Volume 17, Issue 1 (2008)
Front Matter
Letter from the Editor
Ann Acheson
Place and Prosperity: Quality of Place as an Economic Driver
Catherine J. Reilly and Henry Renski
The Parents as Scholars Program: A Maine Success Story
Sandra S. Butler and Luisa S. Deprez
The Role of Language Education in Maine’s Global Economy
Laura Lindenfeld and Gisela Hoecherl-Alden
A Revolutionary Model to Improve Science Education, Teachers, and Scientists
Susan H. Brawley, Judith Pusey, Barbara J.W. Cole, Lauree E. Gott, and Stephen A. Norton
High School Achievement in Maine: Where You Come From Matters More Than School Size and Expenditures
Fern Desjardins and Gordon A. Donaldson Jr.
National Board-certified Teachers: Can They Make a Difference in Maine Schools?
Sarah V. Mackenzie and Walter J. Harris
NSF GK-12 STEM: A Fellow’s Perspective/A Partner Teacher’s Perspective
Peter F. Smith and Lauree E. Gott