Volume 22, Issue 1 (2013) Libraries and Information
Front Matter
Letter from the Editor
Ann Acheson
Good Libraries Make Good Citizens
Charles Stanhope
Are Libraries Necessary? Are Libraries Obsolete?
Linda Silka and Joyce Rumery
Maine Library History
Melora Norman
Maine’s Three Ring Binder
Fletcher Kittredge
The Maine School and Library Network
Thomas L. Welch
Maine’s BTOP Information Commons Project: The Building Block to Statewide Digital Literacy Efforts
Janet McKenney
Libraries and Book Publishers
Maureen Sullivan
Maine Libraries: A History of Sharing and Collaboration
James Jackson Sanborn and David Nutty
The Margaret Chase Smith Library: A Unique Collection Fostered by a History of Collaboration
David Richards
Libraries + IRW = Big Read Success!
Jan Coates
Libraries in the Community: Changing Opportunities
Stephanie Zurinski, Valerie Osborne, Mamie Anthoine-Ney, and Janet McKenney
Health Sciences Libraries
Susan Bloomfield, Deborah Clark, Dina McKelvy, and Lucinda White
Public Libraries and the Immigrant Community
Steve Podgajny
Family Place Libraries™
Deanna Gouzie
Homeschoolers and Public Libraries: A Synergistic Relationship
Cynthia Jennings
Lawyers in Libraries: A New Approach to Justice in Maine
Andrew M. Mead
Summertime, and the Library Is Easy…
Steve Norman
Local History: A Gateway to 21st Century Communications
Stephen Bromage
Portable Libraries
Steve Podgajny
Students and Information Literacy: High School and Postsecondary Perspectives
Debe Averill and Nancy Lewis
Critical Issues in K-12 School Libraries
Elizabeth Reisz
Libraries and the First Amendment
Melora Norman
Digital Public Library of America
Clem Guthro
Institutional Repositories
Joyce Rumery
When Disasters Strike: An Interview by Linda Silka with Joyce Rumery and Tom Abbott
Joyce Rumery, Thomas Abbott, and Linda Silka