreword, Paul Petterson and Jerold Duquette
Stay Out Of The South!: If You Want To Miss A Heaven On Earth, Harold Dixon and Harold Dixon
Stay Out Of The South!: If You Want To Miss A Heaven On Earth, Harold Dixon and Harold Dixon
Step 1 of Maine CDC Maternal & Child Health Title V Block Grant Needs Assessment: Gathering Community Input, Elizabeth Deliso
Stephen Harper and Canada's Politics of Identity, Howard Cody
Still LePage at Center Stage: A 2015 Maine Politics Update, James P. Melcher
Still Life with Sporting Equipment, Joseph Emery Smart Jr.
Stillwater Society Award Dinner DVD, University of Maine
Stillwater Society Award DVD, University of Maine
St. John the Baptist Episcopal Church, Brownville Junction
Storm Response and Preparedness in Working Waterfront Communities, University of Maine MARINE
Storm Travel Advisory, University of Maine Parking Services
Stormwater Management Systems in Rural Coastal Maine: Identification of place-based solutions through study of current practices, Alisha Shrestha, Tora Johnson, Shaleen Jain, and Jessica Jansujwicz
Strangers IN Your Town: How Considerations of Potential Power Influence Judgments About Civil Liberties for Disliked Groups, Linda M. Merola
Strategic Re-envisioning Initiative, Joan Ferrini-Mundy
Strategic Re-Envisioning Initiative Update, Joan Ferrini-Mundy and John Volin
Strategic Re-envisioning Town Hall, University of Maine Office of the President
Strategic Re-Envisioning Update, Joan Ferrini-Mundy
Strategic Re-Envisioning Update, August 21, Joan Ferrini-Mundy
Strategic Re-Envisioning Update, August 9, Joan Ferrini-Mundy
Strategic Re-Envisioning Update, July 31, 2024, Joan Ferrini-Mundy
Strategic Re-Envisioning Update, July 9, 2024, Joan Ferrini-Mundy, Sabrina DeTurk, and James Beaupre
Strategic Re-Envisioning Update, November 22, 2024, Joan Ferrini-Mundy
Strategic Re-Envisioning Update, November 7, 2024, Joan Ferrini-Mundy
Strategic Re-Envisioning Update, October 11, 2024, Joan Ferrini-Mundy
Strategic Re-Envisioning Update, September 26, Joan Ferrini-Mundy
Strategic Re-Envisioning Update, September 9, 2024, Joan Ferrini-Mundy
Strategies to Minimize Lead Exposure and Ensure Early Detection of Elevated Lead Levels in Children Less than 5 years of Age, Stephanie Massey
Stream near Hussey & Jordan's Camp, Joseph Emery Smart Jr.
Student / Alumni Records (University of Maine). Russell Family Papers, 1883-1950, Special Collections, Raymond H. Fogler Library, University of Maine
Student Clinical Judgment Skills Using the Clinical Judgment Measurement Model, Sara E. Carr
Student Mathematical Sensemaking in the Transition from Spins to Positions in Quantum Mechanics, Anthony R. Pina
Student Nurse Clinical Experience in a Dedicated Education Unit, Kendall F. Doyle
Student Reading Le Forum, Lisa Michaud
Student Senate in Session, University of Maine
Student Studying, Jacob Albert
Student Success Hub Final Report, May 31, 2019, Office of the Vice President for Student Life, Diversity, and Inclusive Excellence & Dean of Students
Student Success Hub Task Force Report, July 1, 2024, Andrea Gifford and Office of the Vice President for Student Life, Diversity, and Inclusive Excellence & Dean of Students
Summer School Review (1921), Washington State Normal School
Summer School Review (1922), Washington State Normal School
Summer School Review (1923), Washington State Normal School
Summer School Review (1924), Washington State Normal School
Sunbeams: Bring Dreams Of You, Karl Hajos and J. Keirn Brennan
Sunbeams: Bring Dreams Of You, Karl Hajos and J. Keirn Brennan
Sunshine, May Singhi Breen and Irving Berlin
Sunshine, May Singhi Breen and Irving Berlin
Super-resolution Microscopy to Probe the Molecular Processes in Muscular Dystrophy and Influenza Viral Infection, Komala Shivanna
Supporting Students, Strengthening Communities, Maria Frankland
Support the next generation by sponsoring the 2024 Windstorm Challenge!, Advanced Structures and Composites Center
Surrogate Modeling With Multi-fidelity Data Sets, Yasaman Asiaee
Sustainable Agriculture Program, Apple Tree Study, University of Maine
Sustaining and Increasing Participation of Rural Seniors in a Senior Center, Michelle Fontaine
Sustaining Community and Identity Through Food at the University of Maine, Elizabeth DuDevoir
Sweet Dreams, Dan Dougherty, Milton Ager, Yellen, and Barbelle
Sweet Dreams, Dan Dougherty, Milton Ager, Yellen, and Barbelle
Sweetheart Lane, Billy Hays, Lou Herscher, Rockwell, Billy Hays, Lou Herscher, and Don Rockwell
Sweetheart Lane, Billy Hays, Lou Herscher, Rockwell, Billy Hays, Lou Herscher, and Don Rockwell
Sweetheart Of All My Dreams, Art Fitch, Kay Fitch, and Lowe
Sweetheart Of All My Dreams, Art Fitch, Kay Fitch, and Lowe
Sweethearts on parade, Charles Newman and Carmen Lombardo
Sweethearts on parade, Charles Newman and Carmen Lombardo
Sweet Lorraine, Cliff Burwell and Mitchell Parish
Sweet Lorraine, Cliff Burwell and Mitchell Parish
Sweet Sue - Just You, Victor Young and Will J Harris
Sweet Sue - Just You, Victor Young and Will J Harris
Swimming at the University of Maine Orono, 1974-1975, University of Maine
Swimming at the University of Maine Orono, 1975-1976, University of Maine
Swimming at the University of Maine Orono, 1976-1977, University of Maine
Swimming at the University of Maine Orono, 1977-1978, University of Maine
Swimming, University of Maine Orono, 1979-1980, University of Maine
Swimming, University of Maine Orono, 1980-1981, University of Maine
Swimming, University of Maine Orono, 1981-1982, University of Maine
Swimming, University of Maine Orono, 1982-1983, University of Maine
Swimming, University of Maine Orono, 1983-1984, University of Maine
Swimming, University of Maine Orono, 1984-1985, University of Maine
Swimming, University of Maine Orono, 1985-1986, University of Maine
Swimming, University of Maine Orono, 1986-1987, University of Maine
Swimming, University of Maine Orono, 1987-1988, University of Maine
Swinging In Place: New Hampshire's Presidential Elections 1992-2016, Dante J. Scala
Systolic orthostatic hypotension is related to lowered cognitive function: Findings from the Maine-Syracuse Longitudinal Study, Rachael V. Torres, Merrill Elias, Georgina E. Crichton, Gregory A. Dore, and Adam Davey
Table of Contents, Mark D. Brewer
Take the UMaine Fall Dining Survey, Matthew Legault and University of Maine Dining Services
Tales of Tails of the Sea Parade Float
Tales of the Sea: Pinocchio Float
Tales of the Sea: Pinocchio Float
Tasty Spring Dining Updates, University of Maine Dining Services
Teacher Candidate Supervision for Social Justice: Orientations, Practices, and Challenges, Andrew E. Hood
Teacher Perceptions of the Impact of an Outdoor Learning Program for Fifth Graders: A Case Study, Heather Manchester
Teaching Gender: Analyzing and Transforming the Limitations of the Gender Binary in Pre-Medical Education, Elliott Hooper
Technological Analysis of a Formative Lithic Assemblage in the Northern Peruvian Amazon, Edwin Silva and Antonio Pérez-Balarezo
Tech, Treats & Exclusive Deals, Debra Bell
Temperature and Energy Interactions in Small Tropical Mammals, Abe Grunwald
Tempest WiFi network is going away, UMS Information Technology Services
Tempest Wi-Fi Network Retirement, University of Maine System Information Technology
Temporal Variability of Tides, Currents, and Water Quality in a Maine Estuary, Brandon Lieberthal, Kimberly Huguenard, and Kyah Lucky
Temporary Interruption to MaineCat and non-UMS Library requests, Daisy Domínguez Singh and Office of the Executive Vice President for Academic Affairs & Provost
Text Phishing Scams on the Rise, UMS Information Technology Services
Thanks to MPR Volume 32 Reviewers
That's my mammy! : fox-trot song, Ed G Nelson, Harry Pease, and Baer
That's my mammy! : fox-trot song, Ed G Nelson, Harry Pease, and Baer
That's my weakness now, Bud Green and Sam H Stept
That's my weakness now, Bud Green and Sam H Stept
The 1948 Annual Report of the Municipal Officers of the Town of Castle Hill Maine, Castle Hill (Me.)
The Annual Report of the Municipal Officers of Chapman, Maine, Chapman (Me.)
The Antioxidants and Anti-inflammatories Benefit of Broccoli Sprout Diets and Their Relation to Health, Tolu Esther Alaba
The Autism Collaboration, Accountability, Research, Education, and Support (CARES) Act, 2023-2024 University of Maine Cohort of NH-ME LEND Trainees
The Battle Over Election Reform in the Swing State of Florida, Susan A. MacManus
The Blue Bells of Scotland : Scotch Air
The Boys of '61 : March Song, Emma J Moore- Seamans
The Boys of '61 : March Song, Emma J Moore- Seamans
The Breeze and I, Ernesto Lecuona and Albert Stillman
The Breeze and I, Ernesto Lecuona and Albert Stillman
The Bum Song, Harry McClintock and T. G Jacques
The Bum Song, Harry McClintock and T. G Jacques
The Canadian Party System and the Leadership of Stephen Harper, Howard Cody and Jamie Gillies
The Cerro Illucán Collection of Wari Objects, Brian S. Bauer
The Changing Face of Incumbency: Joe Lieberman's Digital Presentation of Self, Diana Tracey Cohen
The Changing Tides of Action to Address Ocean Acidification in Maine, Ivy L. Frignoca and Heather R. Kenyon
The Civilian Conservation Corps at Acadia National Park, James Moreira, Pamela Dean, Anu Dudley, and Kevin Champney
The Clinical Judgment Measurement Model and Improving Student Clinical Judgment, Sara E. Carr
The Cognition Chronicles, Vol. 1, Iss. 1, University of Maine College of Engineering and Computing
The "Communal Gaze:" How the Collective Community Responds to the Narratives of Sexual Violence Vocalized by Black Women, Brianna Christie
The Complex Entanglement of Conservation, Livelihood and Markets: Governance of the Sundarbans Mangrove in the Neoliberal Era, Mohammed Baten
The Conflict with Lobstering, and Why Whales Are Critical to Ocean Health and the Gulf of Maine, Toby Stephenson
The Conservation Project: An Exploration of Multimedia in Ocean Conservation, Ilaria Bardini
The Contributions of the Gulf of Maine Council to Regional Climate Resilience, Pamela A. Jordan
The Dance Of The Blue Danube, Arthur Lange and Fred Fisher
The Dance Of The Blue Danube, Arthur Lange and Fred Fisher
The Development of an Advanced Biorefinery to Produce Cellulosic Sugars and Bionanomaterials, Carlaile Fernanda de Oliveira Nogueira
The Effectiveness of Annual Mammograms Versus Triennial Mammograms in Women Under the Age of 50, Jordyn A. Gowell, Dakota Grace Cochran, Ashley Cantwell, Sara Doughty, and Allison Sgrosso
The Effect of Manually Administered Insulin Versus Automatic Insulin Pumps on a Patient's Hemoglobin A1C Levels in Adults With Type 2 Diabetes Mellitus, Mackenzie Mead, Emma Bellmore, Arianna Delaney, and Sofia Martin
The Effect of Water Turbulence and Stocking Density on Mactromeris Polynyma Growth and Survival in a Subtidal Nursery Setting, Emmah Day, Justin Lewis, Brian Beal, and Cody Jourdet
The Effects of Forest Management Practices Across Spatial Scales on Tick Densities, Wildlife Communities, and Tick-Borne Pathogen Transmission, Stephanie N. Hurd
The Effects of Length and Increasing Nitrate Concentrations on Behavior of Betta Splendens, Tess Hureau
The Effects of Moral Violations on Parasocial Relationships with Influencers, Julie Aprill
The Efficacy of Economic Sanctions: Economic Sanctions and American Foreign Policy in the Unipolar Era, Stephen Collins
The Ethno-Categories of a Regional Khipu, John Victor Murra, Monica Barnes, and Heather Lechtman
The Experience of Emptiness: A Creative Exploration of Indeterminacy, Olivia Kjellander
The First Kiss, J. Russel Robinson and Al Dubin
The First Kiss, J. Russel Robinson and Al Dubin
The Foundation Roles of Rockweed, Ascophyllum nodosum (Linneaus) Le Jolis, in Maine's Rocky Intertidal zone, Hannah Webber
The Girl Who Broke My Heart, J. Russel Robinson and Al Dubin
The Girl Who Broke My Heart, J. Russel Robinson and Al Dubin
The Global Strategic Effects of South-South Foreign Aid, Stephen D. Collins
The Hour Of Parting: L'heure bleu, Mischa Spoliansky, Gus Kahn, and Schiffer
The Hour Of Parting: L'heure bleu, Mischa Spoliansky, Gus Kahn, and Schiffer
The House Boat On The Styx : Duet, Monte Carlo and Alma Sanders
The House Boat On The Styx : Duet, Monte Carlo and Alma Sanders
The Impact of Congenital Heart Defects on Infant Mortality, Luc Truso, Noah Brennan, and Marek Veal
The Impact of Conservation Land on Property Taxes and Municipal Budgets in Maine: a Mixed-methods Study, Abigail Bennett
The Impact of Feedback on Teacher Professional Growth, Eric Hutchins
The Impact of Working Conditions on Special Education Teacher Attrition, Danielle N. Pelletier
The Juryman’s Guide: Designed for the Citizens of Maine, A Member of the Bar
The Kentucky Dark Patch Knight Riders' Rebellion, Christopher Newman
The Land Of Going To Be, E. Ray Goetz and Walter Kollo
The Land Of Going To Be, E. Ray Goetz and Walter Kollo
The Little Mermaid Parade Float
The Little Yellow House, Gertrude E Meyers
The Little Yellow House, Gertrude E Meyers
The Lonesome Road, Nathaniel Shilkret and Gene Austin
The Lonesome Road, Nathaniel Shilkret and Gene Austin
The Maine Folklife Center Curriculum Guide, Irene Jackson
The Man-Hating Woman: Studying Bystander Perceptions of Social Media Sexism Confrontations, Erika Hipsky
The Mating Call, Martin Broones, Frances Ring, and Barbelle
The Mating Call, Martin Broones, Frances Ring, and Barbelle
The Micro-Site Simulation Project; Developing Accessible and Inclusive Lab-Based Archaeological Pedagogies, Charlotte Goudge
The Molecular Detection of Sphaerulina vaccinii: A Leaf Spot Pathogen of Lowbush Blueberry, Zoe Colwell
The Monk's Dream : Ent'racte, A. E Lumley-Holmes
The Multidimensional Unity of Life, Theology, Ecology, and COVID-19, Derek A. Michaud
Theoretical Foundations for Archaeological Pedagogy with Digital 3D, Virtual, Augmented, and Mixed Reality Technologies, Peter J. Cobb, Elvan Cobb, Jiafang Liang, Ryushi Kiyama, and Jeremy Ng
The Party Stands Aside: Elite Party Actor Endorsements During Presidential Primary and Caucus Voting, 2004-2016, Christopher J. Galdieri and Kevin Parseneau
The Plantation of Instructional Supervision, Noelle Arnold and Rhodesia McMillian
The Political Nor'easter of 1992: A Northeastern USA Critical Election?, John A. Tures
The Politics of the Presidential Medal of Freedom: a Fifty-Year Analysis, 1963-2013, Kyle C. Kopko, E. Fletcher McClellan, Christopher J. Devine, Jillian E. Casey, and Julia L. Ward
The Possibilities and Limits of Policy Leadership from a Small State: Vermont and New Hampshire, Paul Petterson
The Promise of Floating Offshore Wind Power in the Gulf of Maine: New Developments and New Challenges, Jack Shapiro
There and Back Again: Creating, Characterizing, and Curing Murine Models of Rare Neuromuscular Disease, Sarah Holbrook
The Reapportionment Revolution and the Decline of Contested State Legislative Elections: The Case of Rhode Island, Adam S. Myers
The Reflections and Musings of a First-Year Political Scientist in Vermont: The Relevance of Identity in Sub-National Elections, David J. Plazek
The Relative Age Effect: Ensuring Student Success Regardless of Birth Month, Geoffrey E. Bruno
There's a rainbow 'round my shoulder, May Singhi Breen, Dave Dreyer, Rose, and Al Jolson
There's a rainbow 'round my shoulder, May Singhi Breen, Dave Dreyer, Rose, and Al Jolson
There's Still Time to Come Celebrate Your Reunion, University of Maine Alumni Association
The Role of Aquatourism in Sustaining Maine’s Working Waterfronts, Caroline Paras and Tracy S. Michaud
The Role of Social Movements in the Macro Political System, Gregory A. Petrow
The Role of Teacher-Scientist Partnerships in Engaging Students as Citizen Scientists in Addressing Drinking Water Quality in Rural Maine and New Hampshire Communities., Jane Disney, Juyoung Shim, Doug Currie, Judith Roe, Sarah Hall, Nick Baer, Flor Fahnestock, Priyanka Roy-Chowdhury, Karen Bieluch, and Abby Roche
The Rural Educator Resilience Project: A Statewide Approach to Rural Educator Career Development, Catharine Biddle, Ezekiel Kimball, Gert Nesin, Maria Frankland, and Esther Enright
The 'Scott Brown Era' In Massachusetts Politics, Jerold J. Duquette
The Sidewalks Of New York: East Side, West Side
The Sidewalks Of New York: East Side, West Side
The Six Dimensions of Wellness and Cognition in Aging Adults, Kelley A. Strout and Elizabeth P. Howard
The song I love, Lew Brown, Con Conrad, Henderson, and B. G De Sylva
The song I love, Lew Brown, Con Conrad, Henderson, and B. G De Sylva
The spell of the blues, Dave Dreyer, Leff, Ruby, and Arthur Johnston
The spell of the blues, Dave Dreyer, Leff, Ruby, and Arthur Johnston
The Sun Is At My Window: Throwing Kisses At Me, George W Meyer, Al Lewis, and Young
The Sun Is At My Window: Throwing Kisses At Me, George W Meyer, Al Lewis, and Young
The Surprising Oceanography of the Gulf of Maine, Nicholas R. Record, Benjamin Tupper, Johnathan Evanilla, Kyle Oliveira, Camille Ross, Logan Ngai, and Karen Stamieszkin
The Trouble with ‘Delivering Feedback’: Reflections of a Supervision Scholar, Helen M. Hazi
The Underpass, Brownville Junction, Maine
The Use of and Interest in Ancient Grains in Northeastern Institutional Kitchens, JG Malacarne, Cheryl Bilinski, Bruce Wyatt, and Kevin Leavitt
They Are Children and We Are Men': 'Civilizational Infantilism' and American Political Thought, Brian Danoff
The Yellow And Blue, Balfe and Charles M Gayley
The Yellow And Blue, Balfe and Charles M Gayley
The Yellow Dog Blues, W.C Handy
The Yellow Dog Blues, W.C Handy
Thomas F. Lynch (25 February 1938--25 May 2023), Monica Barnes
Thor Heyerdahl Visit to the University of Maine, University of Maine
Timothy J. Lukes, Politics and Beauty in America: The Liberal Aesthetics of P.T. Barnum, John Muir, and Harley Earl, Jonathan Allen
“To Choose is to Be Free”: Black Urban Separatism in Boston, 1965-1992, Dylan Grosvenor O'Hara
To know you is to love you, Lew Brown, Ray Henderson, and De Sylva
To know you is to love you, Lew Brown, Ray Henderson, and De Sylva
Tomorrow's violets, Raymond B Egan and Larry Shay
Tomorrow's violets, Raymond B Egan and Larry Shay
To (Re)arrange a Situation and Look Again a Manifesto of an Artist’s Work Bearing Witness to Change, Merrilee Schoen
Towards a Pleasurable Food Experience: Influencing People's Liking, Taste Perceptions, and Mediated Emotions Using Augmented Flavor Experiences, Meetha Nesam James Ravindran Santhakumar
Towards Generalized Speech Separation For Hearing Aids: Deep Learning Approach For Combined Music and Speech, Tristan R. Zippert
Towards Voluntary Interoperable Open Access Licenses for the Global Earth Observation System of Systems (GEOSS), Harlan J. Onsrud and Bastian Van Loenen
Town of Fryeburg Maine Annual Report 2023, Fryeburg, Me.
Transing My Gender: An Exploration of the Process of Becoming Me, Equinox Charette
Travel Advisory, Election Day, University of Maine Parking Services
Travel Advisory, Maine Men's Hockey 2024-25 Parking Information, University of Maine Parking and Transportation Services
Travel Advisory, Start of Fall Semester, University of Maine Parking Services
Trestle Spanning Seboeis Stream, Joseph Emery Smart Jr.
Trigger Warning, Robert Klose
True Blue Mass 2010, Jerold J. Duquette
Try to learn to love, Noel Coward
Try to learn to love, Noel Coward
Twin Sisters Alice and Lillian Smart
Twin Sisters Alice and Lillian Smart
UMaine 2025 Commencement, John Volin
UMaine Alert : Air Quality Alert, University of Maine
UMaine Arts Initiative Webpages, Office of the Vice President for Research
UMaine Athletic Events and Alumni Gatherings in Portland, University of Maine Alumni Association
UMaine Center on Aging : Celebrating Our History and Looking Forward to the Future, University of Maine Center on Aging
UMaine Department of English Seeks Your Feedback, Jennifer Moxley and Steve Evans
UMaine Disabilities Insider, August 27, 2012, University of Maine Disability Support Services
UMaine Disabilities Insider, February 27, 2012, University of Maine Disability Support Services
UMaine Disabilities Insider. Late Spring 2014, University of Maine Disability Support Services
UMaine Disabilities Insider, Spring 2014, University of Maine Disability Support Services
UMaine Franco-American Center Newsletter, April 2024, University of Maine Franco-American Center
UMaine Franco-American Center Newsletter, December 2023, University of Maine Franco-American Center
UMaine Franco-American Center Newsletter, February 2024, University of Maine Franco-American Center
UMaine Franco-American Center Newsletter, March 2024, University of Maine Franco-American Center
UMaine Franco-American Center Newsletter, May 2024, University of Maine Franco-American Center
UMaine Franco-American Center Newsletter, November 2023, University of Maine Franco-American Center
UMaine Institute of Medicine Lecture Series, Spring 2024, University of Maine Institute of Medicine
UMaine Libraries Magazine, 2024, Raymond H. Fogler Library, University of Maine; Merrill Library, University of Maine at Machias; Maine InfoNet, University of Maine System; and University of Maine Press, University of Maine
UMaine MARINE News and Updates: August 2024, UMaine MARINE
UMaine MARINE News and Updates: July 2024, UMaine MARINE
UMaine MARINE News and Updates: June 2024, UMaine MARINE
UMaine MARINE News and Updates: May 2024, UMaine MARINE
UMaine MARINE News, April 9, 2024, UMaine MARINE
UMaine MARINE News, December 2023, UMaine MARINE
UMaine MARINE News, February 12, 2024, UMaine MARINE
UMaine MARINE News, January 2024, UMaine MARINE
UMaine MARINE News, March 2024, UMaine MARINE
UMaine MARINE News, November 2023, UMaine MARINE
UMaine MARINE News, October 2023, UMaine MARINE
UMaine Mourns Passing of Patricia M. Collins, Joan Ferrini-Mundy
UMaine Parking Information for Upcoming Events, University of Maine Parking Services
UMaine Student Government Newsletter, Vol. 2, University of Maine Student Government
UMaine — Update from Maine CDC, University of Maine Office of Human Resources
UMaine UVote Vote Education Resources, Center for Student Involvement
UM Campus Electrical Infrastructure Upgrade, University of Maine Office of Facilities Management
UMS Employee News, UMS Internal Communications
UMS Insider, June 2024, UMS Human Resources
Unbridled Insights: Exploring Equine Behavior Through GPS Tracking and Analysis, Madison L. Philbrick
Uncoventional Wisdom: The Future of Presidential Nominating Conventions, L. Sandy Maisel, Justin Rouse, and Russell Wilson
Undergraduate Civil Engineering Projects in Maine, Edwin Nagy
Undergraduate Responsible Conduct of Research (RCR) Training Fall 2024, Office of the Vice President for Research and Dean of the Graduate School
Understanding Occupational Injury and Substance Use Issues among Workers in the Shellfish and Lobster Industries, Tora Johnson, Katherine Weatherford Darling, Debra Kantor, Joseph Spiller, Oliver G. Jones, Lois-Ann Kuntz, Tara Casimir, Amy Dowley, Greyson Kurtz, Lauren Sachs, Linda Silka, and Bridie McGreavy
Understanding the Effect of Ocean Warming and Acidification on the Growth of Marine Phytoplankton, Drajad Sarwo Seto
Underwood Theater at Underwood Spring Park, Joseph Emery Smart Jr.
Unidentified at South Branch Pond, Joseph Emery Smart Jr.
Unidentified Baby, Sumner Chase
Unidentified Woman with Apple Blossoms
Unidentified World War I Soldier
Unidentified World War I Soldier
University Landscape Framework, Campus Planning Committee; Sasaki Associates
University of Maine 2023 Research Report, Joan Ferrini-Mundy and Kody Varahramyan
University of Maine Antarctic Expedition, 1977-1978
University of Maine at Orono One Hundred and Eightieth Commencement, Saturday, May 9, 1992, University of Maine
University of Maine at Orono One Hundred and Eighty First Commencement, Saturday, December 19, 1992, University of Maine
University of Maine at Orono One Hundred and Fiftieth Commencement, Friday, August 23, 1974, University of Maine
University of Maine at Orono One Hundred and Fifty Eighth Commencement, Friday, August 18, 1978, University of Maine
University of Maine at Orono One Hundred and Fifty Fifth Commencement, Saturday, May 21, 1977, University of Maine
University of Maine at Orono One Hundred and Fifty First Commencement, Saturday, May 17, 1975, University of Maine
University of Maine at Orono One Hundred and Fifty Fourth Commencement, Friday, August 20, 1976, University of Maine
University of Maine at Orono One Hundred and Fifty Second Commencement, Friday, August 22, 1975, University of Maine
University of Maine at Orono One Hundred and Fifty Seventh Commencement, Saturday, May 20, 1978, University of Maine
University of Maine at Orono One Hundred and Fifty Sixth Commencement, Friday, August 19, 1977, University of Maine
University of Maine at Orono One Hundred and Fifty Third Commencement, Saturday, May 22, 1976, University of Maine
University of Maine at Orono One Hundred and Forty Eighth Commencement, Friday, August 17, 1973, University of Maine
University of Maine at Orono One Hundred and Forty Fifth Commencement, Monday, June 5, 1972, University of Maine
University of Maine at Orono One Hundred and Forty First Commencement, Saturday, January 23, 1971, University of Maine
University of Maine at Orono One Hundred and Forty Fourth Commencement, Saturday, January 29, 1972, University of Maine
University of Maine at Orono One Hundred and Forty Ninth Commencement, Saturday, May 25, 1974, University of Maine
University of Maine at Orono One Hundred and Forty Second Commencement, Thursday, June 3, 1971, University of Maine
University of Maine at Orono One Hundred and Forty Seventh Commencement, Monday, June 4, 1973, University of Maine
University of Maine at Orono One Hundred and Forty Sixth Commencement, Friday, August 18, 1972, University of Maine
University of Maine at Orono One Hundred and Forty Third Commencement, Friday, August 20, 1971, University of Maine
University of Maine at Orono One Hundred and Seventieth Commencement, Saturday, December 19, 1987, University of Maine
University of Maine at Orono One Hundred and Seventy Eighth Commencement, Saturday, May 11, 1991, University of Maine
University of Maine at Orono One Hundred and Seventy First Commencement, Saturday, May 7, 1988, University of Maine
University of Maine at Orono One Hundred and Seventy Fourth Commencement, Saturday, May 13, 1989, University of Maine
University of Maine at Orono One Hundred and Seventy Ninth Commencement, Saturday, December 21, 1991, University of Maine
University of Maine at Orono One Hundred and Seventy Second Commencement, Saturday, August 20, 1988, University of Maine
University of Maine at Orono One Hundred and Seventy Seventh Commencement, Saturday, December 22, 1990, University of Maine
University of Maine at Orono One Hundred and Seventy Sixth Commencement, Saturday, May 12, 1990, University of Maine
University of Maine at Orono One Hundred and Seventy Third Commencement, Saturday, December 17, 1989, University of Maine
University of Maine at Orono One Hundred and Sixty Eighth Commencement, Saturday, May 10, 1986, University of Maine
University of Maine at Orono One Hundred and Sixty Fifth Commencement, Saturday, May 14, 1983, University of Maine
University of Maine at Orono One Hundred and Sixty Fourth Commencement, Saturday, May 15, 1982, University of Maine
University of Maine at Orono One Hundred and Sixty Ninth Commencement, Saturday, May 9, 1987, University of Maine
University of Maine at Orono One Hundred and Sixty Second Commencement, Friday, August 22, 1980, University of Maine
University of Maine at Orono One Hundred and Sixty Seventh Commencement, Saturday, May 11, 1985, University of Maine
University of Maine at Orono One Hundred and Sixty Sixth Commencement, Saturday, May 12, 1984, University of Maine
University of Maine at Orono One Hundred and Sixty Third Commencement, Saturday, May 9, 1981, University of Maine
University of Maine Centennial Convocation, University of Maine
University of Maine Centennial Map
University of Maine Eightieth Commencement, Friday, February 7, 1947, University of Maine
University of Maine Eighty Eighth Commencement, Friday, February 3, 1950, University of Maine
University of Maine Eighty Fifth Commencement, Friday, February 4, 1949, University of Maine
University of Maine Eighty First Commencement, Sunday, June 15, 1947, University of Maine
University of Maine Eighty Fourth Commencement, Friday, August 6, 1948, University of Maine
University of Maine Eighty Ninth Commencement, Sunday, June 18, 1950, University of Maine
University of Maine Eighty Second Commencement, Friday, February 13, 1948, University of Maine
University of Maine Eighty Seventh Commencement, Friday, August 12, 1949, University of Maine
University of Maine Eighty Sixth Commencement, Sunday, June 12, 1949, University of Maine
University of Maine Eighty Third Commencement, Sunday, June 20, 1948, University of Maine
University of Maine Fiftieth Annual Commencement, Monday, June 6, 1921, University of Maine
University of Maine Fifty Eighth Annual Commencement, Monday, June 10, 1929, University of Maine
University of Maine Fifty Fifth Annual Commencement, Monday, June 14, 1926, University of Maine
University of Maine Fifty First Annual Commencement, Monday, June 5, 1922, University of Maine
University of Maine Fifty Fourth Annual Commencement, Monday, June 8, 1925, University of Maine
University of Maine Fifty Ninth Annual Commencement, Monday, June 9, 1930, University of Maine
University of Maine Fifty Second Annual Commencement, Monday, June 11, 1923, University of Maine
University of Maine Fifty Seventh Annual Commencement, Monday, June 11, 1928, University of Maine
University of Maine Fifty Sixth Annual Commencement, Monday, June 13, 1927, University of Maine
University of Maine Fifty Third Annual Commencement, Monday, June 9, 1924, University of Maine
University of Maine Fourtieth Annual Commencement, Wednesday, June 14, 1911, University of Maine
University of Maine Fourty Eighth Annual Commencement, Monday, June 23, 1919, University of Maine
University of Maine Fourty Fifth Annual Commencement, Wednesday, June 14, 1916, University of Maine
University of Maine Fourty First Annual Commencement, Wednesday, June 12, 1912, University of Maine
University of Maine Fourty Fourth Annual Commencement, Wednesday, June 9, 1915, University of Maine
University of Maine Fourty Ninth Annual Commencement, Monday, June 7, 1920, University of Maine
University of Maine Fourty Second Annual Commencement, Wednesday, June 11, 1913, University of Maine
University of Maine Fourty Seventh Annual Commencement, Wednesday, May 20, 1918, University of Maine
University of Maine Fourty Sixth Annual Commencement, Wednesday, June 13, 1917, University of Maine
University of Maine Fourty Third Annual Commencement, Wednesday, June 10, 1914, University of Maine
University of Maine Graduate Workers Union Publications, 2023-2024, Special Collections, Raymond H. Fogler Library, University of Maine
University of Maine Graduate Workers Union Webpages, University of Maine Graduate Workers Union
University of Maine Midyear Commencement Exercises, Friday, January 22, 1943, University of Maine
University of Maine Ninetieth Commencement, Friday, August 11, 1950, University of Maine
University of Maine Ninety Eighth Commencement, Sunday, June 14, 1953, University of Maine
University of Maine Ninety Fifth Commencement, Sunday, June 15, 1952, University of Maine
University of Maine Ninety First Commencement, Friday, February 2, 1951, University of Maine
University of Maine Ninety Fourth Commencement, Friday, February 1, 1952, University of Maine
University of Maine Ninety Ninth Commencement, Friday, August 14, 1953, University of Maine
University of Maine Ninety Second Commencement, Friday, June 17, 1951, University of Maine
University of Maine Ninety Seventh Commencement, Friday, January 30, 1953, University of Maine
University of Maine Ninety Sixth Commencement, Friday, August 15, 1952, University of Maine
University of Maine Ninety Third Commencement, Friday, August 10, 1951, University of Maine
University of Maine One Hundred and Eighteenth Commencement, Sunday, June 10, 1962, University of Maine
University of Maine One Hundred and Eighth Commencement, Sunday, June 9, 1957, University of Maine
University of Maine One Hundred and Eighty Eighth Commencement, May Eleventh, Nineteen Hundred and Ninety Six, University of Maine
University of Maine One Hundred and Eighty Fourth Commencement, Saturday, May 14, 1994, University of Maine
University of Maine One Hundred and Eighty Ninth Commencement, December Fourteenth, Nineteen Hundred and Ninety Six, University of Maine
University of Maine One Hundred and Eighty Second Commencement, Saturday, May 8, 1993, University of Maine
University of Maine One Hundred and Eighty Seventh Commencement, Saturday, December 16, 1995, University of Maine
University of Maine One Hundred and Eighty Third Commencement, Saturday, December 18, 1993, University of Maine
University of Maine One Hundred and Eleventh Commencement, Friday, August 15, 1958, University of Maine
University of Maine One Hundred and Fifteenth Commencement, Friday, August 19, 1960, University of Maine
University of Maine One Hundred and Fifth Commencement, Friday, August 12, 1955, University of Maine
University of Maine One Hundred and First Commencement, Sunday, June 20, 1954, University of Maine
University of Maine One Hundred and Fourteenth Commencement, Sunday, June 5, 1960, University of Maine
University of Maine One Hundred and Fourth Commencement, Sunday, June 12, 1955, University of Maine
University of Maine One Hundred and Fourtieth Commencement, Friday, August 14, 1970, University of Maine
University of Maine One Hundred and Nineteenth Commencement, Friday, August 17, 1962, University of Maine
University of Maine One Hundred and Ninetieth Commencement, May Tenth, Nineteen Hundred and Ninety Seven, University of Maine
University of Maine One Hundred and Ninety Eighth Commencement, May Nineteenth, Two Thousand and One, University of Maine
University of Maine One Hundred and Ninety Fifth Commencement, December Eighteenth, Nineteen Hundred and Ninety Nine, University of Maine
University of Maine One Hundred and Ninety First Commencement, December Thirteenth, Nineteen Hundred and Ninety Seven, University of Maine
University of Maine One Hundred and Ninety Fourth Commencement, May Eighth, Nineteen Hundred and Ninety Nine, University of Maine
University of Maine One Hundred and Ninety Ninth Commencement, December Fifteenth, Two Thousand and One, University of Maine
University of Maine One Hundred and Ninety Second Commencement, May Ninth, Nineteen Hundred and Nintey Eight, University of Maine
University of Maine One Hundred and Ninety Sixth Commencement, May Twentieth, Two Thousand, University of Maine
University of Maine One Hundred and Ninety Third Commencement, December Nineteenth, Nineteen Hundred and Ninety Eight, University of Maine
University of Maine One Hundred and Ninth Commencement, Friday, August 16, 1957, University of Maine
University of Maine One Hundred and Second Commencement, Friday, August 13, 1954, University of Maine
University of Maine One Hundred and Seventeenth Commencement, Friday, August 18, 1961, University of Maine
University of Maine One Hundred and Seventh Commencement, Friday, August 17, 1956, University of Maine
University of Maine One Hundred and Sixteenth Commencement, Sunday, June 11, 1961, University of Maine
University of Maine One Hundred and Sixth Commencement, Sunday, June 10, 1956, University of Maine
University of Maine One Hundred and Tenth Commencement, Sunday, June 8, 1958, University of Maine
University of Maine One Hundred and Tewntieth Commencement, Saturday, June 8, 1963, University of Maine
University of Maine One Hundred and Third Commencement, Friday, February 4, 1955, University of Maine
University of Maine One Hundred and Thirteenth Commencement, Friday, August 14, 1959, University of Maine
University of Maine One Hundred and Thirty Eighth Commencement, Saturday, January 24, 1970, University of Maine
University of Maine One Hundred and Thirty Fifth Commencement, Saturday, January 25, 1968, University of Maine
University of Maine One Hundred and Thirty Fourth Commencement, Friday, August 16, 1968, University of Maine
University of Maine One Hundred and Thirty Ninth Commencement, Friday, June 5, 1970, University of Maine
University of Maine One Hundred and Thirty Second Commencement, Saturday, January 20, 1968, University of Maine
University of Maine One Hundred and Thirty Seventh Commencement, Friday, August 15, 1969, University of Maine
University of Maine One Hundred and Thirty Sixth Commencement, Friday, June 6, 1969, University of Maine
University of Maine One Hundred and Thirty Third Commencement, Friday, June 7, 1968, University of Maine
University of Maine One Hundred and Twelfth Commencement, Sunday, June 7, 1959, University of Maine
University of Maine One Hundred and Twenty Eighth Commencement, Friday, August 19, 1966, University of Maine
University of Maine One Hundred and Twenty Fifth Commencement, Friday, August 20, 1965, University of Maine
University of Maine One Hundred and Twenty First Commencement, Friday, August 16, 1963, University of Maine
University of Maine One Hundred and Twenty Fourth Commencement, Wednesday, June 2, 1965, University of Maine
University of Maine One Hundred and Twenty Ninth Commencement, Saturday, January 21, 1967, University of Maine
University of Maine One Hundred and Twenty Second Commencement, Friday, June 5, 1964, University of Maine
University of Maine One Hundred and Twenty Seventh Commencement, Wednesday, June 1, 1966, University of Maine
University of Maine One Hundred and Twenty Sixth Commencement, Saturday, January 22, 1966, University of Maine
University of Maine One Hundred and Twenty Third Commencement, Friday, August 14, 1964, University of Maine
University of Maine One Hundredth Commencement, Friday, February 5, 1954, University of Maine
University of Maine Seventieth Annual Commencement, Monday, June 9, 1941, University of Maine
University of Maine Seventy Eighth Commencement, Sunday, June 24, 1945, University of Maine
University of Maine Seventy Fifth Commencement, Sunday, June 4, 1944, University of Maine
University of Maine Seventy First Annual Commencement, Monday, May 25, 1942, University of Maine
University of Maine Seventy Fourth Commencement, Friday, Deceomber 3, 1943, University of Maine
University of Maine Seventy Ninth Commencement, Sunday, June 16, 1946, University of Maine
University of Maine Seventy Third Annual Commencement, Sunday, May 23, 1943, University of Maine
University of Maine Sixtieth Annual Commencement, Monday, June 8, 1931, University of Maine
University of Maine Sixty Eighth Annual Commencement, Monday, June 12, 1939, University of Maine
University of Maine Sixty Fifth Annual Commencement, Monday, June 8, 1936, University of Maine
University of Maine Sixty First Annual Commencement, Monday, June 13, 1932, University of Maine
University of Maine Sixty Fourth Annual Commencement, Monday, June 10, 1935, University of Maine
University of Maine Sixty Ninth Annual Commencement, Monday, June 10, 1940, University of Maine
University of Maine Sixty Second Annual Commencement, Monday, June 12, 1933, University of Maine
University of Maine Sixty Seventh Annual Commencement, Monday, June 13, 1938, University of Maine
University of Maine Sixty Sixth Annual Commencement, Monday, June 14, 1937, University of Maine
University of Maine Sixty Third Annual Commencement, Monday, June 11, 1934, University of Maine
University of Maine Softball Media Guide, 1988, University of Maine Athletic Media Relations Office
University of Maine Softball Media Guide, 1989, University of Maine Athletic Media Relations Office
University of Maine Softball Media Guide, 1990, University of Maine Athletic Media Relations Office
University of Maine Softball Media Guide, 1991, University of Maine Athletic Media Relations Office
University of Maine Softball Media Guide, 1992, University of Maine Athletic Media Relations Office
University of Maine Softball Media Guide, 1993, University of Maine Athletic Media Relations Office
University of Maine Softball Media Guide, 1994, University of Maine Athletic Media Relations Office
University of Maine Softball Media Guide, 1995, University of Maine Athletic Media Relations Office
University of Maine Softball Media Guide, 1997, University of Maine Athletic Media Relations Office
University of Maine Softball Media Guide, 1998, University of Maine Athletic Media Relations Office
University of Maine Softball Media Guide, 1999, University of Maine Athletic Media Relations Office
University of Maine Softball Media Guide, 2000, University of Maine Athletic Media Relations Office
University of Maine Softball Media Guide, 2001, University of Maine Athletic Media Relations Office
University of Maine Softball Media Guide, 2002, University of Maine Athletic Media Relations Office
University of Maine Softball Media Guide, 2003, University of Maine Athletic Media Relations Office
University of Maine Softball Media Guide, 2004, University of Maine Athletic Media Relations Office
University of Maine Softball Media Guide, 2005, University of Maine Athletic Media Relations Office
University of Maine Softball Media Guide, 2006, University of Maine Athletic Media Relations Office
University of Maine Softball Media Guide, 2007, University of Maine Athletic Media Relations Office
University of Maine Softball Media Guide, 2008, University of Maine Athletic Media Relations Office
University of Maine Softball Media Guide, 2010, University of Maine Athletic Media Relations Office
University of Maine Softball Media Guide, 2011, University of Maine Athletic Media Relations Office
University of Maine & The University of Maine Machias 2023 Annual Security & Fire Safety Report, University of Maine Police Department
University of Maine Thirtieth Annual Commencement, Wednesday, June 12, 1901, University of Maine
University of Maine Thirty Eighth Annual Commencement, Wednesday, June 9, 1909, University of Maine
University of Maine Thirty Fifth Annual Commencement, Wednesday, June 13, 1906, University of Maine
University of Maine Thirty First Annual Commencement, Wednesday, June 11, 1902, University of Maine
University of Maine Thirty Fourth Annual Commencement, Wednesday, June 14, 1905, University of Maine
University of Maine Thirty Ninth Annual Commencement, Wednesday, June 8, 1910, University of Maine
University of Maine Thirty Second Annual Commencement, Wednesday, June 10, 1903, University of Maine
University of Maine Thirty Seventh Annual Commencement, Wednesday, June 10, 1908, University of Maine
University of Maine Thirty Sixth Annual Commencement, Wednesday, June 12, 1907, University of Maine
University of Maine Thirty Third Annual Commencement, Wednesday, June 8, 1904, University of Maine
University of Maine Twenty Eighth Annual Commencement, Wednesday, June Fourteen, 1899, University of Maine
University of Maine Twenty Ninth Annual Commencement, Wednesday, June Thirteen, 1900, University of Maine
University of Maine Twenty Seventh Annual Commencement, Wednesday, June Twenty Second, 1898, University of Maine
University of Maine Twenty Sixth Annual Commencement, June Twenty Third, Eighteen Hundred and Ninety Seven, University of Maine
University of Maine Two Hundred and Eighth Commencement, May 8, 2010, University of Maine
University of Maine Two Hundred and Eleventh Commencement, May 11, 2013, University of Maine
University of Maine Two Hundred and Fifth Commencement, May 12, 2007, University of Maine
University of Maine Two Hundred and First Commencement, May Seventeenth, Two Thousand and Three, University of Maine
University of Maine Two Hundred and Fourth Commencement, May 13, 2006, University of Maine
University of Maine Two Hundred and Ninth Commencement, May 7, 2011, University of Maine
University of Maine Two Hundred and Second Commencement, May Eighth, Two Thousand and Four, University of Maine
University of Maine Two Hundred and Seventh Commencement, May 9, 2009, University of Maine
University of Maine Two Hundred and Sixth Commencement, May 10, 2008, University of Maine
University of Maine Two Hundred and Tenth Commencement, May 5, 2012, University of Maine
University of Maine Two Hundred and Third Commencement, May 7, 2005, University of Maine
University of Maine Two Hundred and Thirteenth Commencement, May 9, 2015, University of Maine
University of Maine Two Hundred and Twelfth Commencement, May 10, 2014, University of Maine
University of Maine Two Hundredth Commencement, May Eighteenth, Two Thousand and Two, University of Maine
University of Maine Volleyball Media Guide, 2000, University of Maine Athletic Media Relations Office
University of Maine Volleyball Media Guide, 2001, University of Maine Athletic Media Relations Office
University of Maine Volleyball Media Guide, 2003, University of Maine Athletic Media Relations Office
University of Maine Volleyball Media Guide, 2004, University of Maine Athletic Media Relations Office
University of Maine Volleyball Media Guide, 2005, University of Maine Athletic Media Relations Office
University of Maine Volleyball Media Guide, 2006, University of Maine Athletic Media Relations Office
University of Maine Volleyball Media Guide, 2007, University of Maine Athletic Media Relations Office
University of Maine Volleyball Media Guide, 2008, University of Maine Athletic Media Relations Office
University of Maine Women's Ice Hockey Media Guide, 2002-2003, University of Maine Athletic Media Relations Office
University of Maine Women's Ice Hockey Media Guide, 2003-2004, University of Maine Athletic Media Relations Office
University of Maine Women's Ice Hockey Media Guide, 2004-2005, University of Maine Athletic Media Relations Office
University of Maine Women's Ice Hockey Media Guide, 2005-2006, University of Maine Athletic Media Relations Office
University of Maine Women's Ice Hockey Media Guide, 2007-2008, University of Maine Athletic Media Relations Office
University of Maine Women's Ice Hockey Media Guide, 2008-2009, University of Maine Athletic Media Relations Office
University of Maine Women's Ice Hockey Media Guide, 2010-2011, University of Maine Athletic Media Relations Office
Unveiling Regional Economic Patterns: Regional Business Cycles in Maine, Ruth Griffith, Andrew Crawley, and Adam Daigneault
Upcoming Arts Events, Office of the Vice President for Research
Upcoming Arts Events, Office of the Vice President for Research
Upcoming MAIER 2023 Professional Development, Maine Autism Institute for Education and Research
Upcoming Religious Holidays, Spring 2024, Office of the Executive Vice President for Academic Affairs & Provost
Update to Maine Department of Education, January through June 2023, from Maine Access to Inclusive Education and Resources, Anica Miller-Rushing
Up in Smoke: Myths & Facts About Cannabis, University of Maine Counseling Center and University of Maine Student Wellness Resource Center
Uptake Takeaways: Soil-to-Crop Movement of Per- and Polyfluoroalkyl Substances (PFAS) in a Paired Field and Greenhouse Study, Alexandra E. Scearce
Us and Them: An Oral History of Life on the Summer Estates in Coastal Hancock County, Maine, Pamela E. Dean
Use Your Voice to Inform Policy on the proposed Lifetime Waiver, Maine Autism Institute for Education and Research
Using CDOM Optical Properties to Estimate Its Source, Distribution, and DOC Conentration in Maine Estuaries, Camille Michaud
Using Probe Data to Understand the Impact of the Covid-19 Pandemic on Roadway Safety, Ennis W. Marshall
Using Registered Apprenticeship to Build a Sustainable Teacher Workforce, Walter Kimball
Using the Tarot to Heal: A Study of the Use of Tarot in Therapeutic Settings and the Creation of a Major Arcana, Venae DeMarte
Values Underlying Conflict and Adaptation Visions in a Rapidly Changing Small-Scale Fishing Community in Chile, Sarah A. Ebel, Christine M. Beitl, and Michael P. Torre
VEMI Newsletter, October 2024, University of Maine Virtual Environments and Multimodal Interaction (VEMI) Laboratory
Vermont and New Hampshire: Two Roads Diverging Yet Again?, Paul Petterson
Vermont and the 2008 Election: Continuing a Pattern, James T. McHugh
Vermont Politics: Consistently Contrarian, Paul Petterson
Vermont Politics in 2023-2024: Political Continuity and Changing Realities, Paul Petterson
Vermont's Other Elected U.S. Senators, Jim Jeffords, George Aiken, and Pat Leahy: Two Seats and Three Books, Garrison Nelson
View of Oldtown, on the Penobscot River, Maine
Visiting a Tuberculosis Sanitorium
Visiting Fort Knox, Prospect, Maine
Visiting Smart's Island on Mattamiscontis Lake, Joseph Emery Smart Jr.
Voices from Maine Fishing Communities, a Selection of Oral History Interviews, Natalie Springuel
Volleyball in Lengyel Hall, University of Maine
Voter ID in Rhode Island, Maureen Moakley
Voter Registration Table, University of Maine
Voters in Representative Town Meeting Elections, Shannon Jenkins, Douglas D. Roscoe, and David Borges
Voting Information, University of Maine Division of Student Life
Voting Politics in the American States, Alec C. Ewald
Voting Restriction Politics in Maine, Amy Fried and Emily Shaw
Voting Restriction Politics in Minnesota and Wisconsin, Davida J. Alperin and Neil Kraus
Wabanaki Experiences and Perspectives on “Our Shared Ocean”: Maine Indian Tribal-State Commission Special Report Sea Run, Anthony W. Sutton, Judson Esty-Kendall, and Paul Thibeault
Washingtonia (1925), Washington State Normal School
Washingtonia (1926), Washington State Normal School
Washingtonia (1927), Washington State Normal School
Washingtonia (1928), Washington State Normal School
Washingtonia (1929), Washington State Normal School
Washingtonia (1930), Washington State Normal School
Washingtonia (1931), Washington State Normal School
Washingtonia (1932), Washington State Normal School
Washingtonia (1933), Washington State Normal School
Washingtonia (1934), Washington State Normal School
Washingtonia (1935), Washington State Normal School
Washingtonia (1936), Washington State Normal School
Washingtonia (1937), Washington State Normal School
Washingtonia (1938), Washington State Normal School
Washingtonia (1939), Washington State Normal School
Washingtonia (1940), Washington State Normal School
Washingtonia (1941), Washington State Normal School
Washingtonia (1942), Washington State Normal School
Washingtonia (1943), Washington State Normal School
Washingtonia (1944), Washington State Normal School
Washingtonia (1945), Washington State Normal School
Washingtonia (1946), Washington State Normal School
Washingtonia (1947), Washington State Normal School
Washingtonia (1948), Washington State Normal School
Washingtonia (1949), Washington State Normal School
Washingtonia (1950), Washington State Normal School
Washingtonia (1951), Washington State Normal School
Washingtonia (1952), Washington State Normal School
Washingtonia (1953), Washington State Teachers College
Washingtonia (1954), Washington State Teachers College
Washingtonia (1955), Washington State Teachers College
Washingtonia (1956), Washington State Teachers College
Washingtonia (1957), Washington State Teachers College
Washingtonia (1958), Washington State Teachers College
Washingtonia (1959), Washington State Teachers College
Washingtonia (1960), Washington State Teachers College
Washingtonia (1961), Washington State Teachers College
Washingtonia (1962), Washington State Teachers College
Washingtonia (1963), Washington State Teachers College
Washingtonia (1964), Washington State Teachers College
Washingtonia (1965), Washington State Teachers College
Washingtonia (1966), Washington State Teachers College
Washingtonia (1967), Washington State Teachers College
Washingtonia (1968), Washington State Teachers College
Washingtonia (1969), Washington State Teachers College
Washingtonia (1970), University of Maine Machias
Washingtonia (1971), University of Maine Machias
Washingtonia (1972), University of Maine Machias
Washingtonia (1973), University of Maine Machias
Washingtonia (1974), University of Maine Machias
Washingtonia (1975), University of Maine Machias
Washingtonia (1976), University of Maine Machias
Washingtonia (1977), University of Maine Machias
Washingtonia (1978), University of Maine Machias
Washingtonia (1979), University of Maine Machias
Washingtonia (1980), University of Maine Machias
Washingtonia (1981), University of Maine Machias
Washingtonia (1982), University of Maine Machias
Washingtonia (1983), University of Maine Machias
Washingtonia (1992), University of Maine Machias
Washingtonia (1993), University of Maine Machias
Washingtonia (1994), University of Maine Machias
Washingtonia (1995), University of Maine Machias
Washingtonia (1996), University of Maine Machias
Washingtonia (1997), University of Maine Machias
Washingtonia (1998), University of Maine Machias
Washingtonia (1999), University of Maine Machias
Washingtonia (Christmas 1914), Washington State Normal School
Washingtonia (Class Album 1925), Washington State Normal School
Washingtonia (Fall 1910), Washington State Normal School
Washingtonia (Fall 1911), Washington State Normal School
Washingtonia (Fall 1912), Washington State Normal School
Washingtonia (Fall 1913), Washington State Normal School
Washingtonia (Graduation 1915), Washington State Normal School
Washingtonia (Humorous 1915), Washington State Normal School
Washingtonia (June 1914), Washington State Normal School
Washingtonia (Mid-Year 1913-14), Washington State Normal School
Washingtonia (Model School 1915), Washington State Normal School
Washingtonia (Spring 1911), Washington State Normal School
Washingtonia (Spring 1912), Washington State Normal School
Washingtonia (Spring 1913), Washington State Normal School
Washingtonia (Winter 1911), Washington State Normal School
Washingtonia (Winter 1912), Washington State Normal School
Washingtonia (Winter 1913), Washington State Normal School
Was It Love?, Irving Caesar, Con Conrad, and Rosenthal
Was It Love?, Irving Caesar, Con Conrad, and Rosenthal
Wedding Portrait, Margaret Smart and Freeman E. Hussey
Welcome Back Picnic, University of Maine Provost's Office
Wellness Promotion and the Institute of Medicine's Future of Nursing Report: Are Nurses Ready?, Kelley A. Strout Dr
“We’re the Town’s Help Desk:” Social Work Creep in America’s Last Public Space, Diana Furukawa, Olivia Scott, and Ben Treat
West Branch Logging Camp Clerk Henry A. Milliken's Newspaper Writings: An Annotated Bibliography, 1927-1977, William W. Geller
Whatever Happened to the Republican 'Lock' on the Electoral Collge?, Steven Taylor
What Gives Me Hope, Heather M. Leslie
"What Has the Emperor To Do with the Church?": A History of Religious Politics in Donatist Africa, John Lander
What is Marxian Communism? Limning the Post-Revolutionary Utopia By Implication, Teodora Blejeru
What is Missing? Policy Silences in Rural Serving Post Secondary Articulation Agreements, Bragdon Tobby and Kathleen Gillon
What’s Keeping Public Library Trustees Up at Night?, Deborah A. Clark and Jenny Melvin Smith
Where are Wood Banks Needed in Maine? Statewide Wood Bank Demand Analysis, Jessica Leahy and Mindy S. Crandall
Where Are You From Interactive Map
Whither Republican Women in New England?, Laurel Elder
Whole: Interconnectedness Explored, System-wide, in a Jail, Elizabeth Duncombe
Who’s Who in Maine Aquaculture? Understanding the Landscape of Aquaculture Actors and Priorities, Caitlin Cleaver, Robin Fail, Molly Miller, Emily Farr, Jessica Batchelder, Marissa McMahan Ph.D., and Maeve Staab
“Why Are You Seeking Out Farm Training?” 2022 New Farmer Survey Results, Jonathan Malacarne and Christina Howard
Why Do Rebel and Criminal Groups Provide Social Services?, Sydney Lorom
Why Is the Depletion of Our Important Fish Stocks so Persistent?, James A. Wilson
Why (not) Ethics? Henry Thoreau's Experimental Privatism, Jonathan McKenzie
Wild Blueberries 1999 CSREES Progress Reports, Alfred A. Bushway, Bodhan Slabyj, Russell Hazen, Darrell W. Donahue, Frank A. Drummond, Judith A. Collins, Rodney J. Bushway, Brian Perkins, Seanna L. Annis, Connie S. Stubbs, John M. Smagula, Walter Litten, Richard Dyer, Karen Loennecker, David E. Yarborough, Timothy M. Hess, David Lambert, and John Jemison
Wild Blueberry Nutrition Under Climate Change, Rafa Tasnim
Wilde Stein Conference Session
Wilde Stein (University of Maine) Records, 1972-2023, Special Collections, Raymond H. Fogler Library, University of Maine
William Chandler Royal, Elmer Chickering
William Crotty, ed., Polarized Politics: The Impact of Divisiveness on the U.S. Political System, Robert G. Boatright
Winifred Mary Squiers, Portrait by Waddington
Winter Parking Ban and Faculty/Staff Permits, University of Maine Parking Services
Winter Professional Development Programs, UMaine Professional Development and Continuing Education
Winter Wonders at the Planetarium, Shawn Laatsch
Winthrop Libby with a Student, University of Maine
Wood Bank Demand Analysis Map, Jessica Leahy and Mindy S. Crandall
Wood Banks are Keeping Communities Warm, Elisa Schine
Workforce Sustainability in Maine’s Coastal Industries: Strategies to Diversify, Train, and Bolster the Workforce, Jessica L. Picard
Yo' Cain't Git Yo' Lodgin' Here, Edward Morris
Yo' Cain't Git Yo' Lodgin' Here, Edward Morris
You Are Love, Jerome Kern and Oscar Hammerstein
You Are Love, Jerome Kern and Oscar Hammerstein
You Can't Blame Me For That, Ed G Nelson and Harry Pease
You Can't Blame Me For That, Ed G Nelson and Harry Pease
You'd Rather Forget Than Forgive, Joe Davis and Howard E Johnson
You'd Rather Forget Than Forgive, Joe Davis and Howard E Johnson
You Know Why, Jack Bankey and Hymon Cheiffetz
You Know Why, Jack Bankey and Hymon Cheiffetz
You're A Real Sweetheart, Cliff Friend and Irving Caesar
You're A Real Sweetheart, Cliff Friend and Irving Caesar
You're My Necessity : I'd Be Lost Without You, Lew Brown, B. G De Sylva, and Henderson
You're My Necessity : I'd Be Lost Without You, Lew Brown, B. G De Sylva, and Henderson
You're The Cream In My Coffee, Lew Brown, B. G De Sylva, and Henderson
You're The Cream In My Coffee, Lew Brown, B. G De Sylva, and Henderson
Youth Self Advocacy Opportunity, Maine Autism Institute for Education and Research
You Took Advantage Of Me, Richard Rodgers and Lorenz Hart
You Took Advantage Of Me, Richard Rodgers and Lorenz Hart
You've Got A Way With You, Richard Myers and Leo Robin
You've Got A Way With You, Richard Myers and Leo Robin
You Wouldn't Fool Me, Would You?, Lew Brown, B. G De Sylva, and Henderson
You Wouldn't Fool Me, Would You?, Lew Brown, B. G De Sylva, and Henderson
Yvon Labbe, Jacob Albert