Volume 27, Issue 1 (2018) Leadership
Front Matter
Linda Silka
A Life Committed to Leadership: Life Lessons from Margaret Chase Smith and Outcomes That Would Please Her
Linda Cross Godfrey
Why Leadership Matters
Susan J. Hunter
Incubating Leaders in Maine
Joseph W. McDonnell
ENACT-ing Leadership at the State Level: A National Educational Network for Engaged Citizenship in State Legislatures
Robert W. Glover, Kathleen Cole, and Katharine Owens
Leadership, Inside and Out
Deirdre McCarthy Gallagher and Joseph Shaffner
The Adaptive Challenges of Leadership in Maine Schools
Richard Ackerman, Ian Mette, and Catharine Biddle
The Power of Invitation: Teacher Leaders as Agents of Change
Bill Zoellick, Molly Meserve Auclair, and Sarah L. Kirn
Investing in Teachers’ Leadership Capacity: A Model from STEM Education
Susan R. McKay, Laura Millay, Erika Allison, Elizabeth Byerssmall, Michael C. Wittmann, Mickie Flores, Jim Fratini, Bob Kumpa, Cynthia Lambert, Eric A. Pandiscio, and Michelle K. Smith
Our Path: Empower Maine Women Network and Leadership
Mufalo Chitam, Parivash Rohani, Laura de Does, Ghomri Rostampour, Oyinloluwa Fasehun, Bethany Smart, and Jan Morrill
A Positive Change Trinity: Lean, Servant Leadership, and Maine
William Maxwell and Joyce Gibson
Injecting New Workforce Leaders in Tourism, Hospitality and Environmental Science: A Community-Engaged Learning and Immersion Class
Tracy S. Michaud and Robert M. Sanford
Collaborative Leadership Is Key for Maine’s Forest Products Industry
Brooke S. MacDonald, Lydia R. Horne, Sandra De Urioste-Stone, Jane E. Haskell, and Aaron Weiskittel
Roundtable/Group Interview
Building the Next Generation of Maine Leaders: Learning from the Leadership of Mary Cathcart
Linda Silka
Merton G. Henry: A Legacy of Leadership
David Richards
Teamwork Is the New Leadership
David Hart
Leadership as Partnership
Karen H. Bieluch
Developing Leadership Pipelines in Maine School Districts: Lessons Learned from a School-University Partnership
Ian Mette and Betsy Webb
Leading by Example
Yellow Light Breen, Jennifer Hutchins, and Marcia Sharp