Volume 18, Issue 1 (2009) Early Childhood
Front Matter
Letter from the Editor
Ann Acheson
The Transforming Power of Literacy
Barbara Bush
Introduction to the Early Childhood Issue
Leslie A. Forstadt and Sheryl Peavey
The Dynamics of Investments in Young Children
Philip A. Trostel
Data Collection in Maine: Assessing the Return on Public Investment in Maine’s Early Childhood System
Judy Reidt-Parker
Family Economic Security
Ann Acheson
Early Childhood Health
Dora Anne Mills
Maine’s High- Risk Infants and Maternal Health and Wellbeing: The Maine Infant Follow-Up Project
Beth A. Logan, Marie J. Hayes, Mark S. Brown, Paul Tisher, Jonathan A. Paul, and Ramesh Krishnan
Child Care and Work Challenges for Maine’s Parents of Children with Special Needs
Helen D. Ward, Julie A. Atkins, and Erin E. Oldham
English Language Learners in the State of Maine: Early Education Policy That Can Make a Difference
Erin E. Oldham, Julie A. Atkins, and Helen D. Ward
Working Parents and Child Care: Charting a New Course for Quality
Michael Lahti, Rachel Connelly, Georgia N. Nigro, and Rebecca Fraser-Thill
The Early Childhood Workforce
Julie DellaMattera
Back Matter