Project Period
May 2002-April 2006
Level of Access
Open-Access Report
Grant Number
Submission Date
This is a collaborative proposal between the Universities of New Hampshire and Maine and the Geological Survey of Canada. This Office of International Science and Engineering is contributing to this award. The Principal Investigators will recover two ice cores the Eclipse Icefield (3100 meters) in the St. Elias
Mountains, Yukon Territory, Canada in cooperation with the Geological Survey of Canada in 2002. The core will be analyzed for stable isotopes, major ions, trace elements, rare earth elements and persistent organic pollutants. The Eclipse record will provide, for the first time, detailed depositional histories of a wide variety of pollutants during the last 200 years in the remote northwest North American Arctic. Through the use of unique chemical tracers, the Principal Investigators will be able to identify source regions for these pollutants, changes in source regions with time, and the role of atmospheric circulation in controlling contaminant distributions in the northwest North American Arctic. The detailed multi-parameter record of natural and anthropogenic change will result in a greatly improved record of climate and environmental change for a region in which very few records currently exist.
Rights and Access Note
This Item is protected by copyright and/or related rights. You are free to use this Item in any way that is permitted by the copyright and related rights legislation that applies to your use. In addition, no permission is required from the rights-holder(s) for educational uses. For other uses, you need to obtain permission from the rights-holder(s).
Recommended Citation
Kreutz, Karl J., "COLLABORATIVE RESEARCH: A Glaciochemical Record of Natural and Anthropengic Environmental Change in the Northwestern North American Arctic" (2006). University of Maine Office of Research Administration: Grant Reports. 208.
Additional Participants
Graduate Student
Erich Osterberg
Alan Wanamaker
Nathan Vogan
Sean Birkel
Undergraduate Student
Zachary Von Hasseln
Alex Mondrick
Stephan Bastien
Marcienne Scofield
Technician, Programmer
Douglas Introne
Michael Handley
Michael Waskiewicz
Organizational Partners
University of New Hampshire
Geological Survey of Canada
Columbia University Lamont Doherty Earth Observatory
University of Ottawa
University of Alberta