ArcMap Hydrology Toolset: WPES, How Do I...? Quick Guide, Bea E. Van Dam
Survey Control with GNSS Receiver: WPES, How Do I...? Quick Guide, Bea E. Van Dam
Total Station Field Surveying: WPES, How Do I...? Quick Guide, Bea E. Van Dam
ArcMap Basics: WPES, How Do I...? Quick Guide, Bea E. Van Dam
Sediment Entrainment Vulnerability at the Confluence of Nontidal Streams and Tidal Estuaries, Sean M.C. Smith, David J. Libby, and Bea E. Van Dam
Diagnostic Tool Development for Assessments of Coastal Pollution Vulnerability, Bea E. Van Dam and Sean M.C. Smith
Open-Access Theses
Circulation and Transport Timescales in Tidally Dominated Estuaries, Sohaib Alahmed
Understanding the Influence of Nonlinear Seas on Wind Generated Waves, Taylor L. Bailey
Stream Dynamics in the Headwaters of Post-Glacial Watershed Systems, Brett Gerard