Document Type
Grant Application
Project/Presentation Title
see attached
Project Period
FY 2008-2009
Event Sponsor
Cultural Affairs and Distinguished Lecture Series
Project Abstract/ Summary
The Maine Chapter of Sigma Xi, The Scientific Research Society, will host Distinguished Lecturer, Professor Daniel Nocera from MIT on April 22,2009. He will give two talks. His major talk, presented at 7PM in the Arthur St. John Hill auditorium is entitled, "Artificial Photosynthesis: The Molecular Chemistry of Renewable Energy," and will be presented in conjunction with Sigma Xi's induction ceremony of new members and associate members. His other talk (title to be announced) will be more technical and will be presented at 3PM in the Arthur St. John Hill auditorium. Both talks will be free and open to the public. Note that the Department of Chemistry and the Maine Section of the American Chemical Society have also agreed to cosponsor this visit.
Repository Citation
University of Maine, "Visiting Lecture- Professor Daniel Nocera" (2008). Cultural Affairs Distinguished Lecture Series. 179.