The Journal of Educational Supervision
The Journal of Educational Supervision (JES) was published at the University of Maine from 2018-2024. JES is currently published and housed at the University at Buffalo. All submissions should be made through the University at Buffalo platform, which can be found at
Current Issue: Volume 7, Issue 3 (2024)
Empirical Research
How Principals Make Sense of Tensions While Leading a Teacher Professional Learning Initiative: A Case Study of a Districtwide Science of Reading Implementation
Sally J. Zepeda, Salih Çevik, and Ali Çağatay Kılınç
Addressing Equity
Minding the Opportunity Gaps in Clinical Practice: A Configurative Systematic Review of the Journal of Education Supervision
Mark M. Diacopoulos, Tamara M. Shattuck, and Megan E. Lynch