Jeff Todd Titon
Jeff Todd Titon received the B.A. from Amherst College, and the M.A. (in English) and Ph.D. (in American Studies) from the University of Minnesota, where he studied ethnomusicology and wrote his dissertation on blues music. He has done fieldwork on religious folk music, blues, and old-time fiddling. His teaching began at Tufts University, where he was assistant professor of English, then associate professor of English and music. He has been a visiting professor at Carleton College, Amherst College, Berea College, the University of Maine, and Indiana University. Since 1986 he has been professor of music (ethnomusicology) at Brown. He is the award-winning author or editor of seven books, and also plays guitar, fiddle, and banjo, and restores violins. His full biography can be found at www.brown.edu/Departments/Music/people/facultypage.php?id=10318
ethnomusicology, religious folk music, “Mail Story” blues, old-time fiddling, author, Brown, Tufts University
Folklore | Oral History
Recommended Citation
Titon, Jeff Todd, "Jeff Todd Titon" (2012). Maine Song and Story Sampler Collectors. 13.
Works Collected
“Mail Story” by Albert Hap Collins.