About This Journal | Andean Past | Anthropology | The University of Maine

About This Journal

Andean Past was founded at Cornell University in 1986 by Daniel H. Sandweiss as an outgrowth of the annual Northeast Conference on Andean Archaeology and Ethnohistory, also founded by Sandweiss at Cornell in 1982. The Cornell Latin American Studies Program had published the proceedings of the first three Northeast Conferences (Investigations of the Andean Past [1983], Recent Studies in Andean Prehistory and Protohistory [1985], and Perspectives on Andean Prehistory and Protohistory [1986]) and they agreed to sponsor and publish an inter-annual, open submission, peer-reviewed publication series called Andean Past. Volume 1 came out in 1987. The Cornell Latin American Studies Program continued to publish the series through Volume 11 (2013). Beginning with Volume 12 (2016), the University of Maine Department of Anthropology became the sponsor of Andean Past, which is published on UMaine's Digital Commons as a green open access journal also available through print on demand. By kind agreement with the Cornell Latin American Studies Program, all back issues of Andean Past and the three predecessor volumes are available on this website. Andean Past is edited by Monica Barnes, Daniel H. Sandweiss, and Ruth Anne Phillips.