Document Type

Honors Thesis


Studio Art, Marketing


Andy Mauery, Susan Groce

Committee Members

Shawn Fraver, Samantha Stanko Jones, Justin Wolff

Graduation Year

May 2022

Publication Date

Spring 5-2022


This creative thesis develops a series of 30” by 20” woodblock prints that explore the intersections of art and science through ancient bristlecone pine trees. These trees can live for over 5,000 years, making them extremely important to dendrochronology, the study of dating and analyzing tree rings. The growth patterns of these tree rings are used to study climate change over long periods of time. This thesis focuses on these trees due to their importance to climate change and personal significance to the author. By studying the history of ecological art movements, these prints are placed in the category of using modernist aesthetics to create a reverence for nature. The analysis of the prints becomes an exploration of how science and art are intertwined and can inform each other greatly.
