MF023 “Hancock County Elders” Hancock County Cooperative Extension Service / Roberta Chester
Special Collections, Raymond H. Fogler Library, University of Maine
A series of interviews by Roberta Chester sponsored by the Hancock County Cooperative Extension Service. Interviews discuss family, farm, and community life.
MF024 Maine Public Broadcasting Network
Special Collections, Raymond H. Fogler Library, University of Maine
Collection of various recordings by Maine Public Broadcasting Network. Copyright belongs to original broadcaster. For reference and educational use only. May not be copied.
NA1346 Esther Wood, interviewed by Virgil Bisset, Maine Public Broadcasting Network, 1980, Blue Hill, Maine. 29 pp. Tape: 2 hrs. w/ cat. Two radio interviews with Wood, Prof. Emeritus, Gorham State Teachers College, about her memories of rural life; Maine schools; spring house cleaning; spring signs; Memorial Day.
NA2132 Susan Tibbets, hosts concert with 20 singer and songwriters, featuring Kendall Morse, Edward D. “Sandy” Ives, Lisa Null, and Slim Clark, deposited by Maine Public Broadcasting Network, fall 1989, Hauck Auditorium, UMaine, Orono, Maine. 11 pp. Cat. only. On February 11 and 12, 1977, a concert and a series of workshops called "Songs for February" held at the Hauck Auditorium UMaine. From the recordings made of the concert and series of workshops, the Maine Public Broadcasting Network produced an 8-part radio series as part of their “Roots and Branches” series.” Accession consists of a catalog of the radio program.
NA2136 Carolyn McKeen, Ernie Freeberg, and Carolyn Chute on Maine Public Broadcasting show "Maine Things Considered", May 1, 1989, Orono, Maine. 3 pp. "Maine Things Considered" was taped off the radio including a piece on gay rights; proposed taxing of cable television; rental of videos; Carolyn Chute talks about the Maine work ethic; her experiences working in chicken plants, etc. RESTRICTED.
NA2295 By Mary Lou Colbath, 1991-1992, statewide, Maine. 5 pp. Tapes: 30 w/ no transcription, catalog only. Thirty cassettes containing a collection of 49 recorded programs or vignettes which aired on Maine Public Radio during 1991-1992 as a series called “Hear Maine!” The segments were produced and aired as part of MPR’s “Maine Things Considered” program, funded by the Maine Humanities Council. The series reflects the diversity of people and culture in Maine and the issues and concerns of the people. Program titles include “Acadian Family Reunions,” “Waldoboro Germans,” “Rural Law Enforcement,” “Franco-American Social Clubs,” “Native American Mascots and Team Names,” “Blueberry Harvest,” “The AME Zion Church: A Profile,” “Women and the Sea,” and many others. Five complete sets of the series were made on audio cassettes, and a set was placed in each of five selected libraries or archives including the Bangor Public Library, the Cary Library in Houlton, the Maine State Library in Augusta, the Maine Folklife Center in Orono, and the Portland Public Library. RESTRICTED.
NA601 Maine Public Broadcasting System, ca. 1998, various locations, Maine. Accession consists of three VHS video cassettes featuring three episodes in a television series titled “Home: The Story of Maine” produced for Maine Public Television. The three programs are: Program 1: “A Place Apart;” Program 2: “A Part of the Maine;” and Program 3: “They Came by Sea.” Program 1 deals with images of Maine as a vacation land for tourists as well as a frontier removed from the national mainstream. Program 2 looks at Maine’s natural resources and discusses European settlement of the state. Program 3 continues the look at Maine’s natural resources especially along the coast. A promotional sheet describing the programs is included. RESTRICTED.
NA2623 Donated by Maine Public Broadcasting, 2000, Maine via the Julia J. Hixon (staff assistant for HOME: The Story of Maine). Accession consists of 4 video programs as follows: A Love for the Land: The legacy of Maine’s farmers is the open farmland they shaped from wooded rocky terrain. Their story is an inspiring tale of hardship, innovation, and remarkable endurance. The Nation’s Playground: With its remarkable coastline, deep-green forest, and rolling landscape, Maine has been a favorite place for visitors for over a century. Over the last century, tourism has grown into the state’s largest industry. Trails, Rails & Roads: The story of transportation in Maine is the story of the state’s ongoing challenge to keep its people connected both to economic markets and to each other. Maine’s communities have been formed by the patterns of transportation. Power Lines: Maine switched on its first electric light in 1880 and, within a decade, the state’s urban areas were benefitting from the advantages of electricity. However, electrification was slow to reach outlying rural areas and over one-quarter of the state didn’t receive electricity until into the 1940s.
NA0705 Walter Trundy, Walter Wallace, Alva Clement, and Lorna (Douglas) Clement, interviewed by Kenneth Whitney, Florence Ireland, Bob Ireland, and Jill Allen, winter 1971-1972, Stockton Springs, Cundy’s Harbor, and Castine, Maine. Trundy, Wallace, and the Clement, all coastal people, on what Christmas was like around the turn of the century. Maine Public Broadcasting Network.
MF025 Honest Woodsman Collection
Special Collections, Raymond H. Fogler Library, University of Maine
This collection consists mainly of a series of interviews with David Priest, retired game warden, about his experiences as a warden, trapper, and guide.
MF026 Islands and Bridges: Communities of Memory in Old Town, Maine / French Island Collection
Special Collections, Raymond H. Fogler Library, University of Maine
A 1992 community based oral history project co-sponsored by the Maine Folklife Center and the Franco-American Center at the University of Maine generated a series of 35 interviews focusing on the culture and history of the French Canadian immigrant community located on French Island, Old Town, Maine.
The project resulted in a book of photographs, interview excerpts, and articles, Nos Histoires de l'Île: History and memories of French Island, Old Town, Maine (1999).
MF027 Edward D. Ives Papers, 1871-2006
Special Collections, Raymond H. Fogler Library, University of Maine
SERIES I. Biographical
NA3746 Series I. Box 1. Biographical documents. Memorabilia. Contains a preliminary inventory of the Edward D. Ives Papers (2 p.); a reference list of offprints related to Canadian Folk Music (7 p.); various newspaper and magazine profiles about Sandy Ives; a list of descriptions for photographs in the Ives collection (21 p.); photographs taken at the time of Ives' retirement from UMaine; photo of Ives with his wife Bobby; college notes for a psychology course, circa 1949; Early Irish Literature, circa 1980; a copies of the Penobscot View Press newsletter created by the children of Dr. and Mrs. Samuel Wagner of Winterport, Maine, circa 1962; Ives' own student papers, circa 1960s; copies of Dylan Thomas' obituary dated November 10, 1955, Dylan Thomas clippings and magazine articles, and a copy of a letter written by Ives to "Steve" discussing the impact of Thomas' death on Ives; the full text of Under the Milkwood as published in Mademoiselle magazine in February 1954; a selection of Ives' test papers, blue books, and copies of syllabi for courses he attended while at university. Materials date 1947-1999. Text: typed and handwritten, 714 pp.
NA3746 Series I. Box 2. Correspondence. Arranged alphabetically, A through F, by the first initial of the correspondent's last name. Many of the letters pertain to Sandy Ives' research about the lives, poetry, and music of Joe Scott and Larry Gorman. Some correspondence relates to Ives' request for old lumber camp songs published in the Kings County Record, Canada and contain lyrics. Typed transcripts of interviews Ives conducted with informants seeking out lyrics and music created by Joe Scott. Student papers documenting and analyzing the Frankenstein's Country & Western Jamboree, a locally produced music program later known as Stacy's Country Jamboree. Materials date late 1950s-1970s. Text: typed and handwritten, 1150 pp.
NA3746 Series I. Box 3. Correspondence. Arranged alphabetically, G through Mc, by the first initial of the correspondent's last name. Letters, poems, song lyrics pertaining to Ives' research to Ives' biographies: Larry Gorman: The Man Who Made the Songs and Joe Scott: the Woodsman-Songmaker. Bulk of materials date throughout the 1960s. Text: typed and handwritten, 1299 pp.
NA3746 Series I. Box 4. Correspondence. Arranged alphabetically, Mc through Z, by the first initial of the correspondent's last name. Includes correspondence related to Albert Mitchell's research about American Sporting Camps. Letters, newspaper clippings, poems, song lyrics pertaining to Ives' research to Ives' biographies: Larry Gorman: The Man Who Made the Songs and Joe Scott: the Woodsman-Songmaker. Lyrics to Spanish folksongs and Spanish-American folksongs research, circa 1946-47. Materials date late 1940s-1970s. Text: typed and handwritten, 1200 pp.
SERIES II. Research
NA3746 Series II. Box 5. Research and Topical. Bulk of material collected annually from students related to the childhood game "Hide and Seek." Ives surveyed his students on this topic each semester. Other childhood games were mentioned by some students. Fewer responses are included for survey questions about the children's games Mumblety-peg and jump rope. Text: typed and handwritten, 959 pp. RESTRICTED.
NA3746 Series II. Box 6. Research and Topical. Sandy Ives paper relational database of topical reference cards containing partial citations and call numbers for specific publications discussing traditional English dance, ballads, and folk music. Style cards contain quotes about styles and forms of folk music referenced to the volume citations in the first section of cards. Other subjects include notes on Origin, Motif, Minstrels, Border Ballads, Broadsides, Collectors, Folklore, Cowboy Songs, Sea Chanties, and Negro Songs. Story of the Gorbey and Archie Stackhouse sent to Ives in response to a request published in the Twin-State News Times, New Hampshire and Ives' tally of variations of the tale. Research logs and general questions for various projects. Materials date from 1940-1970s. Text: typed and handwritten, 831 pp.
NA3746 Series II. Box 7. Ballad and Song. Lyrics and song patterns. Sheets to record music. Research into Benjamin Deane including a sketch of the Deane family cemetery lot. Research into the Callaghan murder in Charlottetown, PEI in 1886, includes copies of newspaper articles about the murder. Research into Fogan MacAleer. Materials date from 1886-1960s. Text: typed and handwritten, 826 pp.
NA3746 Series II. Box 8. Ballad and Song. Lyrics and song patterns. Sheets to record music. Research about the Miramichi Fire, Joe Scott's song The Norway Bum, the song The Picnic at Groshaut, the song Plain Golden Band, and others. Materials date from 1940s-1960s. Text: typed and handwritten, 592 pp.
NA3746 Series III. Box 9. Teaching Materials. Lists of recordings for class demonstrations. Course-related surveys and student project report sheets. Guide for collecting folklore and writing a report for the course, American Folklore. Syllabus for Introduction to Folklore. Notes for the French-Canadian Folksong course. Materials date from 1970s-1999. Text: typed and handwritten, some in French. 420 pp.
NA3746 Series III. Box 10. Teaching Materials. Lecture notes and syllabi, course descriptions, clippings, and off-prints. Lyrics to folksongs used for class demonstrations. Music sheets with examples of the musical form for ballads and folksongs. Student papers. Materials date from 1960s-1970s. Text: typed and handwritten, 848 pp. NA3746_MF027_Ives_Collection_Box10of20_Series_III_Teaching_Materials
NA3746 Series III. Box 11. Teaching Materials. Lecture notes, syllabi, course descriptions, clippings, and off-prints. Also includes the texts of conference presentations. Course materials for Folklore of Maine and the Maritimes. A 1981 article about Marshall Dodge and Tim Sample and Maine humor. Materials date from 1960s-1980s. Text: typed and handwritten, 862 pp. RESTRICTED.
NA3746 Series III. Box 12. Teaching Materials. Narrative. Booklet "Ray Hicks Telling Four Traditional "Jack Tales," Recorded and edited by Sandy Paton. Texts transcribed by Lee B. Haggerty. Includes articles referenced on the topic of the Narrative including Ives' marginal notes. Materials date from 1960s-1990s. Text: typed and handwritten, 694 pp. RESTRICTED.
NA3746 Series III. Box 13. Teaching Materials. Narrative. Materials include test papers, maps of traditional Native American cultural areas dated 1961 and materials related to Indigenous cultures in Maine and the Maritimes including The History of Maliseets and Micmacs in Aroostook County, Maine: Preliminary Report, Number Two., June 1979, by James Wherry. Maine Prehistory: A Selection of Short Papers, assembled by Dave Sanger and Bob MacKay. ANT425 Fieldwork materials, dowsing. Materials date from 1970s-1990s. Text: typed and handwritten, 658 pp. RESTRICTED
NA3746 Series III. Box 14. Teaching Materials. Intro. to Folklore. Syllabi and Ives' notes for reviewing syllabi in class. Folded paper games and childrens toys including paper airplanes and "cootie catcher" or paper fortune teller. Printed out LIST-SERV postings related to urban legends. Collection of articles sent to Ives by co-workers about folklore and urban legends. Materials date from 1967-1999. Text: typed and handwritten, 609 pp.
NA3746 Series III. Box 15. Teaching Materials. Materials include a "Genius Test" made up of a series of riddles, promotional material for the Downeast Dowsers Festival, clippings and book excerpt about dowers and dowsing, notes about witches and devil stories, the first draft of a paper about the Sociology of Humor by Glenn Vernon, fish stories, fairy tales, folklore about birds, gorbey folklore. Text: typed and handwritten, 717 pp. Materials date from 1959-1999.
NA3746 Series III. Box 16. Teaching Materials. Entertainments Survey Project. Notes taken by students reviewing historical newspapers for mentions of community entertainments such as dances, suppers, box socials, etc. Text: typed and handwritten, 1999 pp. Date: January-April 1983.
NA3746 Series III. Box 17. Teaching Materials. Entertainments Survey Project. Notes taken by students reviewing historical newspapers for mentions of community entertainments such as dances, suppers, box socials, etc. Text: typed and handwritten, 1616 pp. Date: January-April 1983.
NA3746 Series III. Box 18. Teaching Materials. Entertainments Survey Project. Notes taken by students reviewing historical newspapers for mentions of community entertainments such as masked balls, July 4 celebrations, Arbor Day, etc. Text: typed and handwritten, 683 pp. Date: 1900-1902.
NA3746 Series III. Box 19. Teaching Materials. Entertainments Survey Project. Notes taken by students reviewing historical newspapers for mentions of community entertainments such as musical entertainments, Christmas caroling, church-related social events, etc. Text: typed and handwritten, 2122 pp. Date: 1883-1930.
NA3746 Series IV. Box 20. Writings. Includes a copy of the Canadian Folk Music Journal, the 1979 Conference Report Oral Tradition and Folklore, Ives' memo announcing his retirement, covers of volumes Ives wrote or edited, the liner notes of Ives' 1959 record album Folksongs of Maine sung by Sandy Ives. Copies of journal articles. Text: typed and handwritten, 677 pp. Date: 1959-1997.
NA3746 Series VI. Box 21. Home Papers. Correspondence and Records. Arranged alphabetically by the first initial of the correspondent's last name, Acheson to Doty. Departmental correspondence. Book reviews. Clippings and magazine articles. Emails. Photographs. Notes related to photographs in the Folklore Archives. Text: typed and handwritten, 709 pp. Date: 1975-2004.
NA3746 Series VI. Box 22. Home Papers. Correspondence and Records. Arranged alphabetically by the first initial of the correspondent's last name, Dundes through Kopp. Printed emails, note cards. Emails and clippings about the death of folklorist Alan Dundes. The text of Ives' tribute to Dick Emerick following his death in 2001 and a copy of Emerick's obituary. Photograph of the UMaine English Department faculty at a party, 1955-1956 with identifications. Several issues of Guitar News. Text: typed and handwritten, 868 pp. Date: 1955-2006.
NA3746 Series VI. Box 23. Home Papers. Correspondence and Records. Arranged alphabetically by the first initial of the correspondent's last name, MacLeigh to Renwick. Family correspondence. Annual report to the Maine Folklife Center Advisory Board and meeting minutes. Maine Folklife Center Newsletter. Maine Folklife Center Collection Development Policy. Text: typed and handwritten, 778 pp. Date: 1991-2005.
NA3746 Series VI. Box 24. Home Papers. Correspondence and Records. Materials related to Ives' retirement from the University in 1999. Photographs of Ives with University President Peter Hoff. Approval of Ives as Professor Emeritus and Director Emeritus. Photographs of performers in the 1972 Miramichi Folksong Festival including photo of Wilmot MacDonald. Greeting cards congratulating Ives on his retirement. Material related to Ives' book, The Bonny Earl of Murray, including his Memorandum of Understanding with Tuckwell Press, Ltd. and a copy of Ives' CV. Documents related to Lt. Col. William R. Corson, author of The Betrayal. Text: typed and handwritten, 799 pp. Date: 1968-2004. RESTRICTED.
NA3746 Series VI. Box 25. Home Papers. Ernest Kennedy Research. Includes NAFOH Accession NA1114, transcripts and summary documents. Text: typed and handwritten, 605 pp. Date: June 21, 1977-November 14, 1978.
NA3746 Series VI. Box 26. Home Papers. Wilmot MacDonald Research. Photographs of Wilmont MacDonald. Correspondence between MacDonald and Ives. Clippings. Notes on MacDonald performing at the Miramichi Folksong Festival. Text: typed and handwritten, 302 pp. Date: 1961-2002.
NA3746 Series VI. Box 27. Home Papers. Miscellaneous Research. Draft of "Amos Hanson of Orland and His Songs." Pre-print of "A Maine Sea-Song Remembered." "The Fisherman's Memorial." "Resonance and Biography: The Last Chapter Revisited." Programs and articles about the Miramichi Folksong Festival. Text: typed and handwritten, 711 pp. Date: 1963-2004.
NA3746 Series VI. Box 28. Home Papers. Prince Edward Island Research. Materials and timeline relating to the life of William Bell, publication agreements and print run estimates, clippings, and correspondence. Text: typed and handwritten, 688 pp. Date: 1951-1999.
NA3746 Series VI. Box 29. Home Papers. Reviews. Published reviews and correspondence providing feedback on Ives' book, The Bonny Earl of Murray: The Man, The Murder, The Ballad and Joe Scott: The Woodsman Songmaker. Advertisements for the sale of The Bonny Earl of Murray and Joe Scott. Article clippings promoting the publication and release of The Bonny Earl of Murray and Joe Scott. Text: typed and handwritten, 456 pp. Date: 1997-1999
NA3746 Series VI. Box 30. Home Papers. Addie Weed and Veazie Research. Summary of NA0959, Ives' interview with Addie M. Weed, June 1975. Many documents relate to Ives' research into the "free-and-easy place" [brothel] operated by Harriet "Hattie" Foyer (aka Aunt Hat) in Veazie. Documents related to Morse & Company for materials sold to Foyer. Court documents relating to Hattie's case against the Eastern Fire Insurance Company for the loss of the Foyer Hotel to fire include Ives' underlining. Newspaper clipping covering the fire that destroyed Hattie's place, simultaneous raids at local hotels for alcohol. Notes on cellar holes in Veazie including hand-drawn maps and Registry of Deeds lot information. A copy of Fan Jones' will from the Probate Court. Text: typed and handwritten, 411 pp. Date: 1871-1999, bulk 1970s.
MF028 "The Last Smokehouse" Film Project
Special Collections, Raymond H. Fogler Library, University of Maine
Collection consists of video received from filmmaker Truppin relating to the 1989 film project about the dying of the herring smoking industry on the coast of Maine. The project was called "The Last Smokehouse: Lubec and the Herring Smoking Industry of Maine."
MF029 "Our Life, Our Work:" Lewiston Western Older Citizens Council / Marcella Sorg and Stefan Duplessis
Special Collections, Raymond H. Fogler Library, University of Maine
The project "Notre Vie, Notre Travail-Our Life, Our Work" was initiated by the Lewiston Western Older Citizens Council by Diane Brown who worked there. Funded by the Maine Humanities Council, this project involved a series of bilingual interviews utilizing family albums to stimulate discussion about Franco-American culture, particularly as it pertained to work. That is, it concerned the following: how work reflected cultural values; work ethic; work/occupation patterns; how work was integrated with family life (or interfered with it); the history of work patterns in the Lewiston area, and about Franco-American culture and family life in general.
MF030 Lincoln County Project / Leighton Photo Collection
Special Collections, Raymond H. Fogler Library, University of Maine
Interviews conducted by Michael Chaney as research for a curated exhibit of photographs by E. Joseph Leighton. The images are owned by the Lincoln County Cultural and Historical Association. The exhibit was displayed at the University of Maine's Memorial Union, May 10-30, 1979, funded with a youth grant from the National Endowment for the Humanities.
MF032 Louise Manny / Lord Beaverbrook Collection of New Brunswick Folksong
Special Collections, Raymond H. Fogler Library, University of Maine
Accession consists of eleven tape reels containing approximately 125 songs and ballads dubbed in the early 1960s from Louise Manny’s original acetate disc field recordings (1950s-1960s) which are collectively known as known as the “Lord Beaverbrook Collection of New Brunswick Folksong.” The tape copies were supplied by James Reginald Wilson in conjunction with the National Museum of Canada which also has taped copies.
Singers include MacDonald, Ramsay, Coughlan, Tozer, Thibodeau, Stymiest, Campbell, MacLean, MacMahon, W. MacDonald, S. MacDonald, Robichaud, A. MacDonald, Crocker, Duplessis, Hare, and many others. Note: not all of the material is contained on these service copy reels. Material has not been digitized.
MF033 Machias River Project
Special Collections, Raymond H. Fogler Library, University of Maine
This collection consists of nineteen interviews totaling approximately thirty-two hours conducted by Edward D. “Sandy” Ives in 1986 with men who worked in the woods and on the river drives along the Machias River. In part it grew out of the "Stump to Ship" project in which the 1930 logging film was revived and shown around the state. Many of the interviewees in the Machias River Project came from the audiences for the film.
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