The University of Maine Electronic Theses and Dissertations (ETD) project is a joint effort of Fogler Library and the Graduate School. Our goals are "to improve graduate education, increase sharing of knowledge, help universities build their information infrastructure, and extend the value of digital libraries," in keeping with those of the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations, a national initiative of which the University of Maine is a member.
This online collection features the final theses and dissertations approved by the Graduate School of the University of Maine.
For more information about finding additional theses and dissertations or obtaining copies of those not available electronically, see Fogler Library's Subject Guide on Theses & Dissertations.
Questions can also be directed to Fogler Library's Special Collections Department by phone at (207) 581-1686 or email at
Theses/Dissertations from 2024
Failure of Smooth Grouted Post-Tension Anchors in Dams, Christopher M. Abela
Exploring Natural Colors from Ochre and Plants to Paint and Print, Charles Adjaye
Deep Eutectic Solvent Systems For Effective Lignin Fractionation, Gloria Agyapong
Reaction Kinetics Analysis of Furfural Production from Xylose Dehydration and Analysis of Reactor Material Effects on Kinetic Parameters, Faeze Akbari Beni
The Antioxidants and Anti-inflammatories Benefit of Broccoli Sprout Diets and Their Relation to Health, Tolu Esther Alaba
Flexural Behavior of Scaled-Down Cross-Laminated Timber Beams Under Short- and Long-Term Loadings: Experimental & Numerical Investigations, Maitham Alabbad
Artificial Intelligence and UAVs Application in Enhancement of Bridge Inspection, Zahra Ameli
The Relationship between Teachers’ Job Satisfaction and the Implementation of an Esser Funded Top-down Directive: a Qualitative Case Study, Kimberly Andersson
An Enhancement of the Properties of Cellulose Nanofibril Composites for Biomedical Applications, Cameron G. Andrews
Co-Depolymerization of Lignin and Plastic Waste Using Hydrothermal Liquefaction Technology, Somtochukwu Anonyuo
The Effects of Moral Violations on Parasocial Relationships with Influencers, Julie Aprill
Optimization of Reactive Power Compensation Settings for Solar Power Plants in Volt/Var Mode, Samuel Eniola Aremu
Exploring Crop Management Impacts to Soil Health in Maine Potato Production, Katherine A. Ashley
Dusk (...and other times Death is listening), Jason Aylmer
Analysis of Hybrid Hydrogel Scaffolds for Post-bioprinting Density Variation of 3D-printed Chlorella Microalgae Cells, Olubusuyi Ayowole
Comparative Analysis Of Volt/Var Control Strategies in a Distribution Network, Sahil Aziz
Participation in Types of Interreligious Dialogue: The Role of Religious Identity and Threat, Sally B. Barker
The Complex Entanglement of Conservation, Livelihood and Markets: Governance of the Sundarbans Mangrove in the Neoliberal Era, Mohammed Baten
Reciprocal Subsidies in Sub-Alpine Ponds and the Influence of a Range-Shifting Caddisfly, Parker Bausman
My Body is Not My Body, Crystal A. Bell
A Microengineering Approach to Modeling Neuromuscular Development, Kailey E. Bell
Irrigation Strategies and Precipitation Scenario Effects on Wild Blueberries, Ali Bello
Interactions between Timber Harvest and the Aquatic Ecology of Northern White-Cedar (Thuja occidentalis) Lowland Forests, Stevie Benson
Full Annual Cycle Analysis of American Woodcock (Scolopax minor) Distribution, Habitat Use, and Migration Ecology, Liam A. Berigan
Optimization-based Integrated Voltage and Frequency Support for Microgrids using Energy Storage Systems, Niranjan Bhujel
Screen for Candida albicans Virulence Factors that Modulate the Host Immune Response in the Larval Zebrafish, Bailey A. Blair
Investigation of Calcium and Calmodulin Signaling During JC Polyomavirus Infection, Avery Bond
Rural Realities and Equity in Vertical Transfer Pathways: Reshaping Policy Discourses in Higher Education Articulation Agreement Policies, Tobby Joshua Bragdon
Fast Woman, Slow Art: Weaving Personal History Into the Fabric of Art, Jessica J. Brainerd
Global Spatiotemporal Patterns of Pleistocene Large Mammal Extinction: Integrating the Evidence and Resolving the Contradictions, Nikhil Brocchini
The Relative Age Effect: Ensuring Student Success Regardless of Birth Month, Geoffrey E. Bruno
The Attention Project, Susan Bryand
Transing My Gender: An Exploration of the Process of Becoming Me, Equinox Charette
Evaluation of Anodes and Modular Membrane-Less Single Cell Reactor Designs for On-Site Hypochlorous Acid Generation, Nelson C. Chime
Mechanistic Study of Photochemical and Advanced Oxidation Processes for Degradation of Pharmaceuticals in Water, Melissa J. Chisholm
The "Communal Gaze:" How the Collective Community Responds to the Narratives of Sexual Violence Vocalized by Black Women, Brianna Christie
Development and Evaluation of Novel Microparticulate Technologies for the Delivery of Essential Nutrients to Marine Fish Larvae, Kara M. Chuang
Mesopelagic Microplastic Transport Interactions With the Biological Carbon Pump, Mikayla Clark
The Molecular Detection of Sphaerulina vaccinii: A Leaf Spot Pathogen of Lowbush Blueberry, Zoe Colwell
Risk Perceptions of Tick-borne Diseases in Maine, MacKenzie Conant
Reconstructing the Paleotempestology Record From the Tibes Indigenous Ceremonial Center at Ponce, Puerto Rico, Karina Cortijo-Robles
GaN HEMT Quartz Crystal Oscillator Topologies for High Temperature Applications, Emily Currie
Developing a Mass Optimization Tool for Floating Offshore Wind Turbine Foundations Based on Site Conditions, Turbine Size, and Constructability Requirements, Joseph H. Dagher
Applications of Environmental DNA Metabarcoding in Stream Biomonitoring, Beth Y. Davis
Pacific Herring: Alaskan Native Traditional Foods in Export Markets, Krissa A. Davis
What Is Your Metaphor? Disrupting Wholeness in Teacher Education, Virginia Dearani
Chemical Composition, Food Safety and Quality Characteristics of Birch Syrup in Comparison to Maple Syrup, Djeneba Diarra
"For Truth and Right:" Rev. Amos Noë Freeman and Portland, Maine's Abyssinian Church, 1826 to 1917, Susan E. Dickson-Smith
Native Frequency Domain Monte Carlo Simulation of Spatial Frequency Domain Imaging for Look-Up Table Generation, Daemon A. Dikeman
Characterizing the Effects of Connectivity Restoration on the Upstream Migrations of Two Diadromous Fish Species in Maine, Cody Dillingham
Middle and High School Teachers’ Perceptions of Data Literacy Concepts, Madeline Dougherty
Whole: Interconnectedness Explored, System-wide, in a Jail, Elizabeth Duncombe
Discovery of Nanostructured Material Properties For Advanced Polymeric Systems, Colton Lee Duprey
Bridging the Domain Gap in the Transformer Era for Cross View Geo-Localization, Abhilash Durgam
Experimental Investigation and Numerical Modeling of Carbonation of Non-plastic Soils Mixed With Hydrated Lime, Andres F. Espinosa
Investigation of Magneto Hydrodynamic Drives for Blood Flow Assist Pumps, Faija Farjana
Sense Making in a Creative Practice, Augusta S. Farnum
Faculty Beliefs about Adult Learner Memory and Associated Factors: An Exploratory Study, Anne L. Fensie
Spatial and Demographic Variations in Apparent Annual Survival of Golden-Winged Warblers: a Range-Wide Investigation, Emily Filiberti
Exploration of Liquid-infused Urinary Catheters: Fabrication, Functionality, and Liquid Loss, Chun Ki Fong
Cost-effective and Efficient Monitoring and Management of Maine's Spruce Budworm Outbreak, Allison E. Foster
Drivers of Spatio-temporal Dynamics in Long-term Studies of Mammal and Bird Populations in Maine, Gabriela Franzoi Dri
Rurality and Robustness: Rural Communities and Housing Insecurity Risk, Steve Garcia
Phantasmagorya: An Experiment in Monstrous Poetics, Christopher W. Gardner
Reckoning With Religion in Southern Queer Lit: An Auto-Critical Approach, Amanda Garrod
Identification of Conceptual Neighborhoods and Topological Relations in Z2, Brendan P. Hall
Advancing Research and Engagement to Strengthen Ties Between Paleoenvironmental Research and Indigenous Communities, Kit M. Hamley
Scaling, Modeling, and Resilience of the Arctic Boreal Ecosystem, Wouter Hantson
Effects of a College-Based Nutrition and Cooking Education Intervention Program on Health-Related Quality of Life, Emalee Harrington
Enhancing Long Sequence Time-Series Forecasting through Spatial Embedding Integration, Dorothy S. Harris
Theory and Sensor Feasibility of Lateral Field Excited Acoustic Wave Devices, Jequil Hartz
An Interdisciplinary Review: How Rapid Climate Change is Impacting Human Health, Environmental Policy, and Voter Behavior, Douglas Hasson
A Prototype Upper Arm Exoskeleton for Evaluating the Response of Human Subjects to Kinesthetic Feedback, Liam Hawthorne
Boundaries, Learning, and Collective Action: a Socio-Ecological Analysis of Fisheries in the Gulf of Maine and the North Atlantic, Anne CJ Hayden
Physical and Biological Responses to Climate-driven Shifts in Greenland Lakes Across Multiple Temporal and Spatial Scales, Vaclava Hazukova
Object (of) Permanence: Stories, Michelle B. Hoeckel-Neal
There and Back Again: Creating, Characterizing, and Curing Murine Models of Rare Neuromuscular Disease, Sarah Holbrook
Examining the Impact of Implementation Fidelity Mandates on Instructional Practices in K-8 Settings: A Critical Qualitative Study, Anita L. Hopkins
Effects of a Brief RO DBT Intervention on Overcontrolled Adolescents: Loneliness, Connectedness, and Gender Differences, Jennifer Hugg
Effects of Personality on Cache Pilferage and Activity Patterns in Maine's Forest-Dwelling Small Mammals, Brigit R. Humphreys
The Effects of Forest Management Practices Across Spatial Scales on Tick Densities, Wildlife Communities, and Tick-Borne Pathogen Transmission, Stephanie N. Hurd
The Impact of Feedback on Teacher Professional Growth, Eric Hutchins
Spray Drying of Cellulose Nanofibrils and Cellulose Nanocrystals: Applications in Thermoplastic Nanocomposites and 3D Printing, Sungjun Hwang
Towards a Pleasurable Food Experience: Influencing People's Liking, Taste Perceptions, and Mediated Emotions Using Augmented Flavor Experiences, Meetha Nesam James Ravindran Santhakumar
Integrating Life History and Environmental DNA (eDNA) Data to Enhance Detection of Sea Scallop (Placopecten magellanicus) Populations, Phoebe Jekielek
Land-Sea Connection of Microplastic Fiber Pollution in Frenchman Bay, Maine, Grace A. Johnson
Local Converse Theorem For 2-Dimensional Representations of Weil Groups, William LP Johnson
Longevity of Extrusion-based 3D Printed Polymer Matrix Composite Materials in Construction, Prabhat Khanal
Computational Acceleration of a CFD-DEM Solver for Dynamic Granular Media with Consideration of Energy Equations, Alireza Kianimoqadam
3D Printing for Scale-Model Testing: Design, Build and Measurement of Four Hulls, Thomas Klodenski
Detrital Zircon Geochronology of the Central Maine Basin: Implications for Provenance and Tectonic History, Piper Kramer