Advancing a Democratic Pedagogy and Supervision Framework: An Illustrative Case of Teacher Questioning in Secondary Mathematics Instruction
Esther A. Enright and Douglas Wieczorek
Personal Reflections on Supervision as Instructional Leadership: From Whence It Came and To Where Shall It Go?
Jeffrey Glanz
Developing a Super-Vision of Education: Oh, No. I’ve Said Too Much, But Maybe I Haven’t Said Enough
Carl Glickman
Empirical Research
The Role of Personality in Early Alliance Formation in the Context of Clinical Supervision of Psychotherapists in Training
Cynthia Bilodeau, Stéphanie Lalande, and Andréanne Kyle
Connecting Theory to Practice
Assessing Teacher Candidates’ Pedagogical Judgement: An Analysis of Clinically-Based Instructional Assignments
Sonia Janis, Mardi Schmeichel, Joseph McAnulty, Chantelle Grace, and Kaitlin Wegrzyn