TB6: Importance of Entomogenous Fungi in Controlling Aphids on Potatoes in Northeastern Maine
W. A. Shands, Geddes W. Simpson, and I. M. Hall
This publication reports on field studies of aphid biology and of associated ecological factors made near Presque Isle, Maine. Results showed that, among the biological agents affecting aphid population trends from 1952 through 1962, entomogenous fungi were outstanding in reducing the size of populations of the potato aphid developing on potatoes treated with fungicides but not with insecticides. The potato aphid was most affected by fungi and the buckthorn aphid least affected by them. The green peach and foxglove aphids were intermediate. Predators exerted a noticeably adverse effect upon aphid population trends in two of the 11 years.
TB1: Effect of Dietary Protein and Fat on the Deposition of C14 from Rhodospirillum rubrum in Rats Conditioned to a Low Protein-Fat Free Diet
Frederick H. Radke, Mary E. Norburg, and Eileen K. Gabrielson
The object of the experiments described in this publication was to gain information concerning the fate of a radioactive food fed to rats which had been made deficient in essential fatty acids (EFA). These experiments were designed to determine the effect of kinds and proportions of dietary fats and proteins on the distribution of a high protein C 14 -labeled food in rats that have been on a lo w-protein, fat-free diet and show the typical EFA deficiency symptoms.
TB2: Physical Properties and Moisture Relationships of Some Representative Maine Soil Types
Walter J. Grant and Eliot Epstein
The objective of this study was to determine physical properties of key agricultural soils with major emphasis on soil moisture characteristics and on the relation of soil textural components to available moisture-holding capacity. A total of 51 profiles, representing 23 soil series and 29 soil types, was sampled. Soil samples were taken only from crop land.
TB3: Studies Concerning Effects of Chloride and Potassium on the Nutrition of Potato Plans, Solanum tuberosum
Harold W. Gausman
To evaluate the premise that Cl- and other anions might influence tuber quality by affecting the esterification of inorganic phosphorus and subsequent energy transformations involving metabolic processes of carbohydrate synthesis or degradation, the author studied the effects of Cl ~ in relation to cations and anions on nutrient uptake and inorganic phosphorus transformations.
TB4: The Crane Flies of Maine
Charles P. Alexander
This publication presents a listing of crane fly species showing their geographical and seasonal distribution, along with a short historical statement covering the chronological development of our knowledge of the subject, a section on the present location of important collections, a tabular listing of the chief collectors, and a short list of references.
The Maine Agricultural and Forest Experiment Station has a long history of conducting research to benefit Maine and its people and making the results of this research available to the public. The station began publishing technical bulletins in 1962. This site includes nearly all technical bulletins.
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