The University of Maine Electronic Theses and Dissertations (ETD) project is a joint effort of Fogler Library and the Graduate School. Our goals are "to improve graduate education, increase sharing of knowledge, help universities build their information infrastructure, and extend the value of digital libraries," in keeping with those of the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations, a national initiative of which the University of Maine is a member.
This online collection features the final theses and dissertations approved by the Graduate School of the University of Maine.
For more information about finding additional theses and dissertations or obtaining copies of those not available electronically, see Fogler Library's Subject Guide on Theses & Dissertations.
Questions can also be directed to Fogler Library's Special Collections Department by phone at (207) 581-1686 or email at
Theses/Dissertations from 2022
Using Soil Testing Data to Examine Organic Carbon Changes During the Past 27 Years in Maine Agricultural Soils, Andrew Chase
The Influence of Processing and Additives on Cellulose Nanofiber Properties for Orthopedic Application, Mitchell P. Chesley
Identity and Language Socialization of Asian Transnational Adolescents across Communities of Practice: A Critical Narrative Study, Ming-Tso Chien
Fighting for Home: Northern New England Women and the Civil War, Savannah A. Clark
Barriers to and Opportunities for Adoption in Maine’s Aquaculture Industry, Caitlin Cleaver
Assessing Past and Present Changes in the Chemical Climate of Three High Mountain Regions: Himalayas, Andes, European Alps, Heather Clifford
Cellulosic Foams for Single Use Devices in Biomedical Applications, Aileen Co
Development of a New Method for Cell Spheroid Formation Through a Hydrogel Dipping Process, Aimee L. Co
Overlapping Scales of Place Based Indigenous Knowledge and Hydroclimate in Australia, Rachel L. Coleman
Prophets of Pong: How Newspapers Covered Video Games Between 1972 to 1976, Joseph Collard
Contact Dewatering of Cellulose Nanofibers for Biopolymer Composite Applications, Alexander Collins
Role of Microplastics on the Release and Adsorption of Organic Compounds in Natural Waters, Ashton Collins
Nutrient Removal from Recirculating Aquaculture System Water, Eliza M. Costigan
Adaptive Leadership Practices: High School Leadership in Maine During the COVID-19 Crisis, Ryan B. Crane
Integrated Optimization of Microbial and Chemical Compositon of Non-dairy Low Alchol Fermenteted Beverages (NDLAFB): Kombucha and Water Kefir, Adwoa S. Dankwa
Not All Trails Are Straight: The Effects of Attachment on Rural Youth Residential Aspirations, Zach T. Davis
Measurement of Airborne Radionuclides and Their Relation to Weather Patterns at Orono, ME, James W. Deaton
Enhanced Condition Assessment for Maine Lakes, Jeremy Deeds
Social Capital, Indigenous Storytelling, and Fish Diversity: Learning Together Through Community-university Partnerships in Downeast Maine, Michelle de Leon
Uncertainty Monitoring in Category Learning and Transfer, Rose Deng
Examining Factors Predictive of On-Campus Mental Health Services Utilization Among Collegiate Athletes, Margo Diamond
Continuous, Non-Destructive Detection of Surface Bacterial Growth with Bioinspired Vascularized Polymers, Brandon Dixon
Rusty Blackbird Use of Commercial Spruce-fir Forests of Northern New England, Luke M. Douglas
Functionalized 𝜹-hexalactones (FDHLs): Bio-derivable Monomers to Synthesize Renewable Polyester Thermoplastics, Atik Faysal
Trip the Light Fantastic, Connor Ferguson
Anthropogenic Effects on Tidal Distortion in a Tidal River, Matthew D. Fischer
Primary Cilia of the Cardiac Neural Crest & Hedgehog-Mediated Mechanisms of Congenital Heart Disease, Lindsey A. Fitzsimons
Building Monitoring and Response Capacity for Ocean and Coastal Acidification in the Northeast United States, Parker Gassett
Numerical Modeling of Localized Heating in Continuous Fiber Reinforced Thermoplastic Laminates, James T. Gayton
School Principals and Instructional Coaches: an Examination of Their Working Relationships in Maine Schools, Theresa J. Gillis
Bound by Print: The Baptist Borderlands of Maine and the Canadian Maritimes, 1770-1840, Brittany P. Goetting
Plasma-Assisted Growth and Characterization of Piezoelectric AlN and Sc(x)Al(1-x)N Films for Microwave Acoustic Sensor Applications, Morton Greenslit
“Reading Is Everywhere:” A Case Study Situating Children's Book Distribution Within the Literacy Practices of Somali New Mainers, Rachel C H Groenhout
The Effects of Rising Ambient Temperatures on Thermoregulation and Range Shifts of Northern Flying Squirrels, Elise K. Gudde
To the First White Woman Here: Performance Intervention in Settler Colonial Narrative & Speculative Modes of Repair, Jennie Hahn
Genetic Determinants of Primary Nociceptor Sensitivity in Drosophila melanogaster, Christine Hale
Multiscale Anisotropy Analysis of Second-Harmonic Generation Imaging of Pancreatic Cancer, Joshua D. Hamilton
Immiscible Liquid-infused Filters for Water and Aerosol Filtration, Justin Hardcastle
First-row Transition Element Distribution Across the Blueschist-Eclogite Transition: a Case Study From New Caledonia, Natalie M. Harmon
Non-destructive Evaluation of Concrete using Electrical Resistivity and Ultrasonic Wave Propagation, Justin Harris
Strategic Management of Human Capital as Rural Praxis, Scott Harrison
Biobased Packaging Materials from Cellulose Nanofibrils Produced from Virgin Wood Pulp or Recycled Cardboard Pulp, Md Ikramul Hasan
Comparative Life Cycle Assessment of Embodied Carbon and Operational Energy of Different Building Systems, Marilia Hellmeister
Investigation of Cryptotephra in Polar Ice Cores, Meredith Helmick
Examining Women's Psychophysiological Responses Under Increasingly Obvious Sexism, Shelby Helwig
The Role of Confrontation Effectiveness for Women's Psychological Wellbeing After a Sexist Event, Shelby Helwig
Sustainability as Justice Engaging With North American Alternative Seafood Networks Through Participatory Action Research, Paloma Henriques
Testing and Analysis of Paired, Inflated HIAD Tori, Irja Hepler
Genetic Sources of Resistance To Potato Blackleg Soft Rot Caused by Dickeya dianthicola, Lucas K. Heroux
Systemic Growth Factor Increases as a Result of Exercise May Reduce Alzheimer's Disease Risk in Midlife Mice and Humans, Amanda Hewes
Food Recognition and Ingredient Detection Using Electrical Impedance Spectroscopy With Deep Learning Techniques to Facilitate Human-food Interactions, Chamath Lochana Amarasinghe Hiti Hamillage
Modeling Life History and Population Dynamics of American Lobster and Atlantic Sea Scallops in a Warming Gulf of Maine, Cameron T. Hodgdon
Investigating Being Present Through Motion: Connecting Body With Sound and Position, Katarina Hoeger
Development of Ultra High Performance Composite Impact Panels Using EMAA, Jeffrey Hollstein
Prevention of Inflammatory Bowel Disease by Broccoli-sourced and Microbially-produced Bioactives, Johanna M. Holman
Weaving an Interdisciplinary Microbiome Career Using Threads From Different Ecosystems, Sarah Hosler
Gold (I) Tetrathiomolybdate Clusters: Synthesis, Characterization, Computational Studies, and Reactivity With Thiophenol and Selenophenol, Dhirgam Humaidy
Fabrication of Particulates for Detecting Trace Level Analytes in Water Using Optical Spectroscopy and for Developing Thermoelectric Materials, Mohammed Nayeem Ibnul
Generalizing the Negative Binomial-Lindley Model for Accounting Subpopulation Heterogeneity in Crash Data Analysis, A S M Mohaiminul Islam
Middle School Science Teachers' Vulnerability in the Written Discourse of a Professional Learning Community, Eliza Jacobs
Outdoor Pursuits and Outdoor Learning at Rural Maine Schools: A Positive Outlier Approach, Lauren E. Jacobs
An Experimental Investigation into the Effects of Trait and State Self-Criticism on the Benefits and Barriers to Non-Suicidal Self-Injury, Melissa Jankowski
Understanding the Contribution of Gα to the Yeast Pheromone Response, Cory Johnson
Photopharmacological Investigation of Transmembrane Proteins in the Central Nervous System, Ameya B. Karapurkar
Developing an LGBTQIA2+ Affirming Curriculum and Testing its Impact on Allyship, Tausif Karim
Improving Use of Soil Health Practices in Kansas: a Study of Barriers to Adoption and Novel Incentive Programs, Sara Kelemen
The Rapid Enumeration of a Mixed Culture of S. cerevisiae & L. plantarum in Beer Using Image-based Cytometry, Kevin M. Kennedy
Engineering the Development of Neuromuscular Circuitry On-Chip, Inès Khiyara
Catalytic Ring Opening of Mono- and Bicyclic Compounds for the Production of Renewable Diesel and Jet Fuel, Matthew J. Kline
Analysis of U.S. Labor Market Matching Efficiencies and New Hires Rates by Gender and State, Mary K. Klinko
Sustainability in Forest Operations: Harvesting on Fragile Ground, Best Management Practices Assessment, Perspectives on Forest Certification, and Life Cycle Assessment of Forest Products, Alex Kunnathu George
Modification of Cellulose Nanofibrils (CNFs) to Develop a Hydrophobic and Anti-Oxidative Food Packaging Film, Suriyaprakaash LakshmiBalasubramaniam
Seabirds as Proxies for Past El Niño Events in Coastal Peru: An Archaeo-Ornithological Approach, Heather A. Landazuri
The Organizational Evolution of Small Food Buying Clubs, Taylor Lange
The Home Project: an Examination of How Home Changed During the COVID-19 Global Pandemic Using Socially Engaged Art, Rochelle Lawrence
Giving Form to Flow: Modeling the Paleohydrological Context for Human Settlement and Water Use in the North-Central Coast of Peru, Elizabeth Leclerc
Using Reflex Actions to Predict Delayed Post-harvest Mortality of American Lobster (Homarus americanus) in Maine’s Lobster Supply Chain, Cassandra Leeman
Implementation and Testing of Surface Acoustic Wave Strain Sensors for Harsh Environment Applications, David W. Leff
A Bird's Eye View: Observer Uncertainty in Aerial Image Counts of Colonial Seabirds and An Assessment of the Status of Coastal Island Gull and Cormorant Populations, Meredith A. Lewis
“Bacanora for Bats”: a Multispecies Ethnography in the Sonora-Arizona Borderlands, Sara Lowden
The Category of Modules Over a Leavitt Path Algebra, Davis MacDonald
Regional Scale Generalizations of Firn Thickness and Snow Accumulation in Southeast Alaska: an Applied Deep Learning Framework, Jonathan Maurer
Implementation and Teacher Leadership of Collaborative Efforts During the Challenges Surrounding the COVID-19 Pandemic, George R. Mayfield III
Development of Thermoplastic Composite External Reinforcing of Concrete Decking System, Jackman A. Mickiewicz
Supervision to Support Reflective Practices, Laura Susan Miller
Agency of in-service Elementary Science Teachers During a Global Pandemic, Anica Miller-Rushing
Stereoselective Synthesis of Pseudosaccharide Derivative and Bisphosphoramidate Core of EM2487, Saad Z. Mohammed Ali
3D Computer Modeling Offers New Insights Into Diatom Ecology, Joseph Mohan
Joining Methods For Continuous Fiber Reinforced Thermoplastic Composites In Structural Applications, Andrew Moran
Night of the Comet, Haleigh Morgan
The Art of Surviving: Alchemy of Healing Trauma in Relation to Identity: A Self Study., Rebecca Morgan
The Role of Technology in the Development of PK-12 Teacher Leadership During COVID-19, Mia L. Morrison
Numerical Modeling of Vocal Control and Patient-specific Surgical Planning of Type 1 Thyroplasty, Mohammadreza Movahhedi