Books from 2025
Cod Coasts : Cultural Landscapes of the Cod Fishery from Cape Cod to Labrador, Stephen J. Hornsby
Submissions from 2024
Sites of Incarceration and forced labour under the Nazi regime and its allies, 1933-1945, Maja Kruse and Anne Kelly Knowles
Books from 2023
Democratic Spaces: Land Preservation in New England, 1850-2010, Richard W. Judd
Books from 2021
Queen Victoria's wars : British military campaigns,1857-1902, Stephen M. Miller Editor
Books from 2020
George White and the Victorian Army in India and Africa : Serving the Empire, Stephen M. Miller
On the Eastern Front 1914 : Meine Kriegserinnerungen, Werner N. Riess and Warren C. Riess Editor
Books from 2019
"The Public Gaze and the Prying Eye": Privacy, Slavery and Wife Abuse in 19th-Century Courts, Jerome J. Nadelhaft
Submissions from 2018
From Common Lands to Second Nature: The Scholarship of Richard W. Judd and the Future of Eastern Environmental History, Eileen Hagerman, Brian Payne, Matt McKenzie, Kate Veins, John Cumbler, Brian Donahue, and Brian Payne
"For Every Wrong There Is a Remedy": Changing Law and Fleeing Wives in Nineteenth-century America, Jerome J. Nadelhaft
O Lord How Long?, Jerome J. Nadelhaft
Where Corals Lie: A Natural and Cultural History, J. Malcolm Shick
Books from 2016
Maine Nursing: Interviews and History on Caring and Competence, Valerie Hart, Susan Henderson, Juliana L'Heureux, and Ann Sossong
History of Maine's Early Fishing Lures and Their Makers, William B. Krohn
Contre-Culture au Quebec, Karim Larose Editor and Frédéric Rondeau Editor
Books from 2015
Ship that Held up Wall Street: the Ronson Ship Wreck, Warren C. Riess and Sheli O. Smith
Digital Humanities 2015: Mapping, Liam Riordan and Jon Ippolito
Books from 2014
Second Nature: An Environmental History of New England, Richard W. Judd
Historical Atlas of Maine, Richard W. Judd and Stephen John Hornsby
Books from 2013
Fannie Hardy Eckstorm and Her Quest for Local Knowledge, 1865-1946, Pauleena M. MacDougall
Making the World Safe for Workers: Labor, the Left and Wilsonian Internationalism, Elizabeth McKillen
Books from 2012
The Loyal Atlantic: Remaking the British Atlantic in the Revolutionary Era, Jerry Bannister Editor and Liam Riordan Editor
Responding to Intimate Violence Against Women: The Role of Informal Networks, Renate Klein
Utopias: a Brief History From Ancient Writings to Virtual Communities, Howard P. Segal
Books from 2011
Women's Status in Higher Education: Equity Matters, Elizabeth J. Allan
Mahatma Gandhi, Douglas Allen
A Landscape History of New England, Blake Harrison Editor and Richard W. Judd Editor
Somalis in Maine: Crossing Cultural Currents, Kimberly A. Huisman Editor, Mazie Hough Editor, Kristin M. Langellier Editor, and Carol Nordstrom Toner Editor
Books from 2010
Rural Unwed Mothers: An American Experience, 1870-1950, Mazie Hough
History of Canada, Scott W. See
Books from 2007
Playing with God: Religion and Modern Sport, William J. Baker
The Maine Woods: A Legacy of Controversy, Richard W. Judd
Volunteers on the Veld: Britain's Citizen-soldiers and the South African War, 1899-1902, Stephen M. Miller
Many Identities, One Nation: The Revolution and Its Legacy in the Mid-Atlantic, Liam Riordan
Books from 2006
Fierce With Reality: an Anthology of Literature on Aging, Margaret Cruikshank Editor
Approaches in Environmental History: The Case in New England and Quebec, Richard W. Judd
Books from 2005
British Atlantic, American Frontier: Spaces of Power in Early Modern British America, Stephen John Hornsby and Michael James Hermann
New England and the Maritime Provinces: Connections and Comparisons, Stephen John Hornsby and John G. Reid
Recasting the Machine Age: Henry Ford's Village Industries, Howard P. Segal
Technological Utopianism in American Culture, Howard P. Segal
Of Place and Gender: Women in Maine History, Marli F. Weiner Editor
Books from 2004
Conflict, Gender, and Violence, Renate Klein and Bernard Wallner
Penobscot Dance of Resistance: Tradition in the History of a People, Pauleena MacDougall
Books from 2003
Napoleon and the Transformation of Europe, Alexander I. Grab
Old Wine in New Bottles? An Overview of Two Centuries of Free Trade between the United States and Canada, Scott W. See
Books from 2002
Photographing Navajos : John Collier Jr. on the reservation, 1948-1953, C. Stewart Doty, Dale Sperry Mudge, and Herbert John Benally
A Sampler from the New Historical Atlas of Maine: Religion in Maine, Burton Hatlen, Joshua M. Smith, Peter Lodge, and Michael Hermann
Books from 2001
Polish-speaking Germans?: Language and National Identity Among the Masurians Since 1871, Richard Blanke
Books from 1995
Persisting Traditions: Artisan Work and Culture in Bangor, Maine, 1820-1860, Carol N. Toner
Books from 1982
Disorders of War: The Revolution in South Carolina, Jerome J. Nadelhaft