Volume 19, Issue 1 (2010)
Front Matter
Letter from the Editor
Ann Acheson
Margaret Chase Smith Essay
David Richards, Chelsea Bernard, Terrance H. Walsh, and Stacy Sullivan
Maine’s Paradoxical Politics
Kenneth Palmer
Development in the Gulf of Maine: Avoiding Geohazards and Embracing Opportunities
Laura L. Brothers, Joseph T. Kelley, Melissa Landon Maynard, Daniel F. Belknap, and Stephen M. Dickson
Investing in Human Capital in Difficult Times: Maine’s Competitive Skills Scholarship Program
Sandra S. Butler, Luisa S. Deprez, John Dorrer, and Auta M. Main
Land Use Planning on a Grand Scale: A Decision Maker’s Perspective
E. Bart Harvey III
Educare: A Catalyst for Change
Lauren Sterling, Sheryl Peavey, and Michael Burke
Why Margaret Still Matters
Martha Sterling-Golden