Andean Past | Anthropology | The University of Maine

Andean Past is a peer-reviewed, open-access, diamond route, numbered publication series dedicated to research in the archaeology and ethnohistory of western South America. However, short research reports, obituaries, and autobiographies are subject to editorial review only. Although Andean Past focuses on pre-Columbian times, it includes articles on the Colonial Period that enhance understanding of indigenous cultures before 1492. Andean Past encourages data-based submissions, contributions to the history of Andean archaeology, papers grounded in environmental archaeology, fresh interpretations supported by accompanying data, interim and field reports, and the publication of short documents.

Current Volume: Volume 14 (2024) Andean Past 14

Table of Contents



Editor's Preface
Monica Barnes



Death Notices
Elizabeth Arkush, Monica Barnes, Karen Olsen Bruhns, Richard Burger, Sergio Chávez Farfán, Marco Curatola Petrocchi, Javier Flores Espinoza, Elmo León, Lucy Salazar, Izumi Shimada, Daniel H. Sandweiss, Jeffrey Splitstoser, and Tiffiny Tung



Petroglyphs in Context: Another look at the Chillihuay Archaeological Complex in Southern Peru
Danny Zborover, Alex Elvis Badillo, Maria Cecilia Lozada, Erika Simborth Lozada, and Damaso Wile Huashuayo Chávez


Possible Symbols of Status or Authority among the Wari
Brian S. Bauer and Javier Fonseca Santa Cruz


Huacaypata: The Sacred Qocha of the Incas
Carlos Delgado González and Jaime Guardapuclla Aragón

Research Reports


Quipa, Chilca Valley, Peru
Andrés Ocas Quispe, Robert A. Benfer, Neil Andrew Duncan, and Bernardino Ojeda


Pre-Columbian Tattooing Methods on the Peruvian Central Coast
Aaron Deter-Wolf, Benoit Robitaille, Rhoda Fromme, Robin Gerst, and Danny Riday


Monica Barnes
Daniel H. Sandweiss
Associate Editor
Ruth Anne Phillips