General University of Maine Publications
Document Type
Video Recording
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Abstract/ Summary
The University of Maine is committed to fulfilling our mission through the support of our faculty, staff, students, and external stakeholders in developing, creating, and contributing knowledge for the benefit of the State of Maine and beyond. Knowledge transfer is a key component of realizing our mission. In June 2016, President Susan J. Hunter charged Provost Jeffrey E. Hecker with convening a group to review UMaine’s existing policies, processes, and structures with regard to knowledge transfer and commercialization. The President’s goal is for UMaine to move to an “enhanced level of leadership focus and modernized policies, processes, and structure”.
Over the ensuing year Provost Hecker led a process that that resulted in a comprehensive report and recommendations for advancing knowledge transfer and commercialization at UMaine.
At this Forum, Provost Hecker will present an overview of the approach taken, key findings and recommendations, as well as next steps. UMaine community members are encouraged to attend. For those unable to attend, a video of the Forum and an opportunity to provide feedback will be available through this webpage after the Forum.
Repository Citation
University of Maine Office of Academic Affairs, "Faculty Forum : Commercialization and Knowledge Transfer" (2017). General University of Maine Publications. 1009.
publisher's version of the published document
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Presentation Slides
Consider Commercialization.pdf (1907 kB)
Consider Commercialization
Advancing Economic Development Through Commercialization.pdf (3678 kB)
Commercialization Report to President Susan J. Hunter
TreMonti-University-of-Maine-Research-Foundation-1.pdf (975 kB)
TreMonti Report: Research Foundation Overview
Consider-Commercialization-Contacts-final-2-1.pdf (293 kB)
Consider Commercialization contacts