This case provides opportunities for students to think more deeply about tensions that arise in the pre-service teacher (PST)-mentor teacher-supervisor triad when there are competing views about responsive instruction for Latinx students. Furthermore, this case illustrates how shared social identities among triad members do not necessarily mean there is a shared stance of how to work with Latinx students that aligns with research-based recommendations. The accompanying teaching notes, discussion questions, and classroom activities expose students to relevant literature, introduce them to the concept of courageous conversations, and enable them to role play.
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Gerardo, J. M., & Saclarides, E. S. (2022). Tensions in the Student Teaching Triad: A Case of Competing Views of Responsive Instruction for Latinx students. Journal of Educational Supervision, 5 (2). https://doi.org/10.31045/jes.5.2.2