Volume 17, Issue 2 (2008) Climate Change and Energy
Front Matter
Letter from the Editor
Ann Acheson
Challenging Climate Change
Olympia J. Snowe
Maine’s Climate Yesterday, Today, and Tomorrow
George L. Jacobson, Ivan J. Fernandez, Paul A. Mayewski, and Catherine V. Schmitt
Understanding the Global Energy Industry Is Key to Meeting Maine’s Energy Challenge
Elizabeth A. Wilson
The Energy Challenge–Gone Today, Back Tomorrow: Maine’s Key Role
William H. Hastings
What We Can Expect from the Federal Government to Address Climate Change and Energy Independence
Adam Cote
Confronting Global Warming: Maine’s Multi-Sector Initiatives, 2003–2008
David P. Littell, Gary S. Westerman, and Malcolm C. Burson
The Effects of Climate Change on Economic Activity in Maine: Coastal York County Case Study
Charles S. Colgan and Samuel B. Merrill
Workforce Investment in Maine’s New Energy Economy
Robert E. Brown II and Clifford M. Ginn
Tapping the Potential of Energy Efficiency to Create Greater Economic Security for Maine
Dylan Voorhees
Maine’s Wind Resource: A Source of Energy and Economic Engine
Jackson A. Parker
Landfill: Gas to Energy
Sam Zaitlin
Tidal Energy Development
John Ferland
Transportation and Climate Change
Jonathan Rubin
Connecting Residential Energy Efficiency and Carbon Emissions Reductions: MaineHousing’s Carbon Market Project
Dale McCormick and Lucy Van Hook
Size Matters: Notes on Green Design Process and Goals
Richard K. Renner
Poland Spring Bottling/ NWNA ’s Efforts to Reduce Energy Use and Cut Back on Carbon Dioxide
Ronald Dyer
Fairchild Semiconductor’s Efforts to Reduce Greenhouse Gas Emissions
Joel H. Rouillard
Oakhurst Dairy: Taking on the Carbon Challenge
Stanley T. Bennett II
The Regional Greenhouse Gas Initiative: What It Means for Maine
Sondra Bogdonoff
Planners and Climate Change Action: An Approach for Communities
Samuel B. Merrill, Robert M. Sanford, and Mark B. Lapping
Finding Grace and Hope in Community
Martha Kirkpatrick
Back Matter