The University of Maine Electronic Theses and Dissertations (ETD) project is a joint effort of Fogler Library and the Graduate School. Our goals are "to improve graduate education, increase sharing of knowledge, help universities build their information infrastructure, and extend the value of digital libraries," in keeping with those of the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations, a national initiative of which the University of Maine is a member.
This online collection features the final theses and dissertations approved by the Graduate School of the University of Maine.
For more information about finding additional theses and dissertations or obtaining copies of those not available electronically, see Fogler Library's Subject Guide on Theses & Dissertations.
Questions can also be directed to Fogler Library's Special Collections Department by phone at (207) 581-1686 or email at
Theses/Dissertations from 2013
Growth and Development of Maine Spruce-Fir Forests Following Commercial Thinning, Patrick Michael Clune
Microbial Associates of Invasive Berberis Thunbergii DC.(Japanese Barberry), Vanessa Celeste Coats
Students' Understanding of Recursion: When Do They Use It and Why?, Adi Levy Conlogue
Characterization of the Elastic, Piezoelectric, and Dielectric Properties of Langatate At High Temperatures Up To 900 ◦C, Peter Mark Davulis
Adolescent Firesetters: IRT Analysis of Factors Associated with Violence Risk, Rachel Dawson Burrows
Wild passages: liminality and landscapes of the hunt in medieval poetry, Krestia DeGeorge
A Three Pronged Approach to Community Scale Renewable Energy: Education, Incremental Capital Investment and Smart Grid Technology, Anna E. Demeo
Late Quaternary history of Shackleton Glacier, Antarctica, Elizabeth Dengler
Abnormal cardiovascular development in cofilin morphant Zebrafish, Vanessa Devon Beck
Synthesis and Characterization of Silver Nanoparticle Impregnated Pourous Materials for Antimicrobial Water Filtration and Surface Enhanced Raman Scattering, Andrew T. Doolittle
Relations Among Type 2 Diabetes, Arterial Stiffness and Cognitive Functioning, Gregory A. Dore
Exploring Mouse and Human Pluripotent Stem Cell Fate Determination with Bayesian Network Machine Learning, Karen Garvin Dowell
Environmental assessment of circumneutral wetlands with shrubby cinquefoil (Dasiphora fruticosa), host plant of the endangered Clayton's copper butterfly (Lycaena dorcas claytoni), Sarah Ann Drahovzal
Maine crab: a study of the fishery with an emphasis on crab picking, Blossom Dunham Kravitz
Field-Deployable Colorimetric Biosensor System for the Rapid Detection of Pathogenic Organisms, Janice Duy
Finite element and experimental analysis of head protective gear to mitigate head injuries due to falls, Michael Alan Edgecomb II
A Scalable Platform for the Computation of Streamed Synchrophasor Data in Smart Grids, Matthew Edwards
Primary Migration of Hydrocarbons Through Microfracture Propagation in Petroleum Source Rocks, Zhiqiang Fan
Towards a filmic look and feel in real time computer graphics, Sherief Farouk
The political history of Japan's "war legacy issue:" the persistent foreign and domestic influence of World War II, Brian Buchanan Fisk
Dynamical, Bioeconomic Modeling of Fishery Interactions in the Gulf of Maine, Dominic Fitzpatrick
Biogeography and Phenology of Satellite-Measured Phytoplankton Seasonality in the California Current, Nicholas P. Foukal
Against Ephemera, Katie Fuller
Hyperspin Mouse Mutation as a Model for Human SHFM1D Syndrome, Leona H. Gagnon
Kinetic Analysis of Metal Assisted-Thiolate Disulfide Exchange (M=Au, Zn), G.S.P. Garusinghe
Roles of Sprouty in Endothelial Cells During Angiogenesis, Yan Gong
LC oscillator chirp generator for LADAR applications, Joseph Richard Grace III
Margaret Thatcher, British national identity, and the Falkland Islands: an examination of memoirs, parliamentary debate, and press editorials, Thomas Hunter Gray
Demography and movements of spawning American shad (Alosa sapidissima) in the Penobscot River, Maine, prior to dam removal, Ann B. Grote
Going green at the University of Maine: assessing student behavior, beliefs, and campus food availability, Rachael Lee Hall
Overcoming Critical Bottleneck Problems in Marine Ornamental Fish Aquaculture, Soren Lund Hansen
Identifying Productive Resources in Secondary School Students' Discourse About Energy, Benedikt Walter Harrer
Vibration Sensing of Tensioned Fabric Structures, Nathaniel Christopher Hayes
Family forests on the edge: implications for public recreation access in Maine, Gretchen Heldmann
Temperament and Dyadic Interactions in Infants of Opiate-Dependent Mothers, Nicole A. Heller
Determining Oceanic Iron Concentrations Using a Siderophore Based Sensor, Zachary Helm
Assessing Social Resilience of Maine Fishing Communities and Developing a Longline Groundfish Survey, Anna M. Henry
The Role of Sef (Similar Expression to FGF Genes) in Skeletal Development and Bone Homeostasis, Qing He
Productivity standards for whole-tree and cut-to-length harvesting systems in Maine, Patrick Hiesl
Productivity Standards for Whole-Tree and Cut-To-Length Harvesting Systems in Maine, Patrick Hiesl
Developing an Affinity Purification - Mass Spectrometry Strategy to Identify Novel Calpain-2 Interacting Proteins, Jordan Hoffman
Environmental life cycle assessment of packaging paper with pulp bleaching alternatives, Amy Lynn Holland
The Triad and the Trinity: An Exploration of the Pre-Nicean Understanding of the Divine, Matthew John Holsapple
Analysis of Survival Data by a Weibull-Generalized Poisson Distribution, Jie Huang
Strengthening the Development of Community-University Partnerships in Sustainability Science Research, Karen Kelly Hutchins
Glacial history of Salmon Valley, Royal Society Range, Antarctica, Margaret S. Jackson
Manhood in Verse: Revisiting the Folksongs of Joe Scott and Larry Gorman, Ian J. Jesse
An Assessment of Ninth Graders' Use of Graphs and Explanations to Communicate Scientific Ideas, Mary Jean Jones
Arthropod-mediated predation and scavenging ecosystem services in the Maine lowbush blueberry (vaccinium anguatifolium) agroecosystem, Matthew S. Jones
Synthesis, Characterization and Applications of Photo Active Nanomaterials, Sanjeev Kumar Kandpal
Effects of Endocrine Disrupting Chemicals on Mast Cell Function, Rachel H. Kennedy
Indoor Scene Knowledge Acquisition Using Natural Language Descriptions, Saranya Kesavan
Design and Development of a Transmission System Based on Magnetorheological Fluids, Mohammad Khalili
Luminescence Methods to Quantify and Characterize PPCPs and VOCs in Natural Systems, James P. Killarney
The Pride and Prejudice Project and Pens, Pencils and Perception, Peggy Sue Killian
Alienation and commodification in capitalist society with engaged Buddhism as a path of liberation, Daniel Knoring White
Atmospheric Dust Deposition in West Antarctica Over the Past Two Millennia, Bess Koffman
Computational and Experimental Investigations of Metalprotein Thiol/Disulfide Exchange Reactions, Roby Kurian
Wintering Shortnose Sturgeon (Acipenser brevirostrum) and Their Habitat in the Penobscot River, Maine, Kevin A. Lachapelle
A Unique Insulin Derived Epitope Contributes to Enhanced Pathogenic Activity of the Autoreactive Diabetogenic CD8 T-Cell Clonotype AI4 in NOD Mice, Deanna J. Lamont
How Can Thread Systems Generate Nomadic Spaces?, Siglinde Langholz Villarreal
Slavery, rhetoric, and race: a British Atlantic perspective on the meaning of slavery and race in Nova Scotia, 1791-1833, Gabriel Louis Levesque
Does a Mixed-age Setting Reduce Competition and Increase Cooperation Among Children?, Chao Liu
Structural and Morphogenesis Analysis of the Capsid of the Murid Herpesvirus 4, Strain 68 (MHV-68) and the Alkaliphilic Bacteriophage ϕ1N2-2, Naun Lobo-Galo
Examination of the Preseverative Cognition Hypothesis, Craig S. Lodis
The Multiple C2 Domain and Transmembrane Region Protein MCTP1 Is Essential for Proper Cochlear Formation and Auditory Function, Chantal Longo-Guess
Modeling the Efficiency of a Semi-Submerged Ocean Wave Energy Converter, Michael Thomas MacNicoll
Design, Development and Fabrication of an Advanced High-presision Robotic System for Microsurgery, Navid Mahpeykar
Life Cycle Sustainability Assessment of Palm Oil Biodiesel: Insights into Opportunities and Challenges for Balancing of 3Ps (People, Profit, and Planet), Yosef Barita Sar Manik
Measuring the Social Acceptability of the Forest-Based Bioproducts Industry in Maine, James A. Marciano
The Impact of Sexual Trauma and Posttraumatic Stress Disorder Symptom Severity on Psychological And Physiological Reactivity to an Intimacy Induction Task, Amber A. Martinson
Assessment of mercury bioavailability to benthic macroinvertibrates using diffusive gradients in thin films (DGT), Delia Massey
A House That's Always Haunted: Urban Renewal in Bangor, Maine, 1945-1985, Thomas R. McCord
Building the Relationship Between Mindfulness and Relationship Satisfaction, Meagan M. McCready
Communication and Resilience in Collaboration, Social-Ecological Systems, and Discourse, Bridie McGreavy
Holocene Glacial History of Renland, East Greenland Reconstructed From Lake Sediments, Aaron Medford
Building Bridges for Women Through Service-Learning: Bringing Students and Communities Together To Combat Domestic Violence in Honduras, Darlene Metcalf-Bergeron
A chance driven outcome: a case study of the Battle of Detroit, 16 August 1812, Joseph Richard Miller
Student Understanding of Cardiovascular Physiology: The Relationship Between Pressure, Flow, and Resistance, Nitisha L. Mitchell
Economic Evaluation of the Eat Well Nutrition Education Program, Brianna L. Monahan
Using GPU processing to solve large-scale scientific problems, Jason Monk
Characterization of mammographic breast lesions and their microenvironment: an application of a wavelet-based multifractal formalism, Kendra Ann Mooers
Improving the performance of the Parallel Ice Sheet Model on a large-scale, distributed supercomputer, Timothy J. Morey
Developing an Acoustic Method for Reducing North Atlantic Right Whale (Eubalaena glacialis) Ship Strike Mortality Along the United States Eastern Seaboard, Kaitlyn Allen Mullen
Serpentine Dissolution in the Presence of Iron-Oxidizing Bacteria, Kimberly A. Negrich
Production Ecology and Stand Dynamics of Young Acadian Forest Stands in Response to Silvicultural Intensity and Compositional Objectives, Andrew S. Nelson
Effects of Elevated Carbon Dioxide and Dietary Histidine on Cataract Formation in Juvenile Atlantic Cod (Gadus morhua) Grown in Recirculating Aquaculture Systems, Kevin John Neves
Making Graphical Information Accessible Without Vision Using Touch-based Devices, Hari Prasath Palani
Putting Down Roots: How Back-To-The-Landers and Locals Worked Together to Transform Maine's Food System, Eileen M. Palmer
Drivers of Non-Native Species Distribution and Abundance in Fouling Communities in the Gulf of Maine, Felipe Paredes
Splicing and Local Reinforcement of Concrete Filled FRP Tubes (CFFTS), Heather Parry
Intellectual and Political Resistance to the U.S. Occupation of the Dominican Republic - 1916-1924, John R. Paton
Phosphorous Acid-Based Fungicides as a Tool in the Integrated Pest Management of the Colorado Potato Beetle, Megan L. Patterson
The Indian Head Experimental Farm and Forest Nursery Station, Indian Head, Saskatchewan: The Making of a Canadian Landscape, Anthony M. Penders
Cellulose Nanofibrils Drying and Their Utilization in Reinforcing Thermoplastic Composites, Yucheng Peng