Manuscript material held by Raymond H. Fogler Library's Special Collections Department covers a wide range of subjects reflecting historical events, business, education, arts, and sciences. While many of these are Maine-related, and as such are of interest to scholars of the region, others have important value to scholars and researchers nationally and internationally.
This gallery provides downloadable finding aids for the department's largest collections, those where it seemed particularly valuable for researchers to be able to search and browse the titles of folders within larger collections. Additional information about smaller collections can be found by using the library's online catalog, URSUS.
SEARCH TIP: Keywords associated with each collection were drawn from the following list. These terms can be entered into the search box on the left.
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Architecture | Immigration and Emigration | Recreation and Tourism |
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Education | Maritime | Science and Technology |
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Forestry | Nature and Geography | Social Movements and Services |
Government and Law | Performing Arts | Transportation |
Please note that the majority of these collections are stored in the library's remote storage area and require a week's notice to access. For more information about the collections highlighted here or to schedule a retrieval, contact:
Special Collections Department5729 Raymond H. Fogler Library
Orono, ME 04469-5729
um.library.spc @
Conferences and Institutes Division (University of Maine) Records, 1909-1988
Special Collections, Raymond H. Fogler Library, University of Maine
The Conferences and Institutes Division was established in 1973 following a University of Maine 1972 establishing a formalized program of institutes, conferences, and workshops. Conferences and Institutes continues to host a range of continuing education programs, including conferences, workshops, symposia, corporate training and retreats for Maine organizations as well as regional, national and international organizations.
Continuing Education Division (University of Maine) Records, 1903-1998
Special Collections, Raymond H. Fogler Library, University of Maine
The University Extension Division of the University of Maine at Orono was established in 1925 and discontinued in 1929. Between 1937 and 1944 Extension courses were offered under the School of Education. In 1945, the General Extension Division was established as part of the School of Education. The name was changed to the Continuing Education Division in 1963.
Coon (Robert W.) Papers, 1970-2001, bulk 1970-1979
Special Collections, Raymond H. Fogler Library, University of Maine
The record group includes clippings, proposals, and other materials relating to the attempt to establish a medical school at the University of Maine in the 1970s.
Cooperative Extension Service Records (University of Maine), 1913-2006
Special Collections, Raymond H. Fogler Library, University of Maine
The Cooperative Extension is part of the nationwide Cooperative Extension System, which works through the land-grant universities in each U.S. state. Maine’s land-grant university is in Orono at the University of Maine.
The records mainly contain textual information created by the University of Maine Cooperative Extension, but there are also photographic, visual, and audio visual material. Some of the report record series also contain photographs of Cooperative Extension Service operations, events, and staff. The reports submitted during the First World War and Second World War years detail the effects the wars had on agriculture in Maine.
Counseling Service (University of Maine) Records, 1976-1983
Special Collections, Raymond H. Fogler Library, University of Maine
The University of Maine Counseling Center offers counseling for students and faculty/staff and delivers outreach and education including various workshops, presentations, and suicide prevention efforts, made possible by the grant funded Touchstone Project. The Center also serves as a training site for masters and doctoral students interested in developing clinical and/or outreach-focused skills.
The records contain textual information created by the University of Maine Counseling Service. The record series Center publications includes copies of Center annual reports, brochure, flyer, and various Testing and Counseling Reports on a range of subjects.
Cronk (Corydon P.) Papers, 1812-1967
Special Collections, Raymond H. Fogler Library, University of Maine
The collection contains the personal papers and business records of Corydon P. Cronk of Wellesley, Massachusetts. It contains correspondence, job-related documents, photographs, subject files, and publications relating to Corydon Cronk's long and varied career in forestry. Included are speeches, reports, notes, memos, meeting notices, and conference programs. Also included are early records of the More, Mitchell, Millard, and Smith families.
Crosby (George H.) Papers, 1835-1972
Special Collections, Raymond H. Fogler Library, University of Maine
George Howard Crosby was born in Waterville, Maine on September 2, 1911, he attended the Classical High School in Worcester, Massachusetts before attending Clark University and Colby College (Class of 1936). Before being appointed registrar of the University of Maine in 1955, Crosby had served as registrar of the University of Texas, Medical Branch at Galveston.
In 1933, Crosby traveled in Europe on the schooner Bowdoin. Crosby was with the U.S. Army in the Philippines from 1937 to 1940. From 1941 to 1945 he was secretary of the Army and Navy YMCA in Manila. He also spent three years in Japanese internment camps (1942-1945). During 1946 and 1947, he resumed work for the Army and Navy Y.M.C.A. being stationed at Ft. Hancock, NJ. He then served as a teacher and registrar of the Iolani School in Honolulu, HI.
In addition to being registrar at the University of Maine, Crosby was on the Maine Wing Staff of Civil Air Patrol as Director of Education. In 1961, Crosby was assigned additional duties as director of student services. Crosby retired from the University of Maine in 1974 and died later that same year.
The record group also contains correspondence, reports, regulations, photographs, and reference material related to Crosby's tenure as Director of Education for the Civil Air Patrol; and applications to the U.S. Atomic Energy Commission for a byproduct material license to Crosby and the Penobscot County Civil Defense Organization and details of Crosby training radiological monitors at the University of Maine.
Crosby (Walter W.) Papers, 1893-1934
Special Collections, Raymond H. Fogler Library, University of Maine
The collection contains primarily drafts and copies of articles written by Walter Crosby during his career as a highway engineer and expert in the field of highway construction in the early part of the 20th century. The subject matter almost entirely focuses on highway construction, materials, improvements, and maintenance.
The collection opens with Crosby's correspondence, 1911-1934, mostly to editor and others about articles written by others in his field.
Croswell Family Papers, 1791-1921
Special Collections, Raymond H. Fogler Library, University of Maine
Business records of the Croswell family, long-time owners of a general store in Farmington, Maine. This small collection contains primarily financial records from the general store and memorandum books of a general nature or dealing with specific activities. Most of the materials are dated but only a few can specifically be identified as belonging to the Croswell family.
Current Events Club Records, 1892-1992
Special Collections, Raymond H. Fogler Library, University of Maine
Records of the Current Events Club of Gardiner, Maine that date back to 1892. Including histories of the Club, financial records, correspondence, minutes, clippings, and pamphlets covering members and activities.
D'Arcy (Belle) Papers, 1894-1940
Special Collections, Raymond H. Fogler Library, University of Maine
American actress, Belle D'Arcy born Leah Belle Van Inwegen; diary kept while on tour across the U.S. and in Canada, programs, playbills, autograph album, and clippings.
Darling Marine Center (University of Maine) Records, 1941-2009
Special Collections, Raymond H. Fogler Library, University of Maine
The Ira C. Darling Center for Research Teaching and Service now commonly referred to as the Darling Marine Center or DMC is closely associated with the University of Maine's School of Marine Sciences (SMS).
The Sea Grant College Program Records contain items regarding the founding of the Sea Grant Program, copies of various publications, publication catalogs, and reports, reference material, project proposals, planning documents, and calendar of events.
Darling Marine Center & Department of Oceanography Records contain copies of various Center publications and catalog of publications, lists of summer programs, reference material, various items regarding the Bi-State Commission on Oceanography.
The Maine Yankee Power Plant Project Records contain various reports regarding the Maine Yankee Atomic Power Company’s plan to construct a power station and the investigations into the effects the construction would have on water flow patterns in the Montsweag Bay, Back River area of Wiscasset, Maine.
The record series, City Of Portland Combined Sewer Overflow Abatement Study Records, contains various technical reports prepared by CH2M Hill and Dufresne-Henry, Inc. on the subject of the City of Portland Combined Sewer Overflow Abatement Study.
Daughters of the American Revolution (DAR) Records, 1918-1991
Special Collections, Raymond H. Fogler Library, University of Maine
Collection contains records of the Orono chapter of the Daughters of the American Revolution. It includes annual reports, bylaws and a list of charter members, a chapter history, correspondence, minutes, roll calls, yearbooks and scrapbooks. A few publications of the Maine state and national organizations are also found in the collection.
Davee (Lawrence Weston) Papers, 1917-1981
Special Collections, Raymond H. Fogler Library, University of Maine
The collection contains papers of Lawrence W. Davee and includes biographical information, photographs, membership certificates and information about awards he received from the University of Maine. It also contains a small amount of information about his father, Everett W. Davee, including membership certificates and items from the dedication of a memorial plaque in his honor at the University of Maine.
Davis (Harold A.) Papers, 1940-1968
Special Collections, Raymond H. Fogler Library, University of Maine
Notes and manuscripts of writings by Harold A. Davis on Maine history. Included are notes and rough drafts for some of his articles.
Davis (Meyer) Collection, 1880-1977
Special Collections, Raymond H. Fogler Library, University of Maine
The Meyer Davis collection reflects the career of a society orchestra leader. Included are day books (of news clippings and publicity), photo albums, artifacts, letters, and other materials about the Davis family and the orchestra.
Day (Almon C.) Papers, 1871-1918
Special Collections, Raymond H. Fogler Library, University of Maine
The papers of Almon C. Day, a farmer and legislator from Turner, Maine. Included are correspondence, invoices, and other documents relating to Day's farm and his political career. The correspondence includes letters between Almon and his wife Clara during the years 1871 to 1884, a few letters to and from their children, and letters from Almon's and Clara's cousins.
Day (John Franklin) Papers, 1908-1974
Special Collections, Raymond H. Fogler Library, University of Maine
The John Franklin Day papers contain personal correspondence from the 1920s through the 1960s reflecting Day's literary interests, efforts to publish his work and his activities in various social organizations. Also includes scrapbooks, diaries, photographs, postcards and artifacts, especially those relating to the Day family, the East Maine Conference Seminary and Wesleyan University as well as files about Day's writing and manuscripts of poems and essays. Client files from his career in insurance are also found in the collection.
Dean of Men (University of Maine), 1924-1968
Special Collections, Raymond H. Fogler Library, University of Maine
The Dean of Men reported to the Director of Student Services (and Registrar) and was later part of the Student Affairs Office. The dean was responsible for student housing and discipline and oversaw the many male student groups on campus including fraternities. There was also a Dean of Women who had similar responsibilities for female students. Part of the role of Dean of Men was to also chair the University of Maine Health Service and Athletic Board. The records mainly contain textual information created by the University of Maine Dean of Men office but there are also photographs.
Dean of the College of Liberal Arts and Sciences (University of Maine) Records, 1975-2019
Special Collections, Raymond H. Fogler Library, University of Maine
The University of Maine's College of Liberal Arts and Sciences was established in 1996 as part of University of Maine restructuring, with Rebecca E. Eilers as its first dean. The College merged departments from the Colleges of Arts and Humanities and College of Sciences. The College of Arts and Humanities had become into being as an separate entity from the former College of Arts and Sciences on July 1, 1989 under the leadership of acting dean Edward B. Laverty. The records detail college and university-wide restructures and downsizing of departments over time, particularly those in 1993 and the Academic Affairs Planning Process that resulted in the establishment of the College of Liberal Arts and Sciences.
The record group contains textual information created and curated by College of Liberal Arts & Sciences administrators and administrative staff.
Dean Of Women (University of Maine) Records, 1895-1977
Special Collections, Raymond H. Fogler Library, University of Maine
The records mainly contain textual information created by the University of Maine Dean of Women office but there are also photographs of women cleaning the dorms (vacuuming, cooking), dorms, women lounging in living area, women studying in rooms, portraits, and group photographs. The record group includes: Various items regarding the administration of the Intercollegiate Association of Women Students, particularly the organization of the 1968 convention that was held on the University of Maine campus, including information on events, committees, activities, what the convention was, their schedule, rules and regulations and workshops.
Deans' Council (University of Maine) Records, 1987-1997
Special Collections, Raymond H. Fogler Library, University of Maine
The records contains copies of meeting agendas, minutes, supporting material compiled for the University of Maine Deans' Council (1987-1994). There are also memorandums sent to members of the Deans' Council (1987-1997).
Deasy & Handy General Store and Post Office Records, 1865-1957
Special Collections, Raymond H. Fogler Library, University of Maine
The records of a general store, its owners and a post office in Prospect Harbor, Maine. Includes correspondence, account books, receipts, catalogues, invoices and vouchers. The records of the post office include registered package and letter records, stamps, parcel records, money orders, Postmaster's correspondence and postal guides. The bulk of the records date from 1870-1890. Some of the letters reflect Daniel Deasy's and J. W. Handy's former professions as sea captains.
Deering (Arthur Lowell) Records, 1909-1980
Special Collections, Raymond H. Fogler Library, University of Maine
Records of Arthur Lowell Deering, a nationally known educator and expert in Maine agriculture and agricultural education. They cover his service to the University of Maine at Orono as Director of Extension, as Dean of the College of Agriculture, and as Director of the Agricultural Experiment Station.
Delano Family Papers, 1866-1990
Special Collections, Raymond H. Fogler Library, University of Maine
Includes family photographs, letters, documents, and autographs of some noted personalities. Also includes genealogy of Delano and Hartwell families.
Delta Kappa Gamma Society International, Alpha Psi State (Me.) Records, 1941-2018
Special Collections, Raymond H. Fogler Library, University of Maine
The Delta Kappa Gamma Society was founded on May 11, 1929, in Austin, Texas, by Dr. Annie Webb Blanton, with eleven other key women educators. Many new chapters in many states were formed in the following years.
In 1942, Nellie I. Gale, Grace Faulkingham Gilmore, Virginia D. Marston, Louise B. Miller, Carrie H. Rowe, and Dr. Edith M. Patch were initiated into Delta Kappa Gamma as National Members. In Augusta on June 19, 1943, these six national members along with nine other outstanding women educators from southern Maine became the Founders of Alpha Psi State Chapter.
The material was donated over several years and more accruals are expected. The records were arranged in series to reflect the organizational structure of the organization.
Demeritt (Dwight B., Jr.) Collection, 1866-1998
Special Collections, Raymond H. Fogler Library, University of Maine
Dwight B. Demeritt, Jr. graduated from the University of Maine in 1951 with a degree in History and Government. Postcards, photographs, news clippings, brochures, photocopies and original documents related to the history of Mount Kineo House at Moosehead Lake and Maine logging and river driving.
Department of Animal and Veterinary Sciences (University of Maine) Records, 1921-1978
Special Collections, Raymond H. Fogler Library, University of Maine
The records mainly contain textual information created and curated by the University of Maine Department of Animal and Veterinary Sciences (also known as the Department of Bacteriology and Veterinary Sciences and Department of Bacteriology). The record series Disease Record Cards contains Pullorum disease records for various flocks of birds across Maine.
Department Of Anthropology (University Of Maine) Records, 1962-2006
Special Collections, Raymond H. Fogler Library, University of Maine
Records in this collection are mainly textual information and photographic material created by Professor Alaric Faulkner and his survey teams. The record group also includes cartographic material, cassette tapes, and some computer discs and audio visual material.
The record series Administrative Records includes material related to the administration of the University of Maine's Department of Anthropology, includes a proposal for a graduate study in historical archaeology, details of Faulkner's appointment as Historical Archaeologist at the University of Maine in 1978, and a report by Faulkner on his activities from 1984-1985.
Alaric Faulkner was born January 12, 1945, in Peterborough, N.H. After graduating from Milton Academy in 1963 and from Harvard University in 1967. He received a doctorate in anthropology from Washington State University in 1972.
Faulkner came to the University of Maine in 1978 as the University's first Historical Archaeologist. The role was created to promote historical archeological research and scholarship in Maine, train students in field work and analysis for eventual careers in the field, and assist in the stewardship of historical archaeological sites within Maine and the region.
Faulkner was awarded tenure and retired with emeritus status in 2008. Faulkner died in 2011 at the age of 66.
Department Of Art Records (University Of Maine), 1928-1983
Special Collections, Raymond H. Fogler Library, University of Maine
The records mainly contain illustrations with describing text in University of Maine Department of Art publications regarding art exhibitions, but there is also photographic material. The record group currently only contains records regarding outward facing activities of the Department, not administrative records regarding the internal workings of the Department. The record group also contains general information regarding the University of Maine's art collection.
Department of Chemistry (University of Maine) Records
Special Collections, Raymond H. Fogler Library, University of Maine
The University of Maine Department of Chemistry offers both undergraduate and graduate programs in chemistry, including a Ph.D. program, the establishment of which is documented in these records. The Department is housed in Aubert Hall which was constructed in 1914 and named in honor of the first University of Maine chemistry professor, Professor Albert Aubert, who came to the University of Maine in 1874, and departed in 1909.
The majority of the records were created during the tenures of John William Beamesderfer (1952-1964) and James Langdon Wolfhagen (1964-1976) as chairs of the Department of Chemistry. There is also material from the tenures of Charles Andrew Brautlecht (1919-1935), Wilber Elmore Bradt (1936-1941), Irwin Bruce Douglass (1941-1952), and Raymond C. Fort (1985-1991).
This record group has material on proposals to the National Science Foundation for grants to fund the purchase of research instruments and the renovation of Aubert Hall.
Department of Information Technology (University of Maine System) Records, 1999-2015
Special Collections, Raymond H. Fogler Library, University of Maine
Information Technology, in conjunction with the IT Steering Committee (ITSC), develops policy for the management of technology; address the needs of academic, administrative, and research users of technology; and provide ongoing planning for technology to meet the changing needs of the University.
This record groups contains copies of various reports and presentations related to both internal and external reviews of Information Technology at the University of Maine System, starting in the late 1990s through to 2015. These reviews were in response to shifting technology needs, increased centralization of Information Technology in the System, and plans to gain budgetary efficiencies.
Department of Mathematics and Statistics (University of Maine) Records, 1959-1974
Special Collections, Raymond H. Fogler Library, University of Maine
This material relates mostly to the Mathematics Summer Institute held on the University of Maine, Orono, campus during the summer months from 1958 to 1974. The Institute was supported by grant funds from the National Science Foundation (NSF). Includes: correspondence, memorandums, press releases, clippings, grant applications, reports, brochures, and some group photographs of attendees.
Department of Residential Life (University Of Maine) Records, 1977-1988
Special Collections, Raymond H. Fogler Library, University of Maine
The Department of Residential Life (now known as Residence Life) oversees the day-to-day staffing and operations within the residence halls at the University of Maine. The Department produces guides on campus living that include the responsibilities of both members and guests and useful resources. University housing is not only used for students, but also for housing guests including those attending events and conferences held on campus. The Department also manages various programs and projects held on campus, such as faculty-in-residence and a college summer program for high school juniors. The Department of Residential Life were also responsible for food service operations in a number of residences across campus. The records contain audit and review reports for the Department of Residential Life, guides and manuals on campus living, promotion material for events and programs held on campus, Department newsletters, promotional material and contracts regarding specific campus accommodation, and student scrapbooks from Stodder Hall.
Department of Zoology (University of Maine) Records, 1873-1997
Special Collections, Raymond H. Fogler Library, University of Maine
The material in this record group relates mostly to the construction of the new zoology building on the University of Maine campus in 1966. The building was named Murray Hall in honor of former professor of zoology and Dean of College of Arts and Sciences Joseph M. Murray (1937-1941). Architects used to design the building were Wadsworth, Boston, Dimick, Mercer & Weatherill. At the time of the construction Kenneth W. Allen was department chair (1963-1973), Allen would later be appointed acting University of Maine president (1979-1980). While degrees in zoology are still offered by the University of Maine's Department of Biology and Ecology, the separate zoology department closed in 1990.
Devereux Family Papers, 1831-1934
Special Collections, Raymond H. Fogler Library, University of Maine
The collection contains papers of various members of the Devereux family of Penobscot, Maine, as well as materials from other residents of Penobscot and Castine, Maine. Most notable are letters to Mark Devereux, 1862-1864, from his brother Charles Devereux while Charles was serving in the 16th Maine Infantry in Maryland and Virginia. Documents associated with various other individuals are also found in the collection; their relationship to the Devereux family is unclear.
D. H. Lawrence Research Collection, 1914-2002
Special Collections, Raymond H. Fogler Library, University of Maine
Collection, 1914-2002, of D.H. Lawrence material donated by Frances Hartgen, follows D.H. Lawrence's life from birth. Includes material on his birthplace and other important dates, plays, stories, poems correspondence and material from the University of Nottingham and University of New Mexico.
Diamond Match Company, Berst-Forster-Dixfield Division, Timber Unit Records, 1938-1955
Special Collections, Raymond H. Fogler Library, University of Maine
The collection contains records of the manager of the Timber Unit and is primarily concerned with the activities and administration of that office. The collection had been re-foldered by Library staff at an earlier time; the folder headings used in that project have been retained.
The collection opens with files of correspondence, 1939-1955, much of it to and from Gordon M. Blakely, manager of the unit during most of this time. Office reference files form the next group of records; they primarily concern analyses of wage rates and job tasks.
The collection also includes production records maintained in the manager's office, especially yard inventories, lumber production totals and job costs for various projects.
Dietz, Lew Papers, 1950-1976
Special Collections, Raymond H. Fogler Library, University of Maine
Typescripts with corrections of Lew Dietz's books, The Allagash (1968), The Running Man, A Touch of the Wilderness (1970), and The Year of the Big Cat (1970), together with the printer's proofs for A Touch of Wilderness and articles for Ford Motor Company's Ford Times.
Dingley Family Papers, 1855-1916
Special Collections, Raymond H. Fogler Library, University of Maine
Letters, diaries, (1855-59), speeches, and scrapbooks of Frank Lambert Dingley (1840-1918), editor of the Lewiston Journal, biography and other papers relating to Nelson Dingley (1832-1899), Governor of Maine, and other family members.
Distinguished Lecture Series (University of Maine) Records, 1963-1988
Special Collections, Raymond H. Fogler Library, University of Maine
The Distinguished Lecture Series was organized by the Distinguished Lecture Series Committee of the General Student Senate of the University of Maine. The purpose of the DLS Committee was to obtain leading spokesmen and women representing various philosophies, promoting causes, achieving great deeds, and otherwise influencing the course of events and shaping today's world. The policy was to obtain a balanced variety of speakers in order that as many diverse areas as possible might be covered. The records include transcripts, correspondence, program announcements, biographical material, brochures from lecture bureaus, and phonotapes of some of the lectures given.
Division of Lifelong Learning (University of Maine) Records, 1988-2020
Special Collections, Raymond H. Fogler Library, University of Maine
The University of Maine's Division of Lifelong Learning (DLL) was established effective July 1, 1996, under the directorship of Robert (Bob) C. White, who would later be appointed associate provost and dean of the Division. The Division had responsibility for providing leadership in lifelong learning including: formal academic course work; matriculation toward a non-traditional degree (Bachelor of University Studies); and non-degree institutes, seminars, workshops, symposia, and courses. In 2022, DLL now encompasses the Center for Innovation in Teaching and Learning (CITL), UMaineOnline, Summer University, and Winter Session, the Bachelor of University Studies, College Success Programs, the Frederick E. Hutchinson Center, and Conferences and Institutes.
Records are on a range of subjects related to the operations of the Division and its individual programs. The records also contain details of major University of Maine-wide and University of Maine System committees and initiatives. Many of the subject folders contain copies of reports and publications (often annotated), printouts of email communications, supporting reference material, and the associate provost's handwritten notes.
Division of Marketing and Communications (University Of Maine) Records, 1801-2020
Special Collections, Raymond H. Fogler Library, University of Maine
The Division of Marketing and Communications is principally responsible for presenting the story and maintaining the image of the University of Maine to all UMaine constituencies, including the media, public and UMaine community.
Toward this end, the Division of Marketing and Communications guides and partners with all UMaine communicators, providing counsel and services in newswriting and media relations, marketing, graphic design, photography and video production, and web-based services, with the goal of producing internal and external high-quality messaging consistent with UMaine positioning, branding and strategic priorities.
Doane (Myrtle G.) Papers, 1960s-1970s
Special Collections, Raymond H. Fogler Library, University of Maine
Collection of correspondence, clippings, pamphlets, and publications in which Mrs. Doane's poems appear.
Doty (Charles Stewart) Academic Papers, 1950-1996
Special Collections, Raymond H. Fogler Library, University of Maine
The papers of Charles Steward Doty, a professor of history at the University of Maine, Orono. The papers contain materials concerning his research, writing, and teaching. Professor Doty was the author of Acadian Hard Times. Included are manuscripts, correspondence, syllabi, lecture notes, research papers, research notes, photographs, slides, and articles.
Douglass, (Irwin B.) Records, 1935-1974
Special Collections, Raymond H. Fogler Library, University of Maine
Irwin Bruce Douglass was born in Des Moines, Iowa, in 1904. A scholar, teacher, researcher and humorist, Douglass became a professor of chemistry at the University of Maine at Orono in 1940 and carried out a number of studies into potato starch and the chemical process (and pollution) involved in the pulp and paper industry processes. He retired in 1972 and moved to Vermont where he died in 1998.
The record group mostly contains textual information during Douglass's tenure at the University of Maine, but there are also some photographs of events Douglass attended.
Dow (George F.) Research Records, 1854-1979
Special Collections, Raymond H. Fogler Library, University of Maine
Records (photocopies) compiled and used by George F. Dow in his research on the history and families of Nobleboro, Me.
Drake (S. S.) Sermons, 1839-1879
Special Collections, Raymond H. Fogler Library, University of Maine
Collection contains manuscript copies of sermons of Samuel S. Drake, a Presbyterian minister in southern Maine. Many sermons in the collection are given a number but are undated. Other sermons are dated from 1839 to 1879.
Dubé (Normand) Education Papers, 1951-1988
Special Collections, Raymond H. Fogler Library, University of Maine
The papers of an educator, poet, and major figure in the Franco-American revival of the 1970s. The collection includes his poetry, artwork, correspondence, scrapbooks, manuscripts, published works, research materials, and teaching materials. Also included are materials concerning bilingual education, human rights, and the St. John Valley Bilingual Project.
Duncan (Roger F.) Papers, 1975-1992
Special Collections, Raymond H. Fogler Library, University of Maine
Papers include correspondence, manuscripts, page proofs, lecture notes, and other materials for Roger F. Duncan's book, Coastal Maine, and his edition of Cruising Guide to the New England Coast, first written by his father.
Dunn (Charles J.) Papers, 1833-1986
Special Collections, Raymond H. Fogler Library, University of Maine
Judge Dunn was born in Houghton County, Michigan on July 14, 1872. He lived in Blue Hill, Maine and graduated from the Blue Hill Academy. The collection covers his entire legal career, his term as Treasurer of the University of Maine, and his term as Maine Supreme Court Judge. Included are correspondence, letters, bills, and receipts. The legal papers include records of cases involving assaults, divorce, estates, collections, bankruptcies, and pensions. Also included are records of the University of Maine (1896-1936), the draft board (WWI), and the town of Orono (1833-1914).
Dunn (George B.) Papers, 1851-1958
Special Collections, Raymond H. Fogler Library, University of Maine
The papers of George B. Dunn, a lumberman and farmer in Houlton, Maine. Included are account books, financial records, correspondence, deeds, leases, ledgers, receipts, Dunn family papers, stumpage records, tax information, and time books.
Dutton Family Papers, 1840-1900
Special Collections, Raymond H. Fogler Library, University of Maine
Records, letters, and photos of an Ellsworth, Maine family, and of the Wheelock, Craig, and Briggs families of Augusta. Also included are sermons by Dutton family members.
Dyer, Harold J. Papers, 1939-1995
Special Collections, Raymond H. Fogler Library, University of Maine
Papers include articles, publications, etc.; materials and photographs pertaining to Baxter State Park and Mount Katahdin; and miscellaneous personal and professional papers. Also contains information about Dyer's years as a student at the University of Maine.
Early Maine Images Collection, 1852-1899
Special Collections, Raymond H. Fogler Library, University of Maine
A collection of illustrations of Maine scenes found on pages removed from magazines and newspapers of the mid to late nineteenth century. Includes scenes of logging, lumbering, hunting and fishing, as well as illustrations of significant buildings around the state.
Eastern Corporation Records, 1891-2001
Special Collections, Raymond H. Fogler Library, University of Maine
The collection contains administrative files, architectural and mechanical drawings, patent agreements and trademark registration documents, company publications, paper samples, etc. Also included is the company's collection of approximately 3000 plans and drawings of its property, buildings and machinery for its sites in Lincoln, Orono and Brewer. Records of the Madagascal Dam Company, a subsidiary of the Eastern Corporation chartered in 1871 to maintain dams and control water flow on Madagascal Stream in an area adjoining some Eastern Company property, are also contained in the collection.
Eastern Maine General Hospital School of Nursing Collection, 1892-
Special Collections, Raymond H. Fogler Library, University of Maine
This collection reflects the history of the School of Nursing at Eastern Maine General Hospital/ Eastern Maine Medical Center from its beginning. Included are photographs, yearbooks, scrapbooks, correspondence, artifacts, etc. concerning the School of Nursing and its alumni. Rules, curricula, administrative papers, and student progress reports are also included.
Eastman (Martha) Papers, 1990-2000
Special Collections, Raymond H. Fogler Library, University of Maine
Martha (Muffy) Eastman, was Nursing Coordinator at the University of Maine in the 1990s and early 2000s. Nurse Eastman is also the former president of the Maine College Health Association and a board member of the New England College Health Association. The records mainly contain textual information created and curated by Eastman during her time as a nurse at the University of Maine's Cutler Health Center.
Eckstorm (Fannie Hardy) Papers, 1865-1946
Special Collections, Raymond H. Fogler Library, University of Maine
The collection contains correspondence, writings, speeches and research files of Fannie Hardy Eckstorm. The correspondence is both personal and professional and includes items from prominent people in the fields of folklore, balladry, Indian studies and Maine history. Eckstorm's journals, notebooks and research material on ballads, Indian languages and legends and Indian place names in Maine are also included. The collection also contains papers of Jonathan T. Hardy, Manly Hardy, Charlotte W. Hardy and Walter Hardy.
Edwards (Llewellyn N.) Papers, 1915-1933
Special Collections, Raymond H. Fogler Library, University of Maine
This small collection contains primarily drafts of articles and other writing by Dr. Edwards on the subjects of concrete and bridges. Also included are graphs and blueprints presumably gathered and used by him during his career.
Of particular interest are the correspondence and photographs concerning Sewalls Bridge in York, Maine, and the Bowdoinham Bridge in Bowdoinham, Maine, as well as various other photographs of Maine bridges in the 1920s and 1930s, at least some of which were built under the supervision of Dr. Edwards.
Eells (Albert S.) Papers, 1830-1911
Special Collections, Raymond H. Fogler Library, University of Maine
The collection contains records from Albert Eells's grocery business in Camden, Maine and his shipyard in Rockport, Maine. It also contains a few miscellaneous personal papers of Eells and his son, John Eells.
Eggert (Franklin P.) Records, 1959-1993
Special Collections, Raymond H. Fogler Library, University of Maine
Franklin Paul Eggert was born in 1920 in Buffalo, New York. He came to the University of Maine in 1949 as extension fruit specialist and head of the horticulture department of the Agricultural Experiment Station. He was dean of the Graduate School from 1963 to 1975. He retired from the University in 1986. Franklin Paul Eggert died age 83 on October 23, 2003.
The records include the various correspondence of Eggert related to his time as chairperson of the Department of Plant and Soil Sciences including regarding horticulture research both at the University of Maine and elsewhere, professional meetings and events, various publications, and Department staffing.
Eliot Farmers' Union Records, 1915-1946
Special Collections, Raymond H. Fogler Library, University of Maine
The collection contains records of the Eliot Farmers' Union, a store in Eliot, Maine, owned and operated by John W. Staples. The store seems to have been in existence from 1915 to 1946 and sold grain, flour, and groceries. Very little information is available about John Staples; a town census taken in 1904 lists a John W. Staples as a farmer in Eliot.
Elliot (Robert O. E.) Papers, 1926-1975
Special Collections, Raymond H. Fogler Library, University of Maine
Papers of outdoorsman, journalist, writer, and photographer, Robert O. E. Elliot, who spent much of his life in Maine. The collection contains correspondence, drafts of articles, and copies of published articles that document Robert Elliot's long career as a writer and photographer.
Emery (Roscoe C.) Papers, 1830-1969
Special Collections, Raymond H. Fogler Library, University of Maine
Papers related to Roscoe C. Emery's roles as a politician, newspaper editor, real estate agent and insurance agent in Eastport, Maine.
Employment Agreements (University of Maine System), 1981-1999
Special Collections, Raymond H. Fogler Library, University of Maine
The first UMPSA and C.O.L.T. agreements were negotiated with the University of Maine system in 1979 following the enacting of Sec. 31. 26 MRSA § 1024-A.
Collective bargaining in the University of Maine System is organized into units with the the Associated Faculties of the Universities of Maine (AFUM) representing faculty; Universities of Maine Professional Staff Association (UMPSA) represents professional staff; Universities of Maine Professional Staff Association (UMPSA) representing professional staff and the Associated C.O.L.T. Staff of the Universities of Maine representing clerical, office, laboratory and technical unit. These groupings are defined in the University of Maine System Labor Relations Act.
Engel (William) Papers, 1902-1914
Special Collections, Raymond H. Fogler Library, University of Maine
The collection contains records of William Engel's timberlands business and of the firm of Lowell & Engel. The records are mainly from the logging and lumbering operations carried on by Lowell & Engel in the years after William Engel's death in 1909.
The major part of the collection contains bills and receipts to Engel's companies. Those from 1902-1908 are primarily bills for insurance, taxes, etc., on Engel's many land holdings. The bills and receipts from 1909 on are from the logging and lumbering side of the business and focus on supplies and equipment needed for the various logging camps.
The remainder of the papers contains information about the company's logging operations, including permits and agreements, 1904-1908; stumpage and survey reports, 1902-1911; and tallies of lumber surveyed and rafted, 1910-1911. A small amount of sales information is included in the collection, as well as accounts of Lowell & Engel payroll, 1911-1912, and payroll vouchers, 1913-1914.
A folder of obituaries and Bangor city directory listings for William Engel is included at the end of the collection for the convenience of the user.
Engineering Science And Management Defense Training Program (University of Maine) Records, 1940-1945
Special Collections, Raymond H. Fogler Library, University of Maine
During the 1940s, the University of Maine was one of many U.S. colleges and universities to offer tuition-free summer courses under the Engineering, Sciences, and Management Defense Training Program, funded by the U.S. Office of Education.
The classes were for high school graduates not planning to attend college and were intended to train students in defense activities in order to fill urgently needed technical and scientific civilian positions just prior to and during U.S. involvement in World War II.
These records include general information regarding the Program, U.S Office of Education reports, forms, publicity material, details of course offerings, professor's notes on courses/lectures, enrollment reports, manuals, maps, final proposals for courses submitted to the U.S Office of Education, photographs, and correspondence with course instructors regarding courses.
Entre Nosotros (University Of Maine) Records, 1939-1976
Special Collections, Raymond H. Fogler Library, University of Maine
Copies of Entre Nosotros, a publication of Sigma Delta Pi, the National Collegiate Hispanic Honor Society (La Sociedad Nacional Honoraria Hispánica).
Epsilon Sigma Phi Chi Records, 1928-1999
Special Collections, Raymond H. Fogler Library, University of Maine
Contains records of the Chi Chapter of Epsilon Sigma Phi at the University of Maine. The record group includes constitution and bylaws, handbooks, membership information, secretary's notebooks, 1974-1977, and files of officers in the 1970s and 1980s. Also includes Book of Annals, an unpublished history of the Chi Chapter, with biographical information and photographs of charter members, especially Arthur L. Deering, as well as of elected members from 1930 through the 1950s.
European and North American Railway Company Records, 1868-1893
Special Collections, Raymond H. Fogler Library, University of Maine
The records consist primarily of correspondence and legal documents of the company, 1878-1882. The correspondence is mainly between Charles Stetson, a Bangor attorney and one of the directors of the company, and William L. Putnam, a Portland attorney prominent as counsel for various railroads. It concerns difficulties encountered in the finances of the company and concentrates on several suits against it, especially those brought by John Greenough, Foster Edwards and Lysander Stone, and Marcus P. Norton. Correspondence with the Boston law firm of Warren & Brandeis involving these cases is also found in the collection.
Also present in the collection are summaries of land holdings and copies of deeds for the company's wood and property which were deeded to major landowners such as Ebenezer S. Coe, David Pingree, William H. McCrillis, and Thomas Egery. A small group of documents concerning the financial state of the company, 1882-1883, ends the collection.
Faculty And Professional Association (University of Maine) Records, 1969-1979
Special Collections, Raymond H. Fogler Library, University of Maine
The University of Maine Faculty and Professional Association was founded in 1971 and dissolved on November 13, 1979. The Association's purpose was to represent the needs and interests of all professional staff at the University of Maine, specifically insuring adequate and equitable compensation for its members, maintaining proper academic freedom and personal rights, keeping the membership informed of impending administrative and legislative acts of concern, and presenting the faculty's views and desires to both administrations and legislatures.
Feaster (John Newcomer) Papers, 1934-1981
Special Collections, Raymond H. Fogler Library, University of Maine
John Newcomer Feaster was born in 1908 in Philadelphia, Pennsylvania and died in 1980. He received his A.B. degree from Bucknell University in 1930, with high honors. He graduated, also with honors, from the Andover-Newton Theological School in 1933. He came to Maine to accept a call to the Kennebunkport parish upon his graduation from theological school. He served there for 7 years and then served as pastor of the Hammond Street Congregational Church in Bangor, Maine for 7 years. He then served as pastor of the North Congregational Church in Portsmouth, New Hampshire starting in 1946. He served there for 27 years and retired in 1973.
The papers of a minister in the Congregational Church. The bulk of the papers are copies of sermons. The rest of the materials are related to his ministry in Bangor, Maine and Portsmouth, New Hampshire. Also included are photographs, a scrapbook, letters, newspaper clippings, a copy of his thesis, and historical topics such as the Civil War and Pilgrims.
Fellows (Oscar F.) Papers, 1899-1926
Special Collections, Raymond H. Fogler Library, University of Maine
The collection is arranged in two series: Papers of Oscar Fellows and Papers of Raymond Fellows.
The first series begins with drafts of the report of the International Commission Pertaining to the St. John River as well as plans and maps accompanying the report and transcripts of a few of the proceedings of the Commission. Correspondence to and from Oscar Fellows, as well as correspondence of Commissioner Keegan and information about Commission expenses and Fellows's compensation is also included. Information collected by Fellows in his work for the Commission completes this series.
The second series, the papers of Raymond Fellows, includes the application of the New Brunswick Electric Power Commission to the International Joint Commission, 1924, reports and correspondence about the planned construction at Grand Falls, and various petitions, responses, and resolutions filed in reaction to the application.
Field (David A. and Edward A.) Diaries, 1861-1923
Special Collections, Raymond H. Fogler Library, University of Maine
The diaries of Edward A. Field cover the years 1861 to his death in 1903. The diaries of David A. Field (Edward's son), cover the years 1875 to 1923. The two sets of diaries give a day by day picture of farm life in Maine.
Fife (Hilda) Records, 1933-1972
Special Collections, Raymond H. Fogler Library, University of Maine
Dr. Hilda M. Fife was born in Greenland, N.H., in 1903. She received her B.A. degree from Colby College and M.A. and Ph.D. degrees from Cornell University. She also did graduate work at Boston University and the University of Chicago. She became professor of English at the University of Maine from 1946 until retiring as professor emerita in 1969. She founded the Maine Old Cemetery Association and was active in the Kittery Maritime Museum, the Rice Public Library in Kittery, and the Maine League of Historical Societies and Museums. She died in 1990.
The records mainly contain textual information created and curated by University of Maine Professor Hilda Fife, but there are also some photographic material and a wooden map of Henry David Thoreau's travels in Maine.
Financial Statements (University Of Maine), 1931-1980
Special Collections, Raymond H. Fogler Library, University of Maine
Records contain financial statements prepared annually by the University of Maine and audited by various accounting firms. Includes the statements and a cover letter from the auditing accounting firm. Post 1968 the statements include University of Maine System campuses.
Fish Dealer's Ledger, 1879-1882
Special Collections, Raymond H. Fogler Library, University of Maine
Ledger from an unidentified fish dealer in Vinalhaven, Maine, 1879-1882. Records purchases of mackerel and lobster from ships and individual Fishermen but does not appear to record Fish sales. Family names recorded in the ledger include Arey, Littlefield, Burgess, Brown, Corliss, Ames, Stubbs, and others.
Fish (William) Account Book, 1771-1808
Special Collections, Raymond H. Fogler Library, University of Maine
Listings by date of accounts with various individuals and materials purchased or work done. Goods include bushels of barley or rye, pork, rum, coffee, etc. Work includes plowing, use of horses, mowing, etc. Also records sales of large volumes of salt, presumably used for fish processing.
Fogler (Raymond Henry) Papers, 1893-1993
Special Collections, Raymond H. Fogler Library, University of Maine
Raymond Henry Fogler was born in South Hope, Maine in 1892 and died in Exeter, Maine in 1996. He graduated from the University of Maine in 1915 and received a graduate degree from Princeton University in 1917. His commitment to the University spanned 80 years and he served as president of the Board of Trustees, the Alumni Association, University of Maine Development Council, and the University of Maine Foundation. The library at the University of Maine was named the Raymond H. Fogler Library in 1962.
This collection includes correspondence, photographs, and memorabilia, spanning from his early life in South Hope, Maine,through his education, business career, and naval career, as well as personal photographs and mementos.
Food Cooperatives Collection, 1974-1985
Special Collections, Raymond H. Fogler Library, University of Maine
The collection contains papers of the Friends Food Cooperative Corporation in Liberty, Maine. Included are a few records of the cooperative and its activities, newsletters from other cooperatives, and literature from cooperative living organizations.
Forbes-Robertson (Diana) Collection on Maxine Elliott, 1846-1940
Special Collections, Raymond H. Fogler Library, University of Maine
Letters, diaries, notes, articles, photos, clippings, and theater memorabilia surrounding the life of actress, Maxine Elliot by author, Diana Forbes-Robertson, Elliot's niece and biographer.
Maxine Elliott was born Jessie Dermot, in 1868 in Rockland, Maine. She was an actress who appeared in her first play in 1890 and her last in 1920. She owned and played in the Maxine Elliott Theater, in New York which opened in 1908. She died in 1940.
FreeHand (Julianna) Collection, 1870-1908
Special Collections, Raymond H. Fogler Library, University of Maine
Diaries and letters of Sumner Drinkwater, a Maine sea captain and his wife, Alice Gray Drinkwater, 1870-1908. Consisting of some of the materials used by Julianna FreeHand in the writing of A Seafaring Legacy.
Fryeburg Business and Professional Women's Club Records, 1928-1970
Special Collections, Raymond H. Fogler Library, University of Maine
The collection contains administrative records of the Fryeburg Business and Professional Women's Club, including minutes of meetings, treasurer's records, and information about disbanding the club, 1970.
Fuller (Francis R.) Papers, 1918-1949
Special Collections, Raymond H. Fogler Library, University of Maine
Papers of Col. Francis R. Fuller, an Army officer and professor of Military Science and Tactics at the University of Maine, Orono. Includes reports, maps, photos and other papers relating to World War I and World War II and the period in between.
Gardner (Edith) and Family Papers, 1852-1981
Special Collections, Raymond H. Fogler Library, University of Maine
The Edith Gardner and Family Papers is a collection of diaries, correspondence, photographs, and financial records that follow the Gardner family of Dennsyville, Maine from 1852-1981. Within the collection are business records for the A.L.R. Gardner Co. and the sheet music from the Dennysville Brass Band.
Gardner Family Papers, 1830-1939
Special Collections, Raymond H. Fogler Library, University of Maine
John Gardner, born in 1801, was the principal surveyor in Calais, Maine from about 1830 until his death in 1888. He did original layouts for many towns and roads in eastern Washington County. He was also a schoolteacher and served several terms as county commissioner after the Civil War. After his death, his son, Benjamin Gardner, took over the business for a short time until his son, Benjamin E. Gardner, returned to Calais in the late 1890s. Benjamin E. Gardner was a civil engineer and land surveyor. As city engineer he laid out the sewers in Calais, and in 1904 laid out the town of Woodland. He also made preliminary surveys at Grand Falls for the Great Northern Paper Company. Much of his work was with local attorneys doing land title research. Benjamin E. Gardner died in 1939.
The collection is arranged in two series: I. General files and II. Maps and plans. The maps are arranged alphabetically by individual community, followed by maps of Washington County and the state of Maine as a whole.
Gardner (Wofford) Papers, 1931-1979
Special Collections, Raymond H. Fogler Library, University of Maine
Wofford G. Gardner was born March 29, 1914, in Bangor, Maine. He graduated from Southwestern College, Winfield, Kansas, with a B.A. degree and from Northwestern University, Evanston, IL., with an M.A. and Ph.D. He joined the faculty of the University of Maine in 1946 and was chair of the Department of Speech from 1948-1975. During those years he was director of Debate and Forensics for 25 years. He directed the University of Maine High School Debate Workshop and Debate Tournament for 25 years. He was parliamentarian for many organizations in the area. He died in Orono on Aug. 30, 1997.
The record group contain a history of debating at the University of Maine from 1931-1979. Included are newspaper clippings, photographs, debate schedules, and correspondence.
Garvin (Jim) Photograph Collection, 1945-1965
Special Collections, Raymond H. Fogler Library, University of Maine
Photographs of the University of Maine campus and surrounding communities taken by the official campus photographer. Includes street scenes in Bangor and Orono, aerial photographs of Lewiston, and several photographs of the P.C.F. [Penobscot Chemical Fibre] in Old Town, Maine.
Geagan (Bill) Papers, 1953-1974
Special Collections, Raymond H. Fogler Library, University of Maine
The collection contains personal papers of Bill Geagan, an author, columnist, illustrator and naturalist from Bangor, Maine. This small collection includes correspondence and contracts with his publisher, Coward-McCann; drawings and illustrations, especially for his Christmas cards; and manuscripts and drafts of various articles and essays written by him. Also included are photographs and obituaries, an unidentified printing plate, and two wristwatches.
General Student Senate (University of Maine) Records, 1934-2019
Special Collections, Raymond H. Fogler Library, University of Maine
The University of Maine General Student Senate (GSS) is the fiduciary body of Student Government. It consists of no more than 35 Student Senators who serve as direct representatives of students in their respective colleges. The Vice President of Student Government is the President of the GSS. The GSS has final authority on all Student Government monetary issues, student organization matters and student administrative committee appointments. It also takes official stances on student concerns. Weekly meetings are open to the public and broadcast on the campus channel. Any member of the campus community may address the GSS during the General Good and Welfare section of the meeting. Elections occur every September.
Records mainly contain textual information created by the GSS, as well as photographic material. The record series Administrative Records includes meeting minutes, notebooks which contain forms, attendance, minutes, pledges elections, non-frat men, and correspondence, and also copies of the constitution and by-laws of the Senate.
Gershman (Melvin) Papers, 1959-1992
Special Collections, Raymond H. Fogler Library, University of Maine
Melvin (Mel) Gershman was born in 1927. He received a M.Sc. Degree in 1957 from the University of Massachusetts and came to the University of Maine in 1958 as an assistant professor of microbiology and animal pathology. In 1963, he was appointed full professorship and in 1977 he became Professor of Microbiology and Animal Veterinary Sciences. Professor Gershman research focused on Enteric bacteria such as Salmonella and Escherichia Coli. His research led to the development of a Serotyping and Phage Typing Center at the University of Maine.
Gershman received numerous awards during his career, including in 1977 the University of Maine's Distinguished Maine Professor Award. An Honors College Scholarship awarded in Gershman's name was established in 1998. Gershman retired from the University of Maine in 1994 with emeritus status.
The records mainly contain textual information created and curated by Gershman, including many documents pertaining to his Committee work at the University of Maine.
Gibbons (Floyd Phillips) Papers, 1900-1940
Special Collections, Raymond H. Fogler Library, University of Maine
Floyd Gibbons was an author, journalist, and radio personality. He was born in Washington, D.C. in 1887 and died in 1939. He was on the staff of the Chicago Tribune starting in 1912 and was a war correspondent during World War I. Papers contain correspondence, columns, comic strips, manuscripts of his writings, radio scripts, recordings, news clips, photographs, and Gibbons family memorabilia.
Giddings (Moses) Papers, 1846-1938
Special Collections, Raymond H. Fogler Library, University of Maine
This small collection contains both business and personal papers of Moses Giddings which reflect his interests in philanthropy, education, and religion, as well as his involvement in the lumber and shipping businesses. The collection is arranged in two series: Personal Papers and Business Records. There are no sub-series.
Gilbert (Fred Alliston) Papers, 1900-1973
Special Collections, Raymond H. Fogler Library, University of Maine
Papers relating to the logging industry in Maine and the Great Northern Paper Company. Included are items concerned with harvesting, stumpage, and logging operations, as well as correspondence with Great Northern's President, Garret Schenck.
Godfrey (John Edwards) Papers, 1745-1965
Special Collections, Raymond H. Fogler Library, University of Maine
Manuscripts, diaries, and notes of John Edwards Godfrey, a prominent 19th century Maine historian. Especially strong in Maine and Bangor history.
Goodwin (Allen) Papers, 1768-1915
Special Collections, Raymond H. Fogler Library, University of Maine
Collection contains papers collected by Allen Goodwin including historical and genealogical information about his home town of Palermo, Maine, as well as surrounding towns such as Montville and Liberty. Information on Hibbert's Gore and the towns of Montville, Hope, Palermo, Freedom, and China, as well Waldo County, Maine is included. Also includes data on the families Pearson, Cushman, Carr, Rowe, Soule, Nelson, Foster, Bradstreet, Bryant, Marden, Black, Webster, and Worthing. Also contains a history of the Palermo Baptist Church and the Coolidge murder case at Waterville, September 1847.
Goss (John L.) and Torrey (Fred A.) Papers, 1893-1955
Special Collections, Raymond H. Fogler Library, University of Maine
In 1887, John L. Goss acquired Crotch Island, located off Stonington, Maine, and with his father, Job Goss, started a granite quarrying business. Goss died in 1936, but the company carried on with Max L. Button becoming president; Fred Torrey remained as treasurer and local manager, with William McKenzie serving as general superintendent. In 1953 the Deer Isle Granite Corporation purchased the Goss property on Crotch Island.
The collection is arranged in two series: Series I: Records of John L. Goss Corporation and Series II: Papers of Fred A Torrey. Series I is further divided into the following sub-series: 1. Administrative records; 2. Administrative correspondence of Fred Torrey; 3. General correspondence; 4. Invoices and receipts; and 5. Records of R.B. Corporation.
Graduate School (University of Maine) Records, 1900-1980s
Special Collections, Raymond H. Fogler Library, University of Maine
The Graduate School at University of Maine has primary responsibility for administering the policies and procedures relating to these graduate studies. Graduate School policy is made by Graduate Faculty, acting through its representative body, the Graduate Board.
The records contain textual information created and curated by the University of Maine Graduate School.
Graffte (Amos and Octavia Moulton) Papers, 1890-1974
Special Collections, Raymond H. Fogler Library, University of Maine
The collection reflects the business and civic activities of both Amos A. and Octavia Moulton Graffte. It is arranged in one series with three sub-series: Papers of Amos A. Graffte, Papers of Octavia Moulton Graffte and Papers of the Graffte Family. The collection is enriched by notes of explanation added to most items by the Grafftes' daughter, Marjorie Graffte Prout, the donor of the collection.