New England Journal of Political Science

Editorial Foreword
Mark D. Brewer
Voters in Representative Town Meeting Elections
Shannon Jenkins, Douglas D. Roscoe, and David Borges
The Role of Social Movements in the Macro Political System
Gregory A. Petrow
Judicial Narratives and Same-Sex Marriage: Analysis of the Argument in Goodridge v. Dept. of Public Health
Edward F. Kammerer
A Summer 2017 Update on Maine Politics
James P. Melcher and Amy Fried
Timothy J. Lukes, Politics and Beauty in America: The Liberal Aesthetics of P.T. Barnum, John Muir, and Harley Earl
Jonathan Allen
William Crotty, ed., Polarized Politics: The Impact of Divisiveness on the U.S. Political System
Robert G. Boatright