General University of Maine Publications
Document Type
Sprague, Owen & Nash, Printers
Publication Date
Publisher location
Augusta, Maine
Abstract/ Summary
This catalog for the Maine State College of Agriculture and the Mechanic Arts, later known as the University of Maine, includes a list of the Board of Trustees, faculty members, students in the first two classes to ever enter the college -- listing them as being among the sophomore and freshman class -- and provides information about the design of the institution, conditions of admission, describes the classes to be taken in a two year course of study, describes the labor requirement, location, farm and buildings, expenses and means for defraying them, a general statement on the need for strict conformity to college regulations and the year's academic calendar.
Faculty members listed are Merritt C. Fernald, Samuel Johnson, Stephen F. Peckham, Calvin Cutter and Corydon B. Lakin, with an added note that students are drilled in military tactics by Capt. Henry E. Sellers of Bangor.
Students listed are, for the sophomore class: Edward Fletcher Fisher, William Harvey George, Benjamin Flint Gould, Edwin James Haskell, Heddle Hilliard, George Leonard Macomber, Charles Carroll Norton, William Brewster Oleson, Oren Shaw Sargent, Marcus Peltiah Shorey, Eber Davis Thomas, Benjamin Franklin Watson, and George Osmer Weston.
In the freshmen class: William Henry Claflin, Joseph Eliot Pason Clark, George Everett Hammond, John Jackson, Wilbur Fremont Lovejoy, John Marshall Oak, Thomas Perley Pease, Frederic Alexander Ransom, Charles Emery Reed, and Harvey Bates Thayer.
Repository Citation
University of Maine, Office of Student Records, "Catalogue of the Officers and Students of the State College of Agriculture and the Mechanic Arts, January, 1870" (1870). General University of Maine Publications. 163.
publisher's version of the published document
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