About MPR | Maine Policy Review | The University of Maine

About MPR

Maine Policy Review publishes timely, independent, peer-reviewed analysis of public policy issues relevant to the state of Maine. Since its founding in 1991, the journal has become recognized as a definitive source of objective information and for its thoughtful coverage of current and emerging policy issues. Maine Policy Review is published jointly two times per year by the Margaret Chase Smith Policy Center at the University of Maine. The material published within does not necessarily reflect the views of the University of Maine.

Maine Policy Review is nonpartisan and encourages debate among its contributors. It is intended for a diverse audience, including state policymakers; government, business, and nonprofit leaders; students; and general readers with a broad interest in public policy. Legislators and other policymakers routinely seek both present and past issues of the journal to inform their work, and business executives cite the journal as a primary source of informed information about economic issues. College and university students routinely use the journal to better understand issues affecting Maine.

The print version of the journal is currently provided free of charge to a mailing list of about 2,500 readers, including all Maine state legislators, town/city managers, school superintendents and libraries; to government, nonprofit and business executives; and general readers who wish to subscribe.

Many of the articles published in Maine Policy Review are based on some form of applied research or independent inquiry. Occasionally, the journal includes more technical or scientific articles. However, the journal’s philosophy is that articles must be understandable and informative to a diverse readership.

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For questions, please contact the editor at Maine Policy Review
Margaret Chase Smith Policy Center
5784 York Complex, Bldg. #4
University of Maine
Orono, ME 04469-5784

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