Journal of Archaeology and Education | Vol 4 | Iss 3

Volume 4, Issue 3 (2020) The 'Other Grand Challenge:' Learning and Sharing in Archaeological Education and Pedagogy

Welcome to the first special issue of the Journal of Archaeology and Education! We are pleased and proud to present a series of papers from the University of Calgary Chacmool Conference in 2017 entitled Chacmool at 50: The Past, Present, and Future of Archaeology. This special issue presents the proceedings from the symposium "The 'Other Grand Challenge:' Learning and Sharing in Archaeological Education and Pedagogy."




GRAND CHALLENGE No. 3: DIGITAL ARCHAEOLOGY Technology-Enabled Learning in Archaeology
Meaghan M. Peuramaki-Brown, Shawn G. Morton, Oula Seitsonen, Chris Sims, and Dave Blaine


GRAND CHALLENGE No. 5: COMMUNICATING ARCHAEOLOGY Outreach and Narratives in Professional Practice
Todd J. Kristensen, Meigan Henry, Kevin Brownlee, Adrian Praetzellis, and Myra Sitchon


Chacmool graphic

Jeanne M. Moe, Co-editor
Ryan Wheeler, Co-editor