The Honors College at the University of Maine is a community of nearly 800 students who, along with nearly 100 faculty members, are committed to taking intellectual risks through exploring questions both within and outside their academic disciplines in the course of a four-year curriculum. The College is committed to both broadening and deepening the academic experience of its students, providing them with the resources and skills needed to critically engage important questions and issues.
For those students who graduate from the Honors College, their journey ends with the writing of their Honors thesis. Over the course of the senior year, they work with a faculty mentor completing independent research or a creative project in their discipline. At the end of the two-semester experience, they present the thesis to their thesis committee of five faculty members and professionals in their field. For these students, this is the culmination of their work at the University of Maine and a springboard to future opportunities and achievements.
“The intense supervision of my Honors thesis was the most important academic experience of my life. My advisor’s personal guidance and insistence that I couple precise research with creative and original thought has served as a benchmark for me for over thirty years.” – James E. Tierney ’69, Attorney General of Maine (1980-1990)
The first four theses were written in 1937, in recent years the number has approached 100. We plan to populate this digital archive with many of the over 1300 theses that have been written in those over seventy-five years.
For more information, contact the Honors College at or 207-581-3263.
Honors Theses from 2020
Designing A Platform to Detect Peripheral Neuropathy with Microneedle Electrodes and Neurophysiology, Erin Merchant
Breaking Down "Harassment" to Characterize Trends in Human Interaction Cases in Maine's Pinnipeds, Emma Newcomb
Assessing Health Related Quality of Life, Language Impairment, and Psychosocial Factors in Post-Stroke Aphasia, Sophia M.E. Palangas
The Functional Role of Glia in Peripheral Metabolic Tissue, Emma Paradie
The Use of Smartphone Apps as a Supplement to Transgender Voice and Communication Therapy, Maura Philippone
Estimating Bedrock Fracture Density of the Juneau Icefield, AK, to Inform Glacial Erosion Models, Colby Rand
Female Political Campaigns: Just the Right Amount of Femininity, Harley Rogers
Comparison of Drying Methods of Cellulose Nanofibrils Low Density Foams and Their Effects On Structural Properties, Lauren Ryan
Basal Area Factor in Variable Radius Sampling Effects on Stand Level Measurements, Carlton Scott
“Things are Going to Get a Lot Worse Before They Get Worse”: Humor in the Face of Disaster, Politics, and Pain, Sierra Semmel
In vivo Imaging of the Respiratory Burst Response to Influenza A Virus Infection, James Thomas Seuch
A Biogeographical Assessment of Arctic Marine Fungi, Bentley E. Simpson
Madonna, Monster and Other Stories: Surrealist Short Fiction, Katherine Skvorak
How Alumnae of a Feminist Organization During Middle-High School Perceive Their Involvement as Related to Their Academic Self-Concept, Miranda R. Snyder
Emotional Engagement of Consumers: A Case Study Between Peloton and ClassPass and their Differences in Branding Initiatives on the Facebook Platform, Meredith Stephens
Chytridiomycota in Tree Bark, Paige Strasko
Terms of Erasure: The Jewish Experience in a Rural New England Town, Jessica Sweeney
An Examination of Pervasive Language Around Sexual Harassment Through the Lens of Anita Hill, Christine Blasey Ford, and #MeToo, Elizabeth Theriault
Confirmed Presence of Parahepatospora carcini in Carcinus maenas Population of Maine, Brittany Torchia
An Evolutionary Approach to Crowdsourcing Mathematics Education, Spencer Ward
Symbiotic Suppression: How Digital Authoritarianism Helps Facilitate Physical Repression in Indian Controlled Kashmir, Patrick Aaron White
Using Cellulose Nanofibrils and Calcium Carbonate in Single-Use Utensils, Sierra Yost
Assessing Lipid Content in Migrating Alewife, Anthony Zenga
Honors Theses from 2019
The Underwriter Effect: How Underwriters Influence the Amount of Money Left on the Table for Initial Public Offerings, Matthew Ahearn
Personality in Small Mammals: From Home Range to Microhabitat Selection, Kara Aiken
VHF Near Field Antenna Design for Wireless Sensing Applications in Harsh Environments, Nicholas Aiken
Techno-Economic Analysis of a Seaweed Extraction Process, Zachary Applebee
Examining the Microbiome of Porphyra Umbilicalis in the North Atlantic, Margaret Aydlett
A Layman's Guide to Malignancies: Cancer and Cancer Research in Everyday Terms, Bailee Bartash
Evaluating Sustainable Decision Making on Water Resources: Comparing Cooperation Around the Aral Sea and Penobscot River, Brawley Benson
An Upper Extremity Exoskeleton Utilizing a Modified Double Parallelogram Linkage Mechanism with Proximally Located Actuators, Connor Bouffard
The Potential Roles of Melanopsin Signaling in Mediating the Effects of Environmental Light on Voluntary Ethanol Intake in Mice, Rachel Brooks
Terrorism in Context: The Stories We Tell Ourselves, James Brown V
Can Training Restaurant Servers on Managing Customer Harassment Influence Turnover Intentions?, Mariza Budri
Inanna: A Modern Interpretation, Erin Butts
Assessing the Effectiveness of Attractants to Increase Detection Probabilities in Northeastern Mammals, Michael Buyaskas
Predictive Diagnostic Analysis of Mammographic Breast Tissue Microenvironment, Dexter G. Canning
The Personal is Poetic: A Case for Poetry Therapy, Kimberly Crowley
Impact of Television on the Language Development of Young Children, Courtney E. Daly
A Qualitative Study of the Perceived Risks of the Impacts of Moose-Winter Tick Interactions on Human Health, Maine Economy, and Maine Culture, Asha DiMatteo-LePape
Landscape Factors Affecting Foraging Flight Altitudes of Great Blue Heron in Maine; Relevance to Wind Energy Development, Lauren Dolinski
Microscopia: A Virtual Museum of Organisms Created with SEM Photogrammetry, Ian Donnelly
Fitting the SIR Epidemiological Model to Influenza Data, Madeline Dorr
MMP13 Inhibition Does Not Rescue GMPPB-Deficient Skeletal Muscle in Zebrafish, Sean Driscoll
Pediatric Hospice Care: A Literature Review of Hospice Care Its Role in Pediatrics and Resources in Maine, Rachel Emerich
Variations in Media Framing of U.S.-Cuba Policy, Anna Foster
An Intersectional Feminist Approach to Lyme Disease Epidemiology, Meghan Frisard
Uncoupling Protein 1 in Bornean Treeshrews, Emily Gagne
Immigration in the Context of Religion with Case Studies of France and Hungary, Melissa Garand
Inpatient Mental Health Services in Rural Hospitals of the United States and Canada: A Case Study of Maine and New Brunswick, Dominic Gayton
Building a Better Understanding of Equine Anatomy Through Integrated Learning, Emily Gorney
Barriers to Hospital Food Waste: A Pilot Exploratory Study, Jennifer Goulding
Functional Analysis of Amino Acid Changes in the Metal Binding Pocket of the Lyt-R Domain of the CpsA Protein, Sydney Green
The Effects of European Fire Ants on Blacklegged Ticks in Acadia National Park, Lucy Guarnieri
The Effect of Elevation on Factors Influencing Adult Body Size of Asynarchus Nigirculus, Mykayla Hagaman
The Good Family, James Hannigan
Determining Key Residues of the Lyt-R Domain in the Streptococcal CpsA Protein, Mohammad Hashmi
An Analysis of the Fourth Amendment and the Role of the Plain View Doctrine in Cell Phone Privacy, Katie Hess
Faking Orgasm: Interviews with College Women About How, When, and Why They Pretend to Experience Orgasm, Lanie Howes
A Glimpse of Whimsy: Short Children's Stories, Emma Hutchinson
A Shoulder Mechanisms for Assisting Upper Arm Function With Distally Located Actuators, Michael Jones
Incorporation of Civilian Care in Emergency Medicine: Retainment of Training and Familiarization of Resources at the University of Maine, Courtney Jurson
An Analysis of Stress in Undergraduate Nursing Students at the University of Maine, Samantha King
Fire and Blood: Behavior and Thermoregulation in Small Nocturnal Mammals, Tal Kleinhause-Goldman Gedalyahou
Construction of a CpsA Double Mutant to Determine the Function of the Lyt-R Domain, Klarissa Klier
Effect of Hydroculture Methods on Tomato Root Morphology and Anatomy, Lia MacLellan
Interglacial Expansion of Alpine Glaciers in Garwood Valley, Antarctica, Laura Mattas
The Tower of London Becoming a Tourist Attraction in the 19th Century, Catherine McDonald
The Impact of New NIH Requirements on the Preclinical Research Sex Disparity --- A Meta-Analysis, Nicole McGrath
The Most Critical Resource: How Climate Change Fuels the Crisis in Syria and the Implications for the World at Large, Edward Medeiros
Effects of Government Reform and Creative Clusters on Chinese Entrepreneurship, Robert Mills
Heard it Through the Grapevine... Winery Owners Explain the Role of Sustainability in Maine's Emerging Industry, Michaela Murray
Perceptions of Emergency Room Nurses Regarding Needle Exchange Programs, Theresa Murray
The Future of United States Digital Copyright Law, Andrew Nadeau
Synthesis of a Fluorescently Tagged Bioactive Probe Specific to Neutrophils in a Zebrafish Model, Sadie Xiaohua Novak
Land Cover Composition, But Not Weather, Affects Female Wild Turkey Roost Site Selection, Kaj Overturf
The Effect of Embryonic Arsenic Exposure on the Sensorimotor Behavior of Zebrafish (Danio Rerio), Laura Paye
Alternative Worlds: 3 Short Stories, Katie Perry
The Attachment Theory: A Content Analysis of the Objectives of the Servant Heart Training Modules, Grace Pouliot
Awakening From a Dream, Liam Reading
Overwinter Survival Rate of Moose (Alces Alces) Calves in Relation to Habitat Composition, Bridget Re
Evaluation of the Attachment Theory Program in Sierra Leone, Africa, Alexander Reppond
Understanding Volume Transport in the Jordan River: an Application of the Navier-Stokes Equations, Gwyneth E. Roberts
Synthesis and Application of Cellulose-Based Hydrogels for Anti-Biofouling in Marine Environments, David Rondeau
Migrant Farm Work in the State of Maine: Meeting the Community Needs of Maine's Working Immigrant Population, Olivia Ruhlin
A Study of the Impacts of the Citizens United Supreme Court Decision on Electoral Outcomes in U.S. House of Representatives Races, Asher Sizeler-Fletcher
Exploring Semantic Hierarchies to Improve Resolution Theorem Proving on Ontologies, Stanley Small
Evaluating a Doppler Radar Monitor for Assessing Honey Bee Colony Health, Ana Eliza Souza Cunha
The Fiscal Effects of Public Investment in College Education, Jacob Spaulding