The University of Maine Electronic Theses and Dissertations (ETD) project is a joint effort of Fogler Library and the Graduate School. Our goals are "to improve graduate education, increase sharing of knowledge, help universities build their information infrastructure, and extend the value of digital libraries," in keeping with those of the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations, a national initiative of which the University of Maine is a member.
This online collection features the final theses and dissertations approved by the Graduate School of the University of Maine.
For more information about finding additional theses and dissertations or obtaining copies of those not available electronically, see Fogler Library's Subject Guide on Theses & Dissertations.
Questions can also be directed to Fogler Library's Special Collections Department by phone at (207) 581-1686 or email at
Theses/Dissertations from 2008
Clashing Codes: How Unwritten Codes Collide with Professional and Personal Codes in Educational Settings, Betsy M. Webb
An Assessment of Alternative Feed Ingredients in Practical Diets for Florida Pompano (Trachinotus carolinus) Held in Low Salinity Recirculating Systems, Terhea Nichole Williams
Biogeochemical Effects of Lime-Treated Biosolids Amendments on Soils in a Northeastern Forested Ecosystem, Cullen Wilson
A Paleolimnological Assessment of Three Oligotrophic Watersheds in Maine, Tiffany Ann Wilson
Student Transfer: The Effect of Timing on Academic Achievement, Michael D. Wing
Elysia Chlorotica: A Novel System for the Elucidation of Horizontal Gene Transfer, Invertebrate Developmental Biology and Secondary Metabolites, Jared M. Worful
The Cork Settlement - Fort Job Lewis Archaeological Study, Christopher Allen Wright
Production and Characterization of Carbon Structures Derived from Wood, Xinfeng Xie
Lagrangian Study of Particle Transport Processes in the Coastal Gulf of Maine, Danya Xu
Analysis and Testing of Laser Welded Steel Sandwich Panels, Serdar Yorulmaz
Characterization of Wood Resin-Adhesive Spray, Xuelian Zhang
Generating Contour Maps for Dynamic Fields Monitored by Sensor Networks, Cheng Zhong
Attitude and Learning at Upward Bound in the Field of Statistics, Adam Zukowski
Theses/Dissertations from 2007
The Effects of Clearcutting and Glyphosate Herbicide Use on Parasitic Wasps in Maine Forests, Kristopher J. Abell
The Effects of Allelic Variation in PPARG on Skeletal Metabolism, Cheryl Lynne Ackert-Bicknell
Child's Play: The Role of Dolls in 19th Century Childhood, Sara E. Alarcón
The Role of Minor Histocompatibility Antigens in Tissue Transplant Rejection, Moheeb A. Al-Awwami
The Experiences of People with Psychiatric Disabilities in Disability Income and Employment Support Programs, Michelle M. Alexander
Running the Gauntlet to Coral Recruitment through a Sequence of Local Multiscale Processes, Suzanne N. Arnold
Valuation of Avoiding Arsenic in Drinking Water in Rural Bangladesh: An Averting Behavior Analysis, Sonia N. Aziz
A Tale of Two Women: The Journalistic Narrative of Nancy Reagan, Jennifer L. Babcock
Myriophyllum heterophyllum Michx. (Haloragaceae): Control and Vegetative Reproduction in Southwestern Maine, Jacolyn E. Bailey
Geologic and Biologic Indicators of Climate Change in the Ross Sea, Antarctica, Audrey Bamberg
Biogeochemical Response of a Northeastern Forest Ecosystem to Biosolids Amendments, Michael R. Banaitis
3D Mechanical Evolution of the Plate Boundary Corner in SE Alaska, Adam Daniel Barker
The Existential Adventures of Sal Jones, Christopher Barter
Response of Laser Welded Sandwich Panels Subject to Initial Velocity, Rajeev Baskiyar
Gelation of Previously Cooked Jonah Crab (Cancer borealis) Minced Meat in New Food Product Development, Shari R. Baxter
High Temperature LGT Expansion Measurements through Multiple Techniques, Timothy Ray Beaucage
Road Mortality Risk for Spotted and Blanding's Turtle Populations, Frédéric Beaudry
Developing DNS Tools to Study Channel Flow Over Realistic Plaque Morphology, Ryan M. Beaumont
Touching is Good: An Eidetic Phenomenology of Interface, Interobjectivity, and Interaction in Nintendo's "Animal Crossing: Wild World", Bryan G. Behrenshausen
An Examination of the Relationship between Post-9/11 Visa Regulations and International Student Enrollment, Diane Belanger
Low Voltage BiCMOS Circuit Topologies for the Design of a 19GHz, 1.2V, 4-Bit Accumulator in Silicon-Germanium, Ryan H. Bethel
Identification and Characterization of Putative Palmitoyltransferases in Dictyostelium discoideum, with Focus on a Novel Gene, PAZ5, Bethany Bodwell
Paradoxical Communication in Office Space, Nikole R. Bonenberger
Photocatalytic Oxidation of Carbon Monoxide Using Sputter Deposited Molybdenum Oxide Thin Films on a Silicon Dioxide Substrate, Donald Bragg
Commerce and Continuity: The Evolution of Mixed Husbandry on the Waters Farm, 1760-1840, Tim Brosnihan
Molecular and Phenotypic Characterization of the Y-Linked Autoimmune Accelerator (YAA), Aaron Clifford Brown
Emerging Adolescent Sexuality: A Comparison of American and Dutch Women's Experiences, Maria Johanna Elisabeth Brugman
Assessment of the Flame Angelfish (Centropyge loriculus) as a Model Species in Studies on Egg and Larval Quality in Marine Fishes, Chatham K. Callan
The Long-term Effects of a Group-selection Timber Harvest on the Bird Community of an Oak-Pine Forest in Maine, Stephen P. Campbell
High Resolution Visualization of Large Scientific Data Sets Using Tiled Display, Caleb Carter
Analysis of Rutting Development in Flexible Pavements with Geogrid-reinforced Base Layers Using 3D Finite Element Analysis, Joshua David Clapp
Wild Blueberries Affect Endothelium-dependant Vasodilation in Sprague-Dawley and Spontaneously Hypertensive Rats, Kateryna Clark
"Why is Everyone So Interested in Texts?": The Shifting Role of the Reader in the Genre of Hard-boiled Fiction, William Cleveland
Students' Epistemological Beliefs of Mathematics When Taught Using Traditional Versus Reform Curricula in Rural Maine High Schools, Glenn T. Colby
Balance between Formation of Twist1 Homodimer and Heterodimer Regulate Suture Fusion, Jeannette J. Connerney
Investigating Student Understanding of Sound as a Longitudinal Wave, Earl C. Coombs
Experimental Investigation into the Fatigue Life of Hybrid Joints under Fully Reversed Loading, Dominique Francis Corriveau
Intranasal Vaccination to Boost Equine Immunity to Uterine Streptococcal Infection, Ian F. Crowley
Development and Application of a Paleolimnological Inference Model to Identify Historically Fishless Lakes in Maine, Katie E. DeGoosh
An Examination of Crack Growth in Wood-FRP Bonds, Justin J. Desjarlais
Mechanics of Burrowing in Muddy Sediments, Kelly M. Dorgan
What Was in the Doctor's Bag?: A Material Culture Study of the Performance of Medicine in Antebellum New England, Anú King Dudley
La Diphtongaison dans le Français de Waterville, Maine: Une Étude Sociolinguistique des Voyelles Orales, Brooke Dupuy
Exercise and Mood: Exploring the Role of Exercise in Regulating Stress Reactivity in Bipolar Disorder, Teresa M. Edenfield
Sharing a Landscape: The Construction of Sense of Place on the Maine Coast, Andrea Jane Ednie
Semantic Interoperability of Geospatial Ontologies: A Model-theoretic Analysis, James A. Farrugia
Identifying Student Concepts of Gravity, Roger Eastman Feeley
Lobster Sampling Trap, William H. Fike
Tool of Acculturation, Outil de Survivance: Education of French Canadians in Holyoke, Massachusetts 1880-1920, Susan Fliss
Storytelling Home: A Zimbabwean Women's Performance, Jlynn J. Frazier
Spatial and Temporal Patterns of Amphibian Disease in Acadia National Park Wetlands, Megan K. Gahl
Development of Spectral Imaging Microscope for Single Molecule Studies in Complex Biological Systems, Thanu Prabha Kalambur Girirajan
Development of the Modular Ballistic Protection System, Keenan Michael Goslin
Climate Investigations Using Glaciochemical Records from a Tibetan Ice Core and a Fresh Snow Reconnaissance Study from Tierra del Fuego, Bjorn Grigholm
U.S. Foreign Policy and the Cambodian People, 1945-1993, Joshua Hallsey
The Troubled Relationship between Suharto and the Indonesian Armed Forces from the Mid 1960s to the Early 1990s, Nackhoon Han
Dietary Studies for Larviculture of Atlantic Cod (Gadus morhua), Jennifer Muscato Hansen
Applications of Conformal Field Theory to Problems in 2D Percolation, Jacob Joseph Harris Simmons
Factors Affecting Habitat Selection and Population Characteristics of American Marten (Martes americana atrata) in Newfoundland, Brian J. Hearn
Can the Consumption of Fruits Containing Anthocyanins Reduce the Risk of Developing Type 2 Diabetes?, Amy Elizabeth Henderson
An Exploration of the use of Professional Development Standards in Adult Education Professional Development, Evelyn Higgins Beaulieu
Land Use History and Stand Development on Long Island in Blue Hill Bay, Maine, Kristen Andrea Hoffmann
Behavior and Survival of Migrating Atlantic Salmon (Salmo salar) in the Penobscot River and Estuary, Maine: Acoustic Telemetry Studies of Smolts and Adults, Christopher Michael Holbrook
Mobilization of Metals and Phosphorous from Intact Forest Soil Cores by Dissolved Inorganic Carbon: A Laboratory Column Study, Brett Holmes
The Impact of the Strawberry Bud Weevil (Anthonomus signatus) on Raspberry (Rubus idaeus) in Maine, Christina S. Howard
Economic Approaches to Public and Private Land Conservation in the United States, Amy Claire Hudnor
Identification of Key Signaling Molecules with Therapeutic Potential for Ph+ Leukemia, Yiguo Hu
Making an "American Classic": Faulkner, Ferber, and the Politics of 20th Century Canon Formation, Angela Januzzi
Kinetics and Mechanism of Oxygen Delignification, Yun Ji
Toxicological Comparison of Heavy Metal Salt and Semiconductor Nanoparticle Exposure in Zebrafish (Danio rerio), Adam Nicholas Johnson
A Test for Question Order Effects in a Conjoint Choice Survey, Joel D. Johnson
Mating System Dynamics in a Free-Spawning Colonial Ascidian, Sheri L. Johnson
The Effects of Forest Management and Food Availability on the Ecophysiology of Pre-Breeding and Breeding Hermit Thrushes (Catharus guttatus), Jason Clarence Johnston
Farmer Participation in the Conservation Reserve Program and the Environmental Quality Incentives Program, Danielle Yvonne Jones
Critical Roles for Laminin in Skeletal Muscle Morphogenesis and Myotendinous Junction Maintenance, Robert Jones
Combining Geospatial and Temporal Ontologies, Kripa Joshi
Late Holocene Asian Climate and Environmental Variability as Inferred from a Mt. Everest Ice Core, Susan Kaspari
Relationships between Climate, Disease, Radial Growth Response, and Mortality of American Beech in Northern Maine, Matthew T. Kasson
The Role of Email in Faculty-Student Relationships Toward Understanding Engagement and Retention, Kjrsten Keane
Linking Moving Object Databases with Ontologies, Kraig King
Developments in Green Sea Urchin (Strongylocentrotus droebachiensis) Aquaculture in the Gulf of Maine, Nicole Kirchhoff
Assessing the Sustainability of Agricultural Systems, Laura L. Kramar