

In an effort to integrate university coursework with field-site experiences and bolster pre-service teacher learning, national teacher education organizations have charged teacher education programs with embedding teacher preparation within clinically-rich experiences. These reforms have resulted in expanded and increasingly complex conceptions of pre-service teacher supervision and the university supervisor, which have affected not only traditional supervisors but all university-based teacher educators. This paper presents a framework that maps the shifting roles of four university-based teacher educators: program administrators, research faculty, teaching faculty, and adjunct faculty due to changing notions of clinically-rich pre-service teacher supervision. This framework demonstrates how faculty roles have become more inclusive of supervisory tasks, more integrated with school-site learning, and faculty are in closer communication with each other regarding pre-service teacher growth. Supporting new faculty roles within clinically-rich supervision requires adequate training for all faculty, appropriate institutional recognition for supervision, and rethinking departmental organization and culture.


