The University of Maine Electronic Theses and Dissertations (ETD) project is a joint effort of Fogler Library and the Graduate School. Our goals are "to improve graduate education, increase sharing of knowledge, help universities build their information infrastructure, and extend the value of digital libraries," in keeping with those of the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations, a national initiative of which the University of Maine is a member.
This online collection features the final theses and dissertations approved by the Graduate School of the University of Maine.
For more information about finding additional theses and dissertations or obtaining copies of those not available electronically, see Fogler Library's Subject Guide on Theses & Dissertations.
Questions can also be directed to Fogler Library's Special Collections Department by phone at (207) 581-1686 or email at
Theses/Dissertations from 2001
(A Pause for the Alphabet) A Fantastic Excess in Twenty Six Parts, Terence McNulty
By Degrees, Audrey Minutolo
"A Plea for Color:" The Construction of a Feminine Identity in African American Women's Novels., Kirsten A. Moffler
The Response of First and Second Order Streams to Urban Land-Use in Maine, U.S.A., Chandler Morse
Evolution of Sprague Neck Bar, Machias Bay, Maine, Rebecca A. Nestor
A Molecular Investigation of Absorption onto Mineral Pigments, Brian J. Ninness
Factors Affecting Consumer Valuation of Environmentally Labeled Forest Products, Kelly Ann O'Brien
Nonmarket Valuation and Land Use: Two Essays, Robert W. Paterson
Fishing the Borderlands: Government Policy and Fishermen on the North Atlantic, Brian J. Payne
Attachment Style, Trust, and Exchange Orientation: A Mediational Model, Minzette Peterson
Ultrastructure of 'Turbellaria' (Platyhelminthes), Regina Pfistermuller
Selling America: The Boy Scouts of America in the Progressive Era, 1910-1921, John Phillips
Bond and Static Bending Strength of FRP-Reinforced Glulam Beams Using Western Wood Species, John P. Poulin
Lobo, Bruce Pratt
The Chemical Mechanism of a Brown-Rot Decay Mimtic System and its Application in Paper Recycling Processes, Yuhui Qian
Genomic Organization of Infectious Salmon Anemia Virus, Trent Rector
Current Voltage Characteristics of a Semiconductor Metal Oxide Sensor., Huilin Ren
Gene Expression Data Analysis Using Fuzzy Logic, Robert Reynolds
A Thematic Exploration of "For Colored Girls Who Have Considered Suicide/ When the Rainbow is Enuf," by Ntozake Shange, Jocelyn M. Richard
Chemosensory-Mediated Deposit Feeding in the Spionid Polychaete Dipolydora Quadrilobata., Timothy J. Riordan Jr.
Toward an Ecological Culture: Sustainability, Post-domination and Spirituality, Jovan Ristic
Financial Returns to Northeast Forestland, Julie Rodenberg
Identities for the Multiple Polylogarithm Using the Shuffle Operation, Ji Hoon Ryoo
Artificial Recharge of Groundwater as a Water Management Option for Eastern Maine, Robert J. Saunders
Gloss Dynamics of Inkjet Printers, Amol G. Shirke
Monitoring Dioxin Levels in Maine Rivers with Semipermeable Membrane Devices, Heather A. Shoven
Deformation Studies of Tungsten-Gold Contacts at the Nanometer Scale., Steven A. Smallwood
Semiotics, Textuality, and the Puritan Collective: "Speaking to Yourselves in Psalms", Derek Thoms Smith
Photostabilization of High-Yield Pulps Reaction of Thiols and Quinones with Pulp, Jonathan Spender
Variables Influencing Nest Success of Eastern Wild Turkeys in Connecticut: Nesting Habitat, Home Range-Scale Fragmentation, and Nest Attentiveness, Shelley M. Spohr
Grading the General Chemistry Laboratory: A Constructivist Approach., Barbara Stewart
Assessing Forest Damage and Tree Response to Ice Storm Injury in Thinned and Unthinned Hardwood Stands in Maine, Julie Lee Swisher
Lithic Analysis of Chipped Stone Artifacts Recovered From Quebrada Jaguay, Peru, Benjamin R. Tanner
Asynchronous Validity Resolution in Sequentially Consistent Shared Virtual Memory, Jonathan Thomas
The Development of a New Anemometer for Measuring High Speed Winds on Mount Washington, New Hampshire, Mark W. Thoren
An Angel's Promise, Gerald Hilaire Touchette
Words and music in communion: an analysis of Guillaume de Machaut's "Le Lay de la Fonteinne" in cultural context, Patricia A. Turcic
Visitor Behaviors and Resource Impacts at Cadillac Mountain, Acadia National Park, Rex Turner
Optimization of a Multi-Aixs Electro-Mechanical Scanning System., Raul Urbina
Without Flutes or Flowers., Jason A. Vafiades
Access to Geographic Scientific and Technical Data in an Academic Setting, Bastiaan Van Loenen
The Production of Emotional Prosdy in Varying Severities of Apraxia of Speech, Steffany M. Van Putten
The Emergence of the Capacity for Guilt in Preschoolers: The Role of Personal Responsibility in Differentiating Shame from Guilt, Jamie L. Walter
Three-Dimensional Finite Element Analysis of Flexible Pavements, Jia Wang
Chemical Characterization of Wild Maine Cranberries, Dolly Jean Watson
The fall of the Wilderness King, part II John Sassamon, Christopher H. White
Coherence and Historical understanding in children's Biography and Historical Nonfiction Literature: A Content Analysis of Selected Orbis Pictus Books, Sandip LeeAnne Wilson
Strategies for Handling Spatial Uncertainty due to Discretization, Thomas Windholz
Cold-Temperature Adaptation of Muscle Creatine Kinase from an Antartic Teleost (Chaenocephalus Aceratus), Paul Winnard Jr.
Development of FRP-Glulam Panel for Bridge Deck Replacement, Han Xu
Bonding of Wood Fiber Composites Simulating Natural Wood Cell Adhesion Using Lignin Activation Systems, Daniel Joseph Yelle
Emotional Expression Management and Social Acceptance in Childhood: Ability, Strategy, and Gender., Gregory S. Young
Theses/Dissertations from 2000
Evaluating the durability of wood/FRP bonds through chemical kinetics using a range of mechanical test methods, Jonathan Philip Alexander
Towards A Spatial Model of Rurality, Gillian AvRuskin
Whole-school elementary literacy programs: variation in implementation and the relationship to student literacy achievement, Lucie C. Boucher
Distribution and Impact of the Oyster Parasite Bonamia Ostreae in Maine, and its Detection Using DNA Probes, Ryan Carnegie
Using Raster Sketches for Digital Image Retrieval, James Carswell
Factors Influencing Net Primary Production in Red Spruce, Michael Day
Effects of Neonatal Clomipramine Treatment on Photic and Non-Photic Circadian Phase Shifting in Rats, Suzanne M. Dwyer
Leaf Area, Stemwood Volume Growth, and Stand Structure in a Mixed-Species, Multi-Aged Northern Conifer Forest, Laura Kenefic
Seeing the Past: Jesse James and American History in Motion Pictures, Clinton S. Loftin
Collective Efficacy and Collaborative Climate in Maine High Schools, Sarah Mackenzie
The Good Girl Bad Girl Dilemma: Exploring Rural Maine Girls' Sexual Desires, Behaviors, and Relationships, Mary Madden
Redox studies on the anti-rheumatoid arthritis gold drugs: auranofin and solganol, Ahmed A. Mohamed
Image-Based Change Detection Using An Integrated Spatiotemporal Gazetteer, Georgios Mountrakis
Concurrency Issues in Programmable Brick Languages, Gilliad E. Munden
The Viscoelastic Behavior of Pigmented Latex Coating Films, Katharina Prall
Non-Euclidean Geometry, Skyler W. Ross
Presentation of the Sun King: The Performance of Power in 17th Century French Ballets des Entrees, David Shuhly
Weed Population Dynamics in Potato Cropping Systems as Affected by Rotation Crop, Cultivation, and Primary Tillage, Silke Ullrich
Creating Virtual Wood Particulate Composites, Huaijun Wang
Development of Realistic Simulations of the Interactions Between Stars and the Interstellar Medium in Disk Galaxies, Thomas M. Zeltwanger
Theses/Dissertations from 1999
The Content And Process Of Women’s Decision-Making Viewed Through The Lenses of Feminine/Feminist Ethics And Roman Catholicism, Nancy Parent Bancroft
Eric Bogosian's SubUrbia: The Identity Crisis, Gary Brown
Greysmoke, Diane C. Genthner
A Dynamic Parameter Tuning Algorithm For Rbf Neural Networks, Junxu Li
Theses/Dissertations from 1998
Teen Pregnancy: What Brings Teens To Family Planning Clinics For Pregnancy Tests, Norma Reynolds Allen
An implementation of the El Gamal elliptic curve cryptosystem over a finite field of characteristic P, Samuel Thomas Arslanian
Changing Their Guardians: The Penobscot Indians and Maine Statehood, 1820-1849, Jason M. Dorr
Unidentified Human Remains And The True Nature Of Love: An Exploration on the Art of Directing, Claude A. Giroux
Unidentified Human Remains And The True Nature Of Love: An Exploration on the Art of Directing, Claude A. Giroux
Wetpreg Reinforcement of Glulam Beams, Andrew R. Jordan
Topological Equivalence and Similarity in Multi-Representation Geographic Databases, Joao Argemiro de Carvalho Paiva
Theses/Dissertations from 1997
Making Sense of Direction: Proximity and Order in Asymmetric Paired Comparison Data, Jonathan M. Borkum
Theses/Dissertations from 1996
The rise of the Marburg phoenix: Karl Vorlaender's Kantian/Marxian synthesis as key in the debate over capitalism vs. economic democracy, Kevin M. McCarron
Integrated Spatial Reasoning in Geographic Information Systems: Combining Topology and Direction, Jayant Sharma
Theses/Dissertations from 1994
Beaver Recolonization in South-central Maine, Laurence Lisle II
Freedom of Commerce: The History and Archaeology of Trade at St. Castin’s Habitation 1670-1701, Brooke Ann Manross
Theses/Dissertations from 1992
Walk a Little Faster: Escape from Burma with General Stilwell in 1942, Henrietta Thompson
Theses/Dissertations from 1984
Pattern and Variation in Prehistoric Lithic Resource Exploitation in the Passamaquoddy Bay Region, Charlotte County, New Brunswick, Anita L. Crotts
Us and Them: An Oral History of Life on the Summer Estates in Coastal Hancock County, Maine, Pamela E. Dean
Theses/Dissertations from 1975
Our Friends the Enemies: Commercial Relations of Acadis with Massachusetts, 1670-1711, Jean Daigle
Theses/Dissertations from 1973
British-American Rivalry for the Support of the Indians of Maine and Nova Scotia, 1775-1783, Richard I. Hunt Jr.
Theses/Dissertations from 1972
Maritime Enterprises of a Kennebunk Shipowner: WIlliam Lord, 1820-1860, Bonita A. Coro
Osgood Bradbury: A Biobibliographical Study, Francesca J. Ruggieri
Theses/Dissertations from 1970
Sebastien Rale vs. New England: A Case Study of Frontier Conflict, Kenneth M. Morrison