General University of Maine Publications

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Abstract/ Summary

Statement of Policy

The University of Maine System (UMS) is committed to maintaining safe and substance-free campuses for all students, employees and visitors. It is the intent of UMS and each of its universities to increase awareness regarding opioid addiction and prevention. In the unfortunate instance of opioid overdose, it is the intent of UMS to decrease the likelihood of overdose related death through the proper training, administration, and usage of naloxone hydrochloride, commonly known as Narcan® Nasal Spray, or other similarly acting and equally safe overdose- reversing drug approved by the FDA (“Intranasal Naloxone” or “IN kits”). Therefore, this policy serves to guide each UMS university on the use of Intranasal Naloxone to help prevent opioid deaths on UMS campuses.

In addition to any university-level protocols contemplated by this Policy, UMS encourages all UMS universities to adopt processes to increase awareness within its university community of opioid addiction, the risks of opioid overdoses, and the administration of Intranasal Naloxone and other life-saving measures in the event of an opioid overdose.


publisher's version of the published document
