The University of Maine Electronic Theses and Dissertations (ETD) project is a joint effort of Fogler Library and the Graduate School. Our goals are "to improve graduate education, increase sharing of knowledge, help universities build their information infrastructure, and extend the value of digital libraries," in keeping with those of the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations, a national initiative of which the University of Maine is a member.
This online collection features the final theses and dissertations approved by the Graduate School of the University of Maine.
For more information about finding additional theses and dissertations or obtaining copies of those not available electronically, see Fogler Library's Subject Guide on Theses & Dissertations.
Questions can also be directed to Fogler Library's Special Collections Department by phone at (207) 581-1686 or email at
Theses/Dissertations from 2023
BPS Induction Drives WHIB7 Expression in Mycobacterial Cells Carrying the Prophage MCPROF, Sarah McCallister
A Quantitative Visualization Tool for the Assessment of Mammographic Risky Dense Tissue Types, Margaret R. McCarthy
Chef Sensory Perspectives and Consumer Acceptance of Fermented Green Crab Sauce, Bryson J. McDonough
Regenerating Professional Learning: The Influence Of Relationships On Teacher Identity, Agency, And Advocacy, Todd W. McKinley
Nutrition as a Modifiable Risk Factor for Cognitive Decline: Associated Cognitive and Physical Health Changes, Taylor McMillan
Untangling Influences of Community Dynamics at the Coastal Interface, Hannah N. Mittelstaedt
Lost Children: A Postmodern Novella, Seyedeh Mania Mohseni
Reproduction Dynamics of Salmon Lice (Lepeophtheirus salmonis) and their Role in Epizootic Infestations on their Host Atlantic Salmon (Salmo salar), Robert D. Morefield
Nonsmooth Epidemic Models with Evolutionary Game Theory, Cameron Morin
Promise and Limitations of Supervised Optimal Transport-Based Graph Summarization via Information Theoretic Measures, Sepideh Neshatfar
Disinfection Applications of On-Site Hypochlorous Acid Production, Deborah Ngabanyi Sebagisha
Third Force: South Vietnam's Urban Opposition to the Nixon Doctrine in Asia (1969-1973), An Thuy Nguyen
Influence of Biochar as a Soil Amendment on Soil Water Content and Wild Blueberry Physiology, Abigayl Novak
Laboratory Study of Conditions Influencing Binder Formation and CO2 Sequestration During Carbonation With Hydrated Lime, Temitope Omokinde
The Influence of Framing and Recent Experience on Farmer Choices in Experimental Games Depicting Risk-Reducing Agricultural Technologies, Ana Maria Ospina Tobar
Effects of the Minimum Wage on U.S. Labor Markets, Dawn M. Otterby
Endothelial Interleukin-17 Receptor D (IL17RD) Promotes Western Diet-Induced Aortic Myeloid Cell Infiltration, Shivangi Pande
Deconstructing the Art of Physical Weed Control, Jordan W. Parks
Interactions Between Streptococcus agalactiae and Candida albicans Affect Persistence and Virulence, Kathryn Patenaude
Quantum Mechanical Studies of Water Splitting Reaction With (ZNO)3 Nanoclusters as Catalysts, Duwage C. Perera
Unbridled Insights: Exploring Equine Behavior Through GPS Tracking and Analysis, Madison L. Philbrick
Gathering Understories: Issues of Access in the Allegheny Highlands, Dominic Piacentini
The Influence of Pre Coating Layers On Barrier Coatings, Kritee Pokharel
Advances in Cellulose Nanomaterial-based Foams for Environmental Applications, Md Musfiqur Rahman
Impact of Solar Generation on IEEE 9-bus System, Tasnim Ikra Rahman
Caelum, Alexandra Requena
The Relationship between Intuitive Eating and Body Mass Index and Diet Quality in College Students, Ashley A. Reynolds
Investigation of Student Understanding of Representations of Probability Concepts in Quantum Mechanics, William D. Riihiluoma
Horizon Content Knowledge and its Integration into Physics Education Research: Case Study Analysis on Physical Science and Physics Teachers, Trevor A. Robertson
Exploring the Impact of PQN-75 and GLH-1/Vasa on Germline Development, Maintenance, and GSC Reprogramming Using Caenorhabditis elegans as a Model, Jesse D. Rochester
Durability of Large-scale 3d Printed Materials for Transportation Infrastructure, Felipe Saavedra
A Social and Ecological Approach to Mosquito Species Distribution Across Land Use in Bangor, Maine, Megan L. Schierer
Estimation of Wood Pulp Fiber Species Composition From Microscopy Images Using Computer Vision, Tyler Seekins
A Tuned Hydrodynamics Model of the VolturnUS Semisubmersible Floating Offshore Wind Turbine in OpenFAST, Leah H. Sirkis
On the Anti-adipogenic Function of Collagen Triple Helix Repeat-containing Protein 1, Matthew E. Siviski
Identification and Vulnerability Assessment of Groundwater Influenced Ecosystems in the Northeastern United States, Shawn D. Snyder
Exploring the Importance of Values, Place, and Perceptions in Conservation Decision-making in Maine: a Mixed Methods Approach, Alyssa R. Soucy
Rab27a as a Regulator of Thoracic Aorta Reactivity and Exosome Signaling, Ashley Soucy
Compact VHF and UHF antennas for integration with SAW devices in harsh environment, Sri Lekha Srimat Kilambi
"A Stranger in America": Queer Diasporic Writers and the American Politics of Exclusion, Caitlin Stanfield
The Upper Ocean at the End of an Ice Age: Using Proxies in Benthic Foraminifera to Investigate Intermediate Water Changes During the Last Glacial Termination, Cassandre R. Stirpe
Spontaneous Behavioral Coordination: the Impact of Achieved and Desired Interpersonal Closeness on Synchrony and Mimicry, Morgan Stosic
The Role Food Security, Financial Literacy, and Nutrition Literacy Play on the Diet Quality of College Students, Amelia Sullivan
Areas of Same Cardinal Direction, Periyandy Thunendran
Solid Acid Catalyzed Dehydration Reactions of Biomass-Derived Alcohols, Mackenzie Todd
Muscle Defects Lead to Skeletal Deformities in a Zebrafish Model of Distal Arthrogryposis, Emily A. Tomak
Somewhere In The City, Walli Ullah
Scaling Up the Relevance of Land-Sea Connections in Coastal Bacteria Pollution Vulnerability, Bea E. Van Dam
A Restorative Justice Analysis of College Republican Misconduct at One Historically White Institution, Sarah Vigneault Dyer
Long-term Influence of Commercial Thinning on Spruce-Fir Forests, Bishnu H. Wagle Mr.
The Role of Proton Conducting Solid Oxide Electrochemical Cells in Anthropogenic Carbon Cycles, Min Wang
Synthesis of a Pharmaceutical Precursor from Bioderived Glucose, Justin O. P. Waters
Calculus Students’ Conceptions of Integral and Volume in a Volumes of Revolution Task, Ian West
Hybrid Power Spectral and Wavelet Image Roughness Analysis, Basel White
Investigating the Impact of Prophages on Bacterial Fitness of Streptococcus agalactiae, Caitlin Wiafe-Kwakye
Developing an Enhanced Forest Inventory in Maine Using Airborne Laser Scanning: The Role of Calibration Plot Design and Data Quality, Stephanie Willsey
Context-Driven Behavior: Improved Contextual Reasoning for Context-Aware Agents, Christian L. Wilson
Investigating Mercer's Paradox: A 10Be Chronology of Moraines Deposited During the Last Glaciation at Soda Lake, Wind River Range, Wyoming, U.S.A., Lauren M. Woods
Development and Applications of Similarity Measures for Spatial-Temporal Event and Setting Sequences, Fuyu Xu
Linkages Among Hydrodynamics, Biofouling, & Sea Scallops on an Aquaculture Farm, Elisabeth Younce
Effects of Wilting Extent on the Phytoestrogen Levels, Nutritional Value, Microbial Populations, and In Vitro Ruminal Methane Emissions of Red Clover Hay and Silage Across Stages, Diego Zamudio Ayala
Theses/Dissertations from 2022
Using SHG Directionality to Characterize Collagen Alteration in Breast Cancer Tumor Microenvironment and Its Prognostic Applications, Betelhem Solomon Abay
Synthesis and Evaluation of Water-Dispersed Aryl-Gold Nanoparticles and Applications in Catalysis, Ahmad AL Ahmad
Sustainable Postharvest Processing and Value-addition of Aquacultured Seaweed, Samuel Akomea-Frempong
Additively Manufactured Polymer and Metal Lattice Structures with Eulerian Path, Adeeb Ibne Alam
Operation and Preliminary Energy Balance of a Portable Kelp Dryer in Maine, Tuqa Al-Asadi
Mitochondria Mediated Outcomes of Developmental Exposure to Low-level Chemical Mixtures in Zebrafish Danio rerio, Remy Babich
On the application of dynamical measures of hydrologic response to prediction and similarity assessment in watersheds, Prashanta Bajracharya
How School Counselors Promote Growth Mindset in Their Practice: Five Views of Agency in the Motivation of Elementary Students, Sheryl G. Baker-Hewey
The Effect of Leadership Change on School Climate, Brian D. Bannen
Quantifying Spatial Heterogeneity of Wild Blueberries and Crop Water Stress Monitoring Using Remote Sensing Technologies, Kallol Barai
Becoming oriented: queering bodies and space in Shirley Jackson's the Haunting of Hill House and Toni Morrison's Beloved and Paradise, Kimberly Bartenfelder
Where Do I Belong in the United States Public School System?, Christiana R. Becker
Yield and Mechanical Properties of Veneer from Maine-Grown Eastern Spruce and Balsam Fir, Marshal Bertrand
Regulation of Line-1 in Developing Oocytes and the Impact on the Ovarian Reserve, Rose Besen-McNally
Thermoplastics 3D Printing Using Fused Deposition Modeling on Fabrics, Maxwell M. Blais
Development and Evaluation of Modeling Approaches for Extrusion-based Additive Manufacturing of Thermoplastics, Christopher C. Bock
The Role of FOXD1 in Clear Cell Renal Cell Carcinoma, Kyle H. Bond
Ecological Implications of Intraspecific Behavioral Variation in a Small Mammal Community, Allison Brehm
Educating Dietetics Students about the Nutritional Concerns of Older Adults, Lily Brickman
Youth’s Expressions of Personal Significance in an Informal Learning Setting That Bridged STEM and Experiential Learning, Gabrielle A. Brodek
The Siege of Calais During The Hundred Years War: An English Perspective, 1344-1347, Jordan J. Bruso
Remotely Sensed Assessment of the Preferred Habitat of Alexandrium catenella in the Gulf of Maine and the Bay of Fundy, Andre F. Bucci
Self-Regulation, Emotion Regulation, & Social Problem-Solving: Common & Distinct Pathways to Depression, Michelle L. Buffie
Investigating Student Science Identity in a Middle School Social Studies Classroom, Hazel Cashman
The Power of Rejected Things, Adriana Cavalcanti
Who Are You? A Study of Authentic Leadership in Action, Dan Chadbourne
Evaluating Physical and Cultural Methods to Improve Weed Management in Organic Vegetables, Rebecca J. Champagne