Volume 32, Issue 2 (2023) Our Shared Ocean
Front Matter
MPR Special Issue Letter from Editors
Linda Silka, Barbara Harrity, Joyce Rumery, and Deborah Felder
The Surprising Oceanography of the Gulf of Maine
Nicholas R. Record, Benjamin Tupper, Johnathan Evanilla, Kyle Oliveira, Camille Ross, Logan Ngai, and Karen Stamieszkin
Who’s Who in Maine Aquaculture? Understanding the Landscape of Aquaculture Actors and Priorities
Caitlin Cleaver, Robin Fail, Molly Miller, Emily Farr, Jessica Batchelder, Marissa McMahan Ph.D., and Maeve Staab
Maine’s Potential to Be a Global Leader in Sustainable Seaweed Harvesting and Management
Hannah M. Webber, Stefan Claesson, Shep Erhart, Catherine V. Schmitt, and Jessica F. Muhlin
Is Aquaculture a Path to Community Resilience in Maine?
Benjamin J. Cotton, Caroline L. Noblet, Bruce Wyatt, Keith S. Evans, and Mario F. Teisl
Communicating Care in Coastal Fisheries: Restoration, Adaptation, and Collaborative Policy Change
Bridie McGreavy, Gabrielle V. Hillyer, Jessica Gribbon Joyce, Emily Farr, B Lauer, Anthony Sutton, Katie Moody, Jessica P. Batchelder, Ishani Jayamaha, and Marissa McMahan Ph.D.
Fishing Industry Perspectives on the Development of Offshore Wind
Christine M. Beitl and Julia Hiltonsmith
Knowledge Co-Production to Improve Information Uptake: A Case Study in Downeast Maine
Gabriella A. Marafino, Gayle B. Zydlewski, and Jessica Spelke Jansujwicz
Understanding Occupational Injury and Substance Use Issues among Workers in the Shellfish and Lobster Industries
Tora Johnson, Katherine Weatherford Darling, Debra Kantor, Joseph Spiller, Oliver G. Jones, Lois-Ann Kuntz, Tara Casimir, Amy Dowley, Greyson Kurtz, Lauren Sachs, Linda Silka, and Bridie McGreavy
Plastic Marine Pollution in the Gulf of Maine
Kara Lavender Law, Jessica Donohue, and Rachael Zoe Miller
Maritime Politics and Policy in the City of Ships
Christopher Timm, Kelly Page, and Catherine Cyr
The Role of Aquatourism in Sustaining Maine’s Working Waterfronts
Caroline Paras and Tracy S. Michaud
Community Science in Support of Ecosystem-Based Management: A Case Study from the Damariscotta River Estuary, Maine, USA
Sarah C. Risley, Kara E. Pellowe, Melissa L. Britsch, Meredith M. White, and Heather M. Leslie
Community Science’s Contributions to Fostering Relational Values to Overcome Coastal Ecosystems Challenges
Kanae Tokunaga, Pauline Angione, Bill Zoellick, Gayle Bowness, Sheba Brown, Claire Enterline, Sarah L. Kirn, Abigail Long, Stephanie Sun, and Aaron Whitman
Citizen and Community Science Approaches to Understanding Changes in Coastal Habitats Using Anecdata.org
Alexis Garretson, Cait Bailey, Ashley Taylor, Alexis Dabulewicz, Beth Bisson, Nathan Dorn, K. Kaczor, Mary Ann Nahf, Hannah Webber, Mark Whiting, and Jane Disney
Maine’s Congressional Delegation Reflections on Our Shared Ocean
Susan M. Collins, Angus King, Chellie Pingree, and Jared Golden
Protecting the Coast Over Time: Interview with Four Maine Coast Heritage Trust Staff Members
Elizabeth Pierson, Jane Arbuckle, Jeremy Gabrielson, Betsy Ham, and Jeff Romano
Wabanaki Experiences and Perspectives on “Our Shared Ocean”: Maine Indian Tribal-State Commission Special Report Sea Run
Anthony W. Sutton, Judson Esty-Kendall, and Paul Thibeault
Maps of Fisheries Management Zones and Lobster Management Zones
Jonathan Labaree
Endangered Whales Still Get Tangled in Fishing Gear: Let’s Change the Way We Approach the Problem
Tora Johnson
The Conflict with Lobstering, and Why Whales Are Critical to Ocean Health and the Gulf of Maine
Toby Stephenson
Getting to the Shore on Foot: Sustaining Harvester Access
Bill Zoellick, Pauline V. Angione, Emily Farr, Ada Fisher, Jessica Gribbon Joyce, B Lauer, Marissa McMahan Ph.D., Michael Pinkham, and Vicki Rea
The Changing Tides of Action to Address Ocean Acidification in Maine
Ivy L. Frignoca and Heather R. Kenyon
The Promise of Floating Offshore Wind Power in the Gulf of Maine: New Developments and New Challenges
Jack Shapiro
Balancing Offshore Wind Development with Wildlife and Habitat Conservation in the Gulf of Maine
Eliza Donoghue
Blunt Instruments, Glass Slippers, and Unicorns: Ocean Governance in a Climate-Changed Gulf of Maine
Susan E. Farady
New Office Supports Maine Climate Action
Parker Gassett and Ivan Fernandez
Balancing Researcher Roles: Lessons from the Sea Grant American Lobster Initiative
Amalia M. Harrington and Jessica Spelke Jansujwicz
Aquaculture in Shared Waters: Lessons for Diverse and Inclusive Workforce Training
Teresa R. Johnson and Jessica Veo
Including the Human Dimension into Resilience Planning for Maine’s Lobster Fishery
Katherine Maltby and Katherine E. Mills
What Gives Me Hope
Heather M. Leslie
Harnessing the Power of Storytelling and Storylistening: Fostering Challenging Conversations in Coastal Communities
Holly E. Parker PhD
Attracting, Training, and Retaining a Skilled and Ready Workforce to Support Maine’s Seafood Economy
Keri Kaczor and Anne Langston Noll
Workforce Sustainability in Maine’s Coastal Industries: Strategies to Diversify, Train, and Bolster the Workforce
Jessica L. Picard
Coastal Tourism in Maine
Steve Lyons
Small Town Government with Big World Challenges
Valerie Peacock
Riding the Real Estate Wave Along Maine's Coast
Ryan Swanson
Back Matter

- Guest Editor
- Deborah Felder
- Coeditor
- Barbara Harrity
- Coeditor
- Joyce Rumery
- Special Issues Editor
- Linda Silka