New England Journal of Political Science

Volume XIII, Number 1
R&R: Retirements from and Retentions in the Popularly-Elected Senate
Hanna K. Brant, Theodore J. Masthay, and L. Marvin Overby
Imperative Protection or Veiled Persecution? Balancing §230 Immunity and the First Amendment in the Censorship of Social Media
Emily A. Middleton Valdés
Race and Reparations in Providence, Rhode Island: The Role of Public History in Racial Justice
Patrick Shea
All Politics, No Longer Local? A Study of the New Hampshire House of Representatives, 2001-2021
Dante J. Scala and J. Mitchell Scacchi
Paul Petterson
Jerold J. Duquette
New Hampshire
Christopher J. Galdieri
Rhode Island
Emily K. Lynch