Manuscript material held by Raymond H. Fogler Library's Special Collections Department covers a wide range of subjects reflecting historical events, business, education, arts, and sciences. While many of these are Maine-related, and as such are of interest to scholars of the region, others have important value to scholars and researchers nationally and internationally.
This gallery provides downloadable finding aids for the department's largest collections, those where it seemed particularly valuable for researchers to be able to search and browse the titles of folders within larger collections. Additional information about smaller collections can be found by using the library's online catalog, URSUS.
SEARCH TIP: Keywords associated with each collection were drawn from the following list. These terms can be entered into the search box on the left.
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Please note that the majority of these collections are stored in the library's remote storage area and require a week's notice to access. For more information about the collections highlighted here or to schedule a retrieval, contact:
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Orono, ME 04469-5729
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United States Bicentennial Committees Records and Publications, 1976
Special Collections, Raymond H. Fogler Library, University of Maine
Contains publications by committees of various Maine communities for the United States bicentennial in 1976.
University College of Bangor (University of Maine) Records, 1970-1985
Special Collections, Raymond H. Fogler Library, University of Maine
Records contain textual information created by the University College of Bangor, including: copies of student handbooks, commencement programs, brochures, course information, library catalogs, information regarding the College's Women's Center, and accreditation reports.
University of Maine at Augusta (University of Maine) Records, 1966-1988
Special Collections, Raymond H. Fogler Library, University of Maine
The 102nd Maine Legislature in 1965 established the University of Maine at Augusta (UMA) as a community-based institution offering associate degrees under the auspices of the University of Maine at Orono. UMA offered courses in the arts, general studies, liberal studies, administration, data processing, criminal justice, and nursing. In 1971, soon after moving to its present location in Augusta, UMA became an autonomous institution, the seventh campus of the University of Maine System.
Records contain mostly textual information created by the University of Maine at Augusta including copies of University publications.
University of Maine at Farmington (University of Maine) Records, 1940-1986
Special Collections, Raymond H. Fogler Library, University of Maine
The University of Maine at Farmington was established in 1864 as the State Normal School making it Maine's first public institution of higher education. In 1968, the Farmington State College became part of University of Maine System and in 1971 was renamed the University of Maine at Farmington.
Records contain textual information created by the University of Maine at Farmington, including: course catalogs, copy of pilot plan for continuing development, and copies of The Maine Geographer.
University of Maine at Fort Kent (University of Maine) Records, 1969-1983
Special Collections, Raymond H. Fogler Library, University of Maine
The University of Maine at Fort Kent was founded on February 21, 1878 as the Madawaska Training School under the supervision of Vetal Cyr. In 1955 the name was changed to Fort Kent Normal School. The name would change three more times, beginning in 1961 to become Fort Kent State Teachers College and then Fort Kent State College. The institution changed its name to the University of Maine at Fort Kent in 1970 and is part of the University of Maine System.
The records contain textual information created by the University of Maine at Fort Kent, including: copies of an academic plan for the University of Southern Maine, pilot plan for continuing development, and a report on the future of the Fort Kent State College.
University of Maine at Machias (University of Maine) Records, 1972-1993
Special Collections, Raymond H. Fogler Library, University of Maine
The University of Maine at Machias, located in Washington County, was established as the Washington State Normal School by the 1909 Maine Legislature and opened in September 1910. In 1968, the College became part of the University of Maine System and in 1970 its name was changed to the University of Maine at Machias
Records contain textual information created by the University of Maine at Machias including commencement programs, miscellaneous brochures, various course catalogs, newspaper clippings regarding the University, and a pilot plan for development on the campus.
University of Maine at Presque Isle (University of Maine) Records, 1969-1989
Special Collections, Raymond H. Fogler Library, University of Maine
The University of Maine at Presque Isle was founded in 1903 as the Aroostook State Normal School. In 1952, the institution was renamed the Aroostook State Teacher's College and again in 1965 to become the Aroostook State College. The University became part of the University of Maine System in 1968 and was renamed again to the Aroostook State College of the University of Maine before in 1970 becoming the University of Maine at Presque Isle.
The records contain textual information created by the University of Maine at Presque Isle, including: various copies of various course and program brochures, student handbooks, course announcements, the publication Foxtail, Pilot Plan for Continuing Development, and evaluation report on the Aroostook State College.
University of Maine at The Brunswick Campus (University of Maine) Records, 1945-1952
Special Collections, Raymond H. Fogler Library, University of Maine
The University of Maine at Brunswick Campus was located at the Naval Air Station in Brunswick, Maine. The Campus was established as an annex to accommodate an increasing number of University of Maine students who the Orono campus struggled to support. In 1946, the Class of 1950 became the first class to use the Campus, with all the students war veterans. In 1949, the Campus closed.
Records contain textual information created by the University of Maine regarding its Brunswick Campus, includes copies of student handbooks, clippings regarding the Campus, program from transfer of the colors, brochures, calendars, and schedules.
University of Maine Clubs and Organizations Records, 1900-
Special Collections, Raymond H. Fogler Library, University of Maine
Collection includes minutes, programs, photographs, publications, notes, and correspondence of various clubs and organizations at the University of Maine at Orono. Also includes some newsletters produced by these clubs and organizations.
University of Maine, Department of Athletics Records, 1873-2023
Special Collections, Raymond H. Fogler Library, University of Maine
Various records regarding the University of Maine's men's and women's athletics teams. Includes media guides, programs, and newspaper clippings and also photographs of University of Maine sports teams. Also Kodak Film media and one artifact a sports medal.
University of Maine Graduate Workers Union Publications, 2023-2024
Special Collections, Raymond H. Fogler Library, University of Maine
The University of Maine Graduate Workers Union is an organization by, of, and for graduate student workers who want to improve teaching, research, and employment conditions across the University of Maine System. The Union was formed in the fall of 2023 by ecology and environmental science graduate workers. The graduate workers were concerned about pay, health care, and job security. The Union is a part of the United Auto Workers.
The publications include copies of three University of Maine Graduate Workers Union zines published 2023-2024, a sticker, lyrics to union songs, and a membership flier. There is also a digital file containing screenshots of the University of Maine Graduate Workers Union's webpages.
University of Maine. Office of the President, 1810-2015
Special Collections, Raymond H. Fogler Library, University of Maine
The collection contains textual material, particularly correspondence, memorandums, press releases, and reports from the Office of the University of Maine President.
University of Maine System (University of Maine) Records, 1965-2014
Special Collections, Raymond H. Fogler Library, University of Maine
The University of Maine System (UMS) is the state university system in the state of Maine. It was created in 1968 by the Maine Legislature and consists of the University of Maine, University of Maine at Augusta, University of Maine at Farmington, University of Maine at Fort Kent, University of Maine at Machias, University of Maine at Presque Isle, University of Southern Maine, and University of Maine School of Law.
The records in this record group cover different University of Maine System initiatives, including the work of the New Challenges/New Directions Task Force tasked with reviewing UMS services that sought feedback from UMS stakeholders and experts; and the Maine Economic Improvement Fund (MEIF) that was established by the Maine Legislature in 1997 to leverage economic development through targeted investment in university-based R&D.
The majority of the records were created during the tenures of University of Maine System chancellors: Terry MacTaggart (1998-2001 and 2006-2007), Joseph W. Westphal (2002-2006), and Richard Pattenaude (2007-2012).
University of Southern Maine (University of Maine) Records, 1957-1988
Special Collections, Raymond H. Fogler Library, University of Maine
The records mainly contain textual information created by the University of Southern Maine (formerly University of Maine at Portland-Gorham), but there are also cartographic material and photographs. Includes information regarding the Public Policy and Management Program, Center for Research and Advanced Study and Master of Business Administration Program, copies of the publications Currents, UMP Campus, The Stein, Forum, The Observer, Alumni News, and The Cat Mousam Journal, course announcements, calendars, program from Biomedical Science Symposium, various course and program brochures, student handbooks, schedules, strategic planning reports, press releases and clippings, programs from Centennial and commencements, information regarding and photographs of campus buildings, and maps of campus and showing the geographical distribution of student enrollment.
Vallee (Rudy) Papers and Memorabilia, 1917-1984
Special Collections, Raymond H. Fogler Library, University of Maine
The papers of a popular vocalist in the U.S. during the 20th century. Included are correspondence from 1917 to 1984, newspaper clippings, scores, photographs, scrapbooks, phonograph records, megaphone, and other memorabilia.
Vickery (James B.) Civil War Records, 1861-1865
Special Collections, Raymond H. Fogler Library, University of Maine
This collection contains official records from the 6th Maine Volunteer Infantry (Company E) and the 2nd Maine Volunteer Cavalry. Collection includes muster rolls, orders, quartermaster returns and casualty reports.
Vickery (James B.) Manuscript Collection, ca. 1711-1997
Special Collections, Raymond H. Fogler Library, University of Maine
The Vickery manuscript collection contains a wide range of material related to Maine history, Maine families, Maine towns, and the Civil War, as well as a lot of general Maine material and some general interest material. The most prominent subjects include: Bangor, ME; Joshua L. Chamberlain; Civil War (mostly letters, organized by family name). Types of material include: correspondence; deeds; diaries; Maine families (history, genealogy,and letters); letters; Maine; marriage records; newspapers; scrapbooks; ships, etc.
Vickery (James B.) Research Papers, 1800-ca. 1939
Special Collections, Raymond H. Fogler Library, University of Maine
The research papers contain materials collected by James Vickery concerning Maine and Bangor, Maine history including biographies and family information. Types of materials include research notes and photocopies of clippings, reprints, business and municipal records, and reports.
Vigue (Raymond F.) Lumber Transport Notebooks, 1927-1997
Special Collections, Raymond H. Fogler Library, University of Maine
This collection includes photocopied notebooks of the various aspects of Mr. Vigue's jobs. Mr. Vigue has recorded every aspect in minute detail. The notebooks mostly concern transport in logging operations. Some marksmanship records are also in the collection.
Virtue (Charles F. Sawhill) Papers, 1917-1975
Special Collections, Raymond H. Fogler Library, University of Maine
Charles F. Sawhill Virtue joined the University of Maine in 1946 as an associate professor of philosophy. In 1963, Virtue was appointed head of the Department of Philosophy. Virtue retired in 1968 and later that year was awarded emeritus status. Virtue wrote widely on the subject of philosophy including the textbook Perspectives in Culture. The record series Subject Records contains clippings and correspondence on a range of subjects, including on the work of specific philosophers.
Wabanaki Indians Material from Collections at the American Philosophical Society, 1872-1977
Special Collections, Raymond H. Fogler Library, University of Maine
The collection contains photocopies of material on Abenaki Indians and others and consists primarily of field notes by 20th century anthropologists. It was copied from various collections at the American Philosophical Society Library by University of Maine history professor Liam Riordan in 2002. The majority of the collection consists of material from the collection of Frank G. Speck, including some of his correspondence with Fannie Hardy Eckstorm and others, field notes about the Penobscot Indians and their culture, and notes for his book, Penobscot Man. Also included are works of Marine Leland, Philip S. LeSourd, and Nicholas N. Smith on Passamaquoddy and Malecite languages and natural history. The collection also contains two reels of microfilm containing information from the Franz Boas collection on Indian linguistics as well as copies of works by Dalton Dorr, J. Dyneley Prince, and Joseph Fayrer.
Wakefield Family Papers, 1868-1962
Special Collections, Raymond H. Fogler Library, University of Maine
The Wakefield family papers contain primarily the business records of O.H. Wakefield and his son, Ralph J. Wakefield, and reflect their involvement in the lumber business in Lowell, Maine.
The papers are arranged in two series: Papers of O.H. Wakefield and Papers of Ralph J. Wakefield. There are no sub-series.
The papers of O.H. Wakefield consist mainly of financial records, especially daybooks, 1884-1917, of activities in the general store and the lumber business. Ledgers, 1878-1890; a lumber book, 1879-1899, of lumber cut and sawed; and a memo book of spool bar accounts reflect Wakefield's primary occupation.
The papers of Ralph J. Wakefield are more extensive and focus primarily on his activities in buying lumber and selling lumber products. The series opens with information about Wakefield's assets and accounts, tax information, and leases and legal documents, 1920-1947. A section of correspondence, 1920-1945, follows. Correspondents include N.C. Fogg, Bangor, dealers in lumber, box shooks and pulpwood; Penobscot Snow Shoe Co., Milford, Maine; Johnson Lumber Co., Manchester, N.H.; and Old Town Canoe Co., Old Town, Maine. The letters discuss the needs of the companies for various wood products, the availability of these products, prices, etc.
A group of invoices, 1917-1949, contains bills to Wakefield for groceries, dry-goods, mill and lumbering supplies, machinery and equipment. Files of equipment catalogs contain information on a variety of mill and lumbering machinery and supplies. Daybooks and ledgers, 1904-1912, provide financial information about both the general store and the lumbering business. Files of lumber accounts and scalers' reports contain primarily Wakefield's notes about his lumber business.
The series ends with miscellaneous printed material belonging to Ralph Wakefield, most concerning the lumber business.
Warren (Lewis P.) Business Records, 1805-1899
Special Collections, Raymond H. Fogler Library, University of Maine
Lewis P. Warren was born in Westbrook, Maine on August 11, 1817, the youngest child of John and Eleanor (Lamb) Warren. Lewis and his brother George entered into partnership with Rufus and Cyrus King, who kept a large general store. Cyrus and Lewis P. took charge of the dry-goods department while George and Rufus managed the grocery department. After five years, in the fall of 1842, Lewis P. withdrew from active work at the company in order to manage his father’s farm business.
Ledgers, 1850s-1890s (bulk 1860s-1880s), documenting Lewis P. Warren's farm accounts. Very little information about Warren's other business ventures - brief mentions of wire, moccasin, and lumber businesses.
War (University of Maine) Records, 1897-2001
Special Collections, Raymond H. Fogler Library, University of Maine
The University of Maine saw approximately 1,000 students and alumni serve in World War I and 3,900 serve in World War II. Both wars had a strong effect on the university and its students; the desire to honor those who had served and to memorialize those who had died led to various activities on campus. After the end of World War I, funds were raised to erect the Memorial Gymnasium and Armory and after World War II, those who had died were honored in a volume titled "University of Maine, World War II: In Memoriam." The Alumni Association sent questionnaires to all who had served and maintained files of their service.
The record group contains correspondence between University presidents and students serving in the military in World War I and World War II. Biographical information about each student killed in World War I and lists of students and alumni who served in World War II, along with copies of the volume "University of Maine, World War II: In Memoriam" and biographical information used to compile this volume. A card file for those who were called or recalled to service in the Korean War is also included. There are also register forms compiled by the University of Maine of students who served in World War I and World War II. The forms contain biographical details including their service dates. There is also material from a reunion for veterans of the University of Maine Army Specialized Training Program held on September 28 & 29, 2001. Also included in this record group is World War II era propaganda from Allies and Axis powers and European countries that appears to have been collected by the University of Maine Department of History & Government.
Webber Family Papers, 1895-1976
Special Collections, Raymond H. Fogler Library, University of Maine
The collection contains ledgers and maps of the timberland business owned by several generations of the Webber family. The ledgers include primarily correspondence and financial information. The maps provide information about the family's land holdings in northern Maine.
The ledgers are arranged by the company function they represent: executive, financial and production. The collection begins with copies of outgoing correspondence, 1955-1960, from G. Peirce Webber; much of it concerns acknowledgments of rent received for campsites on Webber land. Copies of deeds, permits, etc., follow, along with a scrapbook of newspaper clippings, 1903-1907, concerning land and lumbering.
The journals, 1928-1965, which make up a large part of the collection often list C.J. Webber as agent, presumably acting for other members of the Webber family in the management of their land holdings. C.P. Webber, Franklin R. Webber, R.B. Webber, M.P. Heald, C.J. Webber, T. Roscoe Webber, Anne W. Chase and Lucy R. Webber are all mentioned in various volumes. One of the journals records information about the estate of Charles P. Webber.
The maps are arranged chronologically with a section of undated maps at the end. Some of the maps were compiled by Charles P. Webber.
Weed Family Records, 1831-1911
Special Collections, Raymond H. Fogler Library, University of Maine
Records document the life and death of Wyatt J. Weed, originally of Veazie, Maine. Included are official government papers and awards stemming from his election to the Maine State Legislature and his membership in the Militia of Maine's band. Weed's family was involved in logging and this collection contains records directly related to the business, including memorandums and financial records, as well as original land deeds.
Weiner (Marli) Papers, 1988-2004
Special Collections, Raymond H. Fogler Library, University of Maine
Marli Frances Weiner was born January 9, 1953, in Brooklyn, New York, the daughter of Walter and Phyllis (Hirsch) Weiner. She received her undergraduate degree from Johns Hopkins University, a master's degree in history from Sarah Lawrence College, and a doctorate in history from the University of Rochester in 1986.
Many of the source files include Dr. Weiner's research notes and provide page numbers, quotations, and responses to each text. Other source files, listed by title and author, contain photocopied and clipped articles but no annotation. The manuscript of Sex, Sickness, and Slavery in Series 3 is a considerably more extensive draft than what was published after editing. Additional material in this collection relates to professional associations, course development and teaching, and the process of tenure and promotion.
Westerfield Historical Collection, 1783-1885
Special Collections, Raymond H. Fogler Library, University of Maine
This collection is a mix of personal and business documents concerning families other than the Westerfield Family. These documents include ships logs and diaries, personal diaries, account books, and letters. A few other family related documents are included.
West Peru. Maine Photograph Album, 20th Century
Special Collections, Raymond H. Fogler Library, University of Maine
A photograph album by an unidentified compiler containing photographs taken in West Peru, Maine. Included are shots of people, businesses, houses, churches, the grist mill, toothpick factory, railroad station, schools, etc. Album is accompanied by a list identifying most photographs. Some photographs appear to be of members of the Woodsum family. Additional family names include Arnold, Kidder Goding, and Curtis.
White (Robert H.) Collection, 1987-1990
Special Collections, Raymond H. Fogler Library, University of Maine
Robert H. White Collection contains notes, interview tapes and a microcassette recorder pertaining to Passamaquoddy, Penobscot, and Maliseet language and cultural materials. Also includes notes from White's book: Tribal Assets.
Whitneyville Agency Records, 1853-1885
Special Collections, Raymond H. Fogler Library, University of Maine
The collection contains three volumes of financial information about the operation of the Whitneyville Agency.
The journal, 1853-1860, is a daybook recording freight charges primarily for lumber and laths. Individuals and companies mentioned frequently include S.W. Pope and Co., William. E. Pennell, John F. Harmon, Humphrey Desmond, and James Miller.
The journal, 1857-1868, records financial information about stumpage, labor, wood sold, and general bills paid by the Whitneyville Agency.
The ledger, 1857-1885, lists accounts held by various people and companies, with expenditures and credits for lumber, groceries, equipment, labor, etc.
WIC (Women in the Curriculum) Program Records, 1911-2011
Special Collections, Raymond H. Fogler Library, University of Maine
The record group contains administrative material (memoranda), information on how to develop an office of this nature (fundraising techniques), and information that was used to develop curriculum/programs to be administered by the WIC office. Also, information on various subjects including women in various occupations, career development, and specific syllabi for Women's Studies courses, how women are portrayed/treated in educational settings, general information concerning women in the political sphere, sports, women's health issues, and a broad range of social issues concerning women. There are also program information sent out by other universities and colleges including pamphlets, newsletters, information on how a particular school has addressed the inclusion of women in their curriculum. There are recordings of various lectures including the WIC brown bag lunch series and information on both the National Women's Studies Association and UMaine’s President’s Council on Women Records.
Wieden (Clifford O. T.) Papers, 1946-1947
Special Collections, Raymond H. Fogler Library, University of Maine
Clifford O.T. Wieden was the principal of the Aroostook State Normal School (later the Aroostook State Teacher's College and now the University of Maine at Presque Isle) and became its president in 1953. In the summer of 1947, Wieden taught a course at Farmington State Teachers College entitled "Sociography: A Maine State Travel Course." The course involved travel, observation and interviews as well as lectures, discussion and development of teaching units. The sixteen class members combined study with recreation, traveling to various parts of the state of Maine to study its physical, economic, sociological and historic features. The record group includes materials for this course, including a 16mm film entitled Sociography: How Mainers Work, Live and Play.
Wiggins (James Russell) Papers, 1908-1994
Special Collections, Raymond H. Fogler Library, University of Maine
Papers of the Executive Editor and Vice President of the Washington Post. Most of the collection is related to the Washington Post with some personal papers. Other papers include Wiggins' appointment as ambassador to the United Nations, 1968-69, and files relating to his work at the Ellsworth American newspaper.
Wight (Clement P.) Socialist Party of Maine Papers, 1896-1915
Special Collections, Raymond H. Fogler Library, University of Maine
Papers and records of the Socialist Party of Maine connected with Clement P. Wight of Old Orchard Beach. Included are some personal papers and the labor organization called the Boston and Maine Railroad Towerman's Brotherhood.
Wilde Stein (University of Maine) Records, 1972-2023
Special Collections, Raymond H. Fogler Library, University of Maine
The University of Maine student group Wilde Stein (now Wilde Stein: Queer Straight Alliance) is a student organization aimed to spread awareness and acceptance of sexuality, gender, and the LGBTQIA+ community across campus. Wilde Stein partners on events such as Coming Out Week and Pride Week to bring students, faculty, and the public together in an open and accepting environment. Wilde Stein was founded in the fall of 1973 by a group of students led by Karen E. Bye and Sturgis Haskins and was formally recognized as a student organization by the Student Senate in October of 1973. The group was named after Irish author, playwright, and gay man Oscar Wilde, and American author, playwright, and lesbian Gertrude Stein. In addition to Bye and Haskins among the early members of Wilde Stein were: Steve Bull (who succeeded Haskins as chair), John Frank, John Noble, Danny Estes, Robert Major, and Dan MacNaughton.
Wilkinson, (J. Norman) Papers, 1938-1996, bulk 1970-1976
Special Collections, Raymond H. Fogler Library, University of Maine
The record group includes playbooks used by Wilkinson from 1971 to 1996 in producing various plays for Maine Masque, the student theater company at the University of Maine. Each file typically contains scripts, photographs, notes on the production, newspaper clippings and reviews, press releases, etc. Also included is information about the activities of Maine Masque from 1970 to 1996 including newspaper clippings, photographs of performances, playbills, press releases, etc. Several theater-related theses are also included.
Williamson Family Papers, 1849-1977
Special Collections, Raymond H. Fogler Library, University of Maine
Collection contains papers of various members of the Peirce and Williamson families of Maine. Included are a photograph album, copybook of poetry and a typescript of a journal, 1851-1853, of Ada H. Peirce Williamson; the journal was edited by her niece Ada Peirce McCormick. Also included are a few letters written to Ada C. Williamson and Frances Williamson Peirce by their parents as well as a typescript of reminiscences of Frances Peirce. Materials gathered by Robert B. Williamson concerning the Peirce family genealogy as well as items belonging to Ada Peirce McCormick that Williamson received after her death are also found in the collection.
William Tell Club Records, 1903-1950
Special Collections, Raymond H. Fogler Library, University of Maine
The collection contains records of the William Tell Club kept by the organizers and members of the club. They include the papers of incorporation, bylaws and minutes of annual meetings, 1903-1941, plus a series of photograph albums from the annual trips to the lodge. The volumes of minutes also give listings of expenses for the hunting trips, records of yearly dues, cash on hand, and general expenses of the club. Membership records and a guest register are also included.
Of particular interest are the photograph albums, many entitled "Encampment of the William Tell Club," which were faithfully kept each year and given to club members. Dating from 1908-1933, most have the name George R. Hall stamped on the cover. Photographs show members engaging in a variety of activities, including getting on the train to go to the lodge and posing for a group picture, as well as more candid shots at camp of members singing, sleeping, playing cards, or posing with the results of their hunting excursions.
The collection also includes a series of letters written by club member George Bain to his future wife Mabel H. Estes of Portland, Maine. Dating from December 15, 1917 to March 30, 1918, they document Bain's military service at Camp Joseph E. Johnston in Jacksonville, Florida until he was ordered to the aviation field in West Point, Mississippi. They describe his daily life in the camp, including a quarantine for an outbreak of scarlet fever, and give the flavor of military life for a soldier on the home front. The Bain family papers also include a photograph album from 1915-1916 and a photograph entitled: First run of Ford Auto Club of Portland, Me., June 26, 1910.
Wilson (Dorothy Clarke) Papers, 1918-1993
Special Collections, Raymond H. Fogler Library, University of Maine
Manuscripts, notes, galley, literary proofs and other literary papers of an author from Orono, Maine. D.C. Wilson wrote books, essays, plays, short stories, and poems. Collection includes manuscripts, correspondence, business papers, slide lectures, and a series concerning Edwin Wilson, Dorothy's husband, a Methodist minister.
WLBZ Radio Station Records, 1926-2015
Special Collections, Raymond H. Fogler Library, University of Maine
WLBZ radio evolved from the passion of Thompson Guernsey, an amateur radio buff from Dover-Foxcroft who began experimenting with radio at the age of thirteen. As noted in a piece written by Fred Thompson in The History of Broadcasting in Maine: the First Fifty Years, Guernsey, considered by some to be an eccentric genius, began with homemade receivers and transmitters and an amateur license granted in 1921. After graduating from the University of Maine in 1926, Guernsey began operating WLBZ as a commercial broadcast station from Dover-Foxcroft.
In 1928, he moved his studio to the back of the Andrews Music House at 100 Main Street in Bangor and connected to a transmitter located at 861 Broadway. According to Thompson, "Radio was new to everyone in 1926, and aside from WCSH in Portland, his was the only commercial radio station in the state."
Subsequent WLBZ general managers were Edward Guernsey, (1934-1974), Irving Hunter (1974-1976), Edward Owen, (1976-1978) and Barry Darling (1978-1983).
WLBZ Bangor was purchased by Acton Communications in 1978 and became WACZ. In 1983, the station was purchased again and became WZON, Zone Radio.
The collection includes administrative and marketing-related documents dated 1926 through the 1970s. Photographs and publications also document the station's history. A bulk of the records are station traffic logs dating 1931-1957, providing information about programming, promotions, music, and technical data related to operation of the station's transmitter.
Woman's Club of Orono (Me.) Records, 1887-[ongoing]
Special Collections, Raymond H. Fogler Library, University of Maine
The collection consists of the records of the Woman's Club of Orono from the founding of the Club. Included are minutes, annual reports, yearbooks, scrapbooks, newsletters, histories, and financial records. Many prominent Orono families are represented in the membership.
Woman's National Farm and Garden Association, Maine Division Records, 1951-1993
Special Collections, Raymond H. Fogler Library, University of Maine
The collection contains administrative records of the Women's National Farm and Garden Association, Maine Division including constitution and bylaws, minutes of meetings, annual reports, correspondence, treasurer's reports, membership information and newsletters. Also included are subject files, scrapbooks, information from the national organization and from the Associated Country Women of the World.
Women's, Gender, and Sexuality Studies Program (University of Maine) Records, 1970-2016
Special Collections, Raymond H. Fogler Library, University of Maine
In the fall of 1975 three UMaine faculty members, Ann Acheson, Jan Kulberg, and Jane Pease, taught UMaine's first class in women's studies: "Women in Society" " interdisciplinary analysis of women's roles from an anthropological, sociological, psychological, and historical perspective." Other courses would follow, but while the courses counted for credit, those who taught the classes were not paid. The Interdisciplinary approach to studying women and the social construction of gender evolved from work spearheaded by Dr. JoAnn Fritsche, Director of Equal Opportunity in developing strategies for the inclusion of women's experiences and perspectives in the educational process. After initially focusing on curriculum development Fritsche moved on to creating a women's studies program. Fritsche established the Women's Development Program which in addition to curriculum work on campus also formed community projects to meet the needs of local women.
In 1981, with financial support from President Silverman, Fritsche established a committee looking at gender inequity on campus. This work led to the eventual founding of the Women in the Curriculum (WIC) program which by 1986 was institutionalized and fully supported by UMaine. The WIC established a planning committee for women's studies. In 2014, Women's Studies became the Women's, Gender, and Sexuality Studies Program.
Records in this collection contain mostly textual information created and curated by the University of Maine's Women's, Gender, and Sexuality Studies Program (formerly known as the Women's Studies Program), but there are also photographic materials.
Women's Resource Center Records (University of Maine), 1950's-2016
Special Collections, Raymond H. Fogler Library, University of Maine
The Women’s Resource Center (WRC) was established in 1991 with the goals of providing educational and cultural opportunities to further women's personal and professional development; promote a broader understanding of the diverse experiences of all women; and increase the participation of women and girls in education and society.
The records mainly contain textual information created and collected by the University of Maine Women’s Resource Center, but there are also photographic material, compact discs, audio cassettes, CDROMs, and Floppy Disks.
Woodbridge (Richard G.) Periwinkle Research Papers, 1889-1986
Special Collections, Raymond H. Fogler Library, University of Maine
The collection consists primarily of published articles written by others gathered by Richard G. Woodbridge to inform his scientific work. He gathered several published pamphlets on lead in construction, lead lined pools and planters, as well as growing algae and seaweed as food sources for snails. The collection includes typed manuscripts of some of his published articles and some correspondence related to Woodbridge's work.
Wood (Frederick A.) Papers, 1872-1885
Special Collections, Raymond H. Fogler Library, University of Maine
The collection consists primarily of business correspondence, 1878-1881, to Frederick Wood. Most of the correspondence is from J.A. Hurd and concerns their lumbering operations, orders, shipping, etc. The remainder of the collection contains receipts, 1872-1881, to Wood for various goods received.
Woodsmen's Team (University of Maine) Memorabilia, 1970-1976
Special Collections, Raymond H. Fogler Library, University of Maine
The University of Maine Woodsmen Team is a co-ed organization dedicated to maintaining the old woods skills and competing on the intercollegiate level throughout the Northeast and Canada. This team has been a University of Maine tradition for over 40 years. The Women's Woodsman's Team first started competing in 1975. Various photographs of team members, programs, team scores, and rules (1970-1976).
Woodsum Family Papers, 1824-1890
Special Collections, Raymond H. Fogler Library, University of Maine
William Woodsum was born in 1792 in Saco, Maine, the son of John and Sarah Woodsum. In 1814 he married Rosannah Woodman and they settled in Sumner, Maine, later moving to Peru, Maine. Woodsum was ordained in 1823 as a Free Will Baptist, preaching in about 20 Maine towns. He also served in the Maine legislature in 1833 and was a selectman in Peru in 1834 and 1836.
York (Erskine Clifton) Papers, 1839-1955
Special Collections, Raymond H. Fogler Library, University of Maine
Collection relating to the circus career of "Yorkie the Clown", and restaurant owner from Camden, Maine. Includes correspondence, clippings, and memorabilia.
York Family Papers, 1866-1923
Special Collections, Raymond H. Fogler Library, University of Maine
The collection contains a daily list of farm chores written in 1866-1867 by an unknown compiler as well as Samuel York's diaries from 1891-1923, outlining his daily activities on his farm. Poultry records for 1907 and 1912-1913 are also found in the collection. Also included are letters dated 1883-1895 to Frank P. York , then living in Manchester, New Hampshire. The letters are primarily from his mother, Augusta York, and his sisters, Mary and Hattie, and discuss family matters. An audiotape made by the donor, Ellen M. Watson Greer, daughter of Hattie York Watson, is included in the collection and describes its content, especially the farm journals.
Young Men's Christian Association of Maine Records, 1881-1943
Special Collections, Raymond H. Fogler Library, University of Maine
The collection contains minutes of YMCA meetings, annual reports, newsletters, information about conferences, etc.