The University of Maine Electronic Theses and Dissertations (ETD) project is a joint effort of Fogler Library and the Graduate School. Our goals are "to improve graduate education, increase sharing of knowledge, help universities build their information infrastructure, and extend the value of digital libraries," in keeping with those of the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations, a national initiative of which the University of Maine is a member.
This online collection features the final theses and dissertations approved by the Graduate School of the University of Maine.
For more information about finding additional theses and dissertations or obtaining copies of those not available electronically, see Fogler Library's Subject Guide on Theses & Dissertations.
Questions can also be directed to Fogler Library's Special Collections Department by phone at (207) 581-1686 or email at
Theses/Dissertations from 2021
The Military Uniform's Impact on Patient Trust and Disclosure in Patient-Provider Interactions, Jessica Correale
Counterinsurgency In Iraq: Theory and Practice, William Crisler
Characterizing the Role of Prophages on WHIB7 Expression and Antibiotic Resistance in Mycobacterium Chelonae, Jaycee J. Cushman
The Impact of Project-Based Learning on Students in High School Chemistry in Rural Maine, Brianna DeGone
Whole Genome Sequencing Reveals Genes and Pathways Associated With Anthrax Survivorship in Plains Zebra, Carly Dickson
A Social-Ecological Examination of Moose in Maine: Habitat, Management, and Changing Seasonality, Asha DiMatteo-LePape
Examining Opportunities for Higher-Order Thinking in Secondary and Middle-Level Proficiency-Based Mathematics Classrooms, Quinton Donahue
The Effect of BTS Induced Inactivity on a Zebrafish Model of Duchenne Muscular Dystrophy, Sean Driscoll
The Correlation of Biometrics and Game Performance in Division I Collegiate Women's Soccer Team, Finn Ducker
Assessing the Effectiveness of a Tool for Classifying and Assessing Student Energy Diagrams in Pre- and Post-COVID-19 Instruction, Michael Dudley
Using Photovoice to Navigate Social-ecological Change in Coastal Maine: a Case Study on Visibility, Visuality, and Visual Literacy, Kevin P. Duffy
Forest Disturbance and Occupancy Patterns of Carnivores: Results of a Large-scale Field Study in Maine, USA, Bryn E. Evans
Vertical Habitat Gradients: Comparing Phytoplankton Dynamics in Lakes with Low to Moderate Dissolved Organic Carbon Concentration, Matthew J. Farragher
Comparison of Land Use and Flowslide Incidence in Palu Valley Following the 2018 Mw 7.5 Palu-Donggala Earthquake, Peta C. Fifield
American Woodcock (Scolopax minor) Migration Ecology in Eastern North America, Alexander Fish
Rejection Sensitivity, Relationship Quality, and Adjustment in Late-Adolescent Romantic Relationships and Friendships, Laura A. Foster
Chinese Percussion Instruction Through The Lens of Western Pedagogy, Jonathan D. Fox
Climate Change and Forest Management Impacts on Tree Growth and Physiology, Kelly French
Remote Sensing Identification of Black Ash (Fraxinus Nigra) in Maine Via Hyper- and Multi-Spectral Imagery, John W. Furniss
KrĂĽppel-like Factor 9 Is a Feed-forward Regulator of Glucocorticoid Signaling, Ian Gans
'Real Men' Don't See Pain, Margaret J. Gautrau
Characterization of Dickeya dianthicola and Pectobacterium parmentieri Causing Blackleg and Soft Rot on Potato, Tongling Ge
Pacing Variability and Performance in a 100 Mile Ultra Marathon, Brendan Gilpatrick
Eastern Wild Turkey Population Ecology Across Land Use Gradients in Maine, Matthew Gonnerman
The Holocaust in Białystok: Urban, Rural, and Forest Environments as Spaces of Resistance, Survival, and Persecution, Dakota Gramour
Migration and Winter Movement Ecology of Red-Throated Loons (Gavia Stellata) in Eastern North America, Carrie E. Gray
Evaluating and Advancing Opportunities for Ecosystem Services, Increased Production, and Sustainability of Kelp Aquaculture in the Gulf of Maine, Gretchen Schott Grebe
Fermentation of Carcinus Maenas as a Method of Waste Stream Valorization, Delaney M. Greiner
Adaptation Strategies for Wild Blueberry Growers in a Changing Climate: Mulching Effects on Crop Productivity and Fertility Effects on Blueberry Gall Midge, Rebecca Gumbrewicz
High Resolution Remote Sensing As a Tool To Improve Coastal Habitat Mapping in The Gulf of Maine, Gabriel Hesketh
Luminosity Functions of Galaxy Clusters in the Aquarius and Microscopium Superclusters, Logan A. Hess
Quantifying Surface Changes on McMurdo Ice Shelf, Antarctica, Ann M. Hill
To Know the Land with Hands and Minds: Negotiating Agricultural Knowledge in Late-Nineteenth-Century New England and Westphalia, Justus Hillebrand
Environmental DNA Monitoring of Non-Native Mudpuppy (Necturus Maculosus) and Transient Rainbow Smelt (Osmerus Mordax), Vaughn Holmes
Cellulose Nanofibril Coated Bio-based Composites for Food Serving Applications, Rakibul Hossain
New Catalytic Routes for Upgrading Biomass-derived Organic Molecules, Elnaz Jamalzade
Computationally Modeling Dynamic Biological Systems, Katherine Jarvis
An Examination of Community Band Members' Ratings of Skills, Traits, and Behaviors of Community Band Conductors, Anita-Ann Jerosch
Environmental Impacts on the Reproduction of three Cold-Water Corals, with Implications for their Vulnerability to Ocean Warming and Climate Change, Julia Johnstone
Characterization and Influence of the McMurdo Shear Zone, Antarctica on the Ross Ice Shelf and Its Tributary, Lynn Kaluzienski
Empathic Instruction through Literary Narratives: A Quasi-Experimental Study of an Occupational Therapy Course, Cavenaugh P. Kelly
Examining Factors Predictive of Hazing in NCAA Division III Athletics and Considering the Implications for Prevention, David James Kerschner
Expanding Our Understanding on Feed Spoilage and Developing Novel Approaches for Its Mitigation, Marjorie A. Killerby
Examining Summertime Melt and Temperatures in the North Pacific Cordillera, Ingalise Kindstedt
The Use of Medical Cannabis in Clinical Practice, Arianne Kryskow
Where Are All The Women?: Understanding The Factors Influencing Potential Departure Intentions Of Women Coaches At The NCAA Division III Level, Jennifer Laney
Active Blade Pitch and Hull-Based Structural Control of Floating Offshore Wind Turbines, Eben Lenfest
Enzyme-Assisted Fermentation and Chef Perspectives of Green Crab Sauce, Holly Constance Leung
Development of Hybrid Ultra-High Performance Concrete Thermoplastic Composite Panels for Blast and Ballistic Protection, Alyssa M. Libby
Hydrodynamic Impacts of Expanding Aquaculture, Zhilong Liu
A Quantitative Study of Mathematics Anxiety in First-Generation Pre-Service Teachers, Wendi Malenfant
Construing Prestige: A Corpus-Assisted Discourse Study of Eight Historically Gendered Occupations, Benjamin Flint Markey
10Be Chronology of Moraines Deposited During the Last Glaciation by the Khumbu Glacier, Nepalese Himalaya, Laura Alexandra Mattas
The Intersection of Extracellular Signaling and Stress Pathways, Sari Mayhue
Geology and Lithogeochemistry of the Pickett Mountain Volcanogenic Massive Sulfide Deposit, Northern Maine, Michael J. McCormick
Resiliency Through Food Security of a Coastal Culture: the Peskotomuhkati, Natalie Michelle
Consumer Preferences and Associated Price Premiums for Agricultural Traits in Maine Markets, Lauren Miller
The Human Dimensions of Aquaculture Development in Maine Including a Governance Perspective, Molly Frances Miller
Growth of Perkinus marinus by Bioreactor Fermentation, Caitlin Murphy
Evaluating the Foraging Ecology and Energetics of Atlantic Bluefin Tuna (Thunnus thynnus) in the Gulf of Maine, Samantha Nadeau
Techno-Economics and Life Cycle Analysis of Upgrading Woody Biomass to Diesel Blendstock, Aysan Najd Mazhar
Health-related Quality of Life (HRQOL) in Sexual Minority (SM) College Undergraduate Students, Leigh Neptune
Asymmetric Synthesis of Phosphate Mimics: From Chemistry to Biotechnology, Ahmed Numan
Computer Modeling Using The Finite-Difference Time-Domain (FDTD) Method for Electromagnetic Wave Propagation, Atheer A. Oufi
Functional Diversity in Blueberries and Their Responses to Extreme Drought, Pratima Pahadi
Effects of a Novel DsRNA-Based Insecticide on the Colorado Potato Beetle, Samuel J. Pallis
Embodying Resilience in the Writing Center: A Study of Tutor Training Handbooks and Videos Towards an Understanding of the "Ideal" Tutoring Session, Katelyn Emily Parsons
The Impact of Diet Quality on Health-related Quality of Life in College Students, Kayla Parsons
Synthesis and Photophysical Studies of Nitrogen Heterocycles Containing Benzothiazines, Benzothiazoles, Indoles and Quinolines, Ealin N. Patel
Greta Thunberg's Disruptions: How Rhetoric Breaks Trained Incapacities to Climate Change, Mackenzie Peacock
Deciphering the Ecology of Aulacoseira Taxa in Alpine Lakes: Implications for Paleoclimate Reconstructions, Edna Luz Pedraza Garzon
Acting Out of Lyme: Characterizing the Human Dimensions of Lyme Disease Interventions, Katherine C. Perry
Utilization of Secondary Processing Mill Residues in Maine to Produce Raw Materials for Manufacturing Wood-Plastic Composites (WPCs), Geeta Pokhrel
Sulfur Isotope Composition of Sulfides in Mafic Cumulates, Lesser Antilles Arc, Tyler Pollock
Risk Perceptions of Tick-Borne Diseases in Maine: Surveying Outdoor Enthusiasts, Sarah Rappaport
Handling and Manipulation of Water- and Air- Borne Biological Samples Using Liquid-Infused Surfaces, Daniel P. Regan
Climate Care: Pathways for Coastal Community Resilience, Jessica Reilly-Moman
Using Peer Supports to Improve Positive-to-Negative Teacher/Student Interaction Ratios by Novice Teachers, Karen Robbie
Energetic Impacts of Passage Delays in Migrating Adult Atlantic Salmon, Sarah R. Rubenstein
Development of Methods for Determining Water Content in Oil Using Infrared Spectroscopy, Sfoog Hamad Saleh
Evaluating Methods for Research in Physical Weed Control and Farm Asset Tracking, Johnny J. Sanchez
Determination of Bridge Behavior Through Live-load Testing and Advanced Numerical Analysis, Andrew Schanck
Making Earth, Making Home: Technoscientific Citizenship and Ecological Domesticity in an Age of Limits, Emma Schroeder
Nanostructured Self-assembled Thin Films of Cationic Bottlebrush Block Copolymers, Hathaithep Senkum
Retroviral Infection Dynamics in Maine's Wild Turkeys, Stephanie A. Shea
Biotic Interactions at Species’ Range Limits in a Changing Climate, Isaac Shepard
The Effects of Recent Minimum Wage Increases on Self-Reported Health in the United States, Liam Sigaud
Use of the New England Aquarium to Evaluate Environmental DNA Metabarcoding of Gulf of Maine Vertebrates and Invertebrates, Samantha Silverbrand
HELLS and PRDM9 Form a Pioneer Complex to Open Chromatin at Meiotic Recombination Hotspots: A Technological Perspective, Catrina Spruce
Assessing Plant and Lichen Diversity Using Reflectance Spectra, Lance Stasinski
Improving Model Finding for Integrated Quantitative-qualitative Spatial Reasoning With First-order Logic Ontologies, Shirly Stephen
Letting Accuracy 'Sync' In: The Role of Synchrony in Perceptions of Personality Traits and Affective States, Morgan D. Stosic
Illuminating Corneal Nerve Injury: Analysis of Neuronal Phenotypes Following Acute and Chronic Corneal Nerve Injury, Cara Sullivan