The University of Maine Electronic Theses and Dissertations (ETD) project is a joint effort of Fogler Library and the Graduate School. Our goals are "to improve graduate education, increase sharing of knowledge, help universities build their information infrastructure, and extend the value of digital libraries," in keeping with those of the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations, a national initiative of which the University of Maine is a member.
This online collection features the final theses and dissertations approved by the Graduate School of the University of Maine.
For more information about finding additional theses and dissertations or obtaining copies of those not available electronically, see Fogler Library's Subject Guide on Theses & Dissertations.
Questions can also be directed to Fogler Library's Special Collections Department by phone at (207) 581-1686 or email at
Theses/Dissertations from 2006
Life on Marr's; Historical Archaeology on Marr's Island, Georgetown, Maine, Anthony M. Booth
The Effects of Serotonin on the Courtship Behavior of Drosophilia melanogaster, Nicholas James Brandmeir
The AKS Class of Primality Tests: A Proof of Correctness and Parallel Implementation, Justin S. Bronder
No Longer an Island: A Critical Discourse Analysis of the Deer Isle-Sedgwick Bridge, Jessica Brophy
Nearshore Sedimentary Pathways and Their Social Implications, Saco Bay, Maine, Laura Lee Brothers
Multi-scale and Multi-species Interaction Strength of Damselfishes on Coral Reef Ecosystems, Jeanne B. Brown
Thermal and Mechanical effects of a Shallow Asthenosphere in the Acadian Orogen: An Investigation through Numerical Modeling, Lucy E. Brown
My Parents Divorced While I was in College: The Effects of Parental Divorce on College Students, Jessica L. Bulduc
Forest Disturbance History and Stand Dynamics of the Coweeta Basin, Western North Carolina, Sarah Marie Butler
Use of Inbred Strains of Mice to Study the Genetics and Biology of Sperm Function, Shannon L. Byers
The Effect of Diet and Fatty Acid Composition on Egg Quality and Other Reproductive Performance Measurements of Captive Atlantic Halibut (Hippoglossus hippoglossus), James Raymond Cameron
Evolutionary Analysis of Duplicate Mannose-6-Phosphate Isomerase (MPI) Loci in the Blue Mussel, Mytilus edulis, Jay A. Caponera
The Processing of Affective Information among Shy Children and Aggressive Children, Dina M. Casey
The Impact of Stigma on the Self-care Behaviors of HIV-positive Gay Men : Striving for Normalcy, Christian Thomas Chenard
Betweenness Unveiled: Poetry as a Connective Force, Wilson Clement
CO2 Pyrolysis and Gasification of Kraft Black Liquor Char, T. Sean Connolly
Fresh Fruits and Vegetable Purchasing Patterns of Maine Senior Farmshare Participants, Krista Connor
Structure-function Analysis of NRAGE: A Protein Involved in Developmental Neural Apoptosis, Rebecca Cowling
The cacophony Gene and Repetitive-pattern Phenotypes in Drosophila melanogaster, Allison Jeanne Cox
"Tastes Like Home": Women Performing Immigrant Identity through Food, Sarah D. Crossman
Evaluation of Chemical and Photochemical Oxidation Processes for Postharvest Processing of Lowbush Blueberries (Vaccinium angustifolium), Kristi Michele Crowe
Regeneration Strategies of Japanese Barberry (Berberis thunbergii DC.) in Coastal Forests of Maine, Jennifer D'Appollonio
Paraphernalia: Four Poems in Seven Drafts, Kevin Davies
A Patchwork Web, Erin Davis
Rural Community Attitudes Towards Tourism, Jonathan Hugh Devine
Using Stream Chemistry to Evaluate Experimental Acidification and Natural Recovery in the Paired Catchments at the Bear Brook Watershed in Maine, Melinda S. Diehl
Effect of Dietary Soybean Meal and its Components on the Quality of Rainbow Trout Fillets: Isoflavone Deposition and Lipid Oxidative Status, Natasha D'Souza
"All for Health for All": The Local Dynamics of Rural Public Health in Maine, 1885-1950, Martha Anne Eastman
A Rhetorical Criticism: Bill Clinton's A Man from Hope; Bringing Together Myth, Identification and Civic Engagement, Benjamin M. Erickson
Temporality, Subjectivity, and the Gaze in the Early Writings of Mina Loy, Monica Elizabeth Fauble
Crystallizing Social Consciousness toward Social Justice Development among Adolescents: An Autoethnography of the Diversity Coalition Facilitator, Dorothy D. Foote
Resurrecting a River and its People: An Environmental History of the Penobscot River and the Contemporary Efforts to Facilitate Environmental Change on the Penobscot River, Katherine L. Frederick
The Temporal and Spatial Relationship Between Phosphorus and Nitrogen Concentrations, Algal Growth, and Nutrient Sources in the Meduxnekeag River Watershed, Elizabeth A. Fretwell
Multi-scalar Responses of Forest Carnivores to Habitat and Spatial Pattern: Case Studies with Canada Lynx and American Martens, Angela K. Fuller
Characterization of the Endotoxin Response in Zebrafish, and Synthesis of a Snakehead Rhabdovirus Expressing Red Fluorescent or Green Fluorescent Protein, Gregory M. Giasson
Long-term Changes in Eelgrass (Zostera marina) Distribution in Taunton Bay, ME: A Quantitative Analysis of Population Decline over the Last Half Century, Tara Mae Goodrich
Contrasting Chemical Response to Experimental Acidification of Five Acid-sensitive Streams, Heather Vanessa Goss
A Spatial Anaylsis of Passenger Vehicle Attributes, Environmental Impact and Policy, Gregory M. Gould
Yellow Tree: A Distributed Main-memory Spatial Index Structure for Moving Objects, Hariharan Gowrisankar
"Plagues of the New World Order": Technology and Political Alternatives in William Gibson's Neuromancer, Brent Griffin
The Rheologic Evolution of the Middle Crust During Prograde Metamorphism: Implications for the Geodynamic Evolution of Convergent Orogens, Wesley Glen Groome
Radon in Ground Water: A Study of the Measurement and Release of Waterborne Radon and Modeling of Radon Variation in Bedrock Wells, Vincente E. Guiseppe
Vitamin C and Glycoalkaloids in Organically Grown Potatoes of Novel Varieties, Kelly Guthrie
Surface Modification of Pigments and its Role in Offset Ink Setting, Wei Gu
A Durability and Utility Analysis of EFPI Fiber Optic Strain Sensors Embedded in Composite Materials for Structural Health Monitoring, Adam Benjamin Haskell
Molecular Mechanisms of Notch Signaling Governing Vascular Smooth Muscle Cell Proliferation, Matthew C. Havrda
Personal Privacy Protection within Pervasive RFID Environments, Eeva Kaarina Hedefine
Oxidation of Arsenite Via Chelator-mediated Fenton Systems, Michelle Hershey
Preventing Generalized Anxiety Disorder in an At-risk Sample of College Students: A Brief Cognitive-behavioral Approach, Diana M. Higgins
The Prevalence of Voice Disorders in University Teaching Faculty, Kristen P. Higgins
State of Maine forester licensure program and policy review, Stephen F. Holt
Remote Sensing and Data Collection in a Marine Science Application, Isaac Abraham Horn
Between Reality and Fantasy: Rebecca West's The Return of the Soldier and Harriet Hume, Yi Huang
Organic Carbon in the Subaqueous Soils of a Mesotidal Maine Estuary: An Investigation of Quantity and Source, Jennifer L. Jespersen
Determining Environmental Drivers of Fish Community Structure along the Coast of Maine, Adrian Jordaan
Truth Letters, Megan London Jovanelli
Structural Testing and Analysis of Hybrid Composite/Metal Joints for High-Speed Marine Structures, Jean Paul Kabche
Structural Design of Hollow Extruded WPC Sheet Piling, Melissa Kahl
Relationship between Balsam woolly adelgid Damage, Radial Growth, Climate and Stand Characteristics in Eastern Maine, Allison M. Kanoti
Archaeological Geology and Postglacial Development of the Central Penobscot River Valley, Maine, USA, Alice Repsher Kelley
The Effects of Experimental Acidification on Understory Plant Communities at the Bear Brook Watershed in Maine, Peter H. Kenlan
Bloodlines: A Novel, Peggy Sue Killian
Measuring Student Understanding of Density, with Geological Applications, Emily L. Klingler
Identification of Fish Hosts for Wild Populations of Rare Freshwater Mussels (Lampsilis cariosa and Leptodea Ochracea) Using a Molecular DNA Key, Stephen C. Kneeland
An Investigation into the Change in the Van Hiele Levels of Understanding Geometry of Pre-service Elementary and Secondary Mathematics Teachers, Kathleen Chesley Knight
Youth Culture and Identity: A Phenomenology of Hardcore, Brian J. Kochan
Spatial and Temporal Changes in Stream Chemistry at Three Watersheds During High Discharge Episodes, Mollie Kate Laird
Test Anxiety: A Test of Attentional Bias, Darla Jane Lawson
Late Quaternary Sea-Level Lowstand Environments and Chronology of Outer Saco Bay, Maine, Kristen M. Lee
Using Analogical Models in Undergraduate Chemistry Laboratory Courses to Improve Student Understanding of Beer's Law, Matthew Leland
Communication in Women's Weblogs: Narrative, Connection, and Identity, Amy LeMoine
A Geochemical, Isotopic, and Petrologic Study of a Watershed with Arsenic-enriched Ground Water in Northport, Maine, Gail Elizabeth Lipfert
Risk and Protective Factors of Secondary Traumatic Stress in Crisis Counselors, Catherine J. Lounsbury
High Speed ROM for Direct Digital Synthesizer Applications in Indium Phosphide DHBT Technology, Sanjeev Manandhar
Selective Biomolecular Layers for Surface-associated Rolling Circle Amplification, Erik L. McCarthy
Evaluating Effects of Fire Management Policy on Vegetation Communities in the Okefenokee Swamp, Georgia, Jon T. McCloskey
Concentrations of Cadmium in Common Moose Browse in Maine, Chandra J. McGee
Employed Mothers: Understanding Role Balance, Role Overload and Coping, Willow McVeigh
Structural, Temporal and Metamorphic Evolution of the Main Mártir Thrust, Baja California, México, Erwin Adriaan Melis
New Job, New School System, Now What? An Examination of the Socialization Experiences of Curriculum Directors in Maine, Catherine Anne Menard
Dimensions of Non-violent Couple Conflict: A Look at Joint Leisure and Relationship Satisfaction, Lori Michaud
Phenotypic Divergence of Indigenous and Translocated Arctic Charr (Salvelinus alpinus) Populations in Maine, Wendy K. Michaud
UV/Ozone Cleaning Studies of AFM Force Sensor Tips, Nicoleta D. Mihai
The Geoarchaeological Setting of the Sebasticook Lake Fish Weir Newport, Maine, Christopher Evan Miller
Arboreal Arthropod Associations with Epiphytes and the Effects of Gap Harvesting in the Acadian Forest of Central Maine, Kathryn M. Miller
Production of Ethanol from Hardwood, Jay Mitchell
Investigating how Students Think About and Learn Quantum Physics: An Example from Tunneling, Jeffrey Todd Morgan
The Effect of Static and Dynamic Spatially Structured Disturbances on a Locally Dispersing Population Model, Benjamin R. Morin
Tourism Stakeholders Envision a Sustainable Path: Strengthening Maine's No. 1 Industry through the Blaine House Conference Recommendations, Elizabeth Munding
Sprouty Regulation of Tyrosine Kinase Signal Transduction is Governed by Tyrosine Phosphorylation: A Functional Role for Sprouty2 N- and C- Terminal Tyrosines, Robert J. Nadeau
Production of Stewartia pseudocamellia Maxim, Ajay Nair
Characterization of the Zebrafish Innate Immune System in Response to the Environmental Toxicant, Arsenic, Akshata Nayak
Semantic Similarity of Spatial Scenes, Konstantinos A. Nedas
Effect of a Concentrated In-service Elementary Teacher Force and Motion Workshop, David Nelson
The Effects of Shoreline Development on Lake Littoral and Riparian Habitats: Are Shoreline Protection Regulations Enough?, Kirsten L. Ness