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All rights reserved. No part of this article may be reproduced in any manner whatsoever without written permission from the author/copyright holder, except in the case of brief quotations embodied in critical articles and reviews.

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Abstract/ Summary

Abstract provided by author: Henry A. Milliken, a Great Northern Paper Company logging camp operations clerk 1926-1939, wrote 230 articles for the Bangor, Lewiston and Portland newspapers between 1926 and 1977. He was one of only five West Branch loggers who wrote a substantial amount about their experiences and observations in logging operations and the only writer whose focus was the human nature of the men in the logging operation jobs he wrote about. With all his topics Milliken provides a context that includes how each topic evolved over time and why. The annotations highlight and clarify the nature of the information in each piece as opposed to summarizing it. Milliken’s voice is an important part of his articles and is only discovered by reading them. These articles are all easily found and read online as noted in the text; most through and the balance through Fogler Library’s Digital Commons. Milliken’s collective work is an important and unduplicated contribution to West Branch logging history.


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