Manuscript material held by Raymond H. Fogler Library's Special Collections Department covers a wide range of subjects reflecting historical events, business, education, arts, and sciences. While many of these are Maine-related, and as such are of interest to scholars of the region, others have important value to scholars and researchers nationally and internationally.
This gallery provides downloadable finding aids for the department's largest collections, those where it seemed particularly valuable for researchers to be able to search and browse the titles of folders within larger collections. Additional information about smaller collections can be found by using the library's online catalog, URSUS.
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Please note that the majority of these collections are stored in the library's remote storage area and require a week's notice to access. For more information about the collections highlighted here or to schedule a retrieval, contact:
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Orono, ME 04469-5729
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Professor Freeman (Stanley L.) Papers, 1952-1995
Special Collections, Raymond H. Fogler Library, University of Maine
Papers which reflect the career of Stanley L. Freeman, Jr., a long-term educator at the University of Maine. Included are course syllabi, peer-evaluations, publications and other materials related to activities as a Professor of Education who specialized in counseling, school guidance, and adult development.
Professor Glanz (William E.) Field Books, 1977-1997
Special Collections, Raymond H. Fogler Library, University of Maine
William "Bill" E. Glanz graduated from Dartmouth College and the University of California, Berkeley, where he earned his Ph.D. in zoology with a dissertation on the Comparative Ecology of Small Mammal Communities in California and Chile.
Professor Glanz came to the University of Maine in 1979 and stayed for 34 years as an Associate Professor in the School of Biology and Ecology. His research interests focused on the ecology, behavior, and conservation of birds, mammals, and amphibians. Among his many research projects were studying the effects of tidal restriction on breeding success in Saltmarsh Sharptailed Sparrows in Maine; status and conservation of Rusty Blackbirds in northern Maine; behavior of amphibian larvae in relation to environmental stressors, including predators and UV radiation; community structure of amphibians in Acadia National Park and effects of beavers on species distributions; wintering ecology, population responses, and conservation of Harlequin Ducks in Maine; foraging habitat selection and roosting habitats of bats in coastal Maine.
William Edward Glanz was born in Ypsilanti, Michigan, on January 27, 1949 and died in San Diego, California on June 14, 2014.
The record group includes field notes and data from Glanz's research into small mammal communities in California and Chile that formed part of his Ph.D. in Zoology from the University of California, Berkeley in 1977.
There are also research notes, correspondence, and papers regarding research for his Astro expedition, project in Alaska on the "Abundance, Feeding Behavior and Impact of Brown Lemming on Tundra Vegetation", mammals on the Barro Colorado Island, red squirrels, "Ecological Relationships of Two Species of Akodon in Central Chile", "Food and Habitat Use by Two Sympatric Sciurus Species in Central Panama", "Ecological Relationships of Two Species of Akodon in Central Chile", and unnamed projects.
Professor Nadelhaft (Jerome J.) Papers, 1960-1997
Special Collections, Raymond H. Fogler Library, University of Maine
Jerome J. Nadelhaft earned a BA from Queens College in 1959, a MA from the University of Wisconsin in 1961, and a Ph.D. also from University of Wisconsin in 1965. Before coming to the University of Maine Nadelhaft taught at the State University of New York at Geneseo from 1964-1967. Nadelhaft started at the University of Maine in 1967 as a Assistant Professor in the Department of History, becoming an Associate Professor in 1972, and a full professor in 1983. In 1989, Nadelhaft was appointed chair of the Department of History. While at the University of Maine Professor Nadelhaft served on a number of committees, including the Council of Colleges.
Professor Robinson (Brian S.) Research Journals, 1986-2016
Special Collections, Raymond H. Fogler Library, University of Maine
Collection includes a number of the late Professor Brian Robinson's research journals.
Brian S. Robinson was born on February 23, 1953 in Worcester, Massachusetts. He graduated from the University of New Hampshire with a degree in Anthropology, and earned his Masters and Ph.D. in Anthropology from Brown University. Professor Robinson died on October 27, 2016.
Professor Robinson worked at the University of Maine at Farmington's Archaeology Research Center, before coming to the University of Maine in 1989, as an assistant research professor, and would go on to become an Associate Professor, holding joint appointments in the Department of Anthropology and Climate Change Institute. His research focused on northeastern archaeology, hunter-gatherer cultures, coastal adaptations to changing climate, mortuary ritual and anthropological theory. For many years he conducted the UMaine archeological field school centered on sites around Machias Bay.
Professor Segal (Howard P.) Papers, 1974-2019
Special Collections, Raymond H. Fogler Library, University of Maine
Howard Paul Segal was born on July 15, 1948, in Philadelphia, Pennsylvania. He received a B.A. from Franklin & Marshall College and an M.A. and Ph.D. in History from Princeton University. Segal first came to the University of Maine in 1986 as an assistant professor of history and also the associate director of the Technology and Society Project in the College of Engineering. In 2020, Segal was awarded emeritus status by the University of Maine.
Segal was a prolific author, among the books he authored were "Technology in America: A Brief History", "Recasting the Machine Age: Henry Ford's Village Industries" and "Technology and Utopia". Segal was also active in Phi Beta Kappa and helped organize the visiting scholar program for the University of Maine's Delta Chapter. Segal taught at the University of Maine until his death in 2020.
The records contain textual information created and curated by Howard P. Segal who was a nationally-known scholar on the history of technology. The records cover part of his time as a faculty member at the University of Maine and author. The series Teaching, Publications & Research Records contains draft manuscripts of publications authored by Segal, clippings of reviews of Segal's works and written by Segal of other's works, clippings of various articles written by Segal, syllabi for courses Segal taught at the University of Maine, and information regarding research grants for which Segal applied. The record group also includes material related to Segal's support of LGBTQ youth.
Promotion Committee (University of Maine) Records
Special Collections, Raymond H. Fogler Library, University of Maine
In 1984, University of Maine President Arthur Johnson appointed a Promotion Committee to study the University's promotional activities. As part of its work the Committee assessed the number, purpose, and quality of publications produced across the University of Maine campus for off-campus distribution. This collections contains copies of various University of Maine department publications that were submitted to the Promotion Committee for review.
Pulp And Paper Foundation (University Of Maine) Records, 1914-1990
Special Collections, Raymond H. Fogler Library, University of Maine
The University of Maine began offering a pulp and paper in 1912-1913 under Dr. Ralph H. McKee making it the first program in the United States. In 1949, University of Maine pulp and paper alumni and paper company executives met with representatives from UMaine to discuss the need for more and better trained workers in the pulp and paper industry. The result of this meeting was the establishment in 1950 of the University of Maine Pulp & Paper Foundation.
The records include annual meeting minutes, bylaws, goals and missions, conference and event publicity material and programs, papers on the pulp and paper history and the history of the Foundation, newspaper clippings, copies of Foundation publications, and scholarship information.
Pulp & Paper Summer Institute (University Of Maine) Records, 1976-1980
Special Collections, Raymond H. Fogler Library, University of Maine
The Pulp & Paper Summer Institute was established in 1960 at the request of the pulp and paper industry. The Institute was originally sponsored by the University of Maine's Chemical Engineering Department and the University of Maine Pulp and Paper Foundation. The Institute was staffed by faculty from the Chemical Engineering Department and had a committee containing representatives from the Department and managers from paper companies. The Institute was designed for people working in the paper industry including from across North America and internationally. Records mainly contain textual information created by the University of Maine Pulp and Paper Summer Institute, but there are also pulp samples and an extensive walk through of the pulp and paper processes
Pusey and Jones Corporation Records, 1976-1986
Special Collections, Raymond H. Fogler Library, University of Maine
Pusey and Jones Corporation was a major shipbuilder and industrial equipment manufacturer located in Wilmington, Delaware. Shipbuilding was the primary focus from 1853 until the end of World War II. While manufacturing and fabrication of papermaking machinery was a part of the company from nearly the beginning, after World War II, the company closed the shipyard and converted the shipyard's facilities to manufacture papermaking machinery exclusively. The company closed in 1959.
Records pertain mainly to machinery for the pulp and paper business. Also included are papers related to Penntech, a corporation with which the donor was associated.
Quoddy Regional Project Papers, 1939-1942
Special Collections, Raymond H. Fogler Library, University of Maine
Material related to the Quoddy Regional Project, a National Youth Administration program in the 1930s and 1940s designed to provide training and resources to unemployed youth. Collection includes a scrapbook, training volumes, a folder of library reports and correspondence, and loose photo album pages.
Railroad Survey Books and Profiles Collection, 1871-1892
Special Collections, Raymond H. Fogler Library, University of Maine
The collection also contains various items which document efforts to develop railroads in Castine, Maine. Included are minutes of meetings held by citizens of Castine in 1871 "to consider and promote such measures as will make Castine the western terminus of the proposed railroad from the St. Croix to the waters of the Penobscot." Later records include preliminary surveys done for the Castine and Bangor Railroad in 1887 and 1888. There is no indication that this line was ever built.
Randel (William Peirce) Papers, 1940-1992
Special Collections, Raymond H. Fogler Library, University of Maine
This record group contains the papers of William Peirce Randel, a professor of English at the University of Maine, born on January 7, 1909, in New York City. Papers include manuscripts for various books, articles, and talks authored by Randel. Also, includes correspondence, research materials, drafts of articles, and copies of Maine legislative documents concerning higher education. The correspondence, dates primarily from 1962-1992, and included both incoming letters and copies of outgoing letters involving various Maine politicians, especially William S. Cohen. The correspondence concerns current events of the time including higher education, world affairs, and issues of aging.
Raymond H. Fogler Library Records (University of Maine)
Special Collections, Raymond H. Fogler Library, University of Maine
The records mainly contain textual information on a range of subjects compiled primarily by the Director of Libraries ... and the administrative staff. The collection includes documents pertaining to administration and library operations, gifts, University relations, library automation, Cultural Affairs, and professional development.
Registrar Office (University of Maine) Records, 1910-1965
Special Collections, Raymond H. Fogler Library, University of Maine
The record group mainly contains textual information created and curated by James A. Gannett (1913–1953) and George H. Crosby, (1955 to 1974) during their tenures as registrar of the University of Maine. There are also some photographs and images in the record group.
Remick Family Papers, 1686-1945
Special Collections, Raymond H. Fogler Library, University of Maine
Remick family papers include items that date to the late 17th century. Most of the papers concern Oliver P. Remick and his service in the U.S. Revenue Cutter Service, forerunner of the U.S. Coast Guard, from 1876-1895. Included are some earlier and later family materials, and historical Revenue Cutter Service materials. Also contains unpublished manuscripts of Martha Remick.
Report on Prisoner of War Labor : 1944 Potato Harvest, Aroostook County, Maine, 1944
Special Collections, Raymond H. Fogler Library, University of Maine
A carbon copy of typescript prepared by Fred L. Lamoreau and Raymond Atherton. Provides detailed policies and procedures for utilizing German Prisoners of War in in the 1944 potato harvest in Aroostook County. Prepared jointly by the Aroostook Farm Bureau Labor Association and Emergency Farm Labor Program, Maine Extension Service.
Research and Sponsored Programs Records (University of Maine), 1978-2013
Special Collections, Raymond H. Fogler Library, University of Maine
The Office of Research and Sponsored Programs (ORSP) at the University of Maine assists members of the campus community in seeking outside grants and contracts to fund their research. This collection contains technical reports and project summaries of grant-funded projects undertaken at the University of Maine from 1978 to the present. The reports are arranged by year and within each year alphabetically by the name of the principal investigator(s). The name of the granting agency is also given when indicated on the report.
Reynolds (Cecil John) Papers, 1953-2003
Special Collections, Raymond H. Fogler Library, University of Maine
Cecil John Reynolds (1903-1998) was born in Chelsea, Massachusetts. In 1927, he won a Rhodes Scholarship to attend Oxford University where he earned Bachelor of Arts and Literature degrees in 1930. In 1935, Reynolds began teaching at the University of Maine and in the 1940s, founded an English honors program.
This collection contains textual information created and curated by Reynolds including copies of his autobiography and various essays, manuscripts, and lecture notes.. Holdings include photographs of Reynolds.
Reynolds (Frank W.) Lobster Account Books, 1929-1932
Special Collections, Raymond H. Fogler Library, University of Maine
Account book of a lobsterman from Addison, Maine. The book lists number of lobsters caught, their weight and price per pound, the gallons of gas used and price, and the number of bushels of bait used and price per bushel.
Richardson (Arthur B.) Papers, 1915-2011
Special Collections, Raymond H. Fogler Library, University of Maine
The collection contains many family letters, newspaper clippings and documents relating to the geneology of the Cobb, Snow and Hopkins families.
Ring Family Papers, 1855-1971
Special Collections, Raymond H. Fogler Library, University of Maine
Business records of Edmund T. Ring and scrapbooks documenting the career of his son, Edgar E. Ring, both of Orono, Maine. Edmund appears to have operated a grocery store there and also operated a sawmill under the firm name E.T. Ring and Son.
Roberts, Mervin Papers, 1984-2002
Special Collections, Raymond H. Fogler Library, University of Maine
The collection contains maps, plans, photographs and other materials gathered by Marc Johnson to document logging, lumbering and land use in Maine, especially in areas near the Kennebec River and Moosehead Lake.
The first part of the collection contains a few general files belonging to Mr. Johnson as well as a few records from Hollingsworth & Whitney Company and Scott Paper Company. These are followed by the maps, plans and photographs that make up the bulk of the collection. Most of the maps are blue line print copies of originals with a few original maps also included.
Items are arranged alphabetically by title or by company name. Prominent in the collection are ledgers, aerial photographs and maps from Hollingsworth & Whitney Company, a papermaking firm established in Boston in 1862 and operating paper mills in Gardiner, Winslow and Madison, Maine. Aerial photographs, maps, and plans of boats and machinery from Great Northern Paper Company Division of Forest Engineering also make up a significant portion of the collection as do financial ledgers of the Kennebec Log Driving Company. The remaining maps and plans are from a wide variety of sources.
Rubenstein (Arnold Thomas) Historical Papers, 1705-1950
Special Collections, Raymond H. Fogler Library, University of Maine
The Rubenstein papers contain the manuscripts of his unpublished books: Thousand Years of Russian History, The Potemkin, and book proposals: The Two Russian Revolutions 1905 and 1907, and Russia: What It Was and What It Is. Also included are copied papers that pertain to these manuscripts, notes, and source materials. Some of this material is translated, some is in German, French, and Russian. Some materials on Trotsky are included.
Rudy Vallée Tribute Committee (University of Maine) Records
Special Collections, Raymond H. Fogler Library, University of Maine
The Rudy Vallée Tribute Committee was formed to plan University of Maine tributes to Rudy Vallee, including a book and program. The Committee also considered how best to manage the University of Maine's "Stein Collection". The tribute was held on Saturday, April 23, 1988 at the Maine Center for the Arts.
Committee meeting minutes and correspondence regarding the organization of the tribute and communications with the Vallée family, draft tribute programs, biographical profiles of Vallée, press releases regarding the tribute and Vallée in general, posters and invitations for the tribute, and photographs from the event. Files of David C. Smith, a professor of history at the university and chair of the committee, are also included.
Sagetrieb Records, 1982-1985
Special Collections, Raymond H. Fogler Library, University of Maine
Sagetrieb was a journal devoted to poets in the Pound-Williams tradition. Vol. 1, no. 1 was published in spring 1982 by the University of Maine in Orono and the last volume was published in 2013/2014. University of Maine English professor Carroll Franklin Terrell was the first editor of the journal.
"The Writing Teacher" publication (1983-1986) was sponsored and published by several English departments of the University of Maine. It was supported in part by the National Poetry Foundation, University of Maine, and in part by a grant from Chancellor Patrick McCarthy.
The record group includes manuscripts, typescripts, proofs, and correspondence with authors. Also, includes proofs for the first volume of "The Writing Teacher" publication.
Sanford (Alpheus) Papers, 1958-1991
Special Collections, Raymond H. Fogler Library, University of Maine
Papers of Alpheus Sanford, a professor in the College of Education at the University of Maine. The papers reflect the career of a college educator in the field of counseling and school guidance from 1958 until retirement in 1991.
Sansom (Lee H.) Collection on Stephen King, 1984-2002
Special Collections, Raymond H. Fogler Library, University of Maine
The collection contains articles about Stephen King and his work collected by Lee H. Sansom. The collection also contains a letter King wrote to Sansom on January 12, 1984, regarding the publication of King's The Dark Tower.
Schoenberger (Walter Smith) Records, 1957-1990
Special Collections, Raymond H. Fogler Library, University of Maine
Walter S. "Bud" Schoenberger was born in 1920 in Pittsburgh, Pa. and died in Orono, Maine in 1998. He received his bachelor's and master's degrees from the University of Pittsburgh and his doctorate from the Fletcher School of Law and Diplomacy. He was a professor of political science, specializing in international relations at the University of Maine in Orono. He authored the book, Decision of Destiny, a Political Analysis of the Decision to Use the Atomic Bomb. He retired from the University of Maine in 1989 as professor emeritus having taught for 34 years.
The records mainly contain textual information in records reflecting Schoenberger's activities as a professor in the Department of Political Science at the University of Maine as well as activities in the political arena. There is also an unlabeled photograph and illustrated brochures.
School of Forest Resources (University Of Maine) Records, 1904-1992
Special Collections, Raymond H. Fogler Library, University of Maine
The School of Forest Resources at the University of Maine began in 1903 as the Department of Forestry in the College of Agriculture to offer practical work in forestry, but also a liberal education.
In 1935 the Wildlife Curriculum and Research Unit were added. In 1958 the Department was renamed the School of Forestry and in 1967 the name was changed to the School of Forest Resources. The College of Forest Resources was established in 1982. In 1993 it became part of the College of Natural Resources, Forestry and Agriculture.
The records contain textual information created and curated by the University of Maine School of Forest Resources.
School of Law (University of Maine Records, 1903-1968
Special Collections, Raymond H. Fogler Library, University of Maine
The original College of Law (also known as School of Law) began its operations in 1898 and was located in Bangor, Maine in a building at Exchange and State streets. The building and records were destroyed during the 1911 Great Fire of Bangor. Following the fire the School relocated to a house at the corner of Second and Union streets in Bangor (now known as the Farrar building.
On May 10, 1918 the College moved to the University of Maine's Orono campus. In 1920 during World War I, the decision was made to suspend the College of Law because of financial constraints. Thereafter various attempts were made to reestablish the College, but it wasn't until 1961 that the University of Maine would once again have a School of Law following the merger between the University and Portland University which was approved by the 100th Maine Legislature.
The records mainly contain textual information created by the University Of Maine School Of Law (also known as the College of Law). The record group contains correspondence of William Walz who was the Dean of the University of Maine's School of Law (1902-1918).
School of Performing Arts (University of Maine), 1930-1998
Special Collections, Raymond H. Fogler Library, University of Maine
In September 1975, the Board of Trustees of the University of Maine approved the creation of a School of Performing Arts in the College of Arts and Sciences. The purpose for such a school was to amalgamate the various performing arts units on the Orono campus into one administrative body within the College of Arts and Sciences.
The School offers degrees in music, theatre, and dance and organizes various events on campus in the Minsky Recital Hall, Hauck Auditorium, and Collins Center; in the community; and beyond. The records mainly contain event programs; publicity material for performances; photographs from various productions and schedules and publicity material for coming seasons and events; posters; recordings of productions; and correspondence regarding the School of Music's accreditation from the National Association of School of Music (NASM).
School of Social Work (University of Maine) Records, 1966-1998
Special Collections, Raymond H. Fogler Library, University of Maine
The University of Maine has provided undergraduate education in social work and social welfare since the 1950's and began offering the BA degree in Social Work in 1972. The BSW program was granted initial accreditation from the Council on Social Work Education (CSWE) in 1979. The graduate program leading to the Master of Social Work degree was approved by the Board of Trustees in 1987. The University of Maine's School of Social Work (formerly Department of Social Work) was formed on July 1, 1989. The School is based in Annex C on the Orono campus and offers fully accredited BSW and MSW degree programs.
Much of the material in this record group appears to have come from William H. Whitaker, University of Maine associate professor of social work. Whitaker was co-principal investigator on a grant for Interdisciplinary Training for Health Care in Rural Maine and an advisor for an exchange program between the University of Maine and Kharkov University in Ukraine which was part of an agreement signed by the two universities in 1988. Whitaker was also a member of a number local, regional and national groups related to social justice, particularly related to peace and non-violence and welfare reform.
The records mainly contain textual information created and curated by the University of Maine School of Social Work, but there is also photographic material.
Schooner George Henry Fishing Journal, circa 1858
Special Collections, Raymond H. Fogler Library, University of Maine
Journal kept aboard the schooner George Henry of Deer Isle, Maine. Includes daily remarks mostly about the weather, as well as the names of fishermen on board and the amount of the daily catch of fish.
Schrumpf (Brownie and William E.) Papers, 1905-1990s
Special Collections, Raymond H. Fogler Library, University of Maine
Papers of Brownie Schrumpf, a newspaper columnist and gastronomic guru in the Bangor area and of an agricultural economist. Includes columns, cookbooks, recipes, notebooks, menus and correspondence. Many of the cookbooks and much of the material relates to Maine.
Secord, Eric M. Papers, 1917-1946
Special Collections, Raymond H. Fogler Library, University of Maine
Personal papers and business records of Eric M. Secord. Many of the business records document Secord's work as a salesman, 1938-1944, with the Flintkote Company. A folder of papers, 1917-1920, belonging to Frederick A. Secord and concerning his work at Westbrook Clay Products is also included.
Seed Catalog Collection, 1834-1920
Special Collections, Raymond H. Fogler Library, University of Maine
A collection of seed catalogs from a few companies in Massachusetts, New York, and Pennsylvania, along with two issues of a periodical, Success with Flowers Magazine.
Seed Catalogs Collection, 1924-2000
Special Collections, Raymond H. Fogler Library, University of Maine
A collection of seed catalogs from around the United States, with a few from Japan, Canada, Germany, and Scotland. The majority date from the 1930s and 1940s.
Senator George J. Mitchell Center for Sustainability Solutions (University of Maine) Publications, 1966-2007
Special Collections, Raymond H. Fogler Library, University of Maine
The majority of the publications in this record group were created by the University of Maine's Land and Water Resource Center, which is now known as the Senator George J. Mitchell Center for Sustainability Solutions.
The Land and Water Resource Center was established by the Water Resources Research Act of 1964 and was primarily funded by federal funds. The Center served the goals of stimulation and coordination of research, training and educational activities in the water resources disciplines, including soil suitability and land use. In 2000, the Center was renamed the Senator George J. Mitchell Center for Environmental and Watershed Research in honor of the former Maine U.S. senator George J. Mitchell.
Sewall Company Aerial Photographs Collection, circa 1940-2014
Special Collections, Raymond H. Fogler Library, University of Maine
Founded in 1880, Sewall began offering aerial photography services in the 1940s. The photo archive the company produced captures aerial views of nearly every part of Maine, as well as various locations in New England, Alaska, Canada, and the southern and central U.S. Many regions were photographed multiple times over the course of decades. The collection includes 1 million images.
A small representation of images has been digitized is available to the public through DigitalCommons@UMaine.
Shaw (Merle B.) Papers, 1914-1975
Special Collections, Raymond H. Fogler Library, University of Maine
The collection consists primarily of drafts and published articles reflecting Shaw's long career in the Paper Section of the National Bureau of Standards. The collection opens with a small group of general materials from Shaw's career, including his thesis, copies of talks he gave on papermaking, research articles by Shaw and others, and a bound volume of Shaw's scientific papers, 1919-1950. Former colleagues at the Bureau of Standards presented this volume to him in 1951. The bulk of the collection is made up of Shaw's files on various research topics with which he was involved. The emphasis is on use of alternative materials to make paper, paper used in currency, and strength and durability of papers for various uses. The files are arranged in rough chronological order and follow the order of the list of articles written by Shaw contained in Folder 5. The files contain research proposals for publication by the Bureau of Standards, research authorization requests, drafts of articles by Shaw, published articles on the topic, and correspondence among colleagues. Some files contain samples of papers, experimental papermaking materials, and photographs.
Shaw (Wendell) Collection on Walter Arnold, 1800-1981
Special Collections, Raymond H. Fogler Library, University of Maine
Walter Arnold was born in 1894 in Willimantic, Maine, the son of Alonzo and Alice Arnold. As a young man Walter hunted, trapped and guided with his father. After service in World War I, he started a mail order business, selling trapping supplies and animal trapping scents and lures nationwide.
Shaw and Arnold were good friends and hunting buddies for over twenty years. They wrote letters to each other frequently from 1959-1980 discussing their day-to-day life and the hunting or trapping adventures they shared together.
This collection includes many letters written between Wendell Shaw and Walter Arnold (See: SpC MS 0023). Also included are a few newspaper clippings from the 1850s through the 1960s. There are some articles included written about Walter Arnold ranging from 1976 through 1981. Trapping and hunting books, military history pamphlets and animal magazines that belonged to Wendell Shaw and Walter Arnold are in the collection. Some of Walter Arnold's belongings including one of his books "Arnold's Professional Fox Trapping" are included along with some of Wendell Shaw's belongings including a diary, glasses, negatives and other correspondence.
Sheppard (Edmund M.) Records, 1965-1997
Special Collections, Raymond H. Fogler Library, University of Maine
Edmund MacMillan "Ned" Sheppard was born in New Rochelle, New York in 1933. He earned his B.S.E.E. in 1956 at the University of Miami, S.M.E.E. in 1958 at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology, and Ph.D. in 1962 at Purdue University. He taught at M.I.T. and Purdue before becoming a professor at the University of Maine teaching electrical engineering in 1962. While at the UMaine Sheppard served as the faculty representative to the University of Maine Board of Trustees. Sheppard retired from UMaine in 1997 and died in 2016 at the age of 82.
This collection includes textual information created and curated by Sheppard including items related to the history of Electrical and Computer Engineering at UMaine.
Sherman Lumber Company Records, 1875-1955
Special Collections, Raymond H. Fogler Library, University of Maine
This small collection contains records that provide insight into all operations of the Sherman Lumber Company. The records are arranged according to the following functions: administrative and organizational, financial, production, sales, and labor.
The company account registers, 1930 and 1932, contain sections giving financial information about customer accounts, information about business expenses of Sherman Lumber itself, and information about types and amounts of wood supplied to Sherman. These are followed by invoices, 1909-1915, for equipment, groceries, hardware, etc., purchased by Sherman. A ledger lists orders to Sherman from F.E. Blodgett Lumber, Suncook, New Hampshire, listed on its letterhead as a shipper of slabs, edgings, baled shavings and dry pine sawdust; and from Edwin H. Buzzell, a wholesale lumber dealer in Boston. General order books, 1926-1935 and 1941-1955, a sales register and a weekly time book complete the collection.
Shields (Ellen Wight) Papers, 1950-1972
Special Collections, Raymond H. Fogler Library, University of Maine
The collection contains Shields' diaries from 1955-1972, a small amount of personal correspondence and personal financial information. It also includes many poems and songs written by Ellen Shields.
Shipman (William D.) Papers, 1963-1978
Special Collections, Raymond H. Fogler Library, University of Maine
This small collection contains William Shipman's files from his participation on various committees and studies for hydroelectric power projects in Maine.
The files are arranged alphabetically by subject using headings assigned by Professor Shipman. The material from his work as a member of the Citizens' Dickey-Lincoln Project Impact Review Committee consists of records of committee meetings, correspondence, and reports which reflect the work of the committee. Some of the correspondence also reflects Professor Shipman's ambivalence toward this work and the feeling of futility caused by a lack of information about various alternatives to the Dickey-Lincoln project.
Shipman's files on his study of the feasibility of a tidal power project in Cobscook Bay include notes, reports, newspaper clippings and a draft of his final report on the benefits and costs of such a project.
The collection also contains reports from a symposium held in 1979 and sponsored by the Project on Balanced Growth for Maine, the Maine Office of Energy Resources, and the Maine State Planning Office. The symposium discussed the appropriateness of the relative price shift methodology for evaluating public investments in the development of energy facilities. As a participant, Professor Shipman discussed "Identifying an appropriate measure of benefits for evaluating tidal power in Cobscook Bay."
Siebert, (Frank T.) Penobscot and Algonquian Related Notes, 1934-1964
Special Collections, Raymond H. Fogler Library, University of Maine
Collection contains photocopies of notebooks compiled by Frank T. Siebert in his study of the language of the Penobscot Indians in Maine.
Silver (Arthur E.) Class Of 1902 Records, 1901-1973
Special Collections, Raymond H. Fogler Library, University of Maine
Arthur E. Silver was born in 1879 at Silvers Mills, a rural neighborhood named for his grandfather in Dexter, Maine. He graduated from the University of Maine, class of 1902, with a B.S. degree. He received his doctor of engineering (an honorary degree) from the University of Maine in 1954. He was chief electrical engineer for Ebasco Services, Inc., formerly Electric Bond and Share Co. until his retirement in 1948.
In 1951, Silver received the Lamme gold medal award given by the American Institute of Engineering in recognition of his pioneering of rural electrification by designing a simplified farm-type transformer which lowered the cost of transmission to rural areas.
Silver was actively involved in organizing Class of 1902 reunions and in 1955 presented University of Maine President Arthur A. Hauck with a Class of 1902 History Volume.
This record group contains mostly textual information and photographs created and curated by Silver regarding the University of Maine Class of 1902. Includes copy of student handbook, various items regarding Class of 1902 events and reunions including programs, publications correspondence, photographs, and clippings.
Silver (Arthur E.) Class Photographs, 1899-1905
Special Collections, Raymond H. Fogler Library, University of Maine
Photographs of students from the University of Maine Class of 1902. A few photographs from the Classes of 1899, 1900, 1901, 1904 and 1905 are also included. Photographs were used in the Prism, the University's yearbook, and were taken by various photographers in Bangor, Maine, including Fred C. Chalmers, J.F. Gerrity & Co., John T. Heath, George Lansil, and Ramsdell & Halloran.
Simpson (Geddes W.) Records, 1920-2001
Special Collections, Raymond H. Fogler Library, University of Maine
Geddes Wilson Simpson received an A.B. in zoology from Bucknell University in 1929 and an A.M. in insect morphology from Cornell University in 1931. In 1935 he completed a Ph.D. in economic entomology at Cornell.
In 1931, Simpson joined the staff of the Maine Agricultural Experiment Station at the University of Maine. As a research entomologist, he gained national recognition for his work on aphids, especially those affecting potato plants. In 1952, Simpson was named professor of entomology at UMaine. He remained in that position until his retirement in 1974. For many years he was editor of the Potato Association of America's American Potato Journal. In 1975, Simpson was selected as the 56th Honorary Life Member of the Potato Association of America.
The records mainly contain textual information created and curated by Simpson but there are also some photographs used as illustrations in research papers and of colleagues. The records cover his service to the University of Maine at Orono as a researcher and later director of the Maine Agricultural Experiment Station, professor of entomology, and as editor of the Potato Association of America's American Potato Journal.
Smith (David C.) Papers, 1833-2011
Special Collections, Raymond H. Fogler Library, University of Maine
David Clayton Smith was born in Lewiston, Maine in 1929. He received a B.S. in 1955 at Farmington State Teachers College. He received an M.Ed. in 1956 and an M.A. in history and government in 1958 from the University of Maine. He received a Ph.D. in history in 1965 from Cornell University. He taught five years at Hobart and William Smith College, Geneva, N.Y., then returned to teach at the University of Maine. In 1965 he joined the University of Maine history faculty. He is a widely recognized historian and lectured nationally and internationally on such topics as history, political science, climatology, agriculture, paper industry, literature, and popular culture. In 1986 he wrote a biography of H.G. Wells which was nominated for a Pulitzer Prize. David C. Smith died on November 7, 2009.
The records mainly contain textual information created and curated by educator and historian David C. Smith. Smith was a widely recognized historian and lectured nationally and internationally on such topics as history, political science, climatology, agriculture, paper industry, literature, and popular culture. The records cover Smith's academic career at the University of Maine, but also his political work and time serving on numerous professional and community groups.
Smith (David G.) Papers, 1888-1990
Special Collections, Raymond H. Fogler Library, University of Maine
David G. Smith, a resident of Camden, Maine, had a life-long interest in and connection to the Katahdin Iron Works area of Maine. The collection is arranged in two series:
Series I: Katahdin Iron Works Information Files, contains all of the material gathered by Smith during his life-long association with and interest in the KI region and its history.
Series II: Pine Knot Association Records, contains Smith’s files about his activities in managing the finances and maintenance of the Pine Knot family camp at KI.
Smith (Nicholas N.) Papers, 1879-2019
Special Collections, Raymond H. Fogler Library, University of Maine
Nicholas Smith was born in Malden, Massachusetts in 1926. He attended the University of Maine from 1946 to 1950 and receiving his BA in American History. He later attended Columbia University for his MA in Medieval/European history. Smith was passionate about the conservation of Native American history and the rights of the communities he worked closely with for well over 50 years.
While working with several of the tribes in Maine and the surrounding areas he was able to compile the largest computerized bibliography of the Wabanaki peoples (WABIB). The WABIB has the most complete source of materials pertaining to the Native Americans in Maine and the surrounding areas, and continues to be updated. Smith earned respect from academics, tribal leaders, and the museum community; eventually earning an honorary doctorate degree at the University of Maine for intellectual or creative achievement.
The collection includes photographs, publications, research, audiotapes, correspondence, and newspapers (including extensive run of Mi'kmaq News). Also includes the research pertaining to the creation of his bibliography of the Wabanaki tribes, the WABIB.
Smith (Thomas W.) Papers, 1809-1853
Special Collections, Raymond H. Fogler Library, University of Maine
The Thomas W. Smith papers are arranged in two series: Business Records and Augusta Bank Records. There are no sub-series.
Smith (Walter Brown) Journals, 1878-1929
Special Collections, Raymond H. Fogler Library, University of Maine
Collection of personal journals concerned with geology and archaeology, some correspondence, original illustrations of Native American artifacts, books, and pamphlets used by Walter B. Smith. Archaeological journals have been transcribed and indexed.
Sophomore Eagles and Sophomore Owls Records (University of Maine), 1910-1993
Special Collections, Raymond H. Fogler Library, University of Maine
The collection includes the following Sophomore Eagles material: account book (1928-1968), bank checks and stubs, minutes of meetings (1954-1967), receipts and bank statements, Bird Book (1990-91, 1992-93), volunteer service award from United Way (1993), and 3 scrapbooks. The Sophomore Owls material includes: Who's Who (1910-1962), constitution and bylaws, and material related to the history of the society.
Speck (Frank G.) Penobscot Indian Photographs, ca. 1911
Special Collections, Raymond H. Fogler Library, University of Maine
The collection contains copies of photographs of Penobscot Indian life taken in the field by Frank G. Speck around 1911, as well as copies of some photographs collected by him. Many pieces depicted now belong to the National Museum of the American Indian, George Gustav Heye Center. Heye sponsored some of Speck's work. The photographs depict individual Penobscot Indians as well as objects such as baskets, snowshoes, tools, clothing, etc.
Spectator Club Records (University of Maine), 1911-2000
Special Collections, Raymond H. Fogler Library, University of Maine
The Spectator Club collection contains copies of the club constitution, a history of its founding, group photographs of members taken on three different dates, a list of program topics, a few event programs, letters, bills, receipts, and minutes from meetings 1911-2000. Many of the letters offer thanks for support of various causes. Other letters thank the group for gifts and condolences following the death of one of the members. Minutes include detailed accounts of meetings along with lists of officers, members, attendance, speakers, entertainers, topics, dues, expenditures, and treasurer's reports.
Sprague (Richard S.) Academic Papers, 1956-1990
Special Collections, Raymond H. Fogler Library, University of Maine
The papers of Professor Richard Sprague concern primarily his research and includes a number of unpublished manuscripts, and notes and correspondence to accompany the manuscripts. Included are materials about Carl Sprinchorn, artist, John Springer, woodsman, George Chapman and Albert Gallatin.
Spratt Family Papers, 1880-1969
Special Collections, Raymond H. Fogler Library, University of Maine
The collection contains correspondence of Fred E. Spratt and Chessman Chadwick Spratt, two brothers born in Palermo, Maine. Most of the letters were written by Fred to Chessman and reflect his life on the family farm. They include comments on agriculture, crops, planting, and prices, general comments on the weather and its effects on crops, as well as family and local news. A few letters from Melissa Chadwick Spratt to her two sons are also included in the correspondence. The collection also contains letters to various other Spratt family members, some unidentified family photographs, and school essays written in Palermo in 1882 and 1883. A section of the collection from the 1960's contains correspondence about the family genealogy, much of it to Fred Spratt's daughter Melissa Sennett from Gertrude Lundberg, compiler of a book about the Spratt family.
Sprinchorn (Carl) Personal and Artistic Papers, 1903-1970
Special Collections, Raymond H. Fogler Library, University of Maine
The Carl Sprinchorn papers are the work of an artist and art historian. He was in contact with many of the important artists of the early 20th century such as Marsden Hartley and Rex Slinkard. The papers include correspondence, art exhibition materials, unpublished manuscripts, and notes of Sprinchorn during his working life.
Stahl (Jasper Jacob) Papers, 1886-1970
Special Collections, Raymond H. Fogler Library, University of Maine
Papers of a historian of Waldoboro, Maine including correspondence, research notes, and clippings relating to Jasper Stahl's history of Waldoboro and to Germans in Maine.
Starbird (Edwin R.) Papers, 1896, undated
Special Collections, Raymond H. Fogler Library, University of Maine
The collection contains photographs taken by Edwin R. Starbird, a professional photographer in the late 19th and early 20th centuries, specializing in views of the Maine woods. Included are 62 photographs taken by Starbird, including 20 identified as part of his Woods of Maine series. It also contains a folder of Starbird family papers which includes marriage certificates for Amos Starbird and Mary J. Gilkey, 1852; and for Edwin Starbird and Mattie A. Thompson, 1882; as well as a lease for a hall in Farmington, 1882, and other miscellaneous material.
Starbird (Edwin R.) Photographs, 1880s
Special Collections, Raymond H. Fogler Library, University of Maine
Includes one photograph from Starbird's Rangeley Lake Views series, one from his Views of Tim Pond and the Seven Ponds series, seven from the Woods of Maine series, and four from the area around Katahdin Iron Works.
Stein Collection (University of Maine) Records, 1932-2010
Special Collections, Raymond H. Fogler Library, University of Maine
The Nelson B. Jones Stein Collection is on display in the Oakes Room at Raymond H. Fogler Library. The theme of steins is inspired by the popularity of the Maine Stein song made famous by the singer Rudy Vallee.
In May of 1962, the Governing Board of the Memorial Union, with the urging of Nelson B. Jones, the first director of the Memorial Union, formally authorized the creation of the permanent stein collection, which in 1977 was renamed the Nelson B. Jones Stein Collection. The collection was originally housed in the Memorial Union before being relocated to Fogler Library.
One of the first donations came from Barry Millet (Class of 1956) who loaned a few of his own steins to get the collection started. From that day, steins have been donated on a regular basis by students, alumni, and friends of the University. Today, the Stein Collection numbers over two hundred.
In the beginning, the basic theme of the collection was to be academic, including steins from colleges and universities throughout the world. The scope of the collection has broadened significantly and now includes many styles and representatives of various methods of manufacturing.
Stetson (Clarence C.) Papers, 1909-1950
Special Collections, Raymond H. Fogler Library, University of Maine
The collection contains personal papers of Clarence C. Stetson. No papers from his career in government service are found in the collection.
The file of correspondence, 1919-1921, contains incoming and outgoing letters about Stetson's investments and other financial matters. The business correspondence folders deal primarily with management of his timberland holdings and tax, policy, and investment issues surrounding them. Correspondents include Merrill Griswold, Isaiah K. Stetson, and Charles Stetson, an attorney in Boston. The files of receipts, 1920-1921, are all for personal expenses and purchases, such as hotels, automobiles and clothing.
The collection ends with some information about Stetson inheritance matters, as well as a group of cancelled payroll checks, 1918, from I.G. Stetson and its lumber account.
Stetson Family Papers, 1846-1952
Special Collections, Raymond H. Fogler Library, University of Maine
The Stetson family papers consist primarily of the business and personal papers of George Stetson, his sons Edward and Isaiah Kidder, and Isaiah's son Irving G. Stetson. They reflect the involvement of the Stetsons in the lumbering, slate mining, ice harvesting, and banking businesses in Bangor, Maine, the northern woods of Maine, and in New Brunswick.
The papers are arranged in two series: Business Records and Personal Papers. Each series has several sub-series. The collection was largely unarranged upon its arrival at the Fogler Library so the processing archivist imposed an arrangement scheme, basically chronological within each series. Folder titles were left as the Stetsons had assigned them with additional information added when necessary for clarity.
The Business Records series is arranged with each company as a sub-series in approximate order of its incorporation or existence. Within each sub-series, if present, the materials include administrative records of the Board of Directors and the executive staff, continuing with financial, purchasing, sales, production and personnel records. Typically administrative records include acts of incorporation and by-laws, lists of directors and stockholders, minutes of meetings, stock certificates, deeds, mortgages and leases, court records and agreements or contracts. Executive or staff records are those of persons involved in the day-to-day running of the company and often include correspondence, insurance and tax records, internal reports, and subject and reference files.
Financial records include property inventories or appraisals, statements of accounts, assets and liabilities, ledgers, journals, cashbooks, daybooks, bank statements, cancelled checks, and bills or accounts payable and receivable. Purchasing records include bills and receipts, order books, and vouchers.
Sales records consist of sales journals, price lists, records of goods on hand, orders, freight bills, and bills of lading. Production records include weekly or monthly production totals, stock inventories, mill tallies, etc. Personnel records include job applications, contracts, accident reports, payrolls, and time books.
The series outline and description which follows gives a short history of each company and indicates the involvement of the Stetsons in that company. It also lists the major types of records found in each sub-series.
Stevens (James Stacy) Records, 1881-1940
Special Collections, Raymond H. Fogler Library, University of Maine
James Stacy Stevens, the son of Henry Francis Stevens and Emeline Heydock Stevens, was born in Lima, New York, on August 21, 1864. Stevens married Bertha E. Bowerman in 1890. He came to the University of Maine as a professor of physics in 1891, established the department of electrical engineering in 1893, and served as dean of the College of Arts and Sciences from 1905 until his retirement in 1932. Stevens Hall on the campus of the University of Maine was named in his honor in 1934. Stevens died on March 24, 1940.
The record group contains diaries, 1903-1940, of James Stevens recording his and his wife Bertha's daily activities, scrapbooks, ca. 1905-1932, compiled by Stevens and reflecting his interests and accomplishments, and Stevens' diplomas and honorary degrees, 1881-1924, from Genesee Wesleyan Seminary, the University of Rochester, Syracuse University, and the University of Maine as well as membership certificates in the Dickens Fellowship, Phi Kappa Phi, and Tau Beta Pi. Also, copies of notebooks and a publication by Stevens titled "Outlines Of Laboratory Physics".
Stevens (Susan MacCulloch) Papers, 2002-2003
Special Collections, Raymond H. Fogler Library, University of Maine
Susan Stevens was born in Salem, Massachusetts. In 1934 she received her bachelor's degree from the University of Connecticut, followed by her master's degree from the University of Massachusetts. Additionally she was working toward a Ph.D. at the University of California. She had a great interest in Indian people and their culture, moving to the Passamaquoddy Indian reservation in Princeton, Maine, in 1969. She was very interested in issues relating to alcoholism and directed the state alcohol research and treatment program in Indian Township, Maine. She also played a major role in gaining federal recognition for Indian tribes and was involved in the negotiation and settlement of Indian land claims lawsuits. Stevens moved to New Mexico in 1979, working in various agencies centering on Indian affairs. She worked intensively on her family's genealogy and history, developing an extensive family tree. Stevens died in 2003.
Stewart (Alice R.) Papers, late 1880s to 1998
Special Collections, Raymond H. Fogler Library, University of Maine
This collection contains Alice R. Stewart's personal and professional papers; photographs and slides of her travels, family, and friends; scrapbooks covering her life as well as her parent's life; memorobilia from her student, teaching, and traveling activities; and miscellaneous art pieces including carved figurines.
Stuart Family Shipping and Banking Records, 1844-1884
Special Collections, Raymond H. Fogler Library, University of Maine
The papers of a ship-owning family, Stephen W. Stuart, William H. Stuart and John B. Stuart. The papers primarily pertain to the ships: J.J. Hathorn, Grotto, and the Bazaar, but a number of other ships are represented. Some papers relate to the Richmond National Bank (1878-1884), mostly receipts. Also includes correspondence, financial records, and cargo lists.
Student / Alumni Records (University of Maine). Russell Family Papers, 1883-1950
Special Collections, Raymond H. Fogler Library, University of Maine
Freemont Russell was born on the 13 June 1862 in West Paris, Oxford County, Maine. Freemont graduated from the Maine State College of Agricultural and Mechanical Arts (now the University of Maine) as a member of the Class of 1885 and earned a Doctor of Veterinary Science at John Hopkins University. He served as professor of Bacteriology & Veterinary Science at the University of Maine from 1889-1932. Freemont married Marcia Etta Sampson in 1890 and had 5 children: Luther, Mary, Sibyl, Ascendath, and Doris all born in Orono 1891-1896. Luther graduated from the University of Maine in 1912 and was the father of Nancy Helen Russell who donated the materials.
Papers of Fremont L. Russell as it related to years spent in Orono while he studied and taught at the University of Maine. The record group includes material regarding Fremont's wife Marcia Etta Sampson and their children, in particular their son Luther Russell, who graduated from UMaine as a member of the Class of 1912.
Student Mathematics Club (University of Maine) Records, 1916-2001
Special Collections, Raymond H. Fogler Library, University of Maine
The University of Maine’s Mathematics Club was organized on February 23, 1916 with the objective of promoting interest in the study of mathematics. The membership consisted of all persons connected with the department of mathematics and astronomy, and of any other persons sufficiently interested in mathematics. In 1965, the University of Maine chapter of the national mathematics honor society, Pi Mu Epsilon, was established.
Student Political Activity Collection (University of Maine), 1966-1978
Special Collections, Raymond H. Fogler Library, University of Maine
The collection contains material concerning student political activity on the University of Maine campus at Orono during the late 1960's and early 1970's. It includes materials about Students for a Democratic Society, Young Workers Liberation League, General Left Caucus, Vietnam War protests, student strike in May 1970, position papers, and correspondence.
Student Publications (University Of Maine) Committee Records, 1970-2000
Special Collections, Raymond H. Fogler Library, University of Maine
The University of Maine Student Publications Committee was initially a faculty board to oversee student publications on campus, starting with the Maine Campus and PRISM & later the Maine Review. The Committee evolved through the years to be an administrative committee, appointed by the Office of the President, made up primarily of students and faculty. The first reference to the Committee in the University of Maine Catalog is for the 1947-1948 academic year. The Committee was disbanded in 1991.
Most of the material in this record group is from Margaret Nagle's tenure on the Student Publicationss Committee which began in 1985 and ended when the Committee was disbanded in 1991.
Student Religious Association (University of Maine) Records, 1938-1969
Special Collections, Raymond H. Fogler Library, University of Maine
The University of Maine's Student Religious Association (SRA) represented four clubs/organizations on campus the: Hillel, The Newman Club, The Maine Christian Association and Canterbury. Although the Association didn't represent only one religion, Hillel was the only non-Christian group.
The records include materials on all the groups involved with the SRA, including administration material such as meeting minutes and reports. Other materials cover such interests as the Brotherhood Book Drive, Academics and Religion, activities hosted or sponsored, and correspondence discussing various events that the Association were involved in. Material on educational seminars and programs that people either attended or were hosted by the Association are also included. Some interesting material in this record group include: the Foreign Exchange Program, the documents kept that discuss history and current events and the interest of Education, Religion, and Recreation of the Aging, both generally and in Maine.
Summer Institute (University of Maine) Records, 1935-1973
Special Collections, Raymond H. Fogler Library, University of Maine
With the support of the National Science Foundation (NSF) and the National Defense Education Act (NDEA), a number of summer institutes for educators in the state of Maine including in the fields of biology, physics, mathematics, and English. This collection includes textual information created on and by various summer institutes held at the University of Maine includes: correspondence, memorandums, press releases, clippings, grant applications, reports, and brochures.
Sweetser Family Papers, 1895-1910
Special Collections, Raymond H. Fogler Library, University of Maine
The papers consist of letters, diaries, photographs, and memo books. There is also an index to correspondence compiled by Elizabeth Sweetser Baxter.
Syllabi (University of Maine) Records, 1946-1990
Special Collections, Raymond H. Fogler Library, University of Maine
An incomplete set of syllabi for University of Maine courses. Academic areas represented in the collection range from Natural Sciences, Forestry, and Agriculture to Liberal Arts and Sciences.
Talbot-Whittier Family Papers, 1789-1937
Special Collections, Raymond H. Fogler Library, University of Maine
Contains papers of various members of the Talbot family as well as papers written or collected by Henry Smith Whittier. Papers are extensively annotated by Barbara Talbot Whittier. Talbot family papers are arranged chronologically by family member and include minutes, 1811-1842, of the East Machias Social Library with which Peter Talbot was associated; Talbot family letters; documents associated with Frederic Talbot including a diary, 1849-1851; and Talbot family photographs and genealogical information. Also includes documents associated with Stephen C. Talbot's military service in the Civil War and a pocket diary, 1862, of Samuel Hammond Talbot.
Taylor (Frank) Photograph Collection, 1930s-1960s
Special Collections, Raymond H. Fogler Library, University of Maine
The Frank Taylor Photograph Collection includes primarily bridge constructions sites showing the progress of construction of bridges around Maine in the 1930s. Several photographs include company owners and construction crews, including two of an underwater diver. There are also a few photographs of bridge sites in Canada and New Jersey, and photographs of family, college friends, Maine scenery.
Taylor (Paul E.) Collection, 1750-1953
Special Collections, Raymond H. Fogler Library, University of Maine
The collection consists of printed documents and manuscript material collected by Paul E. Taylor; it reflects his wide-ranging interests and collecting habits. The collection is arranged in two series.
Series I, Printed Material, includes books, pamphlets, catalogs, advertisements, etc.;
Series II, Manuscript Material, contains original documents including diaries, letters, logbooks of vessels, scrapbooks, family papers, etc.
Each series is arranged alphabetically by author or if the author is unknown by title.
The published items are mostly concerned with the history of Maine, New England and New York; many were published in Maine or Massachusetts. The manuscripts are also primarily concerned with the history and literature of Maine, especially Kittery and Eliot, or with other areas of New England.
Terrell (Carroll F.) Papers, 1949-2001
Special Collections, Raymond H. Fogler Library, University of Maine
Carroll Franklin Terrell was born in 1917 in Richmond, Maine. After receiving his undergraduate degree from Bowdoin College in 1940, Terrell entered the Army and served in World War II from 1941-1945, attaining the rank of captain. He began teaching at the University of Maine in 1948 and earned his master's degree from the University in 1950. He later earned a Ph.D. from New York University.
Carroll Terrell was an internationally recognized scholar on the poetry of Ezra Pound and served as president of the Ezra Pound Society. He was editor of the Man/Woman and poet series, founder and editor of Paideuma: A Journal Devoted to Ezra Pound Scholarship which was first published in 1972, and founder and editor of Sagetrieb; a journal devoted to poets in the Pound/H.D./Williams tradition. He organized a series of conferences on Pound's work held in 1975, 1980, 1985 and 1990, bringing world renowned scholars and poets to the University of Maine in addition to members of Pound's family. In 1984, Terrell published the second of two volumes entitled A Companion to The Cantos of Ezra Pound.
Terrell retired from the University of Maine in 1988. The Terrell House is a University of Maine owned building and was the residence of Terrell and his named in his honor. The house was donated to the University by Terrell. In 1993, Terrell published a memoir of his childhood entitled, Growing up Kennebec: A Downeast Boyhood. Terrell died in November 2003 in Bangor, Maine, at the age of 86.
The records mainly contain textual information created and curated by Carroll F. Terrell as well as photographic material and audio recordings of a conference on Ezra Pound held at the University of Maine in August, 1980.
Thayer (C. E.) & Sons Business Records, 1853-1880s
Special Collections, Raymond H. Fogler Library, University of Maine
Documents of a general store in Winterport, Maine. Included are receipts, bills, invoices, legal notices, and correspondence. Among the letters are some personal ones including one about petitioning in a murder / assault case.
Thompson (Deborah) Architectural Papers
Special Collections, Raymond H. Fogler Library, University of Maine
Architectural Historian, Dr. Deborah Thompson has been associated with the University of Maine, Colby College Museum, the Bangor Historical Society, and the Bangor Historic Preservation Committee. The architectural papers concern primarily the research and writing of the book "Bangor, Maine, 1769-1914: an architectural history." The collection includes manuscripts, proofs, and notes.
Thompson (Henrietta) Papers, 1942-1992
Special Collections, Raymond H. Fogler Library, University of Maine
The papers of a student at the University of Maine. The papers include research material for her thesis for her M.A. Degree in History. Her thesis described her interviews of the members of a group of 114 men and women who were fleeing from Burma after the Japanese invasion of that country in January 1942. Included are correspondence, 32 audiotapes, notecards, research notes, and bibliographies.
Thoreau Fellowship Records, 1960-
Special Collections, Raymond H. Fogler Library, University of Maine
Records of the Thoreau Fellowship, a society with its headquarters in Maine. The society encourages publication and activity in the fields of history, conservation, preservation of natural resources, and other interests of Henry David Thoreau. Included are manuscripts of writings, publications, pamphlets, reprints, and photos.
Thursday Club (University of Maine) Records, 1910-2022
Special Collections, Raymond H. Fogler Library, University of Maine
Records of the University of Maine Thursday Club. Includes by-laws, meeting minutes, member lists, programs from Club activities, and newspaper clippings. Also, includes material from Thursday Club's Newcomers' Group.
Title I Higher Education Act (University of Maine) Records, 1965-1980
Special Collections, Raymond H. Fogler Library, University of Maine
The Title I of the Higher Education Act was enacted in 1965 in an effort to provide more resources to post-secondary institutions across the country. Financial Resources were to be allocated to post-secondary institutions to use for research, scholarships, faculty development, and more. This record group details a number of the projects at Maine academic institutions that were funded under Title I.
Towner (Wayland Dean) Papers, 1910-1971
Special Collections, Raymond H. Fogler Library, University of Maine
Collection contains 19 volumes compiled by Wayland Towner documenting his life history from his years as a student at the University of Maine until his retirement in 1961 from a long career in public relations and fund raising. It includes letters, photographs, publications and other documents with Towner's candid narrative of events represented. Of particular interest are Towner's letters to his parents while he was serving in Scotland and France during World War I.
Town of Detroit (Me.) Financial Records, 1834-1909
Special Collections, Raymond H. Fogler Library, University of Maine
The financial records of the school districts and schools in the Detroit, Maine area including Pittsfield and Newport, Maine. Records also include some town records, and some overseer of the poor records.
Tracy (Herbert E.) Boat Shop Records, 1896-1916
Special Collections, Raymond H. Fogler Library, University of Maine
The collection contains financial records of a boat shop and dock owned by Herbert E. Tracy in Winter Harbor, Maine. The collection contains five volumes of records. Tracy records expenses for services he provided to boats in his yard, including repairs, refittings, berth rentals, towing charges, wharf accounts, and sales of all kinds of nautical supplies. One of the volumes, listed as a memo book, contains town financial records for Winter Harbor for 1896, as well as a list of names and addresses of yacht and ship owners who used Tracy's services.
Trafford (David White) Papers, 1928-1979
Special Collections, Raymond H. Fogler Library, University of Maine
David White Trafford was born in Blaine, Maine, in 1916. He graduated from the University of Maine in 1939 and received MA and Ph.D. degrees from Indiana University. He joined University of Maine faculty teaching history and was appointed chair of the University of Maine Study Abroad Program in 1965.
Trafford was affiliated with the Institute of American Studies Abroad, serving as an honorary fellow of the Institute, vice president for admissions and, during the early 1980s, as director of the Institute-Affiliated British Studies Centre in Kent, England. He retired from UMaine in 1979 and died in Florida in 1993.
Records primarily contain textual information associated with Trafford's position as a history professor at UMaine including Administrative and Committee Records, biographical information, teaching materials, exams, and general course material.
Traip (Robert W.) Academy Records, 1900-1961
Special Collections, Raymond H. Fogler Library, University of Maine
Records of the Board of Trustees of the Robert W. Traip Academy including minutes of meetings, deeds and other legal documents, ledgers of financial accounts, and subject files concerning building projects at the school. Of particular interest is a photograph album containing pictures of construction of the original building in 1904.
Trask, Henry O. Papers, 1917-1970
Special Collections, Raymond H. Fogler Library, University of Maine
Items in this collection include Trask’s class assignments and a number of items related to campus life at the University of Maine. Trask saved several programs from campus activities including the Swarthmore Chautauqua Festival in 1925, Winter Carnivals from 1925-1926 and theater productions of the Maine Masque Club from 1925-1927.
Many of the charts, graphs, and reports were submitted as assignments for undergraduate courses. Several reports focus on operations of various manufacturing companies in Maine and New Hampshire and typically include information about the location of the facility, a floor plan, and an explanation of the workings and products of the company. Other assignments were prepared on general scientific topics and reflect the curriculum of courses in civil engineering, entomology, and forestry. These include daily temperature, wind velocity, and last frost dates for Orono, Maine; a draft survey of the area between Stillwater Avenue and the campus bicycle path; and lumber cut in the United States from 1850 to 1925.
Also included are writings and publications related to Trask’s career in forestry.
Tupper (Stanley R.) Papers, 1953-1967
Special Collections, Raymond H. Fogler Library, University of Maine
The official records, papers and personal papers of Stanley R. Tupper, a U.S. Congressman from Maine. Documents relate to Health and Welfare, Defense and Canadian-U.S. relations.
Stanley R. Tupper was born in Boston, Mass. in 1921. He graduated from Middlebury College, Vermont and received his LLb from LaSalle Extension in 1948. Tupper was admitted to the Maine Bar in 1949. He served in the Maine Legislature in 1953 and was elected to Congress in 1953. Tupper served in the 87th Congress from Maine's 2nd District, and the 88th-89th Congress from the 1st District. He served as the Assistant Attorney General for Maine, 1959-1960.
Turner Family Papers, 1835-1963
Special Collections, Raymond H. Fogler Library, University of Maine
Collection contains personal papers of the Turner family of Isle au Haut, Maine. Included is correspondence among family members, primarily letters to John Turner, 1852-1889, from his son Asa and others; and letters to Lucretia Turner, 1850-1889, from daughters Elcy and Mary Abigail, son Asa, and other family members. Also found in the collection are letters to Asa, 1860-1869, including those from friends serving in the Civil War. The collection also contains a photograph album of scenes of Isle au Haut, 1886-1963, many taken by John C. Turner, depicting buildings, people, the harbor, vessels, etc. Postcards of island scenes are also included. Diaries of John Turner, 1867-1886, and financial and legal papers are also present in the collection.
Turner (Walter W.) Papers, 1960-1995
Special Collections, Raymond H. Fogler Library, University of Maine
The collection contains papers of Walter W. Turner, a professor in electrical engineering at the University of Maine at Orono, from his work on two committees: the Special Committee of Maine Engineers appointed to study the 1959 report by the International Passamaquoddy Engineering Board to the International Joint Commission, and the Baccalaureate Electrical Engineering Planning Committee formed in 1985 to begin the planning process for an undergraduate program in electrical engineering at the University of Southern Maine.
The files from the Special Committee of Maine Engineers contain correspondence among Committee members, from the sponsoring organizations, and from other interested citizens; these letters stress that the Committee approached the Passamaquoddy project proposal from an engineering rather than a political basis. Also included are drafts and final copies of the Committee's report, minutes of meetings, etc.
The files concerning the proposed electrical engineering program at the University of Southern Maine make up the bulk of the collection. They focus on the discussions and meetings held in 1985 and 1986 concerning establishing the program and include background notes, histories of the planning process, memoranda, correspondence, reports, and proposals. The files also contain information from 1987-1988 detailing the start of the program at USM after its approval by the University's Board of Trustees.
United Baptist Church (Old Town, Me.) Records, 1835-1990
Special Collections, Raymond H. Fogler Library, University of Maine
Records include annual reports, clerk's records, financial documents, and membership records. Also included are histories and records of various church society groups, fellowships, and missionary groups.
United Methodist Church Records (Orono, Me.), 1829-1996
Special Collections, Raymond H. Fogler Library, University of Maine
The records of a Methodist church in Orono, Maine from its beginnings to the present. Included are Trustees records, membership lists, annual reports, church bulletins, building committee records and financial records.
United States Army, Maine Infantry Regiment, 8th, Company E Records, 1861-1865
Special Collections, Raymond H. Fogler Library, University of Maine
The 8th Maine Infantry Regiment was mustered in on Sept. 7, 1861. Company E was organized at New Portland, Maine, and was under the command of Capt. Thomas Hutchins with Charles B. Knapp becoming captain in July 1863. The regiment landed in Hilton Head, S.C., in November 1861 and was employed there and in Jacksonville, Fla. until the spring of 1864. It then saw service in the Petersburg and Appomattox campaigns and was mustered out on Jan. 18, 1866.
Collection is comprised of records of the company including accounts and inventories kept by the captain of company clothing, equipment and ordnance as well as muster rolls, reports of manpower, company morning reports, etc.