The University of Maine Electronic Theses and Dissertations (ETD) project is a joint effort of Fogler Library and the Graduate School. Our goals are "to improve graduate education, increase sharing of knowledge, help universities build their information infrastructure, and extend the value of digital libraries," in keeping with those of the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations, a national initiative of which the University of Maine is a member.
This online collection features the final theses and dissertations approved by the Graduate School of the University of Maine.
For more information about finding additional theses and dissertations or obtaining copies of those not available electronically, see Fogler Library's Subject Guide on Theses & Dissertations.
Questions can also be directed to Fogler Library's Special Collections Department by phone at (207) 581-1686 or email at
Theses/Dissertations from 2005
Sexual Reproduction in the Marine Centric Diatom Ditylum Brightwellii, Julie A. Koester
Determining Consumer Food Purchasing Bahavior in Maine, Abhijeet Kumar
Development of Small Scale Experimental Protocol and a Multi-Physics Model to Predict the Complex Hygro-Mechanical Behavior of Wood Under Varying Climates, Rastislav Lagana
Transient Illness Shocks and Family Labor Use in a Rice Producing Area of Mali, Catherine Larochelle
Invisible Threads, Deborah Levine
The Importance of NonViolence in United Nations Peacekeeping, Jeffrey Lowell
A Microreactor System for Measuring Size Selectivity in Porous WO3 Sensor Materials, Meng Lu
Factors Affecting Consumer Assessment of Eco-Labeled Traditional Fuel Passenger Vehicles, Caroline Lundquist Noblet
Effect of Aluminum Sulfate and Sodium Alumniate on the Drainage and Retention Properties of Fibrous Suspensions, Wing T. Luu
An Examination of the Scope and Variety of Adventure Therapy Services within the State of Maine, Donald F. Lynch
Relational Victimization in Adolescence: A Model of Factors Increasing Risk for Psychological Difficulties, Jessica M. Matthews
Grandparent Caregivers: Their Joys, Challenges and Concerns for the Future, Michaela E. McCarthy
Investigations of Student Understanding of Sound Propogation and Resonance, Katherine VerPlanck Menchen
Ramanujan's Formula for the Riemann Zeta Function Extended to L-Functions, Katherine J. Merrill
Measuring the Effects of Mathematics Instruction in a Physics Classroom with Mathematics and Physics Diagnostics, Michael A. Murphy
Locomotory Behavior of Potato Aphid in Relation to Environmental Stimuli, Girish K. Narayandas
Is All Open Space Created Equal? A Hedonic Application within a Data-Rich GIS Environment, Bradley C, Neumann
Immunopurification of Bovine Placental Lactogen, Dong Thi Nguyen-Bresinsky
Development and Evaluation of a New Salmon Jerky Snack Product, Ashlan S. Oberholtzer
Revegetating Blackwoods Campground, Acadia National Park: Emphasis on Natural Regeneration of Red Spruce and Balsam Fir, Cristin O'Brien
Student Understanding of Conservation of Energy and Mass in Introductory University Science Courses, Jessica L. Odell
My Best Friend: A Closer Look at Relationships with Companion Animals, Margaret E. Oehler
Spiritual Development: An Exploratory Study of Women's Views on the Connection between Spirituality and Sexuality, Hannah C. Osborne
Prevention of Type 1 Diabetes in the NOD Mouse Using Partial, Rather Than Full, Allogeneic Hematopoietic Chimerism, Melissa Osborne
Thermoelastic Analysis and Optimization of Functionally Graded Plates and Shells, Jacob Leo Pelletier
The Role of Negative Affect and Emotional Avoidance in the Maintenance of Binge Eating Disorder, Jennifer J. Pells
1-800-(Re)Colonize: A Feminist Postcolonial and Performance Analysis of Call Center Agents in India Performing U.S. Cultural Identity, Kimberlee Perez
Comparative Morphology of the Reproductive System in Acoels (Acoela, Acoelomorpha) and its Implications for Taxonomy, Anatoly Petrov
A Comparative Study of Self-Fertilization in the Life Histories of Three Ascidian Species with Contrasting Dispersal Patterns, Aimee L. Phillippi
Root Length Affects Soluble Carbon and Phosphorus in a Rotational Cropping System, Allison Piper
Hydrologic and Borehole Geophysical Investigation of Bedrock Observation Wells at the University of Maine, Eric Andrew Rickert
An Evaluation of 20 Year Changes in Chemistry in the EPA Easter Lake Survey, A Statistical Population of Lakes in the Northeastern U.S., Catherine Harney Rosfjord
A Successful Principal's Conversations: Perceived Impacts on Relationships and School Climate, Heather Dwyer Jaquette Sadlier
Parent-child Interactions in the Maintenance of Childhood Anxiety Disorders, Bethany J. Sallinen
Advanced Students' Resource Selection in Nearly-Novel Situations, Eleanor C. Sayre
Forestry Cooperatives for Diverse Management Goals: An Assessment of Interest Levels among Maine's Nonindustrial Private Forest Owners Enrolled in the Tree Growth Tax Program, Brian Jonathan Schneider
Cover Cropping and Soil Disturbance Impacts on the Invertebrate Weed Seed Predator Harpalus rufipes DeGeer (Coleoptera: Carabidae), Amanda F. Shearin
Soil Iron, Aluminum, and Phosphorus Dynamics in Response to Long-Term Nitrogen and Sulfur Additions at the Bear Brook Watershed in Maine, Jessica F. Sherman
Copyright Law Inadequacies in the Case of Digital Sampling: Adding Color to a Grey Area, Andre Sirois
Endocrine Disruption in Atlantic Salmon (Salmo salar) Exposed to Pesticides, Benjamin W. Spaulding
Field and Laboratory Evaluation of the Portable Falling Weight Deflectometer, Bryan Christopher Steinert
An Investigation of False Discovery Rates in Multiple Testing under Dependence, Hui Tao
Oxygen Delignification for Southern Softwood Kraft Pulps with High Lignin, Li Tao
High Temperature LGX Acoustic Wave Devices and Application for Gas Sensors, Jeremy Allan Thiele
Conflict Management Skills in Women who Work Outside Home and Homemakers, Sandra Caceres Tijerina
Assessing Selected Lifestyle Behaviors Indicative of General Health Status for University of Maine Cooperative Extension Employees, Andrea Urbanek
Climatic and Lithogenic Controls on Soil Organic Matter-Mineral Associations, Rota Wagai
Differences Among Athletes and Non-Athletes in Sex Role Orientation and Attitudes Towards Women: Comparing Results from 1982 and 2005, Marcus D. Walton
Age-related Trends in Red Spruce Needle Anatomy and their Relationship to Declining Productivity, Margaret H. Ward
Work Spillover and its Affects on Home Life, Kristina M. Wegner
Correlations between Arsenic in Maine Groundwater and Microbial Populations as Determined by Fluorescent In-Situ Hybridization, Jennifer M. Weldon
Fantasy and Imagination: Discovering the Threshold of Meaning, David Michael Westlake
Girls in the Woods: An Exploration of the Impact of a Wilderness Program on Adolescent Girls' Constructions of Femininity, Anja Whittington
Childhood Gender Nonconformity, Parent-Child Relationships, and the Development of Internalized Homophobia in Gay Men, Jeffrey A. Wickersham
Digital Vertical Aerial Camera System for High-resolution Site Inspections in Conservation Easment Monitoring, Kenton Williams
The Effects of Social Anxiety on the Development of Romantic Relationships in Adolescence, Karen R. Zeff
Hierarchies for Event-Based Modeling of Geographic Phenomena, Rui Zhang
Ecological Modeling of American Lobster (Homarus americanus) Population in the Gulf of Maine, Yuying Zhang
Enhanced Growth of the Scleractinian Coral Porites rus through Elevated Alkalinity, Craig John Zievis
Theses/Dissertations from 2004
MFK Fisher: Food and Feminist Identity, Diane F. Allen
Biology and Ecology of Larval Lobsters (Homarus americanus): Implications for Population Connectivity and Larval Transport, Eric R. Annis
Civil War Photographs Considered, Daniel Ashley
The Economic Impact and Importance of Microbusinesses to the New England Economy, Sibel Atasoy
Violence as (Masculinist) Epistemic Rhetoric: A Case for Memento, Robert Avery
Mercy and the Misericord in Late Medieval England, Paulette Elaine Barton
The Effects of Microprocessor Architecture on Speedup in Distrbuted Memory Supercomputers, Glen L. Beane
Assessing College Students' Mathematical Disposition, Richard W. Beveridge
Beauty in Bronzeville, Lori Bird
Is MWP 1A Real and Could It have Originated in the Northern Hemisphere in Response to Bolling Warming, Sean D. Birkel
Permeability of Base Material for Maine Roads, Michel Bouchedid
Quantitative and Qualitative Measures of Activity in Seasonal Affective Disorder, Nina E. Boulard
Radionuclide Fluxes in Glaciers and Seasonal Snowpack, Daniel James Breton
Associations Among Stress, Work Overload, Role Conflict, and Self-Efficacy in Maine Principals, Donald A. Buckingham
Exploring the Role of Public Awareness in Household Response to Hemlock Woolly Adelgid: An Averting Behavior Model, Brenna Shawn Byrne
A Data Model for Exploration of Temporal Virtual Reality Geographic Information Systems, Jorge Alberto Prado de Campos
Wetland and Nest Scale Habitat Use by the Four-toed Salamander (Hemidactylium scutatum) in Maine, and a Comparison of Survey Methods, Rebecca J. Chalmers
Late-Glacial Climate as Inferred fom Chironomid Assemblages in Lake Sediments from Aroostook County, Northeastern Maine, Geneva Erin Chase
Application of Numerical Model CGWAVE for Wave Prediction at Ponce de Leon Inlet, Florida, USA, Nishchey Chhabra
Application Development Using Client-Server Technology, Evan Chowdhury
Gloss Development of Spray-coated Systems, Aaron W. Clark
Was MtBE a Costly Mistake? The Evidence from Maine, Cecilia Merete Clavet
Environmental Conservation on Agricultural Working Land: Assessing Policy Alternatives Using a Spatially Heterogeneous Land Allocation Model, Kelly M. Cobourn
Energy Transfer and Optical Memory Studies of d10 Closed Shell Homo and Heterometallic Dicyanide Systems, Julie Clarissa F. Colis
Phosphorus Cycling in Maine Lakes: A Sedimentary Analysis, Kyle Marvin Coolidge
Landsat Spectral Analysis, Waveband Selection and Classification Accuracy Assessment of Coffee Plantation in Central America, Silvia Cordero-Sancho
Effect of Shear Rate and Mixing Time on Starch/Polyacrylamide Gels as Retention Aids, Benedict Cracolici
The Role of Right Intentions in Humanitarian Military Interventions, Jovana Davidovic
Behavior of Pile-Supported Integral Abutments at Bridge Sites with Shallow Bedrock, John Gordon DeLano
Continuous Digital Calibration of Pipelined A/D Converters, Alma Delić-Ibukić
Leaf Area Index - Relative Density Relationships in Even-Aged Abies Balsamea - Picea Rubens Stands in Maine, Robert Justin DeRose
Immigration Advertising and the Canadian Government's Policy for Prairie Development, 1896 to 1918, Laura A. Detre
Pressure Distribution and Transfer in Rolling Nips, Suresh K. Devisetti
Ion Channel Dynamics in Interneuron Models of the Cricket Cercal Sensory System, Carrie Elizabeth Diaz Eaton
A 200-year Sulfate Record from 16 Antarctic Ice Cores and Associations with Southern Ocean Sea Ice Extent, Daniel A. Dixon