Submissions from 2015
Collaborative CNIC: US-Argentina planning visits for fungal biodiversity investigation, Laurie B. Connell
Putting the West Antarctic Ice Sheet into Context, George H. Denton and Brenda L. Hall
Maine's Sustainability Science Initiative, Michael Eckardt, Vicki Nemeth, and David Hart
III: Small: A Theory of Topological Relations for Compound Spatial Objects, Max J. Egenhofer Editor
Collaborative Research: Byrd Glacier Flow Dynamics, Gordon S. Hamilton
Collaborative Research: Glacier-Ocean Coupling in a Large East Greenland Fjord, Gordon S. Hamilton
CAREER: Dynamics of Hierarchical HouseholdStructured Epidemiological Models, David Hiebeler
Integrated Analytical-Computational Analysis of Microstructural Influences on Seismic Anisotropy, Scott E. Johnson, Christopher Gerbi, Andrew J. Goupee, and Senthil Vel
Roosevelt Island Climate Evolution Project (RICE): US Deep Ice Core Glaciochemistry Contribution (2011- 2014), Paul Andrew Mayewski, Karl J. Kreutz, and Andrei V. Kurbatov
Collaborative Research: A Reaction Kinetics Database for Modeling Biogeochemical Systems, Amanda A. Olsen
RAPID: Ecological Resistance of Multiply Stressed Populations: The Response of Tidal Marsh Birds and Plants to Hurricane Sandy, Brian J. Olsen, Chris S. Elphick, and Greg Shriver
Collaborative Proposal: CAMEO: Using interdecadal comparisons to understand trade-offs between abundance and condition in fishery ecosystems, Andrew J. Pershing and Jeffrey A. Runge
Ocean Acidification-Category 1- Impact of ocean acidification on survival of early life stages of planktonic copepods in the genus Calanus in the northern, Jeffrey A. Runge and John P. Christensen
NUE: Nano Science And Laboratory Experience (ScALE) at UMaine, Rosemary L. Smith, Scott D. Collins, and Michael D. Mason
Collaborative Research: Research and Curriculum Development in Thermal Physics, John R. Thompson, Warren M. Christensen, and David E. Meltzer
University of Maine Proposal for Joining the NSF Center for Advanced Forestry Systems, Robert G. Wagner and Aaron R. Weiskittel
Collaborative Research: Historic Perspectives on Climate and Biogeography from Deep-sea Corals in the Drake Passage, Rhian G. Waller
PromotingClimate Change Awareness and Adaptive Planning in Atlantic Fisheries Communities using Dialogue-based Participatory Vulnerability Analysis, Mapping, and Collaborative Systems Dynamic Modeling, Thomas Webler, Seth Tuler, Esperanza Stancioff, and Elizabeth Fly
Collaborative Research: A Nanostructure Sensor for Measuring Dissolved Iron and Copper Concentrations in Coastal and Offshore Seawater, Mark Wells and Carl Tripp
CSR: Small: Collaborative Research: SANE: Semantic-Aware Namespace in Exascale File Systems, Yifeng Zhu
Submissions from 2014
Fisheries Licensing for the Future Workshop, Paul Anderson
Flocculation, Optics and Turbulence in the Community Sediment Transport Model System: Application of OASIS Results, Emmanuel Boss
Spatial Dynamics in Fisheries Stock Assessment, Yong Chen
Forest - Atmosphere Interaction at Howland Forest, David Dail
Production of Minitubers from Potato Seedlings and Advanced Selections, Benildo G. de los Reyes
Object-Based Caching for MPI-IO, Phillip Dickens
An Economic Analysis of Wild Bee Pollination in Lowbush Blueberry Production, Francis A. Drummond
Factors Responsible for Differences in Yield Among Lowbush Blueberry Clones, Francis A. Drummond
Maine EPSCoR End-to-End Connectivity for Sustainability Science Collaboration, Michael Eckardt, Vicki Nemeth, Jeffrey Letourneau, and Bruce E. Segee
Collaborative Research: North East Cyberinfrastructure Consortium, Michael Eckardt, Vicki Nemeth, and Carolyn Mattingly
Sustainable Living Teen Volunteers, Catherine Elliot and Kristy Ouellette
Conserving Maine's Unique Natural Resource: Monitoring, Outreach, and Education on Our Sand Beaches, Kristen Grant
Sensitivity of the Antarctic Ice Sheet to Climate Change over the Last Two Glacial/Interglacial Cycles, Brenda Hall and George H. Denton
Sensitivity of the Antarctic Ice Sheet to Climate Change over the Last Two Glacial/Interglacial Cycles, Brenda L. Hall and George H. Denton
RCN: Diadromous Species Restoration Research Network (DSRRN), David Hart, Adria A. Elskus, Peter D. Vaux, and Karen A. Wilson
Touchstone Suicide Prevention Project, Douglas P. Johnson
Functional Diversity of Subsurface Deposit Feeders, Peter A. Jumars and Sara M. Lindsay
Functional Diversity of Subsurface Deposit Feeders, Peter Jumars and Sara M. Lindsay
Functional Role of Zebrafish TLR Proteins, Carol H. Kim
Collaborative Research: St. Elias Erosion and Tectonics Project (STEEP), Peter O. Koons and Phaedra Upton
COLLABORATIVE RESEARCH: St. Elias Erosion and Tectonics Project (STEEP), Peter O. Koons and Phaedra Upton
Synthesis and Accelerated Testing of Oxynitride Films for High Temperature Applications, Robert J. Lad and Rosemary Smith
Fragmentation of the Kitengela Ecosystem, Kenya, Robert Lilieholm
Colle Gnifetti Ice Core (KCC) Progress Report (Year One)—Arcadia Ice Core Proposal: Initiatives on the Science of the Human Past, Paul Mayewski
MRI: Acquisition of a SQUID Magnetometer for Analysis of Advanced Materials, Robert W. Meulenberg, Robert J. Lad, David J. Frankel, Michael D. Mason, and Samuel T. Hess
REU Site: Explore It! Building the Next Generation of Sustainable Forest Bioproduct Researchers, David Neivandt and Darrell W. Donahue
REU Site: Explore It! Building the Next Generation of Sustainable Forest Bioproduct Researchers, David J. Neivandt and Darrell W. Donahue
Kennebec Valley Community College Pulp and Paper Technology Program, Hemant P. Pendse
Woody Biomass Conversion to JP 8 Fuels: Monthly Funds and Expenditure Report, Hemant P. Pendse
Estimating Particle Size in the Ocean from High-frequency Variability in In-situ Optics, Mary Jane Perry
Understanding Copepod Life-history and Diversity Using a Next-generation Zooplankton Model, Andrew J. Pershing, Frederic Maps, and Nicholas Record
Understanding Copepod Life-History and Diversity using a Next-Generation Zooplankton Model, Andrew J. Pershing, Frederic Maps, and Nicholas R. Record
Maine Tidal Power Initiative: Environmental Impact Protocols for Tidal Power, Michael Peterson, Gayle Zydlewski, Huijie Xue, and Teresa R. Johnson
Potato Breeding and Variety Development for Improved Quality and Pest Resistance in the Eastern United States, Gregory Porter, Andrei Alyokhin, David Lambert, Donald Halseth, G. Yencho, John Jemison, Joshua Freeman, Keith Perry, L. Brian Perkins, Lincoln Zotarelli, Mark Clough, Mary Camire, Matthew Kleinhenz, Nicholas Dufault, Richard Veilleux, Walter De Jong, and Xinshun Qu
Selection for Enhanced Disease Resistance and Growth Performance in Cross-bred Eastern Oysters, Crassostrea virginica, Paul Rawson
Maine Shared Collections Strategy Advisory Board Update Report, May 2014, Deborah Rollins, Clem Guthro, Barbara McDade, and Matthew Revitt
Maine Shared Collections Strategy’s Interim Performance Report Year 2, Deborah Rollins, Clem Guthro, Barbara McDade, and Matthew Revitt
RAPID: Effect of a Very Low NAO Event on the Abundance of the Lipid-Rich Planktonic Copepod, Calanus Finmarchicus, in the Gulf of Maine, Jeffrey Runge
RAPID: Effect of a Very Low NAO Event on the Abundance of the Lipid-Rich Planktonic Copepod, Calanus Finmarchicus, in the Gulf of Maine, Jeffrey A. Runge
COLLABORATIVE RESEARCH: Interactive Effects of Chronic N Deposition, Acidification, and Phosphorus Limitation on Coupled Element Cycling in Streams, Kevin S. Simon, Ivan J. Fernandez, and Stephen Norton
Collaborative Research: Interactive Effects of Chronic N deposition, Acidification, and Phosphorus Limitation on Coupled Element Cycling in Streams, Kevin S. Simons, Ivan J. Fernandez, and Stephen A. Norton
ARRA: Legal Barriers and Opportunities to Developing Business Partnerships Between Fisheries and Tourism, Natalie Springuel
Collaborative Research:GLOBEC Pan-regional Synthesis: Pacific Ocean Boundary Ecosystems: Response to Natural and Anthropogenic Climate Forcing, Andrew C. Thomas
Collaborative Research: GLOBEC Panregional Synthesis: Pacific Ocean Boundary Ecosystems: Response to Natural and Anthropogenic Climate Forcing, Andrew C. Thomas
Developing Tools to Evaluate Spawning & Fertilization Dynamics of the Giant Sea Scallop — Phase II: Field Trials in Experimental Populations, Richard A. Wahle and Peter Jumars
RAPID: Natural Laboratories in the Chilean Fjords: Studying Reproduction and Development in Emergent Deep-Sea Corals, Rhian G. Waller
RAPID: Natural Laboratories in the Chilean Fjords: Studying Reproduction and Development in Emergent Deep-Sea Corals, Rhian G. Waller
III:Small: Information Integration and Human Interaction for Indoor and Outdoor Spaces, Michael Warboys and Nicholas Giudice
CNH: Fine-Scale Dynamics of Human Adaptation in Coupled Natural and Social Systems: An Integrated Computational Approach Applied to Three Fisheries, James A. Wilson, James Acheson, Robert Steneck, Yong Chen, and Teresa R. Johnson
III: Small: Information Integration and Human Interaction for Indoor and Outdoor Spaces, Michael Worboys and Nicholas Giudice
DC: Small: Energy-aware Coordinated Caching in Cluster-based Storage Systems, Yifeng Zhu
DC:Small: Energy-aware Coordinated Caching in Cluster-based Storage Systems, Yifeng Zhu
Submissions from 2013
IGERT: Sensor Science, Engineering, and Informatics, Mary-Kate Beard-Tisdale, Robert J. Lad, Rosemary L. Smith, John F. Vetelino, and Michael Warboys
EAGER: Collaborative Research: Developing Transformation Technologies for Porphyra, Susan H. Brawley
REVSYS: Systematics of Amelanchier (Rosaceae), Christopher S. Campbell
Upward Bound Math/Science 2008-2013, Becky Colannino
US Ireland Partnership Program: BEACONS: Biosafety for Environmental Contaminants Using Novel Sensors, Laurie B. Connell, Rosemary L. Smith, and Gregory Doucette
Collaborative Research: Centers for Ocean Sciences Education Excellence - National Network Partnerships, Annette V. deCharon
Maine EPSCoR End-to-End Connectivity for Sustainability Science Collaboration, Michael Eckardt, Jeffrey Letourneau, David Neivandt, and Bruce E. Segee
LTREB: Biogeochemical Mechanisms of Response in the Third Decade of Whole-Ecosystem Experimental Manipulations at the Bear Brook Watershed in Maine (BBWM), Ivan J. Fernandez, Stephen A. Norton, and Lindsey E. Rustad
Quantifying Syntectonic Weakening in Deep Orogenic Crust, Christopher Gerbi
CDI-Type II: Collaborative Research: Cyber Enhancement of Spatial Cognition for the Visually Impaired, Nicholas Giudice
Collaborative Research: Sensitivity of Local Glaciers in Central East Greenland to Holocene Climate Change, Brenda Hall
Collaborative Research: Land-Use Practices And Persistence Of Amphibian Populations, Malcolm L. Hunter Jr.
Collaborative Research: Land-Use Practices And Persistence Of Amphibian Populations., Malcolm L. Hunter Jr.
A Study of the Social and Economic Capacity of Eastern Maine Fishing Communities: How Can Small-Scale Fishing Communities Participate in Catch Share Programs?, Teresa R. Johnson and Kevin Athearn
Collaborative Research: Exploring A 2 Million + Year Ice Climate Archive-Allan Hills Blue Ice Area (2MBIA), Andrei V. Kurbatov and Paul Andrew Mayewski
Collaborative Research: Antarctic Climate Reconstruction Utilizing the US ITASE Ice Core Array (2009- 2012), Paul Mayewski, Kirk A. Maasch, and Andrei V. Kurbatov
Collaborative Research: Subglacial Water Intrusion in Greenland, Gordon K. Oswald
Collaborative Research: Subglacial Water Intrusion in Greenland, Gordon K. Oswald
CNH: Collaborative Research: Direct and Indirect Coupling of Fisheries Through Economic, Regulatory, Environmental, and Ecological Linkages, Andrew J. Pershing, Yong Chen, and Jeffrey Runge
Collaborative Research: An Interdisciplinary Investigation of Groundwater-Carbon Coupling in Large Peat Basins and its Relation to Climate Change, Andrew S. Reeve
Maine Shared Collections Strategy Advisory Board Update Report, May 2013, Deborah Rollins, Clem Guthro, Barbara McDade, and Matthew Revitt
Maine Shared Collections Strategy Advisory Board Update Report, November 2013, Deborah Rollins, Clem Guthro, Barbara McDade, and Matthew Revitt
Doctoral Dissertation Improvement Grant: Early Human Settlement of the High-Altitude Pucuncho Basin, Southern Peruvian Andes, Daniel H. Sandweiss and Kurt Rademaker
Collaborative Research: Mechanics of Growing Bodies: A Riemannian Geometric Approach, Alireza Shamsaei Sarvestani