Volume 25, Issue 1 (2016)
Front Matter
Editor's Letter
Ann Acheson
Margaret Chase Smith Library 2015 Student Essay Contest: In the Heart of Immigration Debate—Mercy is Sorely Missed
Diana Tyutyunnyk
Margaret Chase Smith Library 2015 Student Essay Contest: Reforming the United States Immigration Policy
Rachel Kocik
Moving up the Waste Hierarchy in Maine: Learning from “Best Practice” State-Level Policy for Waste Reduction and Recovery
Cindy Isenhour, Travis Blackmer, Travis Wagner, Linda Silka, John Peckenham, David Hart, and Jean MacRae
Patterns of Drug-induced Mortality in Maine, 2015 Update
Marcella H. Sorg, Margaret Greenwald, and Jamie A. Wren
The Role of Immigrants, Asylum Seekers, and Refugees in Confronting Maine’s Demographic Challenges
Robert W. Glover
The Proposed Park in Maine's North Woods: Preferences of Out-of-State Visitors
Ryunosuke Matsuura, Sahan T. Dissanayake, and Andrew G. Meyer
Impact Investing and Community Development
Ronald Phillips
Creating Sustainable, Cost-Effective, and Equitable Waste-Management Programs in Maine Communities
Luisa S. Deprez and Ron Deprez
Climate Policy 2015: Reports from the Congressional Trenches
Sharon Tisher and Peter Mills