The Honors College at the University of Maine is a community of nearly 800 students who, along with nearly 100 faculty members, are committed to taking intellectual risks through exploring questions both within and outside their academic disciplines in the course of a four-year curriculum. The College is committed to both broadening and deepening the academic experience of its students, providing them with the resources and skills needed to critically engage important questions and issues.
For those students who graduate from the Honors College, their journey ends with the writing of their Honors thesis. Over the course of the senior year, they work with a faculty mentor completing independent research or a creative project in their discipline. At the end of the two-semester experience, they present the thesis to their thesis committee of five faculty members and professionals in their field. For these students, this is the culmination of their work at the University of Maine and a springboard to future opportunities and achievements.
“The intense supervision of my Honors thesis was the most important academic experience of my life. My advisor’s personal guidance and insistence that I couple precise research with creative and original thought has served as a benchmark for me for over thirty years.” – James E. Tierney ’69, Attorney General of Maine (1980-1990)
The first four theses were written in 1937, in recent years the number has approached 100. We plan to populate this digital archive with many of the over 1300 theses that have been written in those over seventy-five years.
For more information, contact the Honors College at or 207-581-3263.
Honors Theses from 2017
Cultural Appropriation in Contemporary Neopaganism and Witchcraft, Kathryn Gottlieb
The Role of Threat, Emotion, and Individual Difference Characteristics in Attitudes and Perceptions of Minority Groups, Aeleah Granger
Antioxidants in Atlantic Salmon on a Diurnal Basis, Alexa Grissinger
Stabilization of Iron Oxide Nanoparticles for Homogenous Integration Into Cellulose Nano Fibrils, Banton H. Heithoff
Microglial Activation Immediately After Ethanol Withdrawal and 1 Week After Ethanol Withdrawal in Female C3H Mice, Sarah Holbrook
The Role of Cooperation and Prosocial Behavior in Food Buying Clubs: An Exploratory Study, Afton Hupper
Host Range of Mycobacteriophage and Exploring Lysogenic Relationships Between Mycobacteriophage and Their Hosts, Emily Illingworth
Contraceptive Counseling Practices Among Providers Prescribing Opiates to Women of Childbearing Age, Lucy A. Iselborn
Examining Student Reasoning in Introductory Physics: Reversing the Chain, William S. Johnson
Catalytic Hydrogenation of Amino Acids using Polymer-Derived Microenvironments, Rachel Karno
Do Insulating Characteristics of Feathers Vary Among Color Phases of Ruffed Grouse (Bonasa umbellus)?, Nicole Keefner
Illiteracy as Immanent: The (Re)Writing of Rhetoric's Nature, Michael Kennedy
An Analysis of the Sociopolitical Factors Contributing to the Politicization of Sunni Islam in the Middle East, Ginger Wenzel Kieffer
Design of a Low Impact Canoe Portage System for the Hirundo Wildlife Refuge, Anthony Kingston
A Study of Undergraduate Perception and Behavior Toward On-Campus Composting, Sierra Kuun
A Descriptive Analysis of Porcupine Scavenging in an Experimental Forensic Context, Tamara Marie Labanowski
Investigating the Mechanism of JC Polyomavirus Endocytosis, Conner Robert Lajoie
The Effect of Voice Gender and Spoken Messages in Augmented Interactions, Katrina Lapham
An Agent-Based Model of Urban Sprawl: York and Cumberland Counties, Maine, Kaitlyn G. Lavallee
An Investigative Study Into Student Motivation and Identity Among Upper Class Electrical and Computer Engineering Students, Thomas J. Leighton
Creating a Future with Female Coders; Supporting Women Through Community, Ruth Leopold
Pathobiology of Water Molds in Fish: An Insight into Saprolegniasis, Kathryn Liberman
The Effects of Mercury Exposure on the Cytochrome C Oxidase 1 Gene of Larval Dragonflies, Megan C. Little
Tangled Up: Women’s Experiences in Mathematics, Lori Loftin
Katahdin Woods and Waters: Environmental Values and the Parks Problem, Kyle Lonabaugh
A Study of the Philosophic Underpinnings of the Motivations and Behaviors of Lifestyle Entrepreneurs, Ryan Lopes
Small-Scale Maine Farmers’ Perceptions and Adaptations to Climate Change, Shireen Luick
Art and Science: A Case Study of their Interconnectedness in the Marine Natural Sciences, Julia Mackin-McLaughlin
Perception of the Horizon Predicts Bird Abundance Better Than Habitat Patch Size in a Tidal Marsh Species of Conservation Concern, Hallie Marshall
Light Dynamics in the Damariscotta River Estuary With Implications for Microphytobenthos, Teiga C. Martin
The Confinement Effects on the Fiber Pullout Response of Ultra-High Performance Concrete (UHPC, Arden McSwain
Ecosystem Metabolism Modeling of Estuaries in Maine: Using Dissolved Oxygen as a Tool for Aquaculture Site Assessment, Katherine Miller
The Effects of Dioxin Exposure on the Hepatic Development of Larval Shortnose Sturgeon (Acipenser brevirostrum), Kelsey Moon
The Effects of Social Media on the Quality of Life of People With Aphasia, Megan Morey
The Effect of the Absence of Gaffkemia on Homarus americanus in the Gulf of Maine, Samantha O'Gorman
Then and Now: The History and Effectiveness of the University of Maine System Sexual Assault Mandatory Reporting Policy, Kathleen O'Toole
Interspecies Communication in Homo Sapiens and Canis Lupis Familiaris: A Meta Analysis, Karissa Panzino
Mind the Gap: Effects of Habitat and Climate on Northern Water Snake (Nerodia Sipedon Sipedon) Distribution in Maine, Anthony J. Pawlicki
William Morris, Edward Burne-Jones, and the Kelmscott Press:An Exploration of the Thing and a Non-Commodified Mode of Vision, Daniel Perry III
The Legendary King: How the Figure of King Arthur Shaped a National Identity and the Field of Archaeology in Britain, Elizabeth Gaj Proctor
Fostering Scientific Discourse Through the Development of an Online Journal, James Robe
Noise Exposure in University Pep Band Members: Acoustic Measurements Versus Musicians’ Perceptions, Jaime L. Roy
The Party: A Play in One Act, Derrek Schrader
Characterizing the Intact Prophage of Mycobacterium chelonae Bergey, Erica Sewell
The Potential Impact of Climate Change on Blue Whale Migration in the Eastern Pacific, Amanda Shuman
Effect of Enzymatic Hydrolysis on the Allergenic Capacity of Shrimp Tropomyosin, Angela Silke
Identifying Genes Essential for Lysogeny in Cluster E Mycobacteriophage Ukulele, Robert Levi Soohey
Role of G-protein Regulation of Formins during Gradient Tracking in Saccharomyces cerevisiae, Stephen Soohey
Exploring the Nutritional Value of Carrots and Determining Attributes that are Favored by Consumers, Hannah Harling Stefl
A Recommendation for Polyculture Agriculture to Reduce Nitrogen Loading That Leads to Hypoxia, Bethany Stevens
An Analysis of Middle School Physical Science Teachers' Understanding of Accelerated Motion, Elijah Tabachnick
Dyadic Friendship Interactions and Emotional Adjustment in Adolescents, Mackenzie Tefft
Implications of Body Size and Habitat Distribution of Carcinus Maenas for Predation on Mytilus Edulis in the Gulf of Maine, McKenzie Thompson
Developing Learning Models to Teach Equine Anatomy and Biomechanics, Zandalee E. Toothaker
A Summary of Landings, Legislative Actions, and Possible Climate-Induced Distribution Shifts in New England Fisheries, Dylan Trueblood
An Analysis of Russian Energy Exports and Their Effects on the Russian Domestic Economy, Cody J. Watson
Listening to Rafiki: The Past, Present and Future of Conservation in Tanzania, Leila Wojtkowski Barbeau
Honors Theses from 2016
Diversity of Small RNA Expression During Zebrafish Caudal Fin Regeneration, Jefferson Adams
The Role of Neutrophil Cytosolic Factor 1 in the Innate Immune Response to Influenza A Virus, Lucy D. Algeo
Environmental Features Influencing Myotis Bat Presence in the Penobscot Experimental Forest in Central Maine, USA, Emily K. Anderson
Extra! Extra! This Just Thin: Identifying and Evaluating Framing of Obesity-Related News Coverage in Maine, Alan D. Bennett
Stochastic Modeling of US Equity Returns, Mitchell Benoit
Characterizing the Neutrophil Response to Influenza A Virus Infection in the Zebrafish Model, Alexis Rae Bowman
Reconstructed, Ashley Brackett
La Representación de la Violencia en México Contemporáneo - The Representation of Violence in Contemporary Mexico, Taylor Brackett
The Effects of Emotional and Instrumental Support on Students’ Mathematical Attitudes, Victoria M. Calabrese
Museum and Exhibition Curation Techniques in Nazi Germany: An Analysis of Curation and Its Effects on Art, Artists, and the Public, Jennifer Cashin
An Analysis of the Services Offered to Cancer Patients in the State of Maine, Joseph Claar
Determining an Expected House Majority Using Pattern Analysis, Jesse T. Clark
Relationship Between Health and GPA When Comparing Traditional Undergraduate Students at the University of Maine in Orono, Rachel A. Claussen
Citrate’s Counter Ions and pH Effect on Gold Nanoparticle Growth Kinetics, Andrew B. Closson
A Study of Teacher Practices and Perspectives on Nutrition Education in Maine Elementary Schools, Alexandra J. Courtney
Reexaming the Political Ontology of Class: An Investigation of a Central Marxist Concept, Ciarán Coyle
“Persuading the Secret”: In Search of Maine’s Hermits, Taylor Cunningham
Analysis of Flow of Compressed Natural Gas Through a Fuel Injector, Erin E. Eldridge
Encouraging Student Creativity in Art Education, Naomi I. Ellsworth
Effects of Light Pollution on Habitat Selection in Post-Metamorphic Wood Frogs and Unisexual Blue-Spotted Salamanders, Abigail B. Feuka
The ‘Darkening Sky’: French Popular Music of the 1960s and May 1968, Claire Fouchereaux
Regulation of microRNA-199 Upon Pseudomonas Aeruginosa Infection in Zebrafish, Eliot Rivers Gagné
Application of Parallel Computing to Optimize Studies of Critical Exponents in the One-Dimensional Sznajd Model, Joseph Garcia
How Does 2,4-Dinitrophenol Compare to Triclosan as a Mitochondrial Uncoupler?, Erik Gerson
Synthesis of Ferrocene-Oxadiazole Complexes and a Determination of Their LogD Values, Grace C. Gould
Attempted Quantification of the Cyanogenic Glycosides Prunasin and Sambunigrin in the Sambucus L. (Elderberry), Elizabeth Grant
Interaction of Shading and Cytokinins in the Sun-Shade Foliar Adaptation Mechanism, Oleg S. Gross
Efficacy of Maine Lobster Shell as Treatment for Haemonchus Contortus Parasitism in Sheep, Morgan H. Gustin
Characterization of Transcriptional Control Elements in Cluster E Mycobacteriophage Ukulele, Campbell Belisle Haley
“Direct Descendant” Documenting Disenrollment in the Penobscot Nation, Mary L. Hamilton
Campus Electrical Map: Financial Repercussions of Failures, Neal Harrison-Billiat
A Comparison of the Experiences of Economic Adaptation and Integration for Refugees and Asylum Seekers in Maine, Grace Kiffney
A Study of Personality Traits of Travel and Cultural Awareness, Meaghan Labbe
The Mathematics Behind Sudoku and How to Create Magic Squares, Addison LaBonte
For Beste of Bon and Blod: Three Medieval English Lyrics Composed for A Cappella SATB Choir, Cain Landry
A Study of Arabic-Speaking English Language Learner’s Spoken Comprehensibility, Sophia G. A. Lataille
Prosociality: Promoting Helpful Behaviors Not Just Helpful Intentions, Katherine E. Lees
The Physiology of Love, Noelle Leon-Palmer
The Sapphire Mirror, Renée Levasseur
The Black Bear Food Guild: Student-Run Community Supported Agriculture From Roots to Fruition, Sara L. Lyons
Increasing the Resolution of the Last Glacial Maximum Record in the Tropical Andes Using 10Be Cosmogenic Surface-Exposure Dating in the Cordillera Carabaya, Peru, Zachary E. Mason
Preservice Teacher Self-Efficacy for Teaching Mathematics, Jade McGuire
Dropping the Gloves: Fighting for Varsity Status Under Title IX— The Rise of Women’s Ice Hockey at the University of Maine, Emily K. McNair