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Video Recording


Increasing Childhood Educational Attainment Through Family Resource Connections and Advocacy


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Abstract/ Summary

By fourth grade, 68% of American students are reading below where they should. Of these functionally illiterate students, 82% are from low-income families (30 Key Child Literacy Stats Parents Need To Be Aware Of, 2019). In Maine, in 2014, over 48,000 children were living in poverty (Child Wellbeing Indicators & Data: KIDS COUNT Data Center, n.d.). These children are often missing important components of education because of truancy, low literacy exposure, and parents being unable to attend parent functions or meetings, due to a lack of family and community supports (McCrea, 2018; Smith, 2006). Work on this proposal included conversations with the Community Caring Collaborative non-profit organization about interest and have resulted in a presentation of this work to one of their funders later this spring. Washington County has over thirty-five family resource programs already available, however each program has separate focuses and eligibility requirements. This project would help families in order to maximize their childrens’ educational potential by concentrating on connecting them to community resources specific to the family which will boost the child’s educational ability. An advocate would be assigned to provide families with help developing individualized action plans and identifying gaps in their current resource accessibility. The action planning process involves developing family goals and choosing success markers to use based on program suggestions. The advocate will help maintain communication between the client and the community resource programs to meet deadlines. Potential success benchmarks for this program will be discussed (Freedman, 2012).



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