The University of Maine Electronic Theses and Dissertations (ETD) project is a joint effort of Fogler Library and the Graduate School. Our goals are "to improve graduate education, increase sharing of knowledge, help universities build their information infrastructure, and extend the value of digital libraries," in keeping with those of the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations, a national initiative of which the University of Maine is a member.
This online collection features the final theses and dissertations approved by the Graduate School of the University of Maine.
For more information about finding additional theses and dissertations or obtaining copies of those not available electronically, see Fogler Library's Subject Guide on Theses & Dissertations.
Questions can also be directed to Fogler Library's Special Collections Department by phone at (207) 581-1686 or email at
Theses/Dissertations from 2022
The City with a Bathtub Ring: A Century of Shared Industrial Identity in Belfast, Maine, Michael Munson
Low Cost and Reliable Wireless Sensor Networks for Environmental Monitoring, Sonia Naderi
Development of a Structural Finite Element Modeling Approach for Hybrid Composite-Steel Shipping Containers, Jason Nagy
Botanically Inclined: Elementary Students' Knowledge of Plant Structures and Their Functions Captured in Drawings, Emilie Oesterlin
Strategies to Promote Value and Resilience in the American Lobster (Homarus americanus) Industry, Nicole Orminski
Improving Degree of Delignification and Selectivity of Oxygen Delignification of Southern Pine Kraft Pulp, Azadeh Pahlevanzadeh
Road Salt Use Analysis in the Context of Changing Winter Weather Conditions, Dikshya Parajuli
Development and Testing of a 1:70 Scale Model Wind Turbine of the IEA Reference 15 MW Floating Offshore System, Amber Parker
Reconciliationism and the Professionalization of History: a Case Study in the Legacy of White Supremacy and Abuse of History in Early Twentieth Century History Textbooks, Carol Patterson-Martineau
Career Readiness of Recently Credentialed Registered Dietitian Nutritionists, Maegan Perrault
The Long-term Impact of Dam Removals on Penobscot River Migratory Fishes, Erin Peterson
Glaciochemical Investigations in Three Southern Hemisphere Mountain Sites, Mariusz Potocki
Sustainability Conversations for Impact: Transdisciplinarity on Four Scales, Katrina Brewster Pugh
Nanomaterials for Sustainability: Using Spectroscopy and Quantum Chemistry for Microkinetic Modeling of Thermo- and Photo- Catalysts, Amir Rahmani Chokanlu
The CPSA and PSR Proteins of Streptococcus agalactiae Provide a United Front to Protect Against the Host Immune System, Atefeh Rajaei
Optimization of a Lightweight Floating Offshore Wind Turbine with Water-Ballast Motion Mitigation Technology, William Ramsay
Charged-Particle Interactions to Generate Novel Coatings and Materials, Pradnya D. Rao
Quantitative Silviculture of Northern Conifers, David G. Ray
Carbon Dioxide Emissions from Deadwood in Forests of the Northeastern United States, Zoe Read
Measuring & Planning for Community & Climate Resilience, Joseph Reed
Weak Gravitational Lensing Analysis in Two Superclusters of Galaxies, Sarah B. Rice
Wave and Tide Driven Nearshore Processes: Implications for Tidal Asymmetry and Coastal Protection, Samuel Rickerich
Linking Local Knowledge & Community Science in Support of Coastal Marine Stewardship, Sarah Risley
Reinsmen, Roadways and the Emerging Northern Maine Frontier, 1810-1860, Loretta M. Risner
Reinsmen, Roadways, and the Emerging Northern Maine Frontier, 1810-1860, Loretta Mary Risner
Borderline Grading Decisions: The Factors that Influence the Choices of High School Physical Science Teachers, Kate Roberts
I am Kind, I am Smart, I am Important: The Effects of Self- Affirmation on Women’s Confrontational Responses to Sexism, Kathryn L. Roderick
Assessment of Cellular Alignment and Proliferation on Cellulose Nanofibril(CNF) Films, Sahar Roozbahani
Design, Implementation, and Test of Spacecraft Antennae and a Ground Station for MESAT1, Travis Russell
Development and Production of Cellulose Nanocrystal Fillers, PVA Fibers and Composite PVA/CNC Fibers with Electro-Spray/Spinning for Application in Thermoplastic Reinforcement, J. Elliott Sanders
The Effects of a Universal Income Transfer on Food Insecurity within Households, Prianka Maria Sarker
Statistical Analysis of Frequency and Severity of Lane Departure Crashes in Maine, Alainie A. Sawtelle
Biophysical Interactions and Social Perceptions of Ixodes scapularis (Acari: Ixodidae) Exposure Risk Due to Climate Change, Brittany Schappach
Northern White-Cedar Stand Structure, Composition, and Ecophysiology: Implications for Management and Climate Change Resilience, Katlyn Schulz
Modeling The Impact of The COVID-19 Pandemic on Speeding at Rural Roadway Facilities in Maine Using Short-Term Speed and Traffic Count Data., Amirhossein Shahlaeegilan
Co-rumination, Romantic Relationships, and Depressive Symptom Development in Adolescence, Jessica L. Shankman
Socio-Economic Resilience of Natural Resource Dependent Communities, Gabrielle Sherman
Micro-particle Entrainment From Density Mismatching Mixture by Dip Coating Process, S M Abu Naser Shovon
Searching for a Solution to Political Polarization in the U.S. Through a Feminist Ethics of Care, Marissa Smith
Performance Enhancement of Hyperspectral Semantic Segmentation Leveraging Ensemble Networks, Nicholas Soucy
Genetic Characterization of Centromere-Mediated Uniparental Genome Elimination in Arabidopsis, Diana Spencer
Mixing Processes in Tidally Pulsed River Plumes: Mechanisms, Significance, and Variability, Preston Spicer
Archaeological Bivalves as El Niño-Southern Oscillation (Enso) Proxies, Frankie St. Amand
On the Notion of a Medium, Keaton Studebaker
Development of Methods for Surface Modification of Semiconductor Photocatalysts and Biopolymers for Applications in Water Treatment and 3D Printing, Sabrina Sultana
Supporting Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion Learning in White Majority Settings, Susan Thibedeau
The Day the Day Fell Asleep, Christopher Thomas
The Role of Internal and External Coaches in Supporting Implementation of Proficiency Based Learning at the Secondary Level, Katie M. Thompson
A Sky Island Perspective: New England Alpine Plant Distributions Across the Region, Andrea Tirrell
What Women Bring to the Fight: An Analysis of Female Leadership in U.S. National Security, Alison Tobey
The Value of Peer Supervisory Practices, Josh Tripp
Miss USA Meets Feminism: A Qualitative Study Exploring Contestants' Thoughts on Feminism, Julia Van Steenberghe
Orion's Eyes, Adam Ray Wagner
Development and Characterization of Bound Metal Deposition Including Laser Ablation, Alexander J. Watson
How Race, Gender, and Body Positioning Impact Perceptions and Interactions With Those in Power, Adele Weaver
Optimization of Synthetic Mooring Systems for Floating Offshore Wind Turbines, William M. West
Structure From Motion Methodology Captures Seasonal Influences on Coastal Bluff Erosion and Landslide Hazards in Casco Bay, ME, Nicholas Whiteman
Teacher Listening and Reflection as a Way to Broaden Teacher Pedagogical Conceptual Understanding of Mathematics at the Elementary Level, Glen D. Widmer
Exploring Reusable Takeout Packaging as an Alternative to Disposable Plastics in Maine's Restaurant Industry, Jared Wildwistle
Teacher Growth in Knowledge of Conservation of Energy and in Self-Efficacy, Paul H. Wilson
Quantifying the Carbon Sequestration and Economic Potential of Natural Climate Solutions from Maine's Working Forests, Logan Woodyard
Engineering the Spectrum of Near-Field Thermal Radiation, Saman Zare
The Effects of Regional Separatism on Late Roman Identity in Fourteenth-Century Byzantium, Evangelos Zarkadas
Theses/Dissertations from 2021
Lexicographic Sensitivity Functions for Nonsmooth Models in Mathematical Biology, Matthew D. Ackley
An Investigation of Students' Use and Understanding of Evaluation Strategies, Abolaji R. Akinyemi
Circulation and Transport Timescales in Tidally Dominated Estuaries, Sohaib Alahmed
Development of a Novel Haptic Feedback System for Gait Training Applications, Mohsen Alizadeh Noghani
Understanding Hydrologic Risk Within the Context of Climate Variability and Atmospheric Moisture Pathways, Ali Aljoda
Comparison Between CPU and GPU for Parallel Implementation for a Neural Network Model Using Tensorflow and a Big Dataset, Intisar Alkaabwi
Design, Quantification, and Strengthening of Interface Interaction Between Aramid Fibers and Polymer Matrix, Karrar Al-Quraishi
NIMBY: A Look into Public Perceptions of Aquaculture, Nicholas D. Alvarez
Subliminal, Eric Arnold
Modern and Paleo Perspectives on the Role of the Westerlies in Glaciation, Alexander Audet
Soil Organic Carbon in Maine, Its Responses to Biochar Addition, and Climate Change, Xue Bai
And Drop, Lydia Balestra
A Concealment Shoe as Ritualistic Grieving Gesture: A Case Study in an Early 20th Century Maine Finnish Immigrant Community, Anne Bardaglio
Discards & Diverse Economies: Reuse in Rural Maine, Brieanne Berry
Thermal and Mechanical Numerical Modeling of Extrusion-based 3d Printed Reinforced Polymers for Selecting Manufacturing Process Parameters, Sunil Bhandari
Investigation of Mass-Manufactured Nanostructured Material for Contamination Detection via Structural Color Analysis, Oisin Biswas
Gait Rehabilitation Using Biomechanics and Exoskeletons, Jacob Bloom
Individual Differences and Ecological Validity of Emotion Regulation in Response to Sadness, Colin M. Bosma
The Impacts of Embryonic Arsenic Exposure of Fundulus heteroclitus, Torey Bowser
Forest Phenology in Maine: Trends and Drivers Over the Past Two Decades and Implications for Resource Managers, Valeria Briones
Marine Aquaculture in Maine: Understanding Diverse Perspectives and Interactions at Multiple Scales, Melissa L. Britsch
Food Safety and Functionality Assessment of Kombucha Systems Through Bacillus cereus Spore and Probiotic Inoculations, Alexandria L. Bromley
Nanocellulose Conduits for Enhanced Regeneration of Peripheral Nerve Injuries, Nicklaus R. Carter
The Impacts of Climate Change on the Gulf of Maine Northern Shrimp (Pandalus borealis) Distribution, Reproduction, and Life, Hsiao-Yun Chang
Gradient Generating Microfluidic Coculture System for Disease Modeling and Neural Development, Phaneendra Chennampally
Experimental Warming Effects on Growth, Yield, and Biotic Pressure of Wild Blueberries in Maine, Yu-Ying Chen
Farmer Engagement Through Mental Modeling: Opportunities for Climate Change Outreach, Ruth S, Clements
A Bioeconomic Analysis of Sea Scallop (Placopecten Magellanicus) Aquaculture in the Gulf of Maine, Struan Coleman
A Case Study into Middle School Students' Conceptualizations of Motion and Interpretations of Negative Velocities, Peter A. Colesworthy