MF111 Folksong in February Collection
Special Collections, Raymond H. Fogler Library, University of Maine
NA2596 David Mallett, David Ingraham, Charlie Nevells, Larry Kaplan, Edward D. "Sandy" Ives, Kendall Morse, Margaret MacArthur, Norman Kennedy, Louis and Sally Killen, Yodelin' Slim Clark, Charlotte Cormier, Sparky Rucker, Sandy and Caroline Paton, Hazel Dickens, Tim Woodbridge, Joe Hickerson, Debby McClatchy, Gordon Bok, Sean Corcoran, Bill Shute and Lisa Null, by Maine Folklife Center, February, 1977, Orono, Maine. Recordings of a folk music concert program called "Folksongs in February" held at the University of Maine in February, 1977. Accession includes 8 black & white contact sheets of 35 mm photos of the performances. Text: 36 pp. index and copies of photos. NOTE: While most of the collection is digitized, there are 14 cassette tapes that have yet to be digitized.
MF113, Isle Au Haut Oral History Project Collection
Special Collections, Raymond H. Fogler Library, University of Maine
Series of interviews with longtime residents of Isle Au Haut concerning the history of the island community done for the Isle au Haut Historical Society (IHHS). NAFOH is one of three deposit locations for the material.
MF114 Canadian Broadcasting Company "Folkways" Radio Programs
Special Collections, Raymond H. Fogler Library, University of Maine
A series of 13, half-hour radio programs from the Canadian Broadcasting Corporation (CBC), hosted by Ken Homer about the folklore of the Canadian Maritime Provinces. Programs include music, songs, tales, legends, beliefs, and other folk-related material. New Brunswick, Nova Scotia, P.E.I., and Quebec. RESTRICTED. Copyright held by the CBC. Programs may not be rebroadcast without permission from the Canadian Broadcasting Corporation.
MF115 Alexander-Crawford Historical Society Oral History Collection
Special Collections, Raymond H. Fogler Library, University of Maine
Accession consists of 38 cassette recordings of interviews with residents of the towns of Alexander and Crawford, Maine, conducted under the auspices of the Alexander-Crawford Historical Society (ACHS) between 1980-1991. Topics range widely but cover aspects of the history and lifeways of the area; Townsend House; School in the Woods; mills; stage routes; blueberries; Princeton (community); Pembroke (community); woods work; lakes; Alexander Frost; ghosts; and other topics. Deposited by John Dudley for the Alexander- Crawford Historical Society, Alexander and Crawford, Maine, deposited October 1998.
MF116 Jameson Family Collection
Special Collections, Raymond H. Fogler Library, University of Maine
William Jameson, a graduate of the University of Maine, recorded open reel taped interviews with residents in the Waldoboro area during the 1960s and 1970s. The reels were loaned to the Maine Folklife Center for copying in June 1998, by his daughter Ellen Jameson of Cushing, Maine. Original reels and a set of cassette copies were returned to Ellen Jameson July 14, 1998. A set of cassette copies was retained for deposit in the Northeast Archives of Folklore and Oral History.
MF117 Frye Mountain Interviews / Jeffrey "Smokey" McKeen
Special Collections, Raymond H. Fogler Library, University of Maine
Interviews done by Jeff "Smokey" McKeen concerning the farming community of Frye Mountain in Waldo County and its acquisition by the federal government in the 1930s. Interviews cover the problems like having to selling land to the government, bad roads for automobiles, and other issues.
MF118 Don Mitchell / Roger Mitchell Collection
Special Collections, Raymond H. Fogler Library, University of Maine
Donald O. Mitchell (1898-1988), interviewed by Roger E. Mitchell (1925-2011), his son, in 1976. Series of interviews about Don Mitchell's life and work as a woodsman and farmer formed the basis of Northeast Folklore XIX: "I'm a Man That Works."
MF119 "Us and Them" Summer Estates Collection
Special Collections, Raymond H. Fogler Library, University of Maine
This collection was created in 1980-84 by Pamela Dean in the course of doing research for her master's thesis in history at the University of Maine 1984, entitled "Us and Them: An Oral History of Life on the Summer Estates in Coastal Hancock County, Maine." The period covered by the interviews is approximately 1880-1980. The major focus is on the relations between the summer people who owned estates in Northeast Harbor and Blue Hill, Maine, and the native Mainers who worked for them on the estates. Dean's grandparents and aunts and uncles had worked for summer people in various capacities and her interest in the topic began with interviews with her aunt, Ethel Anthony, conducted for Sandy Ives' fieldwork course in the fall of 1980. (See also Collection MF043 Northeast Harbor Library, which includes several interviews with summer people copied from the holdings of the Northeast Harbor Library.)
MF120 Civilian Conservation Corps (CCC) in Acadia National Park
Special Collections, Raymond H. Fogler Library, University of Maine
A series of interviews conducted by Maine Folklife Center staff with men who were enrolled in the Civilian Conservation Corp. in the 1930s and served at one of the three camps run by ANP: the Eagle Lake or Bar Harbor camp (on the site of the current park headquarters), the Long Pond or Southwest Harbor camp (off Clark Point Road); and the Ellsworth camp (on the Buttermilk Road). Also included are interviews with women who married men from the camps and other local residents who remember the camps. Included are 226 photographs.
MF121 Maine Organic Farmers and Gardeners Association (MOFGA)
Special Collections, Raymond H. Fogler Library, University of Maine
This collection contains interviews with people associated with the Maine Organic Farmers and Gardeners Association (MOFGA) and the Common Ground Fair in Unity, Maine. Themes include the process of beginning to farm organically, the early development of MOFGA and its growth; the Common Ground Fair and its expansion; marketing organic food; farming strategies; raising livestock; and MOFGA's interactions with conventional farmers and the wider community.
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