The Honors College at the University of Maine is a community of nearly 800 students who, along with nearly 100 faculty members, are committed to taking intellectual risks through exploring questions both within and outside their academic disciplines in the course of a four-year curriculum. The College is committed to both broadening and deepening the academic experience of its students, providing them with the resources and skills needed to critically engage important questions and issues.
For those students who graduate from the Honors College, their journey ends with the writing of their Honors thesis. Over the course of the senior year, they work with a faculty mentor completing independent research or a creative project in their discipline. At the end of the two-semester experience, they present the thesis to their thesis committee of five faculty members and professionals in their field. For these students, this is the culmination of their work at the University of Maine and a springboard to future opportunities and achievements.
“The intense supervision of my Honors thesis was the most important academic experience of my life. My advisor’s personal guidance and insistence that I couple precise research with creative and original thought has served as a benchmark for me for over thirty years.” – James E. Tierney ’69, Attorney General of Maine (1980-1990)
The first four theses were written in 1937, in recent years the number has approached 100. We plan to populate this digital archive with many of the over 1300 theses that have been written in those over seventy-five years.
For more information, contact the Honors College at or 207-581-3263.
Honors Theses from 2025
Creation of a Trading Card Game Through the Exploration of Emergent Gameplay, William Bradley
Between the Static: A Personal Exploration of WMEB and College Radio's Cultural Influence, Jessica Cleary-Reuning
Evaluating Environmental Education with Non-Readers, Laini Frager
Measuring Economic Resilience: Business Cycle Analysis Across Maine's Economic Summary Areas, Ruth Griffith
Politics in Education: A Climate of Polarization, Tyler Kahkonen
Honors Theses from 2024
Intrinsically Career-Motivated Women & Motherhood, Paige Allen
Ecological Effects and Ethics of a Species Range Shift to High Elevation Ponds, Ava Ardito
Relations Among Self-Disclosure, Digital Communications Behavior, and Mental Health in College Students During and After COVID-19, Estephanie Baez-Vazquez
Exploring and Understanding The Experience of Transitional Supports By Former Youth in Care, Abigail Bagley
The Conservation Project: An Exploration of Multimedia in Ocean Conservation, Ilaria Bardini
Shostakovich, Soviet Cultural Policies, and the Fifth and Thirteenth Symphonies: A Contextual Evaluation, Nathanael Batson
What is Marxian Communism? Limning the Post-Revolutionary Utopia By Implication, Teodora Blejeru
Exploring Nitrogen Applications in the Crop Year of Wild Blueberry Production, Abby Cadorette
Learning About Learning: Classroom Communication and Its Impacts on Students, Hope Carroll
Assessing the Influence of Interseeded Cover Crops on Beneficial Arthropod Abundance in a Northeastern Agroecosystem, Charles Cooper
Evaluating the Effects of Parasite Infections on Reproductive Ability in Maine Moose, Isabella Costa
Using the Tarot to Heal: A Study of the Use of Tarot in Therapeutic Settings and the Creation of a Major Arcana, Venae DeMarte
A Phenomenological Approach to Classic Maya Kingship, Griffin Dever
Sustaining Community and Identity Through Food at the University of Maine, Elizabeth DuDevoir
Relations of Emotional Functioning and Hormonal Contraceptive Use in UMaine Female Students, Shannen Fitzjurls
An Investigation Into Problem Solving in the Calculus III Classroom, Joseph Godinez
Temperature and Energy Interactions in Small Tropical Mammals, Abe Grunwald
Physical Forcing of Productivity, Biomass, and Demography of Ascophyllum Nodosum, Henry Guy
Playing History: How Video Games Can Change the Way We Understand the Past, Chapman Hall
A Survey of Current Perceptions and Actual Use By Students and Faculty of Generative Artificial Intelligence in Higher Education, Cameron Hasselbaum
The Man-Hating Woman: Studying Bystander Perceptions of Social Media Sexism Confrontations, Erika Hipsky
Teaching Gender: Analyzing and Transforming the Limitations of the Gender Binary in Pre-Medical Education, Elliott Hooper
Characteristics and Motivations of Passengers on Board a Puffin Tour Boat in Maine, Skye Howard
Analysis of Nonsmooth Neural Mass Models, Cadi Howell
The Effects of Length and Increasing Nitrate Concentrations on Behavior of Betta Splendens, Tess Hureau
Sexuality Education in Central Maine High Schools: What's Happening Now and What's Changed in Two Decades?, Morgan Inman
Effects of Ecologically Relevant Concentrations of Nitrate on Behavior in Betta Splendens, Sarah Janson
The Experience of Emptiness: A Creative Exploration of Indeterminacy, Olivia Kjellander
"What Has the Emperor To Do with the Church?": A History of Religious Politics in Donatist Africa, John Lander
Coastline in a Changing Maine: The Economics of Coastal Preference, Walter Lange
Why Do Rebel and Criminal Groups Provide Social Services?, Sydney Lorom
Using CDOM Optical Properties to Estimate Its Source, Distribution, and DOC Conentration in Maine Estuaries, Camille Michaud
Microplastics: The Relationship Between Wastewater and Amount of Microplastics in the Environment, Julia Muth
Re: Leapt Into Rain, A Story and Disquisition, Lukas Norment
Development and Investigation of Children's Manuscripts on Sustainable Agriculture and Place Based Interactions with the Land, Isabella Oliveira
A Study Into the Fundamentals and Enhancements of Solenoid Based Accelerators, William Poole
SNAP Acceptance and Food Insecurity at the Brunswick-Topsham Land Trust Farmers' Market, Abigail Powers
Are Rural States Equipped for the Youth Mental Health Crisis? An Investigation of the Mental Health Attitudes and Stigma Beliefs of Caregivers, Benjamin Roseman
Determining the Viability of Marine Sensor Construction, Roman Sequeira
Distribution of Shell-Boring Polychaetes at Shellfish Aquaculture Sites Along the Northeast Coast of the US, Samantha Silverbrand
Behavioral Effects of Nitrate on Siamese Fighting Fish (Betta Splendens): Female Mate Preference and Anxiety, Courtney Stow
Ecological, Molecular, and Electron Microscopical Investigations of the Distribution of Shell-Boring Polychaetes Along the Coast of Maine, Emma Tomasetti
Exploring Non-Traditional Assessments for Use in High School STEM Courses, Gwenneth Turgeon
Creating Interpretable Deep Learning Models to Identify Species Using Environmental DNA Sequences, Samuel Waggoner
Autonomous Fish Identification for the Remotely Operated Vehicle Control System, Jacob Wildes
Decadent Gothic: The Horrors of an Urban World, Kyle Willis
Ghost Connect-Net: A Connectivity-Based Companion Network to Enhance Pruning Methods, Mary Isabelle Wisell
Honors Theses from 2023
The Embodied Performance of Tics and Tourette Syndrome in the Academic Environment, Benjamin Allen
Adjustment and Social Media Use During and After the COVID-19 Pandemic, Alexis Banner
Mutual Aid: A Community-Led Solution to Economic Hardships at the University Of Maine, Tamra Benson
Evaluating eDNA Metabarcoding as a Mic-Roe-Scopic Net to Catch Salmon Pathogens, Noah Burby
Using 2D Animation with Interactive Elements to Create a Culturally Interesting Web Experience, Nhan Chau
The Sociocultural Significance of Maine's Oyster Based on Media Coverage Analysis, Syeira Clark
Stratigraphic Architecture of Pozuelo Mounds as Revealed by Earth Resistivity Tomography, Caeli Connolly
Assessing College Students' Understanding of Geologic Timescales, Ethan Couture
The WPATH Standards of Care: Their History and Importance in Advocating for Transgender Health, Alexander Cross
Behavioral Interactions Between Spotted-Wing Drosophila (Drosophila Suzukii) and It's Parasitoid the Samba Wasp (Ganaspis Brasiliensis), Dominic Crowley
A Study on Scaling Floating Offshore Wind Turbine Geometry and Hydrostatics with Increasing Turbine Size, Samuel Davis
A Historical Comparison of the St. John and St. Matthew Passions of Johann Sebastian Bach, Emily Dunlap
Incel Bonding: Masculinity and Storytelling in Online Misogynist Spaces, Gunnar Eastman
Inclusivity in Combat Amputee Research: An Analysis of Underrepresented Populations, Victoria Eichorn
Coral Restoration: Comparisons in Space, Time, Impacts, and Costs, Allison Fargo
Developing Durable Health Promotion: The Connections Between Exercise Setting and Adherence to Exercise in College-Aged Women, Tara Flubacher
What Makes a Good Stage Manager, Laura Garfein
One Theme, Infinite Interpretations. Exploring Perspective Through Photo Sharing., Avery Gosselin
The Maine Queer-y: An Analysis of a "Gender Queer" Book Challenge in Maine, Antyna Gould
Critical Discourse Analysis: Sexual Violence in Maine Department of Public Safety (DPS) "Crime in Maine" Reports, Emma V. Grous
Maine Monsters: How Indigenous and Non-Indigenous People Perceive Environmental Monstrosity, Cheyenne Hebert
The Ghost of Amritsar, Joe Horne
Polarized by Design: Does the Structure of Congress Eliminate Moderates?, James Hotham
Modeling Franconia Ridge, New Hampshire Using Structure from Motion and Developing New Techniques for Fracture Detection, Dane Johnson
Bike Ride: An Audio/Visual Examination of Liminal Spaces as a Ritual for Personal Growth, Myles Kelley
Home in the Dawnland: Sense of Place and Eco-Cultural Relations in the Penobscot River Valley, Kate Kemper
Analyzing the Use of Social Media to Communicate the Intersection of the Gut Microbiome and Mental Illness, Grace LaFrance
Kinematic Vorticity and Porphyroclast Rotation in Mylonites of the Norumbega Fault System: Implications for Paleoviscometry, Hendrik Lenferink
On the Fly Audio Processing for the Vocal Conditioning Unit, Tim Lester
The Illustrations Of Jay Jackson: A Visual Analysis of the Chicago Defender in the 20th Century, Ruth Lewandowski
Exploring Interfaith Sex Education, Bailey Lewis
Inspiration: The Cogs of Our World, Casey Libuda
The Impacts of COVID-19 on Friendship Reciprocity in Adolescents, Tori Lucia
Lethal and Sublethal Effects of Beauveria Bassiana on Maine Ticks Across Soil pH, Alexander Mahar